Chapter 35: Mr. Spencer

YG Auditions















I was panting and sweating profusely. My heels were clicking harshly against the tiled floors of YG as I ran the office’s corridors with all my might. “Argh!” I growled to myself when my skirt hiked up my thighs yet again while I ran in five inch heels. “What was I thinking?” I muttered sullenly to myself as I pushed down my skirt for the umpteenth time without faltering in my running. Today is definitely not the right time to be wearing a knee length dress as well as five inch heels but what can I do? I really had no choice since I want to impress someone.


I caught a glimpse of the opened doors of the cafeteria of YGE and my thoughts focused on nearing the cafeteria as soon as possible, which is why I doubled my pace as I got nearer to the entrance. I can’t afford to lose more time. CL’s call awhile ago, warning me about his sudden appearance at the company’s  cafeteria with Boss and Seungri (who was most likely tagging along Boss as he gave the tour of the company), nearly caused me to trip over my pile of books due to shock and horror. I was finishing cleaning my apartment when that happened and thankfully I managed to catch myself just in time before my face planted itself to my apartment’s hardwood floors. “He’s what?!?!” I cried in horror, my mind already working over time, thinking of all the ways HE could possibly make my life a living hell by just appearing in YG even during the few minutes I wasn’t there. I shuddered at the thought of all the humiliating things he could tell my friends and seniors.



The noise my heels were making as I ran caused most of the people in the cafeteria to glance my way making me halt in my steps awkwardly. To say that the surprised looks directed my way made me uncomfortable and embarrassed, is a complete understatement. I pushed back a few strands of my hair that escaped my high ponytail and fixed my outfit which seems to be the cause of surprise to some people. I heard someone murmur lowly in disbelief, “Is that Norah? In a dress?”

Noooo, it’s a sack for potatoes that I just thought of fashioning into a dress. What gave you that idea? This is soo not a dress.

I walked further inside the cafeteria, my eyes roaming for the familiar head of hair which is a mixture of gray, white and black hair. I spotted it at the long table at the far end of the room and I stopped once more when I saw who he was with. Is that… Jiyong Oppa? And CL? And Momma Bom? And Tablo Oppa? With Seungri Oppa who was chatting with the person I was looking for as if they were the best of friends since kindergarten. What are they all doing there? Don’t they have songs to record or something? I approached their table with some trepidation, ignoring the curious looks directed my way and addressed the man in questions hesitantly, “Daddy?”

The mug he was taking a sip from (most likely coffee) was slowly placed back on the table before he turned around to face me and despite the hassle and trouble I had to face just to get to YG in time before he does anything embarrassing, it didn’t matter to me anymore just by seeing the familiar face of my father. It all evaporated into thin air as I happily greeted him, “Daddy!” but my moment was ruined when he stopped me from throwing my arms around his neck to give him a hug. “Norah Clarisse Anne Spencer, did your mother and I not teach you anything about punctuality young lady?” He told me in a stern tone. I stood up straight and narrowed my eyes at him. My father and I haven’t seen each other in person for months and this is what he’s going to tell me when he finally sees me? “Did you oversleep again? What were you doing last night? Were you reading again? How many times have I told you to stop reading during the night, you know how you get with books. You have this odd attachment to books and you know you won’t let go of a book unless you’re through reading it.” He continued on and I glared at Jiyong Oppa who was nodding in agreement from his seat. “Daddy!” I cried in embarrassment and annoyance. This is so humiliating, being scolded by my own father in front of all my friends and seniors like a kid. “And stop with that Daddy non – sense of yours. What did I tell you to call me?” The glint in my Dad’s eyes was what clued me that he wasn’t entirely serious at his scolding and I pouted at him. He was doing one of his favorite past times again, making me cry and frustrated. Tsk.

“Well, Norah I’m waiting. How do you properly address me again?” My father looked at me expectantly and I had to expel the breath I was holding and sighed in exasperation. “Sorry…” I sighed again and forced the name out of my lips before uttering the two words that he makes me call him. “…. Señor Papa.” Silence consumed the table but after awhile I heard Seungri Oppa snort in amusement followed by chuckles of the others and my father finally opened his arms to hug me while I muttered sullenly at him, “Meanie.” as I sunk down in the bench next to him.

