Ch. 6

Stockholm Syndrome

After about a week of him checking up on me and giving me food, I finished all the milk tea in the fridge and sang my days away. 

One day when Taehyung opened the door, that was the day I stopped looking up in surprise. He always came around the same time. I haven't given up wanting to escape but he had to trust me completely. I had to wait until that moment and use it to my advantage.

"I have some things for you." He smiled that sweet smile of his, walking down the steps boldly. I was used to him spoiling me with gifts I didn't care for though, I acted grateful anyways as to not upset him.

"Imma need your help though." Taehyung struggled with large boxes, that I waited downstairs for.

He was out of breath and sweaty by the time he reached me and I was technically in awe. He bought a large screen tv, an Xbox and a PlayStation set.

"I didn't know which one you liked more so, I bought them both."

I was so eager to rip them open its been over a week since I had picked up a controller. Taehyung looked at reaction intensely but I kept a straight face. I didn't want him thinking that mere gifts would increase my liking for him. If anything I hate him, for snatching me away from my family. My friends.

"You said you like gaming, and I'll fix that stove too since you like cooking..." Taehyung looked nervous, it was obvious he wanted some positive feedback. One I was refusing to give him.

Across the room was a rusted stove and oven set. No one has used it in a while and it looked very dusty as well.  Taehyung disappeared up the stairs and reappeared within minutes.

"I also brought some games, snacks, other stuff."

"Thanks..." I muttered underneath my breath.

Taehyung gleamed. "I'll help set everything up."

I tried not to hover too much behind him while I watched him pull the television out of its cardboard box with an instruction pamphlet and some cables. I wasn't exactly sure if he knew how to set these up but it didn't take rocket science, right? 

"Tell me about your family," I asked in order to fill the silence. 

Taehyung shrugged. "I don't have much of a family. I have a sister, she means everything to me. I don't really see her often because she lives in America." 

"What about your parents?" I found myself asking before I can register that it might be a touchy subject. 

I noticed him tense up where he was currently residing on his knees. "They died when I was really young." Was all he said before he relaxed and continued. I wouldn't know what to do have of the time if it weren't for my parents, I almost pitied him. A new surge of anger swept through me, and I harshly tugged on the chain around my ankle. 

Nowadays I found myself absent-mindedly playing with the silver chain.

"Who else have you kidnapped?" I strongly inquired. The reminder that this was the same man who had stolen me from everyone I had ever loved made my blood pressure rise. 

"I have never kidnapped anyone," Taehyung answered calmly. He seemed to have finished setting up the television because he got up dusting his pants off. 

"Yes, you did!" I accused. "You stole me! That's an illegal crime, WHY?" 

"Because I love you." He answered, my screaming seemed to piss him off and though I had tried avoiding that reaction all week I was getting restless. "How much money am I worth? Huh, or are you just planning to kill me instead of selling me. Are you bidding a lot of won right now-" 

Within seconds the older man had his body up against mine, one hand threateningly on my neck not squeezing in the slightest. His eyes trained on mine probably searching for a compact hint of fear through my exasperation overpowered that emotion. "When will you learn?" He whispered allowing a thumb to rub the Adam's apple in my throat. He closed his eyes slowly. "You're gonna love me back soon." 

He then released me, walking towards the steps and disappearing from sight. 

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Chapter 41: IT'S SO GOOD< OMG
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Chapter 41: Cool
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Chapter 41: Wow
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Chapter 40: Woah! That WAS HOT I'M SWEATING!!
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Chapter 35: This is best fiction ever wow
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Chapter 32: Awwww I want more it's so good
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Chapter 9: This is so twisted and yet terrifyingly good wowowo I'm so excited for more
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