Chapter 40: Kwonzilla

YG Auditions

I switched on my left signal as soon as the traffic light turned green. I was currently driving when I called Ji Eun Noona to ask about Norah who has been missing for a few hours already. She was out right now looking for clothes that Daesung will be using for his promotions and to look into clothes that Top Hyung and I will use for our own comeback. Scrolling through my phone’s contacts I clicked on Noona’s number and waited for her to pick up the call as I glanced at my side mirror before I switched lanes. Before Noona could greet me, I hastily asked her, “Noona is Norah with you?” Her confused reply left me cussing internally. “No? . She hasn’t turned up for any of her training today and we can’t find her anywhere.” I added when Ji Eun Noona asked why I was looking for Norah. I made my car come to a stop when the traffic light turned red. “Jiyong – ah, have you tried calling her?” Noona asked me, worry lacing through her voice not unlike mine. “She isn’t answering her phone whenever I call her. It goes straight to the voice mail. I can’t call her apartment to check if she’s there since she doesn’t have a phone there. Norah doesn’t think it’s necessary for her to have one since she already has her mobile phone here in Korea.” I explained to Ji Eun Noona in frustration as I continued driving. “I don’t know where she could’ve gone but I’m heading to her apartment right now to see if she’s there. Please contact me if Norah turned up at the office Noona.” I added before Noona and I ended the phone call. I stuffed my phone at my pocket after this and focused on my driving. Where could she have gone? I was getting worried already considering it wasn’t an uncommon knowledge of Norah’s poor direction skills. What if she rode the wrong bus? I ran a hand through my hair as I mulled these thoughts over. I just hope that she IS in her apartment right now. I don’t know where else to look if she’s not there. Thankfully, the ride from the office back to our apartment building isn’t that long and I was soon approaching the curb in front of our apartment building. A familiar figure was standing by the curb in front of our building with two tall men towering over her and I narrowed my eyes to see the figure better. I wasn’t sure at first but when my car went nearer, I’m positive that the girl is Norah especially since she was wearing the same thing she did when I saw her back at YG. My eyebrows furrowed when it registered in my head that she wasn’t alone and that the two guys she was with looks shady considering they were wearing baseball caps and sunglasses. I quickly parked my car and got off to approach Norah who still hasn’t noticed my presence until one of the guys nodded their heads in my direction. She unwillingly looked behind her and winced visibly when she caught sight of me. In my confusion and worry I started scolding Norah on the spot especially when the guilty look she was sporting wasn’t helping any of my frantic thoughts. “Do you know how many people are looking for you right now? Where have you been all this time? And why did you not pick up any of my calls?”


She looked down at her feet and mumbled something incoherently and it was frustrating me even more when I can’t get a straight answer from her. “Yah! Norah Clarisse Anne Spencer!” That certainly startled her, which caused her eyes to meet mine briefly before looking down at the ground once more. I glanced behind her to see the two guys gaping at me and I frowned at this. “I’m sorry, but is there something you need from Norah?” I asked them and their hurried greeting to me accompanied by a deep bow surprised me. “G Dragon - ssi, annyeong haseoyo!” They told me at the same time before rising to their full height. My confusion at their reactions and their formal tone disappeared as they took off their sunglasses to reveal to me their faces.


Annyeong, Oh Sehun imnida.” The taller of the two said followed by, “I am the maknae of EXO K.” After him, the man next to him greeted me and said, “Annyeong, Lu Han imnida. I’m from EXO M.” Norah was already squirming beside me before I gave her a questioning glance. What the hell is going on here? Not to appear rude, I also bowed to them in greeting and formally introduced myself. “Annyeong haseoyo, Kwon Jiyong imnida.” I awkwardly offered my hand to them and they shook hands with me with a bow. Norah, who was watching this exchange apprehensively, stepped up and informed the two boys why she knows me as an explanation of my sudden appearance, seeing as the two members of EXO were looking at the two of us curiously. “Lulu,” She started which I raised my eyebrows at. Lulu? Since when did Norah know anyone from EXO to the point where she gives one of them nicknames? “Sehun Oppa, Jiyong – ssi is a colleague of mine. I’m a trainee in YG Entertainment you see that’s why we know each other.” This is just confusing me, isn’t Oh Sehun younger than Norah and what’s with the Jiyong – ssi business? Lu Han and Sehun’s mouths dropped open at this and Lu Han quickly asked, “Really? How long have you been a trainee?”


