Chapter 53: Always

YG Auditions




The first thing that registered in my head as soon as I opened my eyes was the fact that it was dark. After that, I noticed the weird and odd blaring noise near me that woke me up from my sleep nap. I shut my eyes tightly in annoyance before reaching my hand out from where it rested in my stomach, towards the coffee table in front of me where my phone was vibrating incessantly as well as blaring that eerily familiar yet annoying sound. “For ’s sake.” I grumbled to myself when I finally got a hold of the phone in my hand. I scrubbed my face in agitation before revealing to myself what was the reason behind why my phone is still making such a ruckus at this ungodly hour in the morning. However, the name and photo that flashed on my screen to alert me of a phone call, had me sitting up straight from the couch where I was fast asleep taking a nap on.

The name, Tank Girl (Norah Spencer) greeted my face along with a photo of Norah making a weird face at me. I furrowed my brow in confusion as I answered the call and answered it hesitantly. “Hello? Norah?”

“Uhm, hello Jiyong Oppa.” Norah muttered in reply to me bashfully, with her voice coming off as something like an echo. “Uh, well… it’s just that, ehrm did I wake you up?” Instead of answering her, I asked her regarding how her voice comes off like an echo to me as she talked. “Oh, that’s cause I’m in a bathtub.” She said simply in reply. I flopped back against the cushion of my couch and covered my eyes with my free arm as I asked my trainee why the hell she was in a bathtub at 4 in the morning. “That’s cause CL would murder me if I wake her up again for the nth time while making a phone call. You know how she gets when she’s woken up abruptly from her sleep.” She replied to me sullenly, accompanied by a pout as I’m sure. “Shouldn’t you be asleep as well? I got a message from Seungho that you wrapped up the first shoot pretty late.” I asked her, trying to in vain to suppress my yawn. Thankfully, Norah didn’t notice my yawn as she replied to me, “I couldn’t sleep. I needed to talk to someone.”

I know it’s lame, but after hearing her say this I can’t wipe the grin off of my face. Her words kept repeating like a broken record in my head until she ruined it by informing me after a few beats, “I tried calling Charlie awhile ago but she told me to off cause she was writing a term paper. She said she’ll deal with my fashion fangirling as soon as she finished writing a paper regarding Chinua Achebe. And since CL nearly tossed me out of our hotel window when I tried waking her up to talk about what happened today, I decided on trying my luck and see if you’re awake so I can talk to someone. Were YOU asleep?” I guess that makes me the rebound guy of the rebound girl (CL) when the person Norah wants to talk to wasn’t available. I internally sighed at this but lied to Norah instead of making her feel guilty about waking me up in the middle of my nap. “No, I was up. You just caught me by surprise. I didn’t expect anyone to call me this late. What’s up? You said you wanted to talk to someone about what happened today? Did something bad happen?”

It took her awhile to reply and I grinned when I heard her snorting in laughter at the other end. “I shook my head when I answered your reply, then I remembered you couldn’t see me.” Another round of snorting and suppressed laughter. “No, nothing bad happened. It’s actually the opposite. It was brilliant. I guess, I just really need to let it out. I still can’t believe what happened.” From amused, her voice took a note of wonder as she confessed to me on why she rang me at such a late hour. “Tell me what happened.” I told her with a smile then biting my lip to suppress my own laughter when she asked in warning, “You sure? I’m not going to go easy on you. I’m going on full blast fangirl here. You might here whale sounds later instead of the English language and I’m afraid international calls doesn’t provide subtitles for that.”

“Spencer, you disrupted my sleep-” Norah cut me off by wailing indignantly, “YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE AWAKE, YOU PRICK!”

“I lied. I was totally dead to the world until that freaky ringtone woke me up. What the hell was that anyway? I don’t even recall having that as your ringtone anyway.” I asked her curiously, piecing together in my head that it was probably Norah behind the weird noise that’s registered as her ringtone in my phone. She made a fake gasp and told me off for even remotely not recognizing her ringtone. “It’s like the only sound that should be registered in your head cause it will alert you when the Doctor’s about to arrive. That’s like common sense.” I rolled my eyes at her mock indignant tone. “Sorry, I cut the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the Starfleet Academy when Professor Holmes discussed that particular topic. I kind of zoned out right after he mentioned the history on hobbits before talking about that.” I said to her sarcastically, smirking smugly to myself as I pictured her scowling at me while huddled inside the tub in her hotel room with CL and Minzy. “Now that’s just being mean. That’s a low blow Oppa.” When she refused to talk after that, probably sulking at my teasing, I tried apologizing at my trainee solemnly. Tried being the key word here. At my third attempt at apologizing without snorting in laughter, Norah finally gave up on me with a huff and said, “For your information, Sherlock Holmes did not teach DADA at Starfleet Academy. He taught bee keeping. Ji get your facts straight please.”

