Chapter 25: I Am The Best

YG Auditions


A/N: Another update for you guys! Hope you enjoy it :) it's back to Jiyong POV


"Hmmmmm." Norah murmured as she browsed through my iPod to look for a song to play as I drove her back to our place. A light smile playing at her lips when she finally chose one and turned up the volume of the car's sound system as Wale's song, "Sabotage" started playing through the speakers. I raised an eyebrow at her choice but she just shrugged her shoulders at me while rapping along to the song. "Not bad." I mused to myself when she hit the right notes especially when Lloyd's voice started singing the chorus to the song which was still in a pretty high pitch despite being sung by a man. She flashed me a smirk when she caught my impressed look at her. "Did I kill it or what?" Norah said smugly to which I only rolled my eyes at. "Yah! Don't act all cocky, it's just Wale." I told her. "Psh. Yeah right. I was ing ace Oppa. I killed that track." She told me with a cross of her arms.

Oh yeah? You think you're the only stubborn one in this car?

"Put it on repeat." I told her with a slight glance to the iPod lying in between us. She shrugged and did as she was told. When the track began once more I began rapping without missing a beat despite being preoccupied while driving. I even got Lloyd's part perfectly.

A loud, "HMPH." from Norah and a pout from her caused me to laugh. "That's why you're training booky. So you'll be just as awesome as your Oppa." I told her with that old man wisdom voice that Evan once pointed out to me that I normally use this tone of voice when I give out an advice to the trainees. Old man my ,  more like God like voice. But my train of thought was halted when she said to me innocently, "You mean like Tablo Oppa?"

I spluttered. Ok, Hyung is awesome and all that but I was pertaining to ME, not him. "No." I replied to Norah with a pointed look.

"Teddy Oppa?"


"Really? Teddy Oppa is pretty dope."

"Since when did you use dope?" I asked her after hearing the adjective leave her lips casually as if she's been saying dope all her life. Norah shrugged at me and continued mentioning basically ALL her male sunbaes she's met even the ones who aren't from YGE except for my name. Even Dok2 turned up in the list. What?!

I parked my car at the basement of our apartment building and faced my trainee who was looking at me with an innocent look combined with hands-folded-at-her-lap motion. "Very funny." I merely said to her sarcastically before stepping out of my car to walk towards the building's elevator that would lead us to our floor. She suddenly gripped my arm and I turned to face her with an expectant look. "Is it my Jiyong Oppa?" Norah asked with a smile. I rolled my eyes at her and continued on walking , trying to fight off the smirk on my face. Norah ran after me, trying to make up for her teasing. "Oppa you're the best!" She cried when we reached the elevator and promptly made a spontaneous dance accompanyig her praise, combining 2ne1's "I Am The Best" to Wonder Girl's "Nobody". I flicked her forehead when she finished her random dance with her pointing in my direction. "TSK. And you better remember that I AM the best." I told her smugly which she only sighed at in a condescending manner. "Arasso Oppa." Norah replied with a roll of her eyes, attempting to test out what she learned from her Korean Language lessons with her tutor and Dara Noona. We resumed our travel in the elevator in complete silence after that and even up to her apartment, we walked in companionable silence.

The familiar sound of the door unlocking, welcomed us to her apartment and Norah pushed open the door to let us in. "I'll be back in bit Oppa, make yourself comfortable. I promise I won't take that long." She told me with a grin before muttering to herself. "Now where did I put those two?" I raised an eyebrow at her mumbling, curious as to what she's planning to use as a place to chill the drinks. I don't think she has a mini fridge in here since I've been to her place quite a number of times to visit her and/ or to drag out Seungri whenever he hides at her place when he wants to skip training and recording sessions with me. I really need to convince Norah to change her key code from now on as well as attach another lock to her door, Seungri's becoming more and more annoying with the hiding already. The sly bastard.

walked over to her couch and took a seat, slouching slightly, I observed her living room with a bit of interest. Like what I promised Ely Hyung, I've been trying to learn more about Norah but not in the creepy interrogating way. That's more up Seunghyun Hyung's alley to be honest. But I've been observing her more closely like what he suggested to me, and I came to find out that he was right. Norah Spencer IS an open book. It's not because she's shallow and easy to read but more of the fact that Norah has a personality that could be described as, "What you see is what you get." She's honest (but a damn good liar as well) and refreshingly genuine. Two characteristics that you can't really use to describe the entertainment business. And with that knowledge I came to learn more about her even in just a few days. And like her attitude, her personality is evident by the appearance of her living room. 