“I’ve only started my training recently.” She answered bashfully, tucking a stray lock of her hair behind her ear. “Don’t look at me like that! It’s not like I’m debuting soon!” She grinned at them in amusement when they still can’t seem to comprehend this bit of news and I don’t know why but I commented under my breath, “With your attitude right now, you’re definitely not going to debut any time soon.” I didn’t think she’d hear this but she visibly stiffened beside me and I wanted to hit myself when I saw her shifting away from me, trying to mask her hurt expression from the two boys. She coughed before addressing the two boys once more, “Lulu, Sehun Oppa thank you for giving me a ride. I’ll take a rain check for now about that bubble tea you were recommending me. I’ll just text you yeah?”


“Hmm, it’s ok. Let’s meet some other time.” Sehun replied to her with a smile not minding the abrupt change of topic. “But what about your groceries?” He threw a sideways glance at me before continuing. “We can help you bring them up if you want. I don’t think you can carry them all on your own.” I narrowed my eyes at him. What groceries is he talking about? I opened my mouth to ask just that but Norah cut me off, stepping in between the two members of EXO and me to talk to them. I glared at her back as she said, “Sehun Oppa it’s fine. I’ll just ask help from my doorman. Look I’m texting him right now.” He nodded in reply and nudged Lu Han who was looking at me instead of Norah. Lu Han being shaken from his thoughts looked at Sehun in question and the younger of the two pointed at a car parked nearby. “Oh right. The groceries! We’ll just unload your shopping Norah.” Lu Han told Norah with a grin before dragging Sehun by the arm, bounding towards their car muttering something about tough luck to the younger EXO member. “Norah, did you go grocery shopping? You could’ve told me so a while ago if you were planning on going to the supermarket. You missed an entire day of training because of this. You made Hyung and Bom Noona wait for nothing and you know they’re both busy right now.” I sighed exasperatedly as I shook my head at her but silence was her only response to my reprimanding. “Norah?” She didn’t even react and I saw her peeling back the skin under her thumb in agitation. Her back was still turned to me, which didn’t really help at all. Why was she ignoring me? Was she mad at me? I ran my hand through my hair again when our doorman came out of the apartment building and approached Norah sporting an affectionate smile on his face, “Miss Spencer, you said you needed help?” He asked her curiously and then he noticed me standing behind her and he greeted me. “Jiyong – ssi I didn’t notice you there. Are you both just coming in from the office?” I shook my head, “No, I saw Norah just now.” He nodded and asked Norah once more what she needed help in. While they were busy talking, I stepped up next to Norah trying to catch her attention as soon as she finished explaining to our doorman why she asked for his help. However Norah continued ignoring me, to the point of opening her phone to text someone as we waited for Sehun and Lu Han to arrive with her so called groceries. “Norah, we have to talk.” I told her solemnly trying to catch her attention once more.






I was seriously contemplating on snatching her phone away when Sehun and Lu Han came back, lugging around numerous bags b with food and the like. “Mr. Lee, can you help me get my shopping from Lulu and Sehun Oppa.” Norah said, looking up from her phone to approach the two boys to grab her shopping. I was about to step in and help out as well when she blocked my way and passed some of the bags to Mr. Lee who was giving me a sympathetic look. “Norah, let me…”