“Just get on with it Spencer. I have work in a few hours.” I retorted with a roll of my eyes despite the fact that I’m grinning at our banter. “Fiiiiinnnnneeeee. Well, I don’t know how to really start but it’s just I really want to share with someone how surreal this experience was. I guess it was perfect that I got to talk to you instead of Charlie or CL. I don’t think they’ll really get how it’s such a big deal for me. Maybe CL, but she’s too far gone in her sleep to even have a decent conversation with.”

“Maybe you should’ve waited till, I don’t know, next morning? Maybe then Charlie would be free to talk to you, or CL nor the other girls from 2ne1, won’t have homicidal tendencies due to lack of sleep.” I told her off handedly which she scoffed at. “Please. IF I did wait till tomorrow morning, Charlie would be either out, getting pissed, or sleeping as a form of celebration for finishing her term paper. And as much as I love CL, we don’t really understand each other when I speak fangirl.” I tried giving CL and Charlie the benefit of the doubt, however Norah easily pointed out to me the fact that Charlie has zero knowledge and interest when it comes to fashion (“She wears her younger brother’s shirt whenever she goes out. A shirt he wore when he was like what? 15. No. Charlie won’t get it.”) and the fact that the last time she spazzed out at CL, the 2ne1 leader just smiled at her awkwardly, unsure of how to react. “I know CL’s passionate about fashion as well, it’s just she doesn’t speak fangirl.” At this, I didn’t know whether I should be offended or feel as if she complimented me. “And you’re saying I do?” I asked her dubiously. “Well, not really. I don’t know.” She told me shyly. “I don’t know why I called you. I was looking through my contacts and your name came up and I just pressed dial. I suppose, it’s because you’re so easy to talk to. Is it weird that I’m realizing just now the reason why you’re easy to talk to is because I talk to you probably on a daily basis?”

I rolled over, so that I’d be lying on my stomach while switching my phone to my left ear as I got comfortable on my couch. “No, that’s cause we DO talk on a daily basis. Not only do we work in the same place, we also live in the same building. And I’m glad that I’m your third go – to person when you want to talk about something.” I bit my lip after this, waiting with bated breath at what Norah will say in return. “You’re my third go – to guy when I want to talk to someone.” She repeated to me slowly before silence engulfed the two of us. “Norah?” I called out to her when she didn’t speak for awhile which she answered to, in a heartbeat as if I shook her out of a trance from the other end of the line. “Sorry, zoned out a bit.”

“You really should sleep.” I said in concern, especially since she came back from working late as a part – time stylist for 2ne1’s shoot. “No, I’m ok. I’ll sleep as soon as I let this out of my chest, yeah?” Norah told me as a deal. “Fine, but after this, sleep ok?” I agreed to her, which was followed by her affirmative and then her narration of how her day went.

As I listened to her talk about meeting not only Jeremy Scott and Mademoiselle Yulia for this shoot but other known people from the fashion industry, I pictured Norah huddled inside the bathtub in her hotel room. She would probably be in her ratty sleepwear with her hair messily tied back. I’d murmur every now and then to show her that I’m still listening, even if I have my eyes closed with my phone pressed lightly against my ear. I’d smile lightly whenever she made an odd noise to react to something she’d tell me about something exciting that happened or smirk when she would mention an embarrassing moment that she had, likr upon realizing who the photographer of the shoot is (“I wanted to hit myself when I told Sen ing Mitsuji who apparently was the photographer of the shoot to wear the clothes laid out for him by the stylists cause I thought he was one of the male models. It was so embarrassing when he took out his camera and settled himself in front of Dara Unnie instead of following my request.”).

Even if I felt tired for being woken up from the only decent sleep I’d get for the following days, I still egged Norah on to tell me the smallest details of how her day went and how she felt during the first day of her first official photo shoot as a part time stylist. I still allowed her to keep me awake even if my watch read, 5:45 AM. I wanted to hear how her day went. I wanted to share her enthusiasm at what she did because I understand how she feels. Even if it was totally two different things, her feelings on being able to style CL and Minzy by herself for a shoot as huge as this, is to me the same as the feeling I get after composing a song I worked on tirelessly. Throughout her conversation, this passed through my head and the fact that I wanted to be the first person she would talk to when something happens in her life. I wanted to be the first thing that comes to her mind when something, no matter how small or insignificant it is, happens to her. I don’t mind if she’d keep me awake in the wee hours of the morning to do this. I’d still listen to her and be there for her to share the stories with.

Unfortunately, I woke up for the second time that day with the horrible realization that I accidentally slept on her mid – conversation. I sat up abruptly from the couch, to see Seungri step out of the kitchen with a mug of coffee and my two dogs trotting behind him eyeing the bread lodged precariously in his mouth. “Hyung, did you sleep there the entire night?” He questioned me as he took a bite from the bread in his mouth before raising the mug of coffee in his other hand for a sip. I ran a hand through my hair as I looked around for my phone since it wasn’t where it was when I woke up. When I spotted it a few inches away from the couch on the floor, I hurriedly picked it up and unlocked my phone. I grimaced at seeing my home screen and a notification button blaring bright red right next to the icon for Kakao Talk. Positive that it was Norah, I opened the app and sure enough a lengthy message was left for me by my trainee.



