Chapter 58: Date #2

YG Auditions



Can someone please explain to me why we even let Maknae choose the ride for today?

What the hell are you talking about Hyung? It was perfect.

People were staring at us.

PFFT. The art of disguise is being hidden in plain sight. No one even knew it was us.

You’ve got to be ing kidding me. That just works in films! I wouldn’t be surprised if our faces would be plastered all over the internet tomorrow, stepping out of that thing you call a car.

You asked for a stake out car, I gave you one. It’s still hid us better than your Bentley.

At least my car has a heater. I can’t feel my fingers at all. You could’ve at least gotten us a car with proper heater but nooooo, Maknae decided to get the most run down car known to man that has NO HEATER. AT ALL.

He’s right. I’d rather we used the Bentley. Where the hell did you even get that THING??

Go ahead, use the Bentley and let’s see who will be the first Norah recognizes. At least mine did its job in hiding me from Norah.

What’s the point? We’re here anyway. But the next time we do this, I get to choose the stake out car. Jesus, I feel like I’m going to get hypothermia.

Let’s just go in.

I grinned at Maknae’s retreating back as he stepped inside the café, grumbling all the way about how ungrateful Top Hyung and I are. But seriously, who can blame us when he decides that the perfect stake out car is a large rusting pick – up truck which has no heater? Did I mention that it was the middle of winter right now? No matter what Maknae thinks, his idea is far from being brilliant. Or even remotely, well thought of.

After sharing an amused glance with Top Hyung at Seungri’s antics, we finally followed after him inside aA Design Museum where Norah and Sehun will be having their second date according to my sources aka Norah, herself. The three of us sauntered inside the café, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible in order for us not to attract any attention as we look for a decent place where we can spy on Norah and Sehun without looking too obvious in our intentions. Seungri led us around the café as he tried to spot a good place for us to sit while Top and I looked warily around the café hidden behind our own pair of sunglasses which was part of our disguise from not only the patrons of aA Design Museum but Norah as well. I shook my head to myself at the fact that even if Norah wasn’t aware of my feelings for her, this girl had already made me do things that I swore to myself I will never do again to prevent myself from getting hurt.

But, I can’t help it. As much as I want to not bare my feelings too much (to not get hurt), I can’t afford to lose Norah because I was being too cautious about my feelings. Sophie’s right. I need to stop being a coward and own up to my feelings because as much as I want to deny the fact that Sehun is no threat to me when it comes to Norah, the horrible truth is that this bastard is not doing so bad in sweeping Norah off her feet. Especially since most of their dates have been all about things that Norah loves, like recreating an outdoor car park movie cinema, coffee dates and most likely window shopping for books and fangirl merch that Norah miraculously hasn’t bought yet. This is why desperate times calls for desperate measures and all I can think of right now, is recruiting two guys who hates the idea of Norah dating Sehun just as much as I do if not more, to help me break off whatever’s happening between Norah and Sehun before it’s too late for me. Although, with how things are going, I’m already second guessing my decision. 

So what time do you think Norah and Sehun are arriving?” Top Hyung asked me once we were settled at the second floor of the coffee shop, near the banister which overlooks the floor below. I shrugged my shoulders at him as I peered down below to watch Seungri ordering for the three of us. “Probably in a few minutes. He was about to pick her up when I left her to go to my own apartment. Told her that I’ll drop by her place later to apartment sit for her.” 

What? Apartment sit?

Hmm?” I murmured distractedly as I continued watching Maknae till he disappeared from my line of sight. “I meant what do you mean when you said you’re going to apartment sit for her?” Top Hyung asked me curiously when I faced him once more, an eyebrow cocked at my direction. “Oh, it’s nothing. We’re going to do something after her date so I told her I’ll wait up for her at her place. Plus, it’s a good alibi for me since she thinks that I’m at her place even if I’m trailing after her on her date with you guys. Well at least it is, unless she spots us following her around Hongdae.” 

