Russian Roulette


I was listening to this song the whole time I was typing this chapter. 

I think it fits :) 

What do you think?

Hope you enjoy reading this chapter ;)


"Actually there's another reason why I followed you here," Yunho said as soon as she gave him his phone back. 

SeoHyun glanced at him, "Mmmhh?" 

He chuckled embarrassingly, "It's about your friend.." 

"Oh, YoonA-unnie?" 

"Ne, is she going out with someone?" He asked finally felt relieved that he finally asked her. 

Seo shook her head, and was about to ask why, but his sudden mentioning of her her name, and his embarrassed chuckle was enough reasons for her to think that the man might be interested with YoonA. Her assumption was answered when Yunho blurted out that he likes her. She was stunned, and immediately pondered on the chances of Yunho that he might have in getting YoonA. Since she and YoonA rarely talked about guys and such, she doesn't really know if her friend has an ideal type, and she haven't even dated before. Though she was confessed to a lot, she ignored all of her suitors and just concentrated on her studies. 

She thought hard, and mentally made a check list. Yunho was warm and caring, hearing how he took care of Jae, and even now, trying to help his friend in fixing his problem. He was also sweet, since the gift he gave to Mrs. Hwang, speaks how he had given so much thought in choosing. She smiled to herself, she thought that YoonA might finally found a perfect man. 

"Why are you smiling?" He asked, wanting to probe into her unspoken thoughts. 

"Nothing," she said teasingly. 

Yunho wanted to ask more, but he knows in a short while Jae might come and he might not have time to ask her the most important question, "Can you give me her number?" 

"Sure," she said, then she grabbed his phone. She immediately punched in her digits, and gave Yunho is phone back. She laughed when she saw how Yunho was smiling stupidly, and looking giddy as he stared at his phone. These rich boys sure has interesting reactions, she laughed to herself. "Maybe if I can ask her out, you think we could double?" 

"I think that would be a good idea," Seo answered. 

"And I think the prince is already here," he said as he heard the faint footsteps that was coming towards them.Yunho hoisted himself up from the bench and gave Seo a smile, a few steps away he saw Jae. He gave him a high five before leaving them both. 

"Goodbye oppa," she exaggerated her happiness a little bit, and the unnecessary addition of "oppa" was something just to tease Jae, who was looking at her when she said those words. Yunho looked back and waved at the two of them. 

Jae took a sit beside her, putting just a few inches of distance between them. "So you can easily call Yunho oppa, but when I asked you to do it, you objected. I'm hurt," he said, feigning his sorrow, as he put his hand on his chest and looked pitiful. 

"Tch," she pursed her lips and playfully stuck out her tongue. 

Jae grinned at the sudden change of atmosphere between the , "You're in a good mood, did Yunho say something?" 

Seo nodded. 


Her index finger stick up, "Your complex history with women," she said honestly. Her expression turned more serious, "Tell me." If they both wanted to work things out, they both needed to tell each other about their past and thoughts. They needed to understand each other, and see what molded them both into becoming like this. Seo needs him to tell her about his mother and ex-girlfriend, and she finally needs to confess about the truth behind YongHwa. 

Jae stubbornly shook his head, "I don't want to." He said firmly. If there was one thing that Jae hates, it was talking about painful memories that he already buried deep inside him. 

"Please?" She pleaded, using her hidden aegyo in cases like this, "Then I'm going to tell you something later." 

Getting caught in her trap, Jae puffed his cheeks out and took a deep breath. "Fine, in simple words, my mom's a and my ex is a ."

Seo wanted to react, but of course she knows that Jae might have his own reasons for using such colorful words in describing the two women of her past. She waited for him to continue.

Looking rather very unpleasant he continued his explanation, "Min Sook basically would never be nominated for "Mom of the Year" award," he chuckled darkly, but Seo continued to listen to him. "Our small family of three was getting well when I was little. Though they were very busy, they make time for dinner and vacations. But when I was six she stopped coming to dinner and was rarely home. And when she was, she would have fights with appa. I never really liked it, so I always ran away, once Yunho saw me, and that's how we met. Whenever bad things happen at home, I always ran to him. If it wasn't for him, I think I'd go insane." He smiled, and Seo felt extremely grateful towards his friend. She thought how lucky the other four was for having Yunho. 

