Chapter 62: Of Assessments and Surprises

YG Auditions




"You were on a date."

I stared stupidly at the small image of my best friend projected in my iPhone as she stated this in a matter of fact tone, going about her business with ease as if she didn't just casually mention the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life.  "It wasn't a date." I spluttered indignantly, eyeing warily the rest of the trainees inside the room in case they overheard my conversation with Charlie despite the fact that my phone is not on speaker. "He was just returning a favor. And that was a rhetorical question." 
"Reaaaallllyyyyyy?" Charlie stated dryly. "Cause it sounded like a question to me. Especially with that tone of voice and look on your face." At this, my (no longer) best friend promptly mimicked my earlier STATEMENT (and definitely not a question). "Oh Charlie.....  What the ing hell did just happen?" As she said this, Charlie clasped her hands together in front of her and batted her eyelashes at me like a simpering idiot. I scowled at her and rolled my eyes at the image she was displaying which was totally false and exaggerated. I haven't batted my eyelashes at anyone since I was seven for 's sake. "Cut it out you moron. Calling you did not help at all." I muttered to her sullenly. "As your bestfriend, I am supposed to tell you the truth and not tell you what you want to hear. I call it as I see it Spencer and what I see is the fact that your Jiyong is making an effort to woo you." My face flushed at her statement and I tried vehemently denying once more that it was far from that and Jiyong was definitely not mine. 
It took me awhile to register the fact that a lull has taken over our conversation after my statement. "Oh! Sorry." I told her sheepishly. "I spaced out for a moment there..... What?!?" I felt the heat creep up my cheeks once more when I noticed Charlie staring at me pensievely. "Hmm. Nothing." Charlie murmured distractedly, a frown marring her pretty face. At the look of confusion on my face, Charlie waved off my concern and confusion, and decided to change the topic instead before I start interrogating her about what she's thinking. "Speaking of your manager, what did he say about your song choices for today?" 
"Well, he hasn't actually heard me sing them personally but Teddy Oppa gave him a copy of my recording and assured him that I did fine during my rehearsals. That's why he didn't go thermonuclear on me this time to train more." I mused out loud. "He's been so busy lately that's why he couldn't personally see to my training. He hasn't even been sleeping properly nowadays...." I gave Charlie a wry smile at this and shrugged my shoulders. "Anyway, I think and I hope that I'll do fine today. I mean, I've definitely rehearsed more this time around and I'm definitely more prepared. I'm not expecting that miraculously, Boss would deem me worthy of debuting but you know, I just want to go through with this assessment relatively unscathed by Boss' rebuking. Sorry. I'm rambling aren't I?" Charlie snorted at my sheepish smile and grimace, her head propped up by her hand. "No, no. Who said anything about you rambling?" She told me sarcastically with a fond smile. "I can't help it! I'm always a nervous wreck during...." My voice died down as I gaped at the person that just walked inside the dance studio. 
"Norah?" I heard Charlie's voice murmur through my headset but her question didn't register completely in my head as I continued on gaping at the sight in front of the whole room. I glanced at the rest of trainees inside the room and sure enough, they were also staring dumbstruck at one of the people who just entered the dance studio. Slowly, I felt a grin creeping up to my face and before I could start, I pursed my lips to prevent myself from laughing. However, when our eyes met, I couldn't help myself and I bursted, laughing my arse off like a moron. "Norah?!? What the 's happening???" Charlie cried through her end of the video call, exasperated and amused at the same time. I was laughing too hard and all I could say in between breathless laughter was, "HAHAHAHA HOLY HAHAHAHAHAHA MAID HAHAHA DRESS HAHAHAHAHA WHAAATTTTT" 
"Norah! What is it!!!" Charlie was by then scowling at me and all I could do was reverse the camera on my phone so instead of my laughing face, Charlie was presented with the ridiculous image of Kwon Jiyong aka G Dragon in a maid outfit with a matching feather duster in hand, sullenly scowling at the whole room. By this time, like me, the rest of the trainees couldn't also hold in their laughter and was cracking up at the sight of their sunbae. "Oh. My. God." Charlie muttered in shock. "I am so taking a screen shot of this." 
