Chapter 60: Cheese and Wine

YG Auditions


I have never been so conscious of another person as much as I am right now with Sehun as we walk side by side at the river bank of Han River. I was consistently reminded of the awkward silence hanging over us since we left Pollala Museum several minutes before we went here to stroll around before we end our date. Sure I'm not the most self - assured girl out there who can hang around boys with ease but ever since I started training for YG I thought that my awkwardness around the opposite gender is over. Oh, how wrong I was. I completely and utterly blame him for this. Everything was doing fine until he had kissed me while I'm ranting about the idiocy of the designers of the Death Star from Star Wars. I mean who does that?!? I wasn't even remotely cute while I was ranting since I was still wearing the goddamn Darth Vader helmet. So much for my first kiss. Or is it really? Does it count as your first kiss if you were wearing a plastic helmet and was too surprised to even kiss back (despite the helmet of course)? I pursed my lips at this thought with the image of my girl friends - particularly Charlie, Sophie and Evan - cackling over my inexperience. I wasn't aware that Sehun was watching the different facial expressions I pulled until he pointed it out to me, disrupting my mental image of how I was going to broach this topic to my best friend on our next Skype date. "Are you ok? You look constipated." He blurted out to me worriedly, which made me school my expression from a grimace into a questioning look. "Hmm what? Oh. Nothing, I was just thinking." I replied to him in an off hand manner, ignoring the fact that according to him I look constipated while I think. Yep, soo attractive Norah. "Sorry... I just - I just thought that you were feeling unwell awhile ago." Sehun told me and I noted with some slight of assurance that he looked a bit sorry with the way he phrased his question to me and didn't mean to say it like he did. "It's fine." I assured him with a smile for both my well being and his lack of tact in phrasing a question. We walked in silence once more, now that the number of things we could talk about has run out. In some ways being alone with Sehun is nice and fun but I'm slowly coming to a realization that before, we never really ran out of things to talk about because Lu Han and Kibum were there as our buffer when things got too quiet. I was trying to think of something to break our silence when, "So how's training?" Sehun asked me suddenly, glancing at me briefly before facing ahead once more. "Uhm. It's fine. I've been working on two performances for my next evaluation actually. I'm still not sure if I'll perform my own composition or just choose another song to sing since I already got my dance number ready." I explained to him, biting the corner of my lip in thought. "I don't know. I really don't want to play it safe but I don't want to come unprepared for my next evaluation as well you know? The last one was ty enough as it is." 


"That bad?" Sehun asked me with a slight smile which I replied with another grimace. He chuckled at my reaction and I followed after, my laughter sounding more self - deprecating. I gave out an exaggerated sigh before shifting the topic back to him and his group's comeback. "What about you? Are you guys ready for your comeback? I want an exclusive look into your dance rehearsal okay?" I told him in a teasing manner which Sehun easily agreed to (after confirming it to his manager who was trailing behind us, still on a look out for bat crazy EXO fans that may lurk around the area, stalking us). Before he could tell me the progress of their rehearsals though, a familiar ringtone suddenly blasted from my pocket. I mouthed an apology to Sehun before checking my phone to see if Jiyong Oppa was calling me or left me a message.


From: Jiyong Oppa

Received at 17:13

Where's your wine? I can't find it.

From: Jiyong Oppa

Received at 17:15

Oh wait. Never mind. I don't need it anymore.

From: Jiyong Oppa

Received at 17:18

On second thought, where is it? Wine sounds good right about now.

From: Jiyong Oppa

Received at 17:20

Really Norah? Really? You call this wine? My piss would taste better than this. 

To: Jiyong Oppa

That, is just disgusting. And yes what's so wrong about it??? It tastes fine. 


I'll be home soon. 



