b. Wander off, despite Wonpil's instructions

Every Day With Day6

Joon has never been in the large building before, thus sparking his need to explore. While Wonpil told him to wait, the Shiba Inu shrugs off the instruction easily. He walks away easily due to the ongoing busyness.


His little feet pad along the smooth ground, turning into endless hallways. Some rooms filled with people, some without a soul.


“Oh?” muses a new voice. “Who do we have here?”


“Wooyoung, I think it might be the younger ones’ pet,” replies another.


“Ah, right,” says Wooyoung, a little amused. “I would rather think, Chansung, that they would keep a better eye on him.”


“Perhaps,” replies Chansung with a shrug. “Maybe he’s just doing some exploring. Run along, little dog.”


Joon Wooyoung’s offered hand before doing so. The Shiba Inu ascends a flight of stairs, and a door left ajar along the corridor beckons him to come in. Spotting a cylindrical tube, he picks it up with his teeth and brings it to the nearest person.


“Oh!” she says in astonishment, though she smiles afterwards. “Look, we have a visitor.”


“Suzy, he is going to ruin all of our things here…” says another sheepishly. “He is cute, though.”


Suzy pulls a miniscule pout, but she agrees.


“Well, thanks for picking up that makeup bottle,” she says, patting his head. “You belong to Day6, don’t you? I’d love to bring you back but we don’t have the time. I hope you’ll find your way, and don’t you go making trouble.”


Joon barks, giving her a smiley-looking face and turns out. By now, the Shiba Inu is feeling a little lonely. Meeting new people is interesting but he would like to find his people now. He walks slowly to a boy who is trying to get a drink from the vending machine.


The gleam of his tag describes him as GOT7’s Park Jinyoung.


“Hello, you must be Joon,” he says gently. “Are you lost, maybe?”


He pats the dog after retrieving the can drink. Joon is friendly enough, waiting to see if the boy could help him.


“I’ll call Wonpil for you,” concludes Jinyoung. “I’m only here because I wanted to get a drink, I can’t take you back myself.”


He rings the aforementioned boy, describing where he is and sneaking a few jokes into the conversation. It ends well and Wonpil rushes to meet Joon, who happily greets the familiar. The two boys grin at each other before walking away in opposite directions.


“Okay, okay,” laughs Wonpil, carrying the Shiba Inu. “Are you satisfied with your meet and greet session? It’s time to go back to the studio. I hope that this time you’ll sit still.”


[click here to continue]

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Chapter 87: Im re-reading this !! jfc i love it so much
jelly888 #2
Chapter 92: This was really interesting! This must have been so challenging to make. Great job! I didn't expect it to be quite dark. Nevertheless, the boys with a pet is sooo cute! <3
jelly888 #3
I'm super looking forward to reading this! :D
OMG this is heaven <3
Chapter 92: Amazing! This was soo good ♡.♡
Chapter 92: This was so cute wtf (also how long did it take to make this omgg + how'd you get my username at the end amazing !! )
Knkspapi #7
Chapter 92: This was amazing. Its probably one of my favorite stories I've read online ever.
Honoka41 #8
Amazing as always!