"I can't hahahaha make it stop Charlie hahahahahahahaha" I coughed and cleared my throat as I tried to contain in my laughter. "What the hell has gotten into his head????" I shook my head and stood up from my seat to approach where Jiyong was seated in the front, along with the other trainers who were studiously ignoring him for the sake of their composure and sanity. As I approached him, Jiyong stared at me sullenly and his expression spoke volumes of his annoyance. "You know, I thought it was odd that you kept on asking what manga I was reading a few weeks ago. If I knew you liked Kaichou wa Maid Sama that much, I would've gladly helped you cosplay." I said to him as a way of greeting which made my manager glare at me and grit his teeth. "Norah.." I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from grinning like an idiot at his warning tone. "I lost a bet and that's it. As soon as this day is over I am burning this... This... Thing." Jiyong wrinkled his nose in disdain and annoyance. "But you can't!" I cried in mock horror. "You look so cute in it. Seriously, I can't believe that you'd manage to look good in a maid's uniform. Not everyone can pull it off. Imagine me in one." My laughter died down my throat at the unreadable expression on Jiyong's face, directed at me. I gulped audibly at the sudden tension in the air and expelled a relieved breath when I heard Charlie clear from her end of the conversation, distracting me from Jiyong's unknown expression which I do not even want to put a name to. "Uhm." I stammered, fumbling with my phone and my headset. "Someone wants to say hi to you."
"Your brother?" Jiyong asked me hesitantly as he eyed the phone in my hands. I glanced down at my phone to see Charlie sporting a smug smirk and simply gave my phone and headset to Jiyong with a shrug of my shoulders. Even before he caught sight of her, as soon as Jiyong put on my headset he rolled his eyes and commented dryly, "Hello to you too Charlie. It's definitely not a pleasure hearing from you." My mouth fell open at this, but recalled the numerous jibes Charlie would throw at Jiyong and knew that this was just done in jest. My curiosity in their conversation increased even more as I watched the myriad of emotions that flitted through Jiyong's face as he continued to listen to Charlie talk on the other end of the line. I sidled up next to Jiyong and crossed my arms to lean against his shoulder as I watched my best friend seemingly berrate him. Jiyong glanced at me and shook his head slightly in exasperation at whatever Charlie was telling him. I grinned widely and wrinkled my nose at him in amusement which he dutifully responded with a mock glare and a straight face. I cocked my eyebrow at him in a challenge which he huffed at and eventually a smile broke out from his face albeit a tad exasperated. Our silent conversation was stopped though when Jiyong blinked in surprise and glanced down at my phone that he was holding. Charlie was still there, casually leaning her head against her hand as she watched the two of us from the screen of her laptop. "Sorry about that. What were you saying?" Jiyong said sheepishly to Charlie as he reverted back to his earlier position. I followed his lead and straightened his hair piece before I leaned once more against his shoulder. He gave me a sideways glance, as did Charlie, but they both still continued conversing. I tried reading Charlie's lips to understand what she was saying but unfortunately, my lip reading skills are still pathetically non - existent, so instead, I settled for just listening on Jiyong's end of the conversation to figure out what they were talking about in the first place.
(I'm getting really worried about your cross dressing habit Kwon. - Charlie)
"I don't cross dress. I wear whatever the I want."
Hmm, seems like Charlie's up to her antics again, teasing Jiyong Oppa. 
(Mhm. What happened now? I bet whoever made you wear that is laughing hysterically right now. You looked like a sullen little boy dressed by his mother in a maid's outfit to awhile ago. - Charlie)
"Yeah. It's none too pleasant but it's not the weirdest thing I've worn you know? But I'm still definitely burning it afterwards."
Must be about the maid's costume then?