"Your ringtone for Jiyong - ssi is the Powerpuff Girls' theme song?" Sehun asked me incredulously when I told him who texted me after he asked what the matter was. "Yes." I grinned at his gobsmacked expression. "It's a long story. But anyway, you were saying?" Sehun furrowed his eyebrows at me, obviously curious about the long story I just deflected from telling him but believe me, it's for his own good. It's not exactly ideal to tell the guy you're seeing that you almost kissed your manager/ sunbaenim/ neighbor/ best friend as you ate ramyeon and he tried comforting you from your utter embarrassment by making insinuations that he fits the character of Blossom just to make you cheer up again. Thankfully, Sehun just shrugged at my encouragement for him to go on and did as I suggested. "Rehearsals has been good but it's not yet perfect. Our choreographer actually wanted to change some of the choreography that's why after this, I'm heading straight back to SM. Aside from that, we've just been practicing singing it live, hashing out the last details of how we'll promote it and what our final concept look on stage would be as well as on the music video." He glanced behind us briefly before lowering his voice so it's just the two of us who can hear him, "I know this is sudden but if you want I can take you up on that promise today, I'm sure I can easily convince Hyung to let you come with us. Although," at this he smirked at me which turned into a full blown grin when I narrowed my eyes at him, waiting for him to continue. "- they might make you sign a confidentiality agreement. We have to make sure you won't leak anything out on the internet. You know, just to be safe." I gave him a mock scowl and a light shove before haughtily replying, "Don't worry, you won't have to worry about me leaking anything, aside from that picture of you snorting out milk tea through your nose."


"Yah!!" Sehun exclaimed in mock annoyance. "That's low even for you Norah." I looked at him innocently and pointed at myself as if saying, "Who? Me?!" which Sehun didn't hesitate to reply, "Yes, you." I scrunched up my nose in distaste at his insinuation and maturely stuck out my tongue in response. "Be like that and I WILL leak out that photo on Instagram. I'll tag all your members and label mates on the photo before going crazy on the hash tag so your fans can also see the photo of you with bubble tea running down your nose." I cackled evilly at my plan, which made Sehun roar in laughter at how ridiculous I looked. He kept laughing for awhile, stopping and then laughing again whenever he would get another look at me. As I watched him try to catch his breath, I couldn't help but smile fondly at him, which he returned, with a half smile of his own, the awkward silence hanging over us, finally broken. "But seriously, do you want to come with me? We can go right now." Sehun asked me breathlessly after clearing his throat from laughing too much. I smiled sheepishly at him when I admitted to him (as nicely as possible) that I already made plans to sleep the night away right after our date until the next morning. "And even if you deny it," I added as I pointed a finger at him and wagged it in front of his face. "- I know that I'll just bother you because you don't know what to do with me when I'm there especially since you're learning a new choreography for your comeback. I'll take a rain check yeah?"


"Okay. I get it." Sehun replied with an amused shake of his head. "Sleeping is the most important thing in the world and I should never try again to prevent you from doing it ever." I pondered over his statement for awhile before reluctantly saying, "Well for now it's the main priority at least until hunger strikes me. That's when food becomes the main priority." I grinned up at him when Sehun muttered under his breath about how crazy I was with another shake of his head. "So what time’s your rehearsal?" I asked him as we continued on walking aimlessly. "Actually, it starts in a few minutes but I already told the other guys that I might be late and if needed to cover up for me." Sehun admitted to me with a half shrug. I abruptly stopped from walking and faced Sehun as I gaped at him, which made him startle and come to a stop as well. I ignored the curious look thrown at us by his manager and instead solely directed my look of disbelief on Sehun. "You can't be late." I told him in a matter of fact tone. He raised an eyebrow at this as if saying, "You're one to talk." I gave him a warning look before reasoning with him, "Fine. I'm not exactly the most punctual person but this is your comeback! You can't be late for any of your rehearsals even if!" I raised my voice slightly when Sehun was about to object to what I was saying and only resumed what I was going to say when it looked like he wasn't going to interrupt me again. "Even if the others are willing to cover up for you. You're one of the best dancers in EXO, and I would feel ty if you end up forgetting the choreography because you were late in one of your practices." 