Her living room is not entirely spotless like *cough* some people's room. (Shut up, I LIKE things to be in proper order and what's so wrong about being meticulously tidy?) A pile, ok I'm lying, it's a MOUNTAIN of stacked books were lined up next to the television on the opposite side of the room where a huge window, bare of curtains, was situated overlooking the city is situated. Under the television set were rows of DVDs and her collection of CDs arranged in her own way, I would know because I've browsed through them before. It's not arranged in alphabetical order but when I took one out, The Avengers DVD to be exact, she freaked out that I put her collection out of the order she had it in. Pillows were placed strategically next to the coffee table at the middle of the room, because Norah likes to lie down in front of the television whenever she pulls an all nighter (Something that I've scolded her numerous times for, because it might cause her to slow down in her progress in her training. Surprisingly enough, Norah hasn't shown any signs of breaking down or fainting from fatigue and is even progressing fairly well in her training. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER?!?) to watch her favorite series or movies. On top of the coffee table are some of the fashion magazines she's collected over time. Probably looking through inspirations for another outfit she'd wear and hunt down in Myeongdong. 

I picked one up from the table to look through myself when I caught a glimpse of a black sketch pad underneath. Now there's a surprise for you. I had to smirk at this because despite what people say, men are as huge as gossip mongers as women are. Curiousity isn't a trait exclusive to women only, the only difference really is that men are more inconspicuous when it comes to their snooping. The perfect example right now would be what I'm doing as I flip through her sketch pad. My eyes widened as I took in what was drawn within the pages of the sketch book.

Sketches of clothes designed was what greeted my curious eyes with an occassional doodle (I particularly like the one she made of Bom noona raging about her missing corn and Hyung Suk Hyung scolding her about her water balloon prank). All were done in pencil and I was really impressed. Not that I'm any expert when it comes to designing clothes but her sketches have so much detail that I was even already taking note of the ones I would want to come to life. Who knew that she sketched clothes? And amazingly so at that?

"Oh!" Came Norah's surprised tone from behind me. And like any guilty person would do, I quickly stuffed the sketch pad underneath the throw pillow next to me. She rolled her eyes at my reaction and walked towards me, hugging an unopened box for a kiddie pool with an air pump clutched tightly in one of her hands. Kiddie pool? An air pump?


"Oppa, who are you trying to kid? I saw you with my sketch pad." Norah told me, dumping the stuff in her arms next to me. "Why do you have a kiddie pool with you?" I asked her bewildered at what she unearthed from her room instead of answering her question. "Classic Jiyong Oppa. Ask a question and you get another question in reply." She retorted in return, dodging answering my question. "I assumed that you were stating a rhetorical question." I told her in my best imitation of that snooty voice, Sherlock Holmes has in that series she watches all the time which I overheard from the hallway of our floor. "Why do you have a kiddie pool with you?" I repeated, less patiently at that as I grabbed the box and opened it to, of course, reveal to me a portion of the small pool. "It's not technically a kiddie pool." Norah told me pointing out the right age to use it for. "See, ages 13 and above. I bet it can fit you and Tabi Oppa while lying down." 

"So you mean to tell me, this is where we'll be chilling the drinks?" I asked her incredulously. "Are you insane?" She gave me a look of disdain at my question and closed the box for me, then hauling all the items at the couch back to her arms she headed out of her apartment. "I am not insane and this is the only way I could come up with without wasting time. Seungri Oppa will be finishing his rehearsals in awhile. If you have any other brilliant ideas..." She trailed off as she threw a questioning look to me over her shoulder. I stood up and followed her, sketchbook forgotten. "I guess this will have to do. But who's going to pump air into it?" I said begrudgingly.

"Tabi Oppa of course." Norah told me simply, closing her door after us. I snorted, recalling her cryptic words of punishing Hyung awhile ago. "And the ice would be coming in from the kitchens?" I asked her, slowly understanding her (still ridiculous) plan. Norah nodded and pushed the down button for the elevator. "Where did you even get THAT? Did you pack that with you when you went here?" I asked her, genuinely curious as to how she got hold of such a thing. Not that it's hard to come by, it's just so random for her to have something like that. It's not like she could open it out on her apartment and fill it up to the brim with water to lounge in. "I bought it to spite Ely when he was here." At my confused look, Norah elaborated more to her story. "We were out shopping for some stuff he could bring over to New York before he left. He was, as always, being an to me that day. Is it so hard to be more affectionate to your sister who you don't see regularly? Of course not but to Ely it would. So I borrowed his credit card to buy something I would really need for my training as an excuse and he lent it to me without any questions. I went on a shopping spree for books and random stuff. This was the most expensive from all the things I bought that day actually." Norah jiggled the box in her arms as the elevator went down to the basement where I parked my car. I shook my head at what she did to Ely Hyung and warned her of what her older brother might do in retaliation. "PSH, he can't harm me. I have many oppas to protect me." I raised an eyebrow when she suddenly directed a pout in my direction. "Oppa, you would protect me right? From Ely?"