(Why burn it when you can make Norah wear it? I saw your expression awhile ago... bet you'd love that you bastard. - Charlie)
" off. How would you know? I'm not that kind of guy."
Eh?? What are they talking about?? Jiyong looks irritated and Charlie's smug grin has made an appearance again. 
(Have you made your move yet? I told you not to take your time. She's not good at picking up subtle hints about this kind of stuff. You've got to be blunt about it. Speaking of which, you owe me for inside information that I gave you for that dinner Kwon. - Charlie)
"Yeah. Yeah. I owe you one. And I'm not taking my time. Just be patient. It's not that easy you know."
Just what the hell are these two talking about??? 
(Pffft. Believe me. It is. - Charlie) 
Jiyong opened his mouth to retort but before he could utter anything, the door to the studio opened once more to reveal Boss, this time around. The usual noise buzzing around the studio instantly quieted down at the sight of Yang Hyun Suk. I quickly straightened from my position and snatched away my phone from Jiyong's profferred hand, so I could dash back to my place without being spotted by Boss since he's still conversing with some of the trainers observing us for today. I hurriedly walked towards my previous spot while mumbling "Gotta go. Bye." to Charlie. Before I managed to take a seat, Boss and I's eyes met which made me flush at the knowing smile he was sporting. Why do I get the feeling that he's highly amused about something? I quickly sat down in my original seat and stuffed my phone in my duffel bag. As I did this, I observed Boss' journey to his seat in the middle of the desk arranged just for this assessment. As he set his things in the middle of the table, Boss finally caught sight of his seatmate's ensemble. He stared at Jiyong for a moment as if taking in completely the sight of one of his talents in a maid uniform before dryly commenting, "Jiyong - ah, did you just get back from a shoot?"
"Uhh... No hyung. I -" Jiyong's hesitant rely was cut off by Boss as he commented, "Mm. I guess it can't be helped. I'm not as updated as you guys are when it comes to fashion. Is this going to be your next concept for your upcoming album?" Again Jiyong tried to explain the reason behind his current attire but he was cut off once more by Boss. "Ah, I see. Anyway we should start with the assessment for this afternoon." Jiyong opened his mouth to argue but decided against it and reviewed the trainee profiles set in front of him, not unlike what the other trainers are doing. 
Soon we were called one by one to the center of the studio to perform. Despite his current look, Jiyong still cut an intimidating figure to all of us as he observed each trainee's performance with a critical eye. I waited with baited breath until my name was called, going through my performance over and over again in my head so that I won't commit any mistakes. It didn't take long for my name to be called out by Boss and I had to leave my current seat to finally perform what I've been rehearsing for weeks. I looked at all the trainers in the eye before bowing to them in greeting and introducing my name once more. 
"I see that you did well on your assessment for dance with Jae Wook. He said that recently you've been able to easily pick up choreographies he would teach you and that you're more confident in your movement." Boss commented to me as he read over the evaluation sheet in front of him. "How has her training been Jiyong - ah?" 
"Based from the evaluation of her trainers, she's made really good progress in her training recently. She's slowly catching up to the others and is beginning her lessons for music composition and lyric writing. I wasn't able to sit in during one of her vocal trainings for this assessment because our schedules always clashed but Teddy Hyung and Won Suk - ssi would always give me an update as well as a copy of her recording for each session. And personally, I think she's really showing some promise." Jiyong recounted, glancing my way briefly before facing Boss once more. "Hmm. Good, good." Boss set down my evaluation sheets and closed the folder containing my profile. "What are your song choices for this assessment?" I cleared my throat nervously and replied, "I by Kendrick Lamar and Forever by Haim." Jiyong looked up at me quizically as I said my song choices but I ignored him and waited for Boss' signal for me to proceed. With a nod from Boss, I signalled for Billy to hit play on the sound system and began rapping one of my favorite songs by Kendrick Lamar. 

