Russian Roulette

By Thursday, SeoHyun and Tiffany already finalized the plan for Mrs. Hwang's birthday party. Seo had already listed down the things they needed and the ingredients for the menu they've created, while Tiffany had already finished the final list of people they were going to invite for the party. The next day, the girls had spent 3 hours shopping, they had fun looking for some decorations that they were going to put in the backyard. When Saturday came, the girls had rounded up their friends for them to have helpers in cooking. Seo asked YoonA and Sunny to come, while Fanny asked over for her girlfriend, Yuri. The two of them were glad that Sunny was with them, since they'd sure be dead if their food were going to taste like rat poison. Two hours after lunch, Seo and YoonA went outside to finally decorate the place. They spent at least 30 minutes in cleaning it up, and cutting some weeds. The three circular tables were already there in courtesy of Manager Choi, and so as the wooden chairs. The tables were adorned with laced tablecloth which was found by Fanny inside her mother's drawers. They both hanged some lights and Chinese laterns which Seo bought from the supermarket. 

After that, they both went in and tried to finish up the cooking with the other three. An hour passed and the five of them quickly rushed upstairs and started to get ready inside Seo's apartment. All of them only had a quick bath, and they all started to change from the clothes they've laid out earlier. 

Tiffany was wearing a dark blue dress, with big floral pattern prints. She was wearing a brown strappy heels, and her hair was fixed in a messy bun. There was only a light touch of blush and lip gloss on her face. 

Her girlfriend, Yuri, was wearing a sleeved black and white striped dress, which she topped with a blue cardigan. The dress was just above her knee. She paired it with her white ribboned flats. Her hair was brushed down, and there was only a hint of eyeliner and lipgloss on her lips. 

YoonA looked more conservative in her beige dress shirt, which was finished off with a thin brown belt in the middle. She paired her dress with her cream plain flats, and she was only wearing her silver bracelet. Like the other two girls, she only put a light make-up on. 

Sunny dressed up edgier than the rest of them. She was in a dark blue mid-thigh dress. The peter pan collar of the dress, made the dress more unique. She paired it off with black suede ankle boots, and a bowler hat. Her hair was curled off a bit, just so it can have that wavey look. But her face vibe off a fresh look. 

Lastly, Seo looked more casual than the rest of them. She was only a simple white dress. The dress reached just above her shoulders, and the sheer sleeves were at her wrist. Her hair was hang loose and there was only a simple gold necklace on her neck. 

Tiffany and Seo went out, and waited for the visitors to arrive, while the three other girls set up the food outside the garden. The first one who came was Fanny's sisters which were Minji and Gain, together with their kids. They greeted each other, and went outside the backyard. Next was the boys, and Manager Choi. All of them greeted Seo, and introduced themselves to Fanny. Seo ushered them in. Thinking that they were probably the only visitors, she started to go with them, when Fanny grabbed her hand. 

Seo looked up to her curiously, but Fanny was patiently waiting by the door. Question was answered, when the Seo saw three flashy cars parked outside their house and out came five gorgeous young men. 

"Fanny?" She looked at her, not knowing if she should feel angry or nervous about their sudden appearance. 

"You have to talk to him sometime," she quietly said as she waited for them to come inside. 

"But why now?" She said irritatingly. 

"Why not now Seo?" 

Seo didn't answer, she couldn't anyways, since Fanny was right. She needed to stop avoiding Jae. They needed to both fix their problems, or else it'll forever bug her conscience, asking herself, what if things happened differently? Seo already met the two other guys, which was Junsu and Changmin. They both grinned at her, but Seo saw how they both had different reactions upon seeing Fanny. Junsu was more scared and guarded, while Changmin was more enthusiastic. 

Next came a guy, who was just the same height as Junsu. He has this prominent cheekbones, and full lips. He was smiling charmingly as he approached her. The guy greeted her and told his name in a calm soothing voice, "Yoochun." He offered his hand for a handshake which Seo shyly took. The next one was a brown-haired tall guy, who has small face in comparison to his height. He beamed at her, and also introduced himseld, "Yunho." 

Tiffany went in with Yunho, and Seo was left with Jae. She gave her an awkward smile, and ushered him in. Though Fanny was right, she still doesn't know how to start talking to him, so their quick journey was nothing but awkward. As they approached the garden the visitors was split into two. The guys from the cafe was talking to Fanny and her sisters, while Jae's friends only kept to themselves. But they didn't look awkward, and just smiled, and talked politely, when Manager Choi, or one of the kids came over to them. 

When it was close to Mrs. Hwang's arrival, her children went inside to wait for her while the rest of them stood near the door and waited for her to arrive. When they heard the door open, they quieted down and waited for her. When the old lady approached the garden, she was wearing her blindfold, and her children was assisting her. Fanny was signaling with her fingers, quietly putting her finger down as it was nearing to one. 

"Surprise! Happy birthday!" They happily exclaimed as Fanny took her blindfold off. 