What will you two be doing later?” Seungri asked me as he neared our table, balancing a tray filled with our chosen snacks and drinks. I stopped in the middle of grabbing the saucer with my sandwich before I carefully placed it in front of me while I thought of a decent answer to give Seungri. “I don’t really know. We’ll just probably hang out later since she said her date won’t last that long. With Norah, we’re most likely rewatching the entire Hannibal series or something.” I said to the other two in a nonchalant tone, trying to play off the fact that the real reason behind why I want to hang out with Norah later is because I want to get her mind off the date she just had. It’s not exactly ideal to tell two guys about this particular plan of mine, especially since they made it their mission in life to keep away any guy who has a non – platonic interest on Norah for her supposedly own good. Most especially when you’re with them, under the pretence of helping them for the same cause. The suspicious glance that Big Seunghyun and Little Seunghyun threw my way weren’t lost to me however, and it made me hastily grab one of my sandwiches from my plate to stuff it in my mouth as casually as I can. I swallowed thickly the mouthful of sandwich that I just bit off and tried to hastily change the subject to try and stop the two from having an idea about my interest to date Norah. Instead, I reminded the two Seunghyuns about why we were here in the first place, “So what’s your plan?” 

Top was taking a sip from his cup of coffee as I asked this and raised his eyes from his cup of coffee. He mumbled something in reply as he slowly lowered down the cup to the saucer he was holding in his other hand that was lying on top of his crossed legs. “What?” I asked him pointedly in slight irritation, not really understanding what Hyung replied to my question. “I said, we’ll see. I don’t know what we’ll do since we don’t know yet how far Sehun’s  planning to go with this date.” Top repeated, his deep baritone sounding like a teacher repeating a simple answer to a math question to a five year old. I rolled my eyes at him and followed his gaze which was trained on the entrance of the café that was behind me. I faced Top and Seungri once more when there still wasn’t any sign of Norah and Sehun nearby as Maknae commented drily, “I’m fine with watching Norah from afar just as long as Sehun doesn’t get any funny ideas later. I’d think twice about trying to get to even first base if I were him.” Seungri scowled at this and the thought of Sehun getting to ANY base with Norah made me nearly choke as I chewed a mouthful of sandwich. “I’m sure that if he had any ideas of doing something like that, Norah won’t even let him do it. It’s been like what, their second date only?” Top commented to Seungri with a frown over the rim of the mug he was taking a sip from. I couldn’t help but snort at this and give Top a look of disbelief which he returned with just a of his eyebrow in my direction to challenge me. “I swear, I had no idea that you could be this prudish.” I told him frankly with a smirk on my face and a shake of my head. “Come on, you don’t expect people actually follow that third date rule thing do you?

So you’re telling me that it’s fine for you for Sehun to cover all the bases with Norah later?” Top retorted to me as he crossed his arms over his chest while reclining in his chair after placing the saucer with his cup of coffee in the table between us. “Of course not!” I cried vehemently, the idea making me glower at no one particular which Top just smirked at in smug satisfaction. “I’m just saying that the third date rule doesn’t really work nowadays.” I added weakly to them before sighing in defeat and focusing my eyes once more on the entrance instead of embarrassing myself even more by giving away more clues on the actual reason why I’m here. The sight of a familiar black hair sleeked back into a messy high ponytail swaying back and forth caught me by surprise though which made me sit up straight and hiss at the other two to be on alert. I switched seats in between Top and Seungri as silently and as fast as I can so I won’t miss a second of what was happening. The two Seunghyuns on the other hand didn’t give much thought to what I was doing because their attention was focused on the sight of Norah walking backwards in front of Sehun, her hands clasped behind her back as she talked to boy in front of her animatedly. I was distracted from my own surveillance of Norah when I saw Seungri lean in his seat to get a closer look at the two downstairs from my peripheral view. “Hyung, is that your cardigan?” He asked me, his eyes shifting from the cardigan Norah’s wearing to my face which was slowly flushing in embarrassment. I cleared my throat and murmured as an explanation, “I made her wear it so we can spot her quickly wherever she is.