I done been through a whole lot
Trials and tribulations, but I know God
Satan wanna put me in a bow-tie
Praying that the holy water don't go dry, yeah yeah
As I look around me
So many motherers wanna down me
But ain't no nigga never drown me
In front of a dirty double-mirror they found me

And I love myself
(The world is a ghetto with guns and picket signs)
I love myself
(But it can do what it want whenever it wants and I don't mind)
I love myself
(He said I gotta get up, life is more than suicide)
I love myself
(One day at the time, sun gone shine)

Everybody looking at you crazy (Crazy)
What you gone do? (What you gone do?)
Lift up your head and keep moving (Keep moving)
Or let the paranoia haunt you? (Haunt you)
Peace to fashion police I wear my heart
On my sleeve let the runway start
You know the miserable do love company
do you want from me and my scars?
Everybody lack confidence, everybody lack confidence
How many times our potential was anonymous?
How many times the city making me promises?
So I promise this

And I love myself
(The world is a ghetto with guns and picket signs)
I love myself
(But it can do what it want whenever it wants and I don't mind)
I love myself
(He said I gotta get up, life is more than suicide)
I love myself
(One day at the time, sun gone shine)

They wanna say there's a war outside and a bomb in the street
And a gun in the hood and a mob of police
And a rock on the corner and a line full of fiends
And a bottle full of lean and a model on a scheme, yup
These days of frustration keep y'all on tucking rotation
I duck these gold faces, post up fee-fi-fo-fum bases
Dreams of realities peace
Blow steam in the face of the beast
The sky can fall down, the wind can cry now
The strong in me, I still smile

I love myself
(The world is a ghetto with guns and picket signs)
I love myself
(But it can do what it want whenever it wants and I don't mind)
I love myself
(He said I gotta get up, life is more than suicide)
I love myself
(One day at the time, sun gone shine)

Walk my barefeet (Walk my barefeet)
Down, down valley peak (Down, down valley peak)
I keep my fee-fi-fo-fum (Fee-fi-fo-fum)
I keep my heart undone (My heart undone)

And I love myself
(The world is a ghetto with guns and picket signs)
I love myself
(But it can do what it want whenever it wants and I don't mind)
I love myself
(He said I gotta get up, life is more than suicide)
I love myself
(One day at the time, sun gone shine)

I went to war last night
With an automatic weapon, don't nobody call a medic
I'mma do it 'til I get it right
I went to war last night
I've been dealing with depression ever since an adolescent
Duckin' every other blessin', l can never see the message
I can never take the lead, I can never bob and weave
For my nigga that be letting 'em alienate me
And the sound is moving in a meteor speed
From a 100 to a billion lay my body in the street
Keep my money in the ceiling let my mama know I'm free
Give my story to the children and the lesson they can read
And the glory to the feeling of all of y'all scenes
Seen enough, make a motherer scream, "I love myself!"

I lost my head, I must've misread what the good book said
Oh woes keep me, it's a jungle inside
Give myself again 'til the well runs dry

Throughout my performance, I watched closely Boss' reaction and felt relieved when I saw his head doing its telltale sign of him enjoying the music. I glanced at the rest of the trainers and thankfully they seem to share the same sentiment with Boss. When I've finally shaken off my nerves, I was able to enjoy what I'm doing and lose all of my previous self - consciousness. As the last notes of the song died down, I nodded to Billy to play the next piece I'm performing. I swayed to the beat of the song as Forever by Haim took over the speakers of the studio. This was a song choice that I was pretty confident about because aside from being a huge Haim fan, Teddy Oppa, Momma Bom and I went over this song, again and again until I got it right. Channelling my inner Danielle Haim (more like Este), I started singing Forever. 

Hey you!
Remember me? Remember love?
Remember trying to stay together?
My time, you took it all.
You tried to see.
You tried to bring yourself up without involving me.
It isn't fair, to have your way,
To try and get up and go and na na na na now can't you see,
It isn't fair to have your way,
But I'm trying to get your attention and I need you to know that.

Hey you! Hey you!
Can't you make this sane?
I know, I know, I know you ain't the one to play the game.
Now I know I'm never gonna go your way.
If you go, now I know, I know know know.

Forever we tried to make it right,
But together we saw the end in sight,
I'm tired of fighting the good fight,
If you say the word then I'll say goodbye.