Norah Spencer            6:08

Do you know how embarrassing it is to discover that the guy you were talking to was apparently asleep already despite the fact that you’ve been prattling on and on about shoes to him for several minutes?

Oh, yes. You slept on me Jiyong Oppa. Because of that, you owe me. I don’t know yet if you should treat me to lunch or I should make you do something really humiliating as payback. What’d you think? ^^

But in all seriousness, I know how tired you must have been. I’m sorry for keeping you up all night/ morning. You don’t know how much it means to me that you would bother to stay awake just to listen to me go on and on about what I did. Thank you. I still feel weird about all that’s happening but oddly enough I hope that it doesn’t go away. Weird right? I guess because I don’t want for the excitement I feel whenever I do anything related to fashion to disappear ever. Anyway, I’m going off topic here. Really, thank you so much Oppa!

P.S. I just realized that my brother would probably kill me when he sees my phonebill since, I did call you using my phone and it was an international call too. it yeah? Hahaha

P.P.S. Thank you for being my go – to guy for the night :D next time if you want to rant about anything, I’m just a doorbell/text/call/skype away lol just to return the favor. And also, please sleep! You need it :)


I looked up from the message, sporting a huge smile on my face which Seungri looked at oddly, above the rim of his mug. “Isn’t it a lovely morning maknae?” I asked him jovially as I stood up from the couch to head to my room for fresh change of clothes before taking my morning shower. “Uhm. Sure.” He replied hesitantly, eyeing my cheery behavior suspiciously. I shrugged at him and whistled as I opened my room to grab what I need. However, I popped open the door of my room to peer outside once more, “Yah, Seungri! Do you want to pick up Norah from the airport when she goes back home from Japan? She owes me a meal.”

“What? Hyung you’re being weird this morning. Usually when you wake up, you look like you want to beat up the face of anyone you encounter.” Seungri pointed out to me warily. “But this morning, you’re just… perky.” A pause and then an exaggerated gasp. “Hyung, are you high?” I glared at him and had an urge to grab the nearest thing within reach to hurl at his head, however I maintained my composure and instead bit out to him between gritted teeth. “No. I am not high. Can’t a guy wake up from a good night’s rest in a good mood? And here I was planning on treating you to breakfast outside this morning. Tsk.”

”Wait. What? You were going to buy me breakfast?!?! NO!!! HYUNG I MEANT IT’S TOTALLY GREAT THAT YOU’RE HIGH! IT’S CAUSE YOU’RE.. YOU’RE HIGH.. LIKE… LIKE.. LIKE A G6! That’s cause you’re so cool….” His voice died down when I stepped out of my room with my clothes and toiletries, glaring at his hunched form in our couch. “It’s fly like a G6, you idiot. Ugh. I am not letting you ruin my morning.” I tuned out Seungri’s whine as I closed the door of the bathroom after I stepped inside, bringing out my phone to message Norah back in peace. Grinning stupidly to myself, I began typing my reply to her message.




Sorry, it’s not my fault you’re a bore. I’m just kidding! But it’s totally fine. I didn’t mind. I’m sorry I fell asleep, I didn’t mean to do it.

Are you kidding me? It’s you who owe me. You better treat me to lunch Spencer. ^^

Ely Hyung’s going to kill you hahaha good luck, may your brother not assassinate you. Maybe you can call your Doctor Who to save your this time?? XD

Of course, any time. And it’s fine. I really don’t mind. I’m here for you always when you need to talk to someone. I will if you do as well. You really should take some rest as well. Your sleeping habit is beginning to make me and the others worry. How can you function after two hours of sleep? That is inhuman. 

See you soon Norah :)



Hello there :)

It's another update for you. To make up for the last update I did. I hope you like this one. I really tried to make it as fluffy as possible. It will be Norah's POV next or in the following chapter :D thank you guys so much for reading my story, you don't know how much that means to me. I would love to hear what you think and you guys are golden! 

Also, I'd like to ask whose heart was broken after seeing Ji's MV Crooked? Because mine did. Over and over again after seeing it over and over again. I just wanted to stuff him inside his bed and pamper him with ice cream and movie marathons HUHUHU ;_____;


- Rexiefauliks

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DoRayMe #1
Chapter 64: Yay I was so happy to see this update!!!
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 64: I'm really enjoying this story :)
DoRayMe #3
Chapter 63: Please update soon. I just read the whole thing and loved it!!!!
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 62: Yay, you updated. So happy!! Going to read it from the start again. :)
MsAverage #5
Chapter 60: So happy that you are back. This was a really fun chapter to read. Thankyou for this chapter and super excited to read the next chapter.
I check this fic for an update everytime I get a chance to go on AFF. Like, I just literally type in "YG AUDITIONS" the moment I log in. Still patiently waiting for an update Author-nim. Figthting. NORAH FTW! SARANGHAE.! *\(^o^)/*