I didn’t have to turn my head to know Seungri and Top were both sporting looks of disbelief since Seungri’s reply of, “Mhmm I’m sure we will.” to me, already spoke volumes of what they were thinking. I ignored them and instead focused my sight at Norah and Sehun who were walking around the first floor of the café, looking for a table with one of EXO’s managers trailing behind them. “Who brings their manager on a date?” Top said with a scoff. “Pfft. Amateur.” Seungri added in agreement as our eyes followed the pair until they found a table far away from the entrance of the café. Norah gave Sehun a small smile as the younger man pulled out her chair for her before taking a seat himself next to her. This move made Seungri snort while taking a sip from his cola that made Top and I drag our eyes from Norah who was surveying the menu hanging behind the counter. Top beat me to asking Seungri about his reaction with a furrow of his eyebrows in question, “What? What was that?

Norah prefers her date to be seated opposite from her not beside her.” Maknae replied to us in a matter of fact tone which confused us even more. “And you would know that how?” I asked him curiously with a of my head. “She commented that once to me when we bought take out from Yeolbong for dinner. She spotted a couple sitting side by side together on a table for four when we were about to leave the place. She said that she prefers to see the guy she’s dating in front of her when they’re out together. Or something like that.” Seungri said as a way of explanation to his comment. I raised my eyebrows at this in surprise, not really aware of how Norah can be specific with how she liked things to be done on a date while at the same time, taking note of this new fact for future reference. Top on the other hand murmured to himself at how women can be so demanding as the three of us faced Norah and Sehun once again to continue our watch on Norah. 

Unbeknownst to Norah and her date, this comment of Seungri’s triggered a running commentary of their date like a play by play commentary of a basketball game by the three of us. Top, Seungri and I would lean back on our chairs as we watched Sehun and Norah’s date unfold in front of our eyes and we’d comment on things that Sehun did wrong or Norah’s facial expressions when Sehun would say or do something that she didn’t like. Points were even given out or taken from Sehun’s score board written in Top’s messy scrawl on one of the establishment’s tissue paper in front of us but then again the credibility of this tally isn’t really to be trusted since all three of us were biased. One point would be given to Sehun if he did something that Norah liked or he made Norah react in a positive way (laugh/ smile/ snort/ blush) but a negative reaction from Norah or an action that we know by heart Norah dislikes were given a deduction of 1000 points from his current score. So far, Oh Sehun has a total of – 4019 points. “We should have brought a bag of chips for this.” Top commented as he took a bite from the sandwich he recently ordered through the kind waitress that Seungri charmed to take our orders from our seats instead of in front of the counter. I threw Top a glance over my shoulder from my position, leaning on the table with my arms braced on top of the table. “What are we? Watching a movie?” I told him in amusement as I watched Norah hurriedly push back the sleeves of my cardigan to avoid getting it dirty from the plate of pasta she was eating. I grinned to myself fondly at the thought of Norah worrying over the cardigan I lent her for the afternoon, making sure that she doesn’t stretch it out or get it dirty in any way. I tried to contain my smile from getting any bigger especially when I saw Norah inch her arm away from Sehun with an apologetic smile (more like a grimace) when he tried offering to take it off while casting a wary glance at his hands which was now gesturing to her to take it off. By this point, I was already biting my lip to keep my glee to myself when I saw Norah tell Sehun that she won’t take the jacket off because it’s “Thom bloody Browne” and she doesn’t want to risk getting it dirty nor too stretched out from the back of the chair.

That’s right Oh Sehun, my jacket right now is ing you from any ideas you might be having on touching Norah. 