"Isn't that being too dramatic? I'm sure I can easily pick up the choreography once I get there." Sehun told me skeptically, his head cocked to the side as he eyed my critically. I rolled my eyes at him and soothed his bruised ego. "I didn't say that you couldn't pick up the choreography easily. I did just say that you're one of the best dancers in EXO." He pulled a face at me, which I easily interpreted to mean that he thinks he's not just one of the best but THE best. "The best dancer then in EXO. I just want you guys to have a successful comeback is that so bad?" I concluded in the sincerest voice I could muster. "Wow." Sehun's eyebrows shot up to his hairline as he widened his eyes at me as if taken aback at my impassioned speech.  "You really want to go back to your bed that much huh?" His lips quirked into a smug grin when my eyes shifted from side to side, refusing to meet his amused gaze. "Yes.... But! The wanting you to have a successful comeback is 100% true also." I admitted with a sheepish smile. "And I didn't want you to get scolded because of me. You've been so sweet to me, I didn't want to repay that by getting you scolded by Suho - ssi, your manager or your choreographer." I glanced over Sehun's shoulder briefly to take a peek at his manager who was standing a few feet from us to give us some space even if he's still trailing after us to watch out for any press or fans that may be around. He glanced behind him as well before facing me once more to catch my eye so that my focus would solely be on him. "I understand but don't worry about me getting scolded. It's not your fault. It was my decision to begin with so don't feely guilty if I get told off. Okay?" Sehun told me gently, one of his hands grasping my free hand in his, his thumb brushing my knuckles. I stiffened slightly at the contact, becoming uncomfortably aware of how sweaty my palm was in his grasp. "Uh - yeah." I stammered out to him, my eyes fixated on his neck instead of meeting his eyes. Although this isn't the first time we held hands, I'm still caught by suprise every time Sehun would reach out to hold my hand in his. A proof of this would be the fact that I was still somewhat distracted by Sehun holding my hand, his thumb brushing across my knuckles every now and then, that I wasn't able to hear clearly what he was telling me. "Hmm? I'm sorry I didn't catch that. What were you saying?" I asked him distractedly, my mind still a tad bit preoccupied with how I can take my hand away subtly without Sehun noticing so that I can wipe my hand against my pants. "I said that we should head back towards the car if you want me to make it in time for my rehearsals." 


"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Why do WE have to go back to your car?" Sehun was already tugging my hand to lead me towards where the black minivan was parked, even though I haven't finished what I was about to say. "So I could drop you off your building." He replied to me over his shoulder without missing a beat in a tone that sounded like he was speaking to a toddler instead of an older woman. I stared at his profile in confusion before abruptly stopping him with a tug of his hand. "Wait. SM is in the opposite direction of my apartment. You're going to be late if you drop me off. You should go on ahead." I told him determinedly when Sehun tugged on my hand once more to make me follow after him. "And what about you? You can't expect me to leave you here on your own." He retorted to me, which made me bristle a bit. "Despite what you guys all think, I can find my way home on my own. Sure, I don't have the best sense of direction out there but I can manage." I told him pointedly, finally releasing my hand from his grasp before I crossed my arms. We stared at each other after this, Sehun looking at me doubtfully and me, staring back at him stubbornly with my chin slightly raised in defiance. He opened his mouth to reason with me but closed it immediately when he noticed that I was glaring at him completely. He pursed his lips in thought before releasing a sigh of defeat as he gave in to my stubborn will. "Fine. But promise me that you'll call me once you get back home safely." Sehun told me in a warning tone with a roll of his eyes when he caught sight of my triumphant grin. "Of course I will. Don't worry, I've got Google maps to get me home in no time at all. Now go, or else you'll be late." I gave Sehun a toothy grin at this to assure him that I'm fine on my own since he still looks unsure about leaving me to head back to SM Entertainment for his rehearsals. "Go!" I told him, making a shooing motion with my hands to urge him to move. After an obvious internal battle, Sehun finally decided to go with a slight shake of his head at me. But before he left, Sehun made a move to step closer to me as he began saying his good bye. "I had a great time today..." He told me with a soft and affectionate smile directed at me. I bit the inside of my lip really hard in slight panic when I noticed that he was only a few inches away from me. Numerous thoughts ran through my mind as I watched his every movement, not a word he spoke registering in my head. 


Wasn't he about to leave???? 

How did THAT turn to THIS?!

Charliiiiieeeeeee help meeeeeeeee. Huhuhu T∧T

Were we going to kiss again? 

Or do we hug? 

Am I supposed to kiss him instead of him? But my breath stills smells like the food we ate awhile ago. 