“What did I do?” My father replied defensively with a smirk on his face. “It isn’t my fault that you came in late. You’re lucky you didn’t break your neck while wearing those things.” The tone of his voice when he pointed out my five inch teal Mary Jane pumps wasn’t lost on me and I ignored his obvious disapproval of my shoes, preferring to remain mute about the subject. Bom Unnie however responded to my father’s comment on my choice of footwear with pride lacing through her voice, “Believe me Mr. Spencer, Norah doesn’t have any problem running in those. I’ve seen her run after the bus wearing something higher in fact.” I smirked at my Dad which quickly disappeared when I remembered the question I’ve been meaning to ask him since I arrived. “Papa, how did you get here? I thought your flight won’t arrive until this afternoon?” He stared at me before replying simply, “I lied.” My mouth fell open in shock and I simply gaped at my Dad as he continued explaining as if lying to his daughter was not something he found a hard task to do. Then again, Jiyong Oppa always tells me that I’m a fantastic liar, so I guess now I know where that certain talent came from. “I knew you would find a way to prevent me from visiting the place where you trained so I moved my flight and arrived earlier than I intended to. I informed Hyun Suk about this and he in turn gave me directions on how to get here as well as how to get inside. Did you really think that I won’t try and look into where you train on a daily basis and see for myself the people you work with?” At this, most of the occupants of the table looked uncomfortable, staring at my father apprehensively at his frank statement. “I know how you and Ely are. You cover up for each other, so don’t act all surprised when I don’t trust your brother’s word that you are doing fine here and that you made the right choice. I will be the judge for that.” I controlled my frustration by taking deep calming breaths but it turned out to be in vain when I hissed at my father in annoyance and embarrassment. “Papa! They may be my friends but they’re also my seniors. PLEASE don’t drag them into this.” He gave me this look that made me feel guilty (a trick that my Dad had perfected ever since I was a kid) all of a sudden which only worsened when he retorted back at me scathingly, “What did you expect me to do? You have been here for months and the only knowledge we get about how you were doing in your training is from your brother! We would get a call from you or a message but nothing that bears what really happens here in Korea. Your mother is beside herself with worry and I’m running out of bags to buy for her to keep her calm!”

“Dadd.. I mean Papa, I’m sorry.” I pushed a stray lock of hair behind my ear as I fiddled with the hem of my dress absent mindedly. “I just didn’t want you to think too much about it and I really do plan on telling you how it has been for me but I don’t know how to approach this topic with you. I know that you didn’t approve of it from the start and only relented after Mom and I convinced you. I thought that only glossing over my stay here would make you feel more comfortable with the idea that I’m training here and not anywhere near our home.” My Dad gave a long suffering sigh and rapped the back of my head with his hand. Instead of telling me how idiotic my reasoning was (to be honest apart from that reason, I just didn’t want to hear their lecture about how much I’m better off becoming a lawyer, instead of training to be a singer. I’m not even kidding) which I am positive is what most people occupying our table were thinking judging be the look of disbelief they are sporting, my father just asked me without beating around the bush, “So what time do you start your training? I want to see exactly what you do here in YG.” My Dad eyed me suspiciously. “You do have a schedule for that right? You don’t just come and go as you please right?” I was about to give out an indignant reply when Jiyong Oppa beat me to it. “Actually Mr. Spencer, I cleared out Norah’s schedule for today since you were coming over. I thought that it may give you plenty of time to spend with her while you’re here. I’ve already talked to her trainers about it and they agreed with me.” My Dad’s eyes landed on Jiyong Oppa and I had the urge to drag my father away from my manager before he says something horribly embarrassing like, “Hang on… I know you. You’re that boy in Norah’s outdated calendar that she refuses to throw out. She has it by her bedside table ever since she got it from her friend.” However instead he asked Jiyong Oppa, “Are you that boy Ely was telling me about… Norah’s manager, am I right?” I gave out a relieved sigh which Tablo Oppa and Bom Unnie caught since they were seated close to me. My two sunbaes smirked at me and quirked their eyebrows in an uncanny similar manner, obviously thinking about my fear of Jiyong Oppa finding out that I fancy him and finding it highly entertaining that the news would come from my father of all people. I gave them a pointed look and stuck out my tongue at them. “Real mature Norah.” Tablo Oppa commented wryly at me with a shake of his head.