“Lulu, Sehun Oppa I’ll see you soon. I have to go already sorry. Don’t be a stranger! Drop by when you come visit Kibum ok?” She told them cutting me off as I offered her my help. Lu Han and Sehun agreed at her hesitantly but not before giving her a questioning look. She just smiled at them and bid goodbye once more before trudging back to our apartment building carrying half of her shopping. I looked back at the two boys and noticed Sehun doing the same, his eyes riveted on Norah’s back and I frowned at this. How long has Norah known those two and why didn’t I know about it? Instead of dwelling too much on this thought, I jogged towards Norah intending to take the grocery bags from her but when my hand grazed hers, she jerked back away from me and doubled her pace towards the elevator. “Norah those are too heavy, at least let me help carry your grocery shopping back to your place.” But my offer was turned down once more when she still blatantly ignored me. Her silence was frustrating me already because I want to understand why she decided to do her shopping today of all days with members of EXO of all people but her silence wasn’t really making things easier for me. I think that’s why when we reached the elevator and its door closed behind us I exploded, firing questions after another like a gun.


“Where you in the supermarket the entire time you were not at YG?”

“Why were you with Lu Han – ssi and Sehun – ssi from EXO?”

“Did they accompany you awhile ago?”

“Was it one of them who called you awhile ago?”

“Since when did you know Lu Han – ssi and Sehun – ssi?”

“Is someone important visiting you that’s why you needed to do your grocery shopping as soon as possible?”


My questions kept coming out but none of them were answered. My confusion increased furthermore in fact when Norah lead us to my apartment instead of hers. She opened the door without even bothering to ask permission from me and instructed Mr. Lee to place the grocery bags at my kitchen. I went inside my own place hesitantly as I observed her sift through her shopping and asked her more questions this time as to why she was leaving her grocery on my floor instead of hers. She stood up from her crouched position and offered Mr. Lee a few snacks that she bought as a way to thank him for his help and he smiled at her fondly before leaving us. “It would be nice if you answered any of my questions you know. Your silence isn’t really helping me understand you right now.” I commented to her sourly with a cross of my arms. Her eyes finally met mine and it was filled with a mixture of emotions that it threw me off guard for a bit. She sighed and spoke to me for the first time since our encounter downstairs. “I’ll grab my portion of the grocery later. It’s not that much but the rest of the grocery is yours. I’m sorry I missed training. I’ll apologize to my trainers tomorrow as well as Sajangnim. It won’t happen again Jiyong – ssi.” Norah nodded slightly and pursed her lips before bowing to me and leaving my apartment quietly. It took me some time to grasp her words and if I thought her explanation would help me understand I was unfortunately mistaken. It only left me even more confused. The rest of the grocery is mine? Does that mean she went grocery shopping for… me? But why? It’s not like I asked her to do so. I approached my kitchen slowly and sat down at one of the high chairs when the phone suddenly rang. My ears perked up and I glanced at the cordless phone at my living room.

“Norah! Did you get to do it? Oppa owes…. Norah?” Seungri’s voice suddenly erupted from the other line happily but my lack of a response must have clued him on the fact that it’s not Norah he’s talking to. He laughed awkwardly and coughed to try and cover up his slip of tongue. If I find out that he’s the reason behind why Norah missed training I will skin him alive when he gets back from Japan. “Hyung is that you?” He greeted me cheerfully but I already managed to put the pieces together and figure out why Norah went out to do her shopping today and miss an entire day’s worth of training as well as why she did it secretively without maknae explaining. His greeting gave him away since I know by heart when Seungri is genuinely happy to hear from you and when he’s using his fake cheerful tone to make him seem innocent of whatever trouble he caused. “You will pay back Norah every ing cent you made her spend on our grocery. And you will clean after Gaho and Jolie for a month starting when you get back.” I growled at him in annoyance as a reply to his inquiry. “I won’t tell sajangnim about this because I’m positive Norah will also be scolded even though she’s only doing a favor for you but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook maknae. I… you –“ I growled once more and started pacing back and forth in my living room. I was trying to voice out my frustration at him but I can’t seem to come up with the right words to express it to him. I settled with blaming him for everything that happened this afternoon especially as to why Norah isn’t talking to me anymore. If he didn’t ask her to do what he was supposed to do when he was here, Norah wouldn’t have missed training and I wouldn’t have scolded her and said those things to her. “What are you talking about Hyung? What do you mean she’s not talking to you? What did you do?” He demanded at me quickly. Apparently I ranted this all to him without thinking and my voice faltered when he demanded to know what I said to Norah to cause her to forego conversing with me currently. “Nothing. That’s not the point. The point is if you just did your end of our chores we won’t be in this predicament. I swear when you get here you will really get it from me. Wait until I come up with a decent punishment for –