I really should've brought some mints. 

Where do I place my hands??? 

But shouldn't the kiss happen after the third date? It's only our second date, not counting the numerous bubble tea trips we had together. 

Or... can he initiate that regardless of how many times we've seen each other? 



I gave Sehun a smile that felt more like a grimace to me as he ended what he had to say in order to mask my slight panic. Without giving much thought to what I was doing, I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck in a brief hug as I murmured, "Thank you for today." after releasing him from my hug just as quickly, my ears turning bright red in my embarrassment. Sehun simply gave me small smile and a nod at this instead of commenting on my odd actions (bless him) before finally turning towards his manager to leave for SM Entertainment. When Sehun and his manager disappeared from my sight, I puffed out my cheeks and slowly blew out my breath in my relief that, that part of the date was done with. Maybe I should've listened to Sehun instead and taken a cue from his actions before doing anything without thinking. Bleeding hell. I swear, I need ing lessons for this. I really will hear it from Charlie when I tell her about what happened. With a shake of my head, I took out my phone to search online how I can commute back home just as I promised Sehun. As I opened my phone I caught sight of another message Jiyong sent me and with a slight chuckle I quickly typed a response to his message.  


From: Jiyong Oppa

Received at 17:24

Yeah? Keep safe. And you need your tongue to get checked. You're lucky I didn't tell on you to Top Hyung and Soo Hyuk - ah. 

To: Jiyong Oppa

Not everyone can buy quality vintage wine. Tattletale. What's faster? The train, the bus or the cab? 

From: Jiyong Oppa

Received at 18:03

I don't know. Why? Where are you anyway? Also you owe me. Bought you new wine to replace the wine I threw out. 

To: Jiyong Oppa

WHAT?!? You threw them out?!? Just wait until I figure out which public transport will take me home faster Jiyong Oppa. I had a bottle and a half of cheap but good wine on my pantry before I left. 

From: Jiyong Oppa

Received at 18:08

Norah, where are you? Are you lost right now?! 


Not anymore. I drained them down your kitchen sink. And it's cheap and STALE, PISS - LIKE wine. Yeah you did but now you have two bottles of better quality vintage wine on your pantry when you get back. You're welcome. I'll charge you later. 

To: Jiyong Oppa

I hate you. 

From: Jiyong Oppa

Received at 18:11

No you don't. And you didn't answer my question. Where are you?

To: Jiyong Oppa

Mangwon Hangang Park. Hailing a cab right now so I can kick your when I get back. 


Not paying you anything. You threw them out, not me. 

From: Jiyong Oppa

Received at 18:14

Stay there. 


I blinked at the two word reply sent to me by Jiyong and cocked my head in confusion. My eyes widened though at the realization that he meant to pick me up from where I was and hastily sent a reply to him to not bother before I hurriedly called a taxi company since no signs of cabs could be seen anywhere nearby. Just as I was trying to convey in my stilted Korean where exactly I lived to the operator over the phone (for the nth time), a familiar white Lamborghini Aventador came to a stop by the curb near me. 


The heavily tinted windows rolled down the passenger seat's side and Jiyong peered over it to call out to me. "Get in."  He said before rolling up the window as he faced forward once more. I gaped at the car in front of me and sighed to myself before casting a wary glance around me to see if anyone spotted him. When it looked to me that the coast is clear, I briskly walked towards the car and opened the door quickly so I can slide inside without anyone noticing. As soon as the door shut close, Jiyong started driving once more without even bothering to give me a proper greeting. "You didn't have to pick me up." I told him pointedly which he replied with an indistinct noise before saying, "I was near the area anyway. Remember? Bought you new wine." I was about to retort to him my annoyance at the decent wine he wasted but I was suddenly distracted by the fact that his arm shot out in front of me as he tugged on the seatbelt beside me that I forgot to buckle on. "Oh sorry." I muttered to him, trying to grab the seatbelt from him but Jiyong just shook me off and easily buckled the seatbelt for me with one hand. I pressed my lips together to control myself from blurting out anything stupid due to the fact that I was surprised at the sudden gesture (not to mention my internal fangirl was flipping out at his close proximity). Thankfully, I was able to at least say thank you to him like a normal person, which he just waved off and smiled at in return. However, my surprise and smile was short lived because what he said before buckling me in finally dawned on me. "Yah!" I cried out, hitting his arm lightly with my hand. "I am not paying for any ridiculously expensive wine that you bought! I didn't throw out my OWN wine. YOU did." After this, I grumbled to myself about how the wine at home was perfectly okay and it wasn't my fault that his taste buds are so damn picky. Jiyong chuckled at my indignant mumbling before he briefly glanced at me as he said, "I was kidding. It's on me." 