Forever I see you and me,
Forever I'll try for you and I,
No I never believed in their insight,
Just another good reason to get it right.

I don't want to turn around,
So come on baby,
Come on and try to let it out,
Let go.
We're still the same,
So come on baby,
Trigger the sound, let's figure it out,
Let's get back to where we started out.

Hey you! Hey you!
Can't you make this thing?
I know, I know, I know you ain't the one to play the game.
Now I know I'm never gonna go your way.
If you go, now I know, I know know know.

Forever we tried to make it right,
But together we saw the end in sight,
I'm tired of fighting the good fight,
If you say the word then I'll say goodbye.

Forever I see you and me,
Forever I'll try for you and I,
No I never believed in their insight,
Just another good reason to get it right.

Go go go go get out, get out of my memory,
No no no not tonight, I don't have the energy.

Go go go go get out, get out of my memory,
No no no not tonight, oh not tonight, oh not tonight.

Forever we tried to make it right,
But together we saw the end in sight,
I'm tired of fighting the good fight,
If you say the word then I'll say goodbye.

Forever I see you and me,
Forever I'll try for you and I,
No I never believed in their insight,
Just another good reason to get it right.

Forever we tried to make it right,
But together we saw the end in sight,
I'm tired of fighting the good fight,
If you say the word then I'll say goodbye.

Forever I see you and me,
Forever I'll try for you and I,
No I never believed in their insight,
Just another good reason to get it right.

As I hoped, I was able to sing this song with relative ease but I was disconcerted to see both Jiyong and Boss sporting a quizzical look on their faces as I continued on singing. By the time when the song reached its last note, my breathing has become labored partially from the singing but mostly because of my nervousness returning once more as I took note of the clashing reactions of the trainers and Boss for my second song choice. 
"Norah - yah." Boss called out to me in an inquiring tone. "This song from Haim isn't the only one you prepared, yes? I heard that you were also rehearsing another song. Why didn't you perform that?" My eyes widened at his question. "" I stammered out a reply, my eyes landing to my manager who just shrugged at me, unsure as well where Boss was leading this inquiry. "Teddy Oppa and I both deliberated on what song I should perform today. Out of all my song choices we felt that I and Forever were the best choices for me." I explained to him nervously, as my fingers tugged at some loose thread from the hem of my shirt. "What was the second song?" He asked me without missing a beat. "Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys." At my response, Boss' eyes flashed in recognition and promptly requested me to perform it. Jiyong and I shared a worried look together but since it was Boss, I couldn't really refuse him and simply did as he asked. "I apologize because I don't have any accompaniment prepared so I'll be singing this number in acapella." I told the rest of the trainers apologetically, my heart hammering in my chest and my palms sweating at this unexpected development.
I did not see this coming. At all. Do I Wanna Know is not a complicated song to sing but without an accompaniment, I am scared that Boss would easily hear me when I get the pitch and tone for the song completely wrong. I inhaled deeply and began singing one of Artic Monkey's hit songs. 

Have you got colour in your cheeks?
Do you ever get the fear that you can’t shift the type that sticks around like something in your teeth?
Are there some aces up your sleeve?
Have you no idea that you’re in deep?
I dreamt about you nearly every night this week
How many secrets can you keep?
Cause there’s this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow and I play it on repeat
Until I fall asleep
Spilling drinks on my settee

Do I wanna know 
if this feeling flows both ways?
Sad to see you go
Was sort of hoping that you’d stay
Baby we both know
That the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can’t say tomorrow day

Crawlin’ back to you
Ever though of calling when you’ve had a few 
Cos I always do
Maybe I’m too busy being yours to fall for somebody new
Now I’ve thought it through
Crawlin’ back to you

So have you got the guts? 
Been wondering if you’re heart’s still open
And if so I wanna know what time it shuts
Simmer down and pucker up
I’m sorry to interrupt
It’s just I’m constantly on the cusp
Of trying to kiss you
I don’t know if you feel the same as I do
But we could be together if you wanted to

Do I wanna know
If this feeling flows both ways?
Sad to see you go
Was sort of hoping that you’d stay
Baby we both know
That the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can’t say tomorrow day

Crawlin’ back to you
Ever though of calling when you’ve had a few 
Cos I always do
Maybe I’m too busy being yours to fall for somebody new
Now I’ve thought it through
Crawlin’ back to you
Too busy being yours to fall 
Ever thought of calling darling?
Do you want me crawling back to you? 