Mrs. Hwang couldn't hide the happiness and surprise from her eyes as she stood there and looked at all the faces of the people present before her. She could feel a tear in her eyes as a rushed of joy flooded her body. Seo couldn't help but feel also emotional as she watched her children hugged their mother. 



The party turns out how Fanny and Seo wanted it to be. Everyone was having fun, and even Jae and his friends joined them. Junsu was even showing them his oyagi gags, wherein his friends felt slightly embarrassed for him. The people praised how beautiful the backyard was, and how tasteful the meal was. Of course all four of them pointed their fingers at Sunny, telling them it if wasn't for her, the food won't be even as close to edible. After that, the guys gave their gifts.The first one was from the boys of the cafe. They gave her a pink paperbag. Mrs. Hwang opened it, and she pulled a red sweater. The next one was a big yellow rectangular box, with a red ribbon on it. Minho carried the box over to her, and Mrs. Hwang peeled the paper off. She couldn't contain her happiness when she saw the new sewing machine. 

"I know, how you've missed sewing mom," Tiffany said sweetly. 

"Ne umma, and I think your grandkids also want to wear your creations," Minji said. 

"Come here you three," she said, and her children all rushed to her side giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you a lot." 

The next one was our gift, which was wrapped in a brown paperbag. Mrs. Hwang opened it and it was also a sweater, but it was designed with small detailed flowers. 

"I hope you like it Mrs. Hwang, Seo had a hard time choosing," YoonA said. Just like her other kids, she told me to come over to her. She wrapped her arms around me and said, "I love you like you're my own daughter Seo, always remember that, ne?" She whispered gently and I couldn't even control my tears and I just hugged her tight. 

Thinking that it was over, we were surprised to see that Jae and his friends were also holding presents. First was Changmin who gave her an authentic Louis Vuitton bag. Mrs. Hwang and her children hang their mouth as they stared at the gift. "Sorry, I didn't know what you like Mrs. Hwang," he looked apologetic. But the old lady waved him off and graciously accepted it. Next one was Junsu who have her a Chanel perfume. Just like before they were shock to see how expensive the gift was. Then came Yoochun who made their jaws hang wide open when he gave her a gold clasps bracelet. Of course Mrs. Hwang wanted to decline, seeing how truly expensive the gift was. But Yoochun insisted, stubbornly acting like a child until Mrs. Hwang took it from him.

Next was Yunho, who gave her a white gold intricately designed flower brooch. "I hope you like it Mrs. Hwang, Jae once said you're working as a florist so.." Seo could tell how Yunho really put effort in finding the gift for her. Mrs. Hwang accepted it and thanked him. Last but not the least is JaeJoong, who gave her porcelain vases which they shipped all the way from China. 

"You're beautiful flowers needs to be paired with that," he teasingly winked. Mrs. Hwang smiled at him and also gave her thanks. 

She stood up, and her children went to her side. "I just want to give this brief moment to say my thanks," she started and all of them looked at her. "This birthday has been the best I've ever had. I didn't know that you all people would want to spare a bit of your time and celebrate with me." Then she looked at Jae and his friends, "Though I am this old, I'm still very glad to have met great new people." The guys smiled at her gently, "And to my children, you give me extreme joy and I'm sure you're appa is proud of the three of you now, whereve he is. Thank you a lot for coming." 

With her speech ending the party started, first was the kids who pulled both Yuri and Tiffany to dance in the middle. Changmin couldn't control his emotions as he saw how her "woman" was dancing with her "friend." Preparing to oveshadow her, Changmin pulled Junsu and together they paired off with the couple. Next was Minwoo and Taemin, who hoisted themself from their sits when they heard SNSD's Gee. Manager Choi also asked Mrs. Hwang for a dance, and they were happily waltzing around. Then both Yoochun and Jae was asked out by Fanny's sisters, feeling guilty to decline they took their hands and went to the dancefloor. 

Thus there Seo sat, happily watching the scene in front of her. They were laughing and dancing, and even Jae was looking goofy as he was partnered up with his secretary. Seo gazed up and saw the twinkling lights shining down upon them. She couldn't help but think of YongHwa, imagining how the scene might change if he was here. Suddenly wanting to have solitude, she stood up and quietly slipped out from the place. Taking a coat from the rack, she went out from the gate. She told herself how she just wanted to be alone for a while. She walked around the street, quietly observing the people with their busy activities. Once she saw a couple holding hands, she couldn't help but stop and watched them looked at each other lovingly. She took her hand from her pocket and looked at it. She remembered how YongHwa's slightly calloused hand fit hers perfectly. I miss you jagi. 

Her journey ended up on a bench by the park where JaeJoong found her twice. She leaned on the bench, and the man entered her thoughts. How funny it was for her that he found her here twice, and at the same situation. She was crying on both accounts and it was about Yong, and whenever she felt like hopeless and all, his face turns up. How good is your timing Kim JaeJoong? 