"What?" I replied to him, my eyebrows furrowing slightly in confusion. "I said the wine's on me. Also, I've got a question. Remember that place you mentioned that was near Top Hyung's place? The one with the cheese?" He asked me as he drove to the left after giving out a signal. "Yeah." I said slowly, wondering what he was trying to get at in our conversation. "What cheese dip did you buy last time again?" Jiyong asked, this time facing me slightly since he had ample time to direct his gaze at me while we came to a stop at an intersection. "Uhm. The one with the nuts, I think. Why?" Jiyong just flashed me a grin before directing his gaze to the road as he drove once more when the traffic light turned from red to green. His silence irked me and I asked once more why accompanied by a whine of, "Oppppppaaaaaaaaa!" He laughed at my childish antics, clearly amused at my antsy behavior. "Seriously why did you ask? Are we going there - wait no. We're here already." I was startled by the fact that Jiyong drove back to our apartment building in record time and I could only stare blankly at our apartment building while Jiyong unbuckled himself from his seat. "Yep." Jiyong said with a smirk as he stepped off his Lamborghini with me still inside it, shaking off the momentary daze I was in. My gaze followed him as I unbuckled myself from my seat and I saw him pop open the boot of the car to grab something inside. I hurriedly stepped out as well only to be met by Jiyong halfway, holding a paper bag in each hand. When I peered down to inspect what it was, as expected, the logo of Cheese Café Sunrich greeted me as well as two bottles of wine peeking out of the other paper bag. "I was kind of hoping that you were joking about the wine." I said to Jiyong in a wry tone as I glanced back at him from my perusal of his shopping. "You wish. I really drained them down your sink. The smell's not completely gone to be honest." He admitted to me sheepishly, his expression turning to contrite easily when I gave him a withering look. "I'll clean it up." Jiyong added without missing a beat in his sincerest voice. "What did you need the wine for anyway?" I asked Jiyong curiously as we headed inside our apartment building. "Did Seungri Oppa finish off all your alcohol supply again? That's why you went for mine instead?"


"If I wanted to drink, I would invite the others with me. I'm not going to drink by myself, holed up in my room like some people I know." Jiyong told me, his tone clearly suggestive of who he was talking about. Which of course I dutifully ignored with a dignified look of my own. By this time, we were already in front of the elevator and were just waiting for it to arrive to take us to our floor. "You didn't answer my question Oppa. What do you need the wine for? And the cheese? Since I'm guessing you bought some as well." I eyed the paper bag containing the said items with an eyebrow cocked at him. The elevator arrived before Jiyong could reply though and he waited till the door was closed behind us before he answered me. "It's part of your dinner." Jiyong admitted to me with a slight shrug when I stared at him in surprise, both my eyebrows rising to my hairline. "You really made dinner?" 