But his expression darken when he told the rest of his story, "But Min Sook became worse, she would put me in a room, and beat me 'til she satisfy herself. The first few times got so scary that I couldn't even recognize my own mother. It was like she was possessed by something else. So when I was 8 they divorced. I continued blaming myself. I thought I was the reason for their separation. Then I saw my father heavily drunk with broken pieces of vases and plates around him. He kept yelling that my mother was a that she had relationships with other men."

Jae swallowed the big lump inside his throat, his tears were dangerously close in falling. "The scar she left made me completely distrustful on women. Then I met someone. She is the daughter of our family's friend. Our relationship grew, and eventually we started dating. My friends were happy that for once I was serious about love, but then, thet day I was going to propose I saw her on bed with another man.." He ended his story, and he sniff a little. But the silence from Seo, made Jae slightly worried, so he glanced at her and saw that she was crying. She was biting her thumb and her tears were flowing. 

"Why? Seo.." he said tenderly and scooted over her. He let her head rest on his shoulders and he wrapped his arm around his shoulders. "Stop it, it was in the past. I'm okay now." I'm okay now, since you're here with me. 

But Seo couldn't stop her tears. She just couldn't fathom how an innocent boy like that had to go through those things, and in the clutches of his own mother and to here that his first love cheated on him like that, she felt extremely sad for JaeJoong. Behind his smile and kind words, he constantly covered the pain he went through. Out of the blue, she felt like she also wanted to protect Jae, and love him unconditionally, like what he was trying to do the whole time. 

"I think you're going to hate me for this.." she said in between her hiccups. 

Jae chuckled, "What have you exactly done that would even make me hate you?" 

"I lied," she said, prepared to accept his anger. But Jae didn't move, thought he wondered what it was, he didn't feel furious towards her. Instead he even hugged her close. 

"YongHwa's dead," she confessed when the silence was becoming too much for her. 


"A couple of months ago," she said. Her tears ran, she doesn't want Jae to hate her now. She was begging he'd understand her. "I didn't tell you because.." she took a deep breath and buried her face on his chest. Thankfully, Jae didn't push her, instead she hugged her tighter. "..because I was scared Jae. I was scared that I get myself close I'd get hurt again." She sniffed. She felt bad, for lying, for deceiving him, now she feels like things with him are going to end because of her cowardice. "If I get closer to you I might forget YongHwa." 

Jae didn't answer, he just let herself cry. He just sat beside her, her back, and trying to calm her down. After a while, Seo looked up, her red eyes staring at Jae. He cupped her face in between his palms. He her cheeks with his thumb

"I can never hate you, always remember that," he kissed her forehead. "I would never replace YongHwa jagi. He'd always have a special place inside of you that no one could take away, not even me. Just give yourself a chance Seo, give us a chance."

"I will," she said weakly. 

"I'll always be here SeoHyun," he said sweetly before he placed his lips softly on her. 


So yea.. the moment you've all been waiting for :)

Comment me your thoughts ne? Your critics and such.

I'm going to apologize now, since I at writing kissing scenes. 

Anyways there's a new idol I've been recently liking. 

They're called LEDApple. 

They're songs are soo cool especially Time is Up! 

And I fell in love with Hanbyul as soon as I heard his Aussie accent <3 

For those who doesn't know them, here's a link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6m4bVl_wxY&feature=relmfu

Anyways, hope you enjoyed reading! *kisses ;)))

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karma705 #1
Chapter 50: This kinda felt rushed...especially the ending
aurorabelle #2
Where have I been?!
Why I didn't know about this?!
this seojae story is outstanding!
Sequel please.. Please sequel huhu
Chapter 50: This story just...gsjshdjwkakaauw
I can't describe in words..
I feeling sad for both of them.
I mean their lifes really hard, especially seohyun.
im glad that they're back together...but I really want to see how their future life
Aaaaah I wish you can write the sequel
the best crackship fanfic I've ever read
choineny #4
ONE OF MY FAVORITE FF!!!! I hope another amazing story from you author-nim, FIGHTIIING!!!!!
Chapter 50: OMG authornim! you are daebak >< i love this. and its featuring my biases u__u i have a lot of emotion while reading this. even some chap made ne cryy u__u very well done. i like seo and jae together. both of them are just perfect. .
The truth is I've been read this beautiful story a long time ago, but I don't have any account...

so now I wanna say thank you so much to you my dearest author-nim for made this very amazing ff :D

gonna re-read this thousand of time!!!

have a nice day :">
Elfishyla #9
Happy ending...
woow.. nice story... ^^
YeeeeeeeAaaaaa!!!! Thier together!!!!
thos was good ill re-read it until i get bored which be never