Chapter 16: Ramyeon Kiss

YG Auditions

"In some distant arcade, a clock tower calls out six times and then stops. The young man slumps at his desk. He has come to the office at dawn, after another upheaval. His hair is uncombed and his trousers are too big. In his hand he holds twenty crumpled pages, his new theory of time, which he will mail today to the German journal of physics."

My eyes skimmed over the first paragraph of the book I was immersed in. It was a month and a half since I joined YG Entertainment as a trainee and today was my first day off since I started my training with them. I decided to stay inside my apartment and read since I've been far behind with my reading and the books I haven't read yet continue in increasing in number. I was at my living room, lounging on the couch while the television in front of me showed a runway fashion show of Marc Jacobs in the screen with its sound in mute while I read. The show was a good distraction whenever I want to rest my eyes from reading. Arching my back to get out the kinks from it since I've been situated in my couch since I woke up this morning, I glanced at my wall clock and noticed that it was past noon already. And as if on cue, I heard my empty stomach grumbling since I haven't eaten anything since I woke up. Pushing the throw pillow resting on my torso, I stood up from my position in the couch and headed to my small kitchen to fix myself a meal to sate my hunger for food. But before I could step inside my kitchen and hunt for some instant noodles I heard some commotion right outside my door. A loud thump and someone struggling could be heard and in my alarm, I hastily opened my door with worst case scenarios fleeting across my head. 



"What are you two doing?" I asked my two sunbaes sprawled on the floor, wrestling with each other and with Jiyong Oppa having the upper hand in the struggle. They froze mid - fight and stared at me with wide eyes but when Seungri Oppa opened his mouth to answer, JIyong Oppa tightened his hold in Seungri's neck to prevent him from talking. They were lying on the floor with Jiyong behind Seungri and his arms and legs coiled around Seungri's struggling body. One of Big Bang's maknae's arms broke free from Jiyong's grasp and was trying to reach me, making gagging sounds as Jiyong continued on repressing his capability to breathe with his arm wrapped on Seungri's neck. "JIYONG OPPA! STOP!" I cried trying to break the fight when I noticed Oppa's face turning nearly purple due to lack of oxygen. Jiyong released his hold on Seungri and stood up without glancing at me while I helped the maknae up. When they were both breathing normally and was facing me looking guilty at the ruckus they caused, I ushered them inside and closed my door. Well more like slam it at my annoyance at their behavior. "What were you two doing?! I know you get on each other's nerves but I didn't think that it would reach the point where you both want each other dead!" I crossed my arms as I stared at them, my voice turning steely. "What will VIPs think when they see you act like this?! Huh?" 

To their credit they did look apologetic but I was still infuriated at their recklessness. Can't they remember that a lot of celebrity fights have broken out recently and they'll be caught up in another scandal if they're discovered in the position they were in. No damage control formulated by YGE's PR Department can save their asses if ever that happens especially since they've been through so much scandals in the past already. 

"Well aren't you going to explain to me why you were even fighting?" Jiyong's eye landed on my feet as if expecting one of them to tap incessantly at the impatient tone in my voice. I slammed my right foot on the floor to catch his attention and he quickly explained what happened to land them in that situation. 

"We were planning on going to Yeolbong to eat lunch and Seungri suggested that we invite you to come with us since he knows that you're on your day off. So we went by here on our way to Yeolbong from the YG Building. Seungri decided to be rude and punch in your key code without even knocking and I told him off for it. From there it became a struggle with him trying to remain stubborn and do as he pleases while I was trying to stop him. That's why I was wrestling him to the ground."

When Jiyong Oppa finished explaining, I can't help but let out an exasperated sigh especially when Seungri began arguing at his Hyung in Korean. "Hyung! I told you it's fine! Norah - yah gave me her key code and told me that I can come in any time I want! Why won't you listen to me??" He whined to his Hyung who only gave him a slap upside the head in reply. "YAH! I don't care if she gave it to you! It's still rude to barge inside someone else's home without any warning!" Shaking my head at their continuation of their bickering, I stepped in between them and glared at them. "Alright break it up! No need to fight. How about we just settle for some good old ramyeon for lunch since I can't let you go out in public acting like this." The two nodded at this and followed me as I made my way once again towards my kitchen to hunt for some instant noodles. "I know I still have some left here...." Cabinets and drawers are hastily opened then closed firmly as I looked for the missing ramyeon. At the last door I cried in triumph and took out the three packets of instant noodles to show to my guests. "Norah, no offense but that won't fit the three of us." Seungri told me gently while he eyed the ramyeon in my hands. "Why not? This is already good for the three of us!" I replied defensively. Jiyong shook his head and answered for Seungri, "You do realize you're talking to us right? Two packs of ramyeon for me alone isn't enough." I let out an, "Oh." in understanding. "Well this is all I have -"