“Yes, sir.” Jiyong Oppa replied with a cough, trying to get my attention to save him from my father’s scrutiny. I shrugged at him. I honestly have no idea where my Dad is going to take this and it’s not like he’s interrogating Jiyong Oppa because he’s courting me. NOW THAT would be a scene I’d worry about if I were him. Not that it’s going to happen. Why do I wonder why I’m single again? And why do I even bother wondering behind the reason why, when clearly the cause of my acceptance to spinsterhood is sitting right beside me. “From what Ely has told me you are a very responsible and trustworthy source of guidance for my daughter –“ Jiyong Oppa smiled shyly and sheepishly at the praise made by Ely to my father but I knew better. Wait for it… “- and now I know he was wrong.” I winced visibly when my father finally dropped the bomb. “I have seen my daughter and bonded with her for more than 20 years. That is more than enough for me. What I want to experience and know now is what she does while training. Now how am I supposed to do that when you cancel all her training for the day?” I hit my father’s arm in annoyance and growled. “He’s being NICE. He wanted me to spend time with YOU because he knew I missed you. He didn’t know that you would go thermonuclear on me and appear at YG unannounced when a normal human person WOULD give people a heads up.”

“If you missed me so much you would’ve used your iPhone the way it is supposed to instead of updating your Instagram account.” My father pointed out to me sounding matter of fact. “Anyway, would there be another way that we could uncancel your training? I really did want to see what you do here.” Momma Bom told my father apologetically, “I’m sorry Mr. Spencer but I have rehearsals of my own so I don’t think I can oversee her vocal training today. The same goes for Teddy who is also Norah’s voice coach.” My father nodded in understanding and mulled over this bit of news. He glanced at CL and Seungri and inquired if they were capable of serving as substitutes for the time being while Teddy Oppa and Momma Bom was out. “I’m sorry, I’m also rehearsing today with Bom Mr. Spencer and I don’t think I’m qualified to oversee her training. So is Seungri.” CL added hastily with a glare directed at Seungri Oppa who was most likely about to say that he’d love to train me. “Tablo Oppa can’t either.” I added when my father was now glancing around the table trying to find ANYONE who can oversee my training. Please no. Why can’t we just have a quiet lunch? FAR, FAR AWAY from YG where you can’t divulge embarrassing secrets about me. Especially concerning a certain person who is now busy calling people in his iPhone to help out my ungrateful father. “He has a charity event with Hye Jung Unnie later in the afternoon.”

“And how would you know that? Are you his secretary?” My father asked me with an eyebrow raised, finally catching up to my plan. “Actually..” Tablo Oppa started with a grin at me. “- Norah knows about this because she donated books for the event later. Norah heard about it from Hye Jung when she went by my studio to ask help for the piece Teddy gave to her as homework last week. And Hye Jung happened to be there as well talking to me about the event.” My father looked surprised at this bit of news as well as the others and I muttered defensively, “What? Why do you look so surprised?” glancing at all of them sullenly. “I told you, you have an odd attachment to books and it’s not surprising that people would be rendered speechless about the fact that you’d willingly give away books to donate to charity when normally no one can pry your hands away from them for long unless it’s really necessary.” My father explained with a sip of his coffee which the others agreed to heartily. I crossed my arms on top of the table and grumpily laid my head on top of it while glaring at CL and the others. “See if I do anything nice in the future again.” The mug that my father used was set in front of my face after this and I glanced up at him, only to see him giving a curious look to Jiyong Oppa. “What about you Jiyong?” Jiyong Oppa looked taken aback when my Dad addressed him once more. “Are you busy today? From what I heard from Ely you oversee the training of your trainees whenever you can despite the fact that you’re quite busy already. Do you think you could train Norah today?” It was quite obvious that my Dad was trying to rectify his harsh comment awhile ago directed at Jiyong Oppa who was grasping for words in order to be able to answer my Dad’s sudden question, his phone still pressed to his ear. CL straightened up from her seat and smiled at me downright maliciously an evil glint in her eyes, beating Jiyong Oppa before he could say anything. “He’s not. He’s just going to arrange a few songs in the studio and that’s it Mr. Spencer.” She piped up with a grin while I glared daggers at her as I raised myself up from my position. Jiyong Oppa on the other hand merely sighed as he lowered his phone down and said, “I’m free Mr. Spencer. I’d gladly oversee Norah’s training later this afternoon.” towards my Dad with a sheepish smile but my father cut him off to ask, “Would it be alright if we do it right now? I’m afraid I don’t have enough time since I’ll be leaving for China by this evening.” My father, for his part, really did look apologetic at his request.

