Ch. 25

Stockholm Syndrome

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" Jimin flipped through a college magazine. 


I shrugged. "I'm not really sure. Maybe be a doctor, or a professor." 


Jimin scoffed. "Basic asian dream." 


I shrugged again. "Its what my parents expect I guess. You?" 


This time he shrugged. "Maybe an engineer or something." 


I scoffed. "You called my ideas basic."


He put the magazine down and gasped. "I know! We should be idols." 


I gave him a look. "Idols?" 


"Yeah superstars." He lifted his hands and did a ridiculously stupid dance routine. "With your amazing voice, my great dancing and our beautiful faces.... We'll be in the music industry."


The bell rang as I laughed. "Get real Jimin." 


He picked up the book and caught up to me for class.


Waking up to an empty darkness and blurry vision wasn't good. I felt groggy and sick and I moaned out in pain when I tried to move. 


My throat was dry. 


"Tae?" I asked moving my arms but it was useless. My hands wouldn't budge. 


My back was tied as well and I flailed my feet falling backwards. "What the !?" I couldn't move. 


"You're finally up?" A familiar voice made me stop squirming. 


"You were hard to find." He said. I heard a lighter go off and then the smell of smoke. He was smoking? "Who knew Kim Taehyung had you this whole time?" He scoffed. 


I felt numb at the thought of Taehyung. "W-where is he?" 


The man coughed. "Right now? Probably looking for you." 


I rolled my eyes thinking the possibility of ever getting kidnapped twice. 


"What are you doing?" The man barked at me as I started to wiggle in my chair. 


"I have to piss." I stated. 


He snapped his fingers. "Bambam!"


I heard shuffling. "Yessir?" 


"Take him to the bathroom." 


"Yessir." I felt the grip of rope on my wrist loosen and I pulled them in front of me rubbing at the sore skin. Then I heard the of a gun and felt cold metal on my temple. 


"You try some and you're dead." He whispered pulling me up by my two wrists and walking forward. I stumbled a bit seeing as I don't know where I was going until he pulled me back telling me to stop. He pulled off the bag from my head but the gun was still pointed towards me. 


I blinked relieved I saw something else besides black. "Go on." 


I sighed and pulled my out peeing into the toilet in front of me. "Thats gay, watching me piss like that." I stated. 


He whacked me over the head with the gun in his hand and I hissed in pain. "Hurry up!" 


I finished quickly and he pushed the bag back over my head. "Wait I

 have to wash my hands." I protested. 


"Shut up!"


He forced me back to I guess where I was before. 


"Thank you Bambam. I'll take it from here." I heard that voice again. Why couldn't I place it? 


Then I heard the panic rise. "Wait!" Bambam said. "I thought-." 


"Well you thought wrong." The gunshot made me flinch. I didn't know what happened and the mystery man laughed. "He was a weak one, though that bullet was for you to know I'm not playing around." 


The bag was ripped off my head once more and my tongue got stuck in my throat. 


The short blonde haired man smiled in my face raising his gun threateningly. "Long time no see kookie." 


I blinked my eyes. "Yoongi?" 


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Chapter 41: IT'S SO GOOD< OMG
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Chapter 41: Cool
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Chapter 41: Wow
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Chapter 40: Woah! That WAS HOT I'M SWEATING!!
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