"Don't look so shocked." He admonished me good naturedly as he nudged my elbow with his. "I did say that I was going to make you dinner. You always did complain that I never returned the favor." I scrunched my nose at him and mumbled shyly, "I was just teasing. You didn't have to. Really." We were standing side by side inside the elevator, which was why Jiyong had to shift sideways so he could peer down at me. I gave him a weirded out look as he narrowed his eyes at me and eyed me from head to toe. His gaze was unnerving me and I couldn't help but fidget. "What?!" I narrowed my eyes at him as I muttered this, scowling completely at the smirk Jiyong was sporting. "Nothing. Just wondering to myself since when did you turn down a free meal." His smirk turned into a full blown grin when I stammered out an incoherent response to the question he asked next, "Does this mean you won't eat? Not even a small bite?"  His obvious mirth at my expense made me pinch his side but even with the paper bags he was holding, Jiyong was still able to deflect my pinching. "Aish. And to think I'm your sunbae." He muttered to me while he rubbed his side with his elbow. "There's no ranking when it comes to food." I told him bluntly just as the doors to the elevator slid open to reveal our floor. Jiyong snorted at my statement commenting to me in wry amusement at how odd I rank my priorities. With a small thanks after he held the elevator doors for me as I stepped out, I recalled a similar comment that Sehun made awhile ago. I was distracted by my thoughts however by Jiyong ushering me inside his apartment instead of going inside my apartment. "Wha - oppa? Are we eating at your place?" I asked him in my bewilderment while Jiyong unlocked his door and urged me to step inside, one of his hands resting lightly at my lower back. He shook his head at me before he took hold of my bag and the Pollala Museum paper bag from me. "I didn't expect for you to come back this early so I haven't really cleaned up." I opened my mouth to argue with him that I don't mind the mess but Jiyong's OCD side would hear none of it. "It won't take long. I'll come back for you when I'm done cleaning up." By this time, we were already standing in the middle of his sitting room and all I could do as he forced me to sit down is whine and pout about wanting to take a shower. I straightened up from my seat though when an idea popped into my head. "Would you mind if I took a shower here since you're temporarily banning me from my own apartment?" I asked Jiyong with bated breath as I watched him mull over my question. "I don't mind. But do you have any spare clothes around here?" He replied to me as he tried to get a firmer grip on our things. I cast a look around his apartment and recalled if I left any spare clothes at their place but I couldn't remember if I did. "I'll just see I guess but please hurry oppa." I directed another pout at his direction but his back was already turned to me as he walked out of his apartment to head into mine. When the door closed behind him and I was left to my own devices, I glanced around me while I thought over the pros and cons of standing up from my seat to search for clothes that I may have left behind so I can finally take that much needed shower. My tired body won over my want to wash off what's left of my make - up as well as the rest of my body, making me kick off my heels instead of standing up to begin my search. I propped up my socked feet on top of the arm rest of the sofa so that I won't smudge any dirt from my feet on the pristine couch all the while, I was squirming in my seat till I found a comfortable spot in the sofa. When I was finally settled, I took one of the white throw pillows I accidentally nudged out of the sofa and hugged it to my chest as I faced the back rest of my temporary resting place. I nuzzled my face into the pillow thinking to myself that I'll rest my eyes for a bit as I wait for Jiyong to come back. Just for a few seconds. Jiyong did say that it wouldn't take him long to clean up the mess he made in my place. I'll just close my eyes and lie down here till he gets back so we can have the dinner he prepared for us. However, as soon as I closed my eyes, sleep completely claimed me despite my conviction to remain awake and to simply rest my eyes and body. I didn't know how long I was asleep on Jiyong's couch but by the time I woke up, I realized two things. 


1. I was jostled awake from my not - really - nap by Jiyong, himself. 


And this is because of...


2. Jiyong was hoisting me up from the couch to his arms so he could carry me bridal style. 


Hello everyone :D another update for you guys <3 I hope you like it :) I'm writing the next one and I can't wait for you guys to read it. Thank you so much for subscribing and reading the story. I'd love to hear what you think so feel free to comment :)

- Rexiefauliks

P.S. Do you guys watch High School King of Savvy? I need someone to fangirl with. I am torn between Soo Hyuk and Seo In Guk hahahahaha I love their characters so much haha

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DoRayMe #1
Chapter 64: Yay I was so happy to see this update!!!
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 64: I'm really enjoying this story :)
DoRayMe #3
Chapter 63: Please update soon. I just read the whole thing and loved it!!!!
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 62: Yay, you updated. So happy!! Going to read it from the start again. :)
MsAverage #5
Chapter 60: So happy that you are back. This was a really fun chapter to read. Thankyou for this chapter and super excited to read the next chapter.
I check this fic for an update everytime I get a chance to go on AFF. Like, I just literally type in "YG AUDITIONS" the moment I log in. Still patiently waiting for an update Author-nim. Figthting. NORAH FTW! SARANGHAE.! *\(^o^)/*