Initially, my eyes were riveted at the floor as I started singing but I remembered one of the comments given to me in my previous assessments, about looking the audience in the eye to connect with them as I perform. In this manner, I would be able to further convey the emotion behind the song but honestly, I don't think I can sing a song about one sided love to Boss. It just feels plain wrong. So of course my eyes instead connected with Jiyong's, who was watching my performance intently if not a bit anxiously. Who better to sing this love song about one sided love than my teenage (and adult) crush? 
Can you sense the sarcasm? 
It did the trick though cause as soon as our eyes locked, Jiyong gave me an encouraging smile which eased my worry and fear a bit. But it still didn't change the fact that this song spoke volumes of my confusion. 
I understand that we're friends (the best even) but there are times when I kind of, sort of, maybe start liking him more than I should as his friend. But it's totally all his fault!! Why must he be so, so, so GAH so ing nice and sweet and funny and cute and weird and hot as hell. WHY PEOPLE WHY??? Cause let's be real here, if you were to be in the presence of someone like that on a daily basis then you sure as hell will not stand a chance and not fall for that. There should be like a support group for people who fall head over heels in love for Kwon Jiyong's charms. Not that I fell for him or anything. It's just the nineteen year old in me talking. Yep. That's it. I'm a mature woman who can compartmentalize her feelings from her past to the present. Especially for Kwon Jiyong. 
To busy being yours to fall
Ever thought of calling back
Do you want me crawling back to you
To you
"Thank you Norah." I snapped out of the daze I was in and broke eye contact with Jiyong to look at Boss once more as he spoke. "I'll let you know our comments and concerns after the rest of the trainees have done their assessment for this afternoon." I nodded mutely at Boss and bowed once more to them, before hastily turning around to go back to my seat. All the while ignoring the fast beating of my heart. I kept my gaze focused on my lap and took deep breaths through my nose to calm my thundering heart but it won't. Thankfully it didn't take long for me to take a grip and to focus on the rest of the performances of the other trainees. It's not the right time to dwell on feelings that I don't want to even name nor acknwledge. 
The group of trainees performing today was smaller compared to last time which is why it was no suprise that we ended fairly quickly. We were all back in our original seats, waiting silently for our names to be called out once more to see how we fared today. The panel of observers for this assesment pored over their notes first and made hushed conversations between themselves before calling out the first trainee who performed to inform her of their comments regarding her performance. They did this for several times, consulting with each other and reviewing their notes before calling out the trainee. I was feeling quite nervous again as I waited for my name to be called out and in my nervousness I kept on biting my nails which I promised myself I'll stop doing. I'm sure by the time Boss calls out for me, my nails would be nothing but stubs on my fingers but it's the least of my concerns. I'm really worried about Boss' assesment of my performance right now especially after that surprise acapella performance he requested from me. I have no idea if I even did good or if I completely murdered that song. While mulling over possible comments that both Boss and Ji might raise as they assess my performance, I didn't notice that my name was called out by one of the mentors. Billy had to nudge my leg with his to get my attention and when I looked up, I saw that the rest of the room was looking at me expectantly. "You're up Norah." Billy informed. "You're the last to be called out. The rest of us have had their assesments already." My eyes widened in surprise and I internally chastisised myself for getting absent minded again. I began to stand up from my seat and approach the front of the room when Boss suddenly announces to all of us that the rest were free to go, including the trainers. We all stared at him stupidly for a moment not processing completely what he said until Ji pointed out that there's one more trainee left to be assessed aka ME but Boss just waves him off and says, "I know but it's not necessary for you to be all here as I give her our assessment of her performance. I have duly noted your comments and concerns, and be rest assured that I will keep you posted regarding this matter Jiyong - ah. If you'll excuse us, come Norah." I glanced at my manager worriedly who was sporting a similar expression as I am, still rooted at the spot I was standing on. He nodded his head at me as if to say, "Go on, follow hyung." I hesitated a bit but I hurried along when Boss looked over his shoulder to see if I was indeed following after him.  I quickly gathered my things and ran after him all the while wondering what was running through Boss' head right now. When I finally reached Boss' side, we fell into step and walked the rest of the way to the elevator in silence. As the elevator arrived, the images running through my head got wilder and wilder that I was eyeing Boss apprehensively and a bit suspiciously as we stepped inside the elevator. Thankfully the ride to his office (at the highest floor of the building) from the floor we were in was quick and in no time, Boss was ushering me inside his office. We passed by his huge display of toys and his even bigger toy figure of Voltes 5, and settled ourselves by his desk. Boss just stared at me for awhile as if deliberating over what to say which at least means that I'm not in any sort of trouble. Usually if I did something wrong he'd let it rip without waiting for any preamble. Sometimes he doesn't even wait for me to completely enter his office and he'd start scolding me even before I pass by his toy collection. NOT that I did anything wrong recently, since I've been practicing non - stop for this assessment, but you never know with Boss. He does call Seungri Oppa frequently just to scold him in advance. 
Oh my god. 
Is this about the fact that someone cottoned on to my hiding places when I want to read (since Jiyong still hasn't lifted my ban with my father's orders) while training? Is this why he wanted to give my assessment by ourselves?? Huhu please don't be that. It was bad enough that Jiyong had our office IT block all the fanfiction sites I frequent, knowing that I was using our office's Wi - Fi to sneak reading while training. Can you blame me?? I don't exactly have a data plan you know, since I was still using the prepaid sim I bought during the first week of my stay in Korea because it's cheaper than getting a data plan
I was shaken from my thoughts when Boss suddenly started speaking. "I suppose the best way to go about this is to be direct." I watched Boss closely as he pulled open a drawer from his desk and took out two large envelopes. He laid them face down, side by side on his desk and my eyes widened when I saw my name with YGE's corporate address written at the back. I nearly fell from my seat though when I finally noticed the logo of the sender at the back of the two envelopes. I looked up at Boss to see him appraising me closely.
"I... Boss... I didn't. I swear." I stammered out to him in my shock. "I read my management contract and I know that I'm not allowed to enter or apply for an institution unless advertised and sponsored by YG. I swear that I didn't apply to... Central Saint Martins and Parsons." Saying the name of those two schools out loud made it even more unreal. His knowing smile threw me especially when he simply replied, "Of course you didn't. I did."