And Oh makes another crucial mistake! That’s another thousand points off his scoreboard! What will EXO’s Maknae do now to raise the score?” Seungri declared in a fake announcer voice to Top and I when we watched Sehun roll his eyes at Norah’s explanation as to why she doesn’t want to take off the cardigan she was wearing. The frown on Norah’s face deepened when this was followed by Sehun saying, “It’s just clothes. You can buy another one again when you ruin it, can’t you?” and it was obvious by her pursed lips that she didn’t like what Sehun told her at all. The three of us leaned forwards in our seats as we waited with bated breath at what Norah’s response would be to this statement knowing for a fact what kind of person Norah is when it comes to things she owns or borrows. May it be clothes, books or any item she may have or borrowed, Norah firmly believes that taking care of her possessions is important and aside from that, wasting money was never in her personality. She may have the symptoms of a hoarder due to her obsession with books but Norah never spent money carelessly. Unless it’s to annoy her older brother, Ely, who is responsible for giving her monthly allowance.

I was half expecting and half hoping that this scene playing out in front us would lead to Norah politely ending their date before storming out of the café on her own (which would end up with her complaining about how horrible it was to me while I her long hair as we cuddle by her sofa when she arrives home). However my fantasy was obviously not going to happen when she made this tiny sigh by exhaling through her noise before she explained to Sehun, “Yeah but then, you won’t have to buy another one and waste money if you took care of it yeah?” When Norah dropped her eyes as she picked up her fork to eat once more it was an obvious sign already to not only Sehun but to the three of us as well that he should drop the issue altogether. “Damn. I really thought that she’ll end the date then.” Seungri told us wistfully as he leaned back in his chair once more. Top shrugged his shoulder at the younger Seunghyun while taking a sip from his cooling cup of coffee. “We can only hope.” I told Maknae which made the other two share a look with each other. I ignored them and continued on keeping watch of Norah and Sehun as they continued their date in a much more subdued manner after their small disagreement. I cringed internally when I noticed the way that Norah would give Sehun sideway looks, looking somewhat guilty at how she reacted to his comment. With a bite of her lip, she poked him at the side and mouthed sorry with a pout to her lips which Sehun smiled at fondly as he grabbed the hand she used to poke his side with. He interlaced their fingers together and gave it a squeeze before placing it on top of his lap under the table to show her that she was forgiven. I clenched my jaw at this gesture and silently kept to myself my distaste at this show of affection while Top and Seungri muttered to themselves how many points they were deducting from Sehun’s scoreboard with this sudden development. My heart clenched at the sight of Norah’s face blushing at this gesture, masking it from Sehun’s sight by sipping from her own cup coffee. 

Suave bastard.

I was distracted from my glowering when Top commented on how we should be ready to leave already by paying for our meal since Norah and Sehun were about to finish their order and was prepared to leave the cafe. While Seungri called for the waitress that he charmed for our bill, Top and I tried to look for a decent escape route that would cover us from Norah and Sehun’s sight, especially since Sehun’s manager who was watching the entire café like a hawk for anyone that may recognize Sehun might spot us and comment on it in passing to his charge or worse, his charge’s date. I glanced at the flustered waitress that Maknae was flirting with as he paid for our orders and thought of an idea for our escape route. I gave the girl a tilted smile as I leaned next to Seungri to address her, “Hi, I was just wondering, is there another way out aside from the entrance? We were followed around by some sasaengs awhile ago when we arrived here and I was hoping we could make a quiet exit. It would really mean so much to us cause we really liked it here and personally, I want to come back but I won’t be able to if the sasaeng found out where we hang out usually.” I gave her a sheepish and apologetic smile which did the trick as expected. She bashfully nodded her head at us and murmured about fixing our bill as well as asking permission to her boss to use the backdoor from the kitchens for the three of us before going down the main floor to do so. 