“It’s alright Mr. Spencer I understand. I actually just got off the phone with Teddy and he said we could use his studio anytime we want to since he’ll be out supervising the rehearsals of 2ne1 for their comeback stage. But are you sure that you don’t want to go out for awhile and look around Seoul before Norah starts her training? How about you eat out with Norah while I set up the booth for her recording?”Jiyong Oppa told Papa, taking a hint from the weird hand signals I was showing him behind my Dad who was facing him. I nodded enthusiastically and urged my father to tour Seoul for a bit with me since it’s his first time here, trying to buy myself some time before I train in front of him. “I’ll treat you out to lunch! Let me show you what real Korean food is like!” I grinned at him as I rose from my seat eagerly, planning already what we’re going to do for an hour or so to spare before I start my training. “They have a cafeteria here that serves Korean food, where do you plan on taking me exactly Norah Clarisse Anne?” My father replied exasperatedly as he avoided my attempts on getting him to stand up after me. I stopped from tugging my father’s arm to make him stand up to mull over his question only to reply back hesitantly, “Ermmm… to Vatos?” I heard the groan of disbelief from Seungri Oppa after they heard my choice of restaurant. “Vatos again?! We just went there and besides that’s not even Korean food! It’s Mexican!” He told me accusingly with a finger pointed in my direction. “Don’t be a hater, playahhhh.” I told him in a sing song voice. “It’s not my fault you had to treat nearly and entire restaurant yesterday.” Seungri Oppa spluttered in indignation and narrowed his eyes at me. “You were the one who promised that you’ll treat us dinner.” I continued on grinning at him, recalling how Seungri Oppa’s face looked like when he saw that I invited quite a number of people last night to dinner which was his treat.

“I thought you meant only the two of us!” He retorted in frustration while the rest of us only grinned at him. “Still… not my OW! Daddy!” I growled, rubbing the back of my head which he hit with his knuckles as if he was knocking on a door. The expression in my Dad’s face can only be interpreted as, BEHAVE which I did by straightening up and apologizing to Seungri Oppa for my actions. “Mr. Spencer would it be alright if there will be other producers present during Norah’s training? Teddy told me that a few of our producers will be with us later working on some songs.” Jiyong Oppa asked my Dad as he looked up from his iPhone after reading the text that was sent to him by Teddy Oppa probably. Papa nodded in understanding. “It’s alright Jiyong. To be honest I want to apologize for imposing on you on such short notice but I really want to see what Norah is doing as a trainee under your label.”

“It’s alright Mr. Spencer. I understand that you’re busy and that this is just a one day stop before you head to your business meeting. I’m free anyway.” Jiyong Oppa replied to him with a kind smile. “Just tell me when you want to start her training so I can start setting up the equipment she’ll use for the recording.”

I gave both of them a pout, interrupting their conversation to beg, “Can we eat first? I haven’t eaten at all today Papa. I’m hungry.” Seungri Oppa and the rest laughed at my comment and Momma Bom said, “Baby, I’m not surprised why you haven’t eaten since breakfast. I think you ate for all of us last night at Vatos.”

