a. Meddle

Every Day With Day6

Brian is about to catch the unsuspecting moment when Wook leaps on the boy in unending delight. He yells, causing Sungjin to snap out of his apparent reverie.


“Hello,” greets the leader with a faint smile. “I see that you have a new hobby to pursue.”


“Well, I got it from one of my relatives, and I really wanted to go around taking spontaneous shots,” says Brian with an almost sulk. “It would be fun, but this Wook decides to creep on me and spoil it all.”


Upon hearing his name, the dog the boy affectionately and rubs his head against the leg.


“Don’t you act all innocent with me,” mutters the boy, though he does break into an easy laugh afterwards.


“Sounds good, anyway,” says Sungjin kindly. “Take a picture of me. I think it’s nice to remember things through photos.”


The leader leans back on the sofa once more and this time, Wook interrupts by curling in the boy’s lap. As the dog does not budge, the photo is taken with him anyway.


This repeats for the other members, in which Brian is unable to get a candid and that Wook insists to be a part of the shot. Of course, the others relent.


“You should get a photo with him too,” suggests Jae.


Brian blinks, but agrees. He sits on the kitchen stool and the dog cuddles right into his arms, causing him to break into a big laugh. Unbeknownst to the boy, Jae actually captures that precious moment.


“Wook, you really are the sunrise,” he quietly confesses into the dog’s ears.


[click here to continue]

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Chapter 87: Im re-reading this !! jfc i love it so much
jelly888 #2
Chapter 92: This was really interesting! This must have been so challenging to make. Great job! I didn't expect it to be quite dark. Nevertheless, the boys with a pet is sooo cute! <3
jelly888 #3
I'm super looking forward to reading this! :D
OMG this is heaven <3
Chapter 92: Amazing! This was soo good ♡.♡
Chapter 92: This was so cute wtf (also how long did it take to make this omgg + how'd you get my username at the end amazing !! )
Knkspapi #7
Chapter 92: This was amazing. Its probably one of my favorite stories I've read online ever.
Honoka41 #8
Amazing as always!