I turned up the collar of my coat to ward off the cold and adjusted my scarf as we stepped out of aA Design Museum. Top was the next one who stepped outside the backdoor of the café as I scanned the area, trying to spot Norah and Sehun. “Did you see them?” He asked me when he reached my side, hands buried deep in his coat pockets and the scarf wrapped around his neck muffling his voice. “I did. I saw them walk towards the shops. Where’s Maknae?” I replied to Top with a sideways glance. “Over there. Still flirting with the poor waitress.” Top muttered under his breath while I glanced behind us to see what Seungri was up to. As Top mentioned, Maknae was flirting shamelessly with the waitress who offered to help us out. By the time Seungri flashed the poor girl his infamous half smirk, my patience was already wearing thin. “Yah, Maknae! Hurry up!” I called out to him, my annoyance evident in my tone which he thankfully caught on. Seungri hurriedly finished saying his goodbye to the waitress before he caught up to us, scowling at me for disrupting his chance to pick up another girl. “You could have given me a minute or two you know. I was so close to getting her number.” He mumbled to me as we started walking towards where I noticed Sehun and Norah were headed. “Sure. Keep telling yourself that.” I retorted to him, grinning at the scowl he directed my way while we started walking towards Norah and Sehun’s direction. He muttered something behind my back that sounded like, “Just because you can’t date -” 

What?” I asked him, facing him abruptly which caught Maknae off guard. He was opening and closing his mouth in uncertainty while eyeing someone over my shoulder. “Nothing. I didn’t say anything?” Seungri finally replied after awhile, his statement ending as a question instead. I simply raised one of my eyebrows to show my disbelief and turned to face the direction we’re heading towards, only to see Top mouthing something in front of me. “Hyung, do you want to say something?” I asked the older Big Bang member mock - politely with a fake smile gracing my features. He blinked at me and tried to pull out his innocent and clueless act on me, pretending that he has no idea what I was talking about in the first place which I did not buy at all. “You two are unbelievable.” I told them frankly before resuming our task of following Norah around while she’s on a date with Sehun. I didn’t wait to see if the two of them would follow me but the hurried whispers behind me clued me in already that they were following me.  

Finally, Seungri and Top caught up to me and started walking beside me as we tried to look for any sign of Sehun and Norah. It was Seungri who finally spotted them, walking together with Norah’s arm interlocked with Sehun's as they picked up their conversation from when they left the aA Design Museum Cafe. We made sure to stay as far away from them while having a good view of Norah and Sehun as much as possible. “Do you think they’ll head to the main road?” Seungri asked me curiously, eyeing Sehun and Norah who were completely immersed in their conversation to notice anything, like three suspicious looking men trailing behind them with scarves wrapped around their necks, and sunglasses as well as caps covering their faces. “Doubt it. Even at this hour, there’s too much risk in being spotted by a fan from the main road.” At this conclusion made by Top, I wondered to myself where on earth Sehun’s taking Norah for their date if he wasn’t planning on taking her to the main road. “Maybe we should use the car…” Seungri suggested, trailing off his sentence when we gave him a questioning look. “Why? She said that they’ll only be in Hongdae for the afternoon. I’m sure he won’t take her somewhere else.” I told him with a furrow of my brow at his wary expression. “I don’t know. But I have a feeling they’ll be leaving this area. Am I the only one who noticed that Sehun’s manager is missing?” He pointed out to us which Top and I quickly noted, cursing under our breaths at this news. “I’ll grab the pick up, it’s not too far from here. It’s a good thing they took their time walking from the cafe to here.” Top told us before taking off towards where Seungri parked the pick up truck we used as our stake out car. “. I hope Hyung gets here in time.” I muttered to Seungri while I glanced at Norah and Sehun who stopped walking, obviously waiting for the car that Sehun’s manager is driving. Soon, a black van pulled up in front of the two where Sehun ushered Norah in before climbing in himself. Just as the van started driving away, Top finally parked near Seungri and I. We quickly went inside the van and even before we closed the door, Top started driving once more to trail after the black van Norah is in. I tried looking for the seatbelt to buckle myself in but of course there’s no seatbelt in this car. “Next time, we’re taking my Bentley!” I called out to Seungri in annoyance over the noise the engine was making as we continued tailing after Norah. To our surprise, the drive didn’t take too long as well as the fact that we were still within Hongdae. 