Hyung please don’t tell me that you made some snarky comment about her progress in training.” Seungri suddenly asked me interrupting me mid – rant. The few seconds that I failed to reply to him was answer enough for him apparently as he groaned on the other line. “You did, didn’t you? She missed one day of training and you went all Kwonzilla on her.


I didn’t go Kwonzilla on her! I just…” I retorted but I couldn’t tell him what I actually told Norah because it was worse than scolding her within an inch of her life for missing a day of training. “You just what?” He replied with a scoff. “I bet you told her the same argument you used on her when you were fighting about her getting that part time position. About her being behind all the trainees or some like that.


For your information I never told her that she was behind any of the trainees.” I snapped at him. “I told her that it wasn’t the right time for that and that she should focus on her training for now. And no, I didn’t say that to her today either.


Then what?” Seungri asked me in a challenging tone. “What did you tell her that made her not want to talk to you? And Jiyong Hyung I won’t let this go. I will stay on the line until you tell me what you did.” A threat that I know by experience he will in fact do if I don’t confess already. Seungri is many things and stubborn is one of them. Protective as well. I sighed. I might as well tell him since Sajangnim will fry our asses if he fails to promote properly in Japan because of him missing any of his rehearsals because he won’t put down the phone. “I said that with her attitude right now, she won’t be debuting any time soon.” Seungri spluttered in indignation at the other line. “What attitude are you talking about? This is the first time that Norah missed her training. And alright, she might arrive late to her schedule far too many times but she tries her best in all that we throw her way. She isn’t the best but that doesn’t mean she’s the worst either.

I know, I know.” I told him in surrender. “I didn’t mean to. It was just some stupid comment I was telling myself. I didn’t know she heard it but she did. I’m sorry ok?


I don’t think I should be the on you’re apologizing too.” Seungri began his frustration with me evident in his voice. “You do know that she could’ve said no when I asked her to do this favor for me? But she did it nonetheless, not just for me but for you as well.


I ed up didn’t I?” I asked him in defeat. “You didn’t really up. When you up it means that there’s no way to solve the problem, but you do. It’s called apologizing and admitting of how much a prick you were at that moment to Norah. And it starts with you ending this phone call and knocking on her door.


Yo yo yiggidy yo :D I'm back with an update. I hope you like it. Thank you for reading and subscribing! I'd love to hear what you think so comments are accepted with open arms hahaha THANK YOU AGAIN :) Also! CONGRATULATIONS TO BIGBANG FOR THE MANY AWARDS THEY RECEIVED IN MAMA :) They deserve all of it. 


Wasn't their performance just amazing? Never knew Crayon and Fantastic Baby would go so well together ahaha, then again GD was DJing it XD


- Rexiefauliks

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DoRayMe #1
Chapter 64: Yay I was so happy to see this update!!!
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 64: I'm really enjoying this story :)
DoRayMe #3
Chapter 63: Please update soon. I just read the whole thing and loved it!!!!
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 62: Yay, you updated. So happy!! Going to read it from the start again. :)
MsAverage #5
Chapter 60: So happy that you are back. This was a really fun chapter to read. Thankyou for this chapter and super excited to read the next chapter.
I check this fic for an update everytime I get a chance to go on AFF. Like, I just literally type in "YG AUDITIONS" the moment I log in. Still patiently waiting for an update Author-nim. Figthting. NORAH FTW! SARANGHAE.! *\(^o^)/*