Hello again!

I know it's been awhile since I last posted and I'm sorry for that. Thank you for those who still stuck with me despite the fact that I haven't been updating in awhile. To be honest I really do want to finish writing this story (and I will, I swear) but it's difficult when you have a writer's block. Believe me, even if you were attacked by plot bunnies on a daily basis but you have no idea how to execute it exactly is excruciating and mind you, frustrating as hell too. I hope you like this update and the progress of the story. Please let me know what you think because I really do appreciate hearing your comments and suggestions. 
Also, I might be editing the previous chapters just to make it polished so there might be some slight changes that I would do.
- Rexiefauliks
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DoRayMe #1
Chapter 64: Yay I was so happy to see this update!!!
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 64: I'm really enjoying this story :)
DoRayMe #3
Chapter 63: Please update soon. I just read the whole thing and loved it!!!!
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 62: Yay, you updated. So happy!! Going to read it from the start again. :)
MsAverage #5
Chapter 60: So happy that you are back. This was a really fun chapter to read. Thankyou for this chapter and super excited to read the next chapter.
I check this fic for an update everytime I get a chance to go on AFF. Like, I just literally type in "YG AUDITIONS" the moment I log in. Still patiently waiting for an update Author-nim. Figthting. NORAH FTW! SARANGHAE.! *\(^o^)/*