Top suddenly pulled up and parked at a road before telling us to get off the car. “Hyung, where are we going? Sehun’s van is driving away from us!” Seungri asked Top in agitation as he looked between the older Big Bang member and the black that was disappearing from our sight. “Just get down from this piece of crap you call a car.” Top intoned to him exasperatedly. “Trust me, I know where he’s taking her.

I swear you take your roles too seriously sometimes. You sound like you’re in Taken.” Maknae retorted as he got down from the car. I snorted at the memory of Top being held at the airport for sporting a gun holster when I was already near where Top was waiting for us. “He has a point.” I grinned at the disgruntled look thrown my way by Top. Instead of maturely responding to Seungri’s jibe, Top decided to decrease his maturity (as well as my continuously diminishing respect for him) by mocking Seungri’s statement in a childish voice. “What are you?? Five?!” Top merely rolled his eyes at me and said, “Yeah, yeah. I figured out where he’s taking her and I think we’re in serious trouble if I’m right.

Why?” Seungri and I asked simultaneously.

That’s cause he’s taking her to Pollala Museum.” This statement was followed by blank looks from both Seungri and I. “And we’re supposed to worry about that why?” I replied to him finally, still not able to follow Top’s line of thought while he gave us an expectant look at the information he told us. “You’ll see for yourself, you uncultured swines.” He muttered in frustration. Top turned away from us and started marching towards the so called, “Pollala Museum” where Sehun is taking Norah for her date. “Hurry up!” He called over to his shoulder which prompted Seungri and I to fall in step behind him.      

We passed by several various shops until Top stopped in front of a sign that says, “Mania Recycle Shop”. I looked at him curiously and tried to look over his shoulder to see if he spotted Norah but she was nowhere to be seen. I looked at where his gaze was directed to but before I can comment to him that we’re in front of the wrong shop he set off once more but this time around to the opposite side of the street, where a bench is situated hidden in plain sight. Top sat down and crossed his legs while Seungri and I stood over him, eyeing the older man in curiosity and slight wariness. “I thought we were supposed to go to that museum you were talking about?” Seungri asked him pointedly. “We’re here already. The place is called Mania Recycle Shop too sometimes. Sit down or else Norah might spot us from inside the shop.” 

Ok, I know that Norah’s a frustrated environmentalist but how is taking her to a recycling shop anywhere near being a decent place for a date??” I asked Top in confusion as I sat down next to him. 

This question is something that I will regret in say, 3 seconds.

Top rarely talks a lot. Whenever he does, it’s usually to kid around or to just chat with someone. He rarely rants. Wait. Let me correct that. He never ever rants about anything unless it’s about things he loves and unfortunately for me, the store that we are currently eyeing right now is one of his favourite places to go to due to the fact that it is a hobbyists’ shop in the city. From vintage action figures to sci - fi posters, they have them and the reason why I know this is because Top has been going on and on about it for the past ten minutes. Starting from when he first encountered the shop until his last visit and purchase. 

How is this related to Norah and her date with Sehun?” Seungri cut off Top mid - rant about the Venom Bear Brick toy he purchased from the shop a few weeks ago. This question made Top throw a look of disbelief at Seungri who just mouthed, “What?” at him. “You do know that we’re talking about Norah right? What is one thing that Norah loves aside from fashion and books?