Unknown to her, there was someone who was following her. The sudden rustling of leaves, startled Seo, making her looked up to her stalker. She felt relieved, seeing that it was one one of Jae's friends. She remembered that his name was Yunho. "Sorry I followed you, it's dangerous for a girl to walk around at night," he said. 

"Yea, I just wanted to be alone for a while," she explained.

"Oh, so do you want me to leave then?" 

Seo shook her head. 

"Mind if I sit then?" 

She shook her hand, and scooted over just so there's enough space for Yunho. 

For a moment, they just sat there and watched the stars. They both felt oddly relaxing as they just both watched silently. Then Yunho switched, he looked down at the lady and watched her for a moment. She was pretty, but unlike Jessica, Seo has this aura that makes you want to take care of her. Jessica was pure dominance, you get this feeling that you want to try harder to meet her expectations, while Seo has this innocence that makes you want to treasure her. Though she was quite younger than Jae, he knows she might had faced a lot of hardships, which was reason for her maturity now. Even by not knowing, maybe it was her who also made plans for the party. She was very thoughtful and warm just what Jae said. 

"No wonder Jae fell in love," he commented breaking the silence.

Stunned by what she heard, she looked down and stared curiously at Yunho. Yunho chuckled, "I heard what he did, but Seo, give him a chance." 

She pursed her lips out of annoyance. "Not again."

"Why? I wasn't the first person who told you that?" 

She shook her head, "Third." 

"And you still stubbornly defy their advice?" Yunho wanted to laughed, it wasn't very common to find a girl who can not be affected by Jae's charms, with the exception of Fanny of course.

Seo didn't answer, she was feeling furious and annoyed how people was like siding with Jae. They weren't even thinking how she felt about how Jae treated her. It seems like Jae was this angel that deserved a chance. Hell no was she going to give the bastard another freaking opening. 

"Jae didn't exactly have the best role models for relatonships," Yunho said, and Seo glanced at him. "His parents were married purely because of business, but his appa was madly in love with his umma. Unfortunately the lady didn't share the same feelings, so she had various relationships with different men. Once his appa discovered this, they had countless fights, and once it got ugly, Jae was abused my his own mother. When he was a kid, he always run away from home, and always come over to our house." Seo felt sad for Jae, she couldn't imagine how a boy was treated that way. She remembered the kids from the orphanage and felt thankful that Suk Won was a very good appa to them.

"Because of the scar that his mother gave him," Yunho continued. "He has this complete distrust towards them. For years we both saw how he played with women, and get into relationships because of another reasons." Yunho emphasized on the word, and Seo didn't need further explanation to know what he was talking about. 

"Not so long ago, Jae finally found a girl he was serious with. She was friends with him for four years and after that they dated for almost two years. Jae was even planning to propose to her, but on that day, he discovered the doing it with someone else," he said, and saw how Seo's expression became sad. She couldn't believe it, no wonder he acted crazy about Minhyuk and Minho. "Of course he took alcohol and random girls as a way to escape the pain and depression. He was such a mess, I couldn't even do anything to stop him. So when I came over one night, and he told me about you, I immediately thought that you were some random girl again. But everytime we get together, he talked about you more and more, that's when we just realized that he was serious about you." 

Yunho looked that he was going to say more, but it was interrupted by the sudden ringing of his phone. He answered it, and he was snickering when he talked. "Yah! Can you stop the screaming? I'm with her." Their conversation went on, 'til Yunho gave her the phone. "He wants to talk to you." 

"Yoboseyo?" She said quietly. 

"Are you fine? Did Yunho did something to you? Did he say anything weird?" He asked, sounding so concerned. Seo couldn't help but grin as she listened to his husky voice. She didn't realize it until now how much she miss talking to him. 

"I'm fine. JaeJoong-ssi, come over the park near the house." She said. 


"We need to talk." 


Prepare for the next chapter guys ;)

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karma705 #1
Chapter 50: This kinda felt rushed...especially the ending
aurorabelle #2
Where have I been?!
Why I didn't know about this?!
this seojae story is outstanding!
Sequel please.. Please sequel huhu
Chapter 50: This story just...gsjshdjwkakaauw
I can't describe in words..
I feeling sad for both of them.
I mean their lifes really hard, especially seohyun.
im glad that they're back together...but I really want to see how their future life
Aaaaah I wish you can write the sequel
the best crackship fanfic I've ever read
choineny #4
ONE OF MY FAVORITE FF!!!! I hope another amazing story from you author-nim, FIGHTIIING!!!!!
Chapter 50: OMG authornim! you are daebak >< i love this. and its featuring my biases u__u i have a lot of emotion while reading this. even some chap made ne cryy u__u very well done. i like seo and jae together. both of them are just perfect. .
The truth is I've been read this beautiful story a long time ago, but I don't have any account...

so now I wanna say thank you so much to you my dearest author-nim for made this very amazing ff :D

gonna re-read this thousand of time!!!

have a nice day :">
Elfishyla #9
Happy ending...
woow.. nice story... ^^
YeeeeeeeAaaaaa!!!! Thier together!!!!
thos was good ill re-read it until i get bored which be never