“MOMMAA~” I whined petulantly with a pout which Momma Bom only smiled at with a toothy grin, obviously unapologetic about what she said. “Even here you managed to maintain an appetite of a pig.” Papa said dryly. I shall not dignify that with an answer. I refuse to be compared to a pig. HMPH. Thankfully my father’s attention was diverted from me and my supposed pig like tendencies when it comes to food by Jiyong Oppa who asked him a question. “What about you Mr. Spencer, would you like to have lunch? I know a really good restaurant nearby the office that serves really delicious Korean food if you’re interested. The cooks here are amazing but you and Norah won’t have any privacy while you eat if you decide to have lunch here.” At this Jiyong Oppa gave Seungri Oppa a pointed look which the younger man scoffed at and rolled his eyes to. “I think Norah has been there already. Right?”

“Yeah I do but I can’t remember how to get there by commute Oppa. I normally hitch a ride with someone when I go there.” I sheepishly told Jiyong Oppa in answer. He frowned in turn but my father cut in before he could say anything. “Jiyong, it’s fine. It’s alright if we have lunch here. I think it would be best if we eat here so I won’t waste any time going back from the restaurant, don’t you think?”

“If you’re sure Mr. Spencer.” Jiyong Oppa murmured uncertainly as eyed the maknae of Big Bang. CL who understood Jiyong Oppa’s silent message directed towards Seungri Oppa (who was most likely intentionally ignoring him by engaging my father once more in conversation), hauled Big Bang’s maknae to his feet much to his annoyance. “Sorry to interrupt Mr. Spencer but Seungri here is going to be late. He’s supposed to be on his way to SBS right now.”

“I am?” Seungri questioned her suspiciously at the same time we all (excluding my father and Jiyong Oppa) asked her in bewilderment, “He is?”

“Yes you are. Did you forget that you promised Daesung Oppa that you’ll watch his live performance today because you’ll be leaving for your Japanese promotions tomorrow?” She replied to him smugly with a cross of her arms. “Shibal!” He cursed out loud, running a hand through his unusually unkempt hair. Seungri Oppa took out his phone and started searching through his contacts but before he made a call he apologized to my father in cutting their conversation short and for leaving hurriedly. “It’s really nice to finally meet you Mr. Spencer. I hope we meet again soon! Bring Mrs. Spencer next time!” By this time Seungri Oppa was near Jiyong Oppa’s side of the table as he inched slowly towards the door while he pressed his phone to his ear. He stumbled as he passed Jiyong Oppa and he threw the older man a harassed look mumbling incoherently before his attention was drawn to his phone once more. “Hyung! Could you drive me to the SBS Building right now? I forgot I promised Daesung Hyung that I’ll watch his performance today. Of course he knows! I told him I would” Seungri Oppa’s voice as he talked to his manager became drowned out from the chatter inside the cafeteria.

“He didn’t really promise that he’ll watch Dae perform today, did he?” Tablo Oppa asked CL. She shrugged her shoulders innocently and did not comment on it any further. Instead she began gathering her things as well, “It was lovely to meet you Mr. Spencer. I’m afraid, Bom and I won’t be able to see you later but I hope we meet again. Have a safe flight Mr. Spencer .” Momma Bom followed suit and also bid my Dad goodbye warmly in true Park Bom fashion. “Thank you Chaerin and Bom. If my daughter remembers to invite her mother and I to Korea then maybe I’ll see you again. Good luck on your promotions.” My Dad replied to them with a smile and the two 2ne1 girls bowed in respect before heading out as well right after Seungri. I caught CL’s eyes on her way out and she gave me a wink before leaving my sight making me grin in amusement. I guess I owe her one this time around.

Or not. I scowled as I read a text that I got from her.


FROM: Lee Chaerin (CL)

Received at 11:48

I got Seungri out of your hair so you can properly introduce your Dad to the man that you’ve been pining for months. ^^ Jiyong Oppa won’t know what hit him, eh?

You owe me Spencer. You can thank me later by treating me dinner before Daesung Oppa’s party.



 “What’s wrong?” Jiyong Oppa asked me and I distractedly looked up to see his half worried, half curious look. Eyes widening, I hastily locked my phone so he won’t be able to see the text I got from CL and mumbled, “Nothing.” I glanced around the table and finally noticed that even Tablo Oppa has left. “Where’s Tablo Oppa? Did he leave already?”