I don’t know.” Seungri muttered sullenly which made Top turn his gaze from Maknae to me. “Er - movies? TV Shows?” I answered hesitantly unsure of where he was going with this inquiry. “And what does that store sell?” Top prompted as if he was teaching a kindergarten student. “Toys? Posters? Action Figures… Oh .” My eyes widened when I pieced together what Top was trying to say. “Ok, sure. This might be something Norah would like but how are you sure he really took her here? I mean there are plenty of shops that they could’ve gone to.” I pointed out to Top which he just waved off. “If he wanted to buy her clothes, he could’ve gone to the main road or he could’ve taken her to Hongdae park. But he took her here in this part of Hongdae. I am positive that this is where he took her.” He replied to me confidently which as much as I wanted to, I cannot completely share with him since I still haven’t seen any signs of Norah nor Sehun (or even Sehun’s manager who most likely is tailing after them). Fortunately, we were proven wrong (and Top’s gut feeling correct) when we glimpsed a familiar ponytail bouncing as Norah went past the front window of the shop excitedly, with numerous unidentifiable objects encased in her arms. Top gave Seungri and I a look that screamed, “Told you so.” before he proclaimed to us that he’s getting us a drink in order to not look too inconspicuous. Seungri and I on the other hand remained where we were and observed the shop across from us while Top was gone. “Damn. Hyung’s right. Sehun’s already got Norah hooked after this, all he needs to do now is reel her in and make it official.” Seungri muttered to me dejectedly which I scowled at. “Oh come on, do you think she’s that shallow? That Norah’s already head over heels in love with this guy just cause he took her to some hobbyists’ shop in Hongdae?? You should give her some credit Maknae.

I’m not saying that Norah’s easily won over by those things! I’m saying that she’s won over by the nice gestures Sehun’s done for her. Their dates are enough to show that he at least listens to her and knows what she likes.” Seungri replied to me patiently. “Sure, it’s not a lot and they haven’t been on a lot of dates but Hyung that’s a really promising start.” To be honest I didn’t want to admit to Seungri that I was thinking along the same lines as he was because voicing it out that Sehun’s getting the upper hand is just too much for me to bear. I just made an indistinct noise in reply to his worried statement and faced the shop across from us to get another glimpse of Norah. 

It didn’t take long till Top arrived with our drinks and our previous commentary of Norah and Sehun’s date to resume. We were in the middle of an argument about what score Sehun was in already when we left the cafe when someone blocked my sight of Pollala Museum and Norah parading around the shop wearing Darth Vader’s helmet while brandishing what looks to be a replica of some sort of sword. Odd as this may sound it took me awhile to recognise the person in front of me even though it only took a second for me to muse to myself that the sequinned dress she was wearing was from the brand, Ashish. And it was no surprise that it was too late when my brain finally caught up to me since I was only able to exclaim, “NOONA!” to my older sister after she hit me upside the head as she scolded me. “Yah! Kwon Jiyong what will it take for you to so much as call me and Omma?! Busy my you over grown man child.” She growled at me while I nursed the welt that was forming at the side of my head from where she hit me. 

Of all the days that I would finally see my sister face to face, it had to be this day?

Fan - ing - tastic.



Hello to all of you!

I know that it's been awhile since I last updated. In fact, I think it was more than five months ago since I last updated. That's why I really wanted to apologize for those who waited for the next update. I also want to thank you for waiting for it :) it means a lot to me. 

To be honest, aside from my classes as a senior in college, my writer's block was also the reason why I haven't updated recently. It was actually quite difficult for me to write the rest of this chapter, that's why it took me such a long time t complete it. I hope that what I'm posting makes up for it as well as the following ones. Don't worry, the story's about to end but I'm not yet sure how many chapters it will take for me to complete everything.

Anyway, thank you again so much and I hope you enjoy :D you guys are golden!!!

- Rexie Fauliks


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DoRayMe #1
Chapter 64: Yay I was so happy to see this update!!!
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 64: I'm really enjoying this story :)
DoRayMe #3
Chapter 63: Please update soon. I just read the whole thing and loved it!!!!
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 62: Yay, you updated. So happy!! Going to read it from the start again. :)
MsAverage #5
Chapter 60: So happy that you are back. This was a really fun chapter to read. Thankyou for this chapter and super excited to read the next chapter.
I check this fic for an update everytime I get a chance to go on AFF. Like, I just literally type in "YG AUDITIONS" the moment I log in. Still patiently waiting for an update Author-nim. Figthting. NORAH FTW! SARANGHAE.! *\(^o^)/*