"Maknae, buy more at the convenience store near the apartment building and no detours ok? We'll start cooking these while you're gone so we can start eating once you get back." Jiyong said to Seungri, interrupting me from my sheepish explanation. Seungri was already making his way out of my apartment and Jiyong was making himself comfortable in my kitchen before I can properly react to what was happening. "Do you have anything else that we could eat?" He asked me as he opened my fridge. "Just some left overs from yesterday. CL brought some food with her yesterday and gave some to me. I haven't touched it yet, it should be there." I replied as I tried to peer over his bent torso, in order to glimpse the contents of my fridge. "Is it the one in the black microwavable containers?" Jiyong asked, his voice echoing slightly since his face was nearly inside my fridge. "Yep." Came my reply while I headed towards my stove to start cooking the ramyeon. Grabbing a pot from inside one of my cabinets in the kitchen, I added the right amount of water needed and started boiling it. Dumping the noodles and then adding the rest of the mix with it, I waited patiently for the water to boil. Jiyong on the other hand, popped inside my microwave the food CL gave me and started heating it before moving next to me to see my progress. "How is it?" He asked as he stood next to me. "It's instant noodles, I think I can manage cooking it just fine." I replied smartly to him with a smirk. "Oh believe me, there are ways where you can ruin instant noodles. Just ask our manager." Jiyong replied while chuckling. He opened his palm in front of me and asked for the spoon that I was using to mix the noodles as it cooked. I gave it to him and watched him taste my creation. "Hmmmm. Tastes good." He murmured and then an idea struck him. "Do you want to put some cheese and egg in it?"

"Cheese? I mean, I put egg in my noodles sometimes but cheese?" I asked him dubiously, raising one of my eyebrows at him. He nodded and assured me that it won't taste anything weird, in fact it'll even taste better with cheese in it. "Whatever you say oppa, it's on your head when it tastes bad and we have to face a hungry and tired Seungri Oppa if that happens." He rolled his eyes at my warning and started looking for the two additional ingredients to our ramyeon. He flung open my fridge and grabbed two eggs and a block of cheese. "Where's your cheese grater?" Jiyong asked me, while opening the packaging of the cheese. "It's over there." I said, pointing to one of the drawers near my kitchen island and grabbing the two eggs from his hold to crack it open on the steaming pot myself. While I stirred the cooking ramyeon, Jiyong started grating the cheese after retrieving the cheese grater. "There!" He said with satisfaction as he observed the steaming pot of noodles' color turn from a reddish orange color to a lighter orange color. "Let's taste to see if what you said was true." I said while I grabbed another pair of chopsticks and offered it to him. We both dug in to our creation under the pretense of tasting it when in reality we were just really hungry. Jiyong Oppa and I were grinning as we chewed happily at the tasty ramyeon that we cooked. I slurped as quietly as possible to finish off the noodles I shoved inside my mouth when my face was slowly being directed to face Oppa as I did this. 




A thin strip of noodle nearly joined our lips together as we ate without us noticing what was happening. I quickly bit on my end when I noticed the small distance between our faces. The noodle fell from my lips and landed on his chin. I would've laughed at how he looked like with that lone noodle dangling from his lips but the humor inside my body seems to have left me. I stepped away from him and turned off the stove, ignoring the pounding of my chest. "You were right. It tastes good. I'll start setting the table, Seungri Oppa will come any minute now and I'm sure that he's starving already from his trip from the  convenience store." I began rambling while I mechanically did my task of placing the cooked ramyeon on the two metal bowls I've taken out. I received no response from him and I could only wince internally at that. What just happened? And to think that I just told myself I'm over my silly school girl crush on him. 

STUPID CHEESE RAMYEON. I am never cooking you again I swear. 



Another update! :D My sister recently introduced me to this NOMNOMNOM food and I am obsessed with it. :3 I tried my best to put in some GD x Norah action here subtly with them appearing like an old married couple with the cooking, then the almost kiss. So I hope you enjoyed this update and I'll post more this week :D thank you for reading and feel free to subscribe and comment. 

- Rexiefauliks

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DoRayMe #1
Chapter 64: Yay I was so happy to see this update!!!
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 64: I'm really enjoying this story :)
DoRayMe #3
Chapter 63: Please update soon. I just read the whole thing and loved it!!!!
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 62: Yay, you updated. So happy!! Going to read it from the start again. :)
MsAverage #5
Chapter 60: So happy that you are back. This was a really fun chapter to read. Thankyou for this chapter and super excited to read the next chapter.
I check this fic for an update everytime I get a chance to go on AFF. Like, I just literally type in "YG AUDITIONS" the moment I log in. Still patiently waiting for an update Author-nim. Figthting. NORAH FTW! SARANGHAE.! *\(^o^)/*