“Yeah he left while you were reading your text messages. He said that he’ll meet Hye Jung noona for lunch.” Jiyong Oppa explained to me, his body slouching a bit in his seat. I glanced at Papa next to me, only to find out that he was busy reading emails in his Blackberry phone. “So what do we do now?” I asked my manager my body copying his slouched position in my own seat. “I guess you’ll eat lunch first then while you’re doing that I’ll set up the booth for your recording.” He replied with a shrug. I watched Jiyong Oppa close his eyes tiredly while he crossed his arms and I felt guilty for dragging him along to this. He lacks sleep enough as it is. “Oppa…” I started and as expected Jiyong Oppa opened his eyes to look expectantly at me but then it swiveled to the man next to me. I followed his line of sight reluctantly just in time since my father directed his question at me, “So what shall we order?”

Jiyong Oppa excused himself as my Dad and I rose from our seats to buy our food and I bit my lip in worry since I wasn’t able to apologize to my poor manager. Following CL’s lead, I texted Jiyong Oppa to tell him what I failed to say to him a few minutes ago.




TO: Kwon Jiyong

Oppa, I’m sorry for all the hassle. L thank you so much for helping me while my Dad is here. I’ll treat you to lunch since I know you haven’t eaten yet. ^^

As my Dad placed various dishes in my tray, the unmistakable ring tone I used just for Jiyong Oppa signaled me to his reply to my text message.



FROM: Kwon Jiyong

Received at 12:20

You got Seungri to do that for you. >:) but seriously it’s ok. You don’t have to buy me lunch at all. Text me when you’re coming up at the booth ayt? I’ll just hang out here for awhile. Ahjussi is here by the way.


FROM:  Kwon Jiyong

Received at 12:24

Actually… can you bring over a couple bottles of Vitamin Water? We ran out of them in the fridge at the recreational room. J



FROM: Ahjussi (Kush)

Received at 12:25

Don’t believe on any of the Jiyong says. Bring over dmr



FROM: Kwon Jiyong

Received at 12:38

Ignore Kush.




I shook my head in amusement and decided against replying to any of the texts sent to me by Jiyong Oppa and Ahjussi. However I did call the attention of one of the staff working at the cafeteria. “Annyeong Ajumma! Could I have 5 Vitamin Water bottles please?” I asked her pleasantly despite the fact that I felt really awkward and shy at using the limited knowledge I have of the Korean language. Her eyes flashed in recognition and she returned my smile with her own before grabbing my order and placing it in a canvas bag to give to me. “Thank you so much!” I told her gratefully as my hands grasped the bag’s handle and the ajumma merely patted my hand before letting he bag drop in my hold. Turning to look for my father who went ahead and paid for his meal (since my meals here in YG are for free as I train here), I spotted him at the table we occupied before, waiting for me patiently.

No time like the present then.

Time to face the music.



So I'm back! This is a really long update to make up for not posting this chapter as soon as possible. To be honest I had a hard time writing this and it took me some time to complete it. I hope you like it and thank you so much for being patient with me :) also thanks for reading, commenting and subscribing! I love hearing your thoughts (how's Papa Spencer? Hahaha) I'll post the following chapter as soon as I am through with it :)


LO:BDSLKDJNELKJHNBEDJKF I SAW BIG BANG LIVE ALREADY >.< I am so freaking happy <3 but not as happy when I saw YB, GD and Daesung swimming lakrsjghngd that was GLORIOUS. Hahahaha

- Rexiefauliks


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DoRayMe #1
Chapter 64: Yay I was so happy to see this update!!!
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 64: I'm really enjoying this story :)
DoRayMe #3
Chapter 63: Please update soon. I just read the whole thing and loved it!!!!
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 62: Yay, you updated. So happy!! Going to read it from the start again. :)
MsAverage #5
Chapter 60: So happy that you are back. This was a really fun chapter to read. Thankyou for this chapter and super excited to read the next chapter.
I check this fic for an update everytime I get a chance to go on AFF. Like, I just literally type in "YG AUDITIONS" the moment I log in. Still patiently waiting for an update Author-nim. Figthting. NORAH FTW! SARANGHAE.! *\(^o^)/*