Ch. 28

Stockholm Syndrome

You have a visitor." The nurse told me before walking out. 


I've been in the hospital for two days and now and should be able to leave by the end of the week. There wasn't really anthing to do besides watch the small television screen and think about Taehyung...


I hadn't even received my phone yet. I look up to see a small tuff of red hair waddling in and I gasped seeing Jimin ans his sister, Park Hyuna, behind him. A smile broke out on my face. "Jimin!" 


Jimin ran to me enveloping me in a series of hugs holding me tight. "Oh my ing God Jungkook. I was so scared." He rambled. "Its my fault you got taken from the party. I should've kept my eyes on you, I knew you weren't stable." 


I let out a small laugh awkwardly hugging him back. "Its okay. Im okay. Nothing is your fault." 


He started sniffing and wiping his eyes excessively. "I thought I lost you." He broke down hugging on top of me. 


I felt my eyes water up a bit at the many voice cracks and repeated apologiez.


"Jiminie. Shut up." I tried to sound pessimistic and kissed his forehead. "We're together again. Best friends right?" 


He nodded getting up. "I'm sorry." He rubbed his face looking back to his sister holding her tight like he was afraid she would disappear as well. "What happened to you?"


I look down at my stomach. "Got shot." 


Hyuna squeaked. "Are you okay?" I nodded, "wanna see?" I smirked. 


Jimin intervened. "That's enough flirting with my sister. Here." He handed her a couple of coins. "Go to the vending machine, and get us something to eat. Don't go to far." 


He stared at her like it was painful to let her go, and after a while he took his eyes off of her. "So what happened really?" 


I shrugged. "I can't remember." 


Jimin sighed. "The report never said you had a case of amnesia seriously. They're saying a Kim Taehyung took you, is that true?" 


I didn't say anything. "I looked him up he's like some hotshot CEO... I don't know why'd he'd do anything but you never who's really crazy." 


I flinched the moment he called Tae crazy. He wasn't, and his reasons were kidnapping were a lie and it was all about my parents, but I didn't care about any of that. 


"I'm glad you're alright." 


"He's not." I said frowning. 


"What?" Jimin looked at me intently. 


"He's not crazy." I said. "Taehyung isn't crazy." 


"You know him? If he didn't kidnap you, then who did?"


I swallowed. "He did." I whispered. "But you can't tell anyone. He can't get in trouble." 


Jimin's nose scrunched up. "Why not!" He raised his voice. "He deserves to pay for what he did." 


I sat up quickly biting away at the pain shooting through me. "No please!" 


"Are you scared of him?" Jimin gave me a sad look. 


"No." I swallowed. "I love him." 


Jimin looked surprised, calming down and I pleaded with my eyes for him to drop it. 


"I got pretzels." Hyuna appeared with three small bags of pretzel sticks. He ran up to me giving one to me and then Jimin. 


My friend stood up. "Let's go Hyuna. Kookie needs to rest." He grabbed her hand before turning to me. "I'm so glad you're back." 


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