"You're on your own." I told her simply, leaving her astounded at the elevator as I stepped out to make my way to my car. "HMPH. See if I save your sorry from Boss again." She retorted at me, catching up to my long strides across the car park. "Me?! Need saving from Hyun Suk Hyung? You're giving Maknae a run for his money by the amount of times you're in Hyung's office." I replied sarcastically. And it's true. For some reason, I find myself seeing her in Hyung's office more often than I should. "I told you, I'm just hanging out at his office. You guys are so scared less of an office filled with toys. Really, I would think Tabi Oppa at least would have the balls to visit his office more often considering he's such a fanboy of bear bricks." Norah lamented, sliding inside the passenger seat right after I unlocked the doors to my Bentley. "I'm seriously giving up on you. Evan and Sophie are being good trainees, what did I do to make you BE this way?" I remarked at Norah as I backed out of my parking space. "Hyung's office is established as the land mine of the entire YG building. It looks harmless but it's not. Nothing ever good happens there." I explained to her as patiently as I could. Has she not watched any of those 2ne1 episodes we aired giving the audience a tour of the office building? I'm pretty sure Dara Noona has made it clear that artists from YG rarely go up to Hyung's office. If it's good news, he comes to you or calls you. If it's bad news, you go to his office or you start hiding in some unchartered island in the Pacific wayyy before he gets a hold of you. It's not THAT complicated to comprehend. Even my sunbaes knew THAT. 


"I thought that you're the only one from Big Bang who isn't afraid of Boss?" Norah asked me with a slight sneer.

"Yah! Why are you using that tone?! I'm older than you and I'm your manager!" I scolded her because she's becoming more carefree at how she converses with me, much like how she does when she talks to Dara, Seungri or CL. "And that's a complete lie. Well recently that is. I've been more scared of Hyung after my scandal with you know..." I trailed off not really wanting to speak of what happened back then. "MMMM when they said you met Mary Jane and became buddy buddy with her at a party?" Norah said comprehending what I was supposed to say before I trailed off. I shook my head. This girl is drunk, she's not making any more sense as this conversation goes on. "How many bottles of beer have you had? You're drunk already." I commented as I made a left turn in the road. "Hmm? Oh around two bottles only. Oppa, don't worry I'm not drunk. My tongue just really gets loose when I drink. I'm more carefree when I talk, so I'm sorry if I seem rude or disrespectful." I gave her a dubious glance at her words, still unsure if I should take her word for not being drunk but since she seems fine, I let her be and directed my gaze back to the road. "Arasso, but it's fine. I really don't mind how you talk to me. We're friends aren't we?" I said to her, not really giving much thought to what I was saying until Norah asked me with shock laced in her tone, "We are?" 

"Yeah, I've always thought we are. We don't really act like we're just simply colleagues, and I like hanging out with you. Except when you're with Seungri, you guys drive me insane when you're together. Why? Don't you want to be friends with me?" I asked her playfully, finally seeing the YG Building nearby. "Huh, I never really thought it that way but I guess we can be friends." Norah said to me in a condescending tone as if it was MY privelege to become good friends with her. I rolled my eyes at that and drove on towards my parking space near the building's elevator. "What's with that tone? Shouldn't you be the one flattered that you're friends with THE G DRAGON? You'd get to boast it to your friends even." I smirked at her as we went down the car at the same time, over my Bentley's roof. She gave me a smirk in reply and simply said, "What's there to boast about?" before running off to the elevator before I could catch her. 


AISH. I swear Seungri is a BAD influence to my trainees. Thank God, he's going to be busy for the next couple of weeks. I'll be able to set that girl straight during the time where he's gone. I'll make sure of that.

What's there to boast about?


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DoRayMe #1
Chapter 64: Yay I was so happy to see this update!!!
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 64: I'm really enjoying this story :)
DoRayMe #3
Chapter 63: Please update soon. I just read the whole thing and loved it!!!!
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 62: Yay, you updated. So happy!! Going to read it from the start again. :)
MsAverage #5
Chapter 60: So happy that you are back. This was a really fun chapter to read. Thankyou for this chapter and super excited to read the next chapter.
I check this fic for an update everytime I get a chance to go on AFF. Like, I just literally type in "YG AUDITIONS" the moment I log in. Still patiently waiting for an update Author-nim. Figthting. NORAH FTW! SARANGHAE.! *\(^o^)/*