a. Going out to search in nearby places

Every Day With Day6

Wook barks, commanding their attention. The little dog makes a run for the door, attempting to indicate the need to search outside.


“It’s not exactly the right time to play, Wook,” says Wonpil, a little confused as it is already late.


The Shiba Inu frowns and tries to pull one of the members to the door.


“Search outside?” guesses Jae, causing Wook to nod.


“I don’t really see how searching outside is going to work, but if you guys think we should, then…” says Brian doubtfully. “I really like that cap but if it’s lost, then well.”


“Don’t be like that,” says Sungjin seriously. “It’s still yours and it means something to you. We might as well. But you could stay back since you’re tired.”


Brian stubbornly refuses, but he staggers slightly in his walking, causing the youngest to confront him.


“Do stay back,” says Dowoon solemnly. “We’ll go out and search nearby while you can do another search at home with Wook.”


“Oh, look at the youngest one taking charge,” teases Jae, causing the drummer’s face to flush.


“Anyway, that’s settled,” laughs Sungjin. “Let’s move out.”


Thus, the pair are left behind. Brian walks around the apartment unit, attempting to retrace his steps, thinking where the misplaced cap would be. Major thanks to the leader that the place is usually found neat and tidy. That leads to the great mystery of how his item could even be missing in the first place.


“Oy, Wook,” he calls out. “Don’t tell me that you hid it somewhere out of mere mischief.”


Wook barks indignantly, or so the boy interprets his vocal expression to be. Though saddened by the current loss, he permits a small chuckle. Perhaps the night search would have been deemed unsuccessful if the Shiba Inu did not trip over Brian’s backpack carelessly. It topples open and out rolled the cap, causing the boy‘s mouth to gape open.


“But I didn’t even choose to bring it today…?” he says with a frown.


Even so, his hand picks up the phone to dial the others to come home.


[click here to continue]

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Chapter 87: Im re-reading this !! jfc i love it so much
jelly888 #2
Chapter 92: This was really interesting! This must have been so challenging to make. Great job! I didn't expect it to be quite dark. Nevertheless, the boys with a pet is sooo cute! <3
jelly888 #3
I'm super looking forward to reading this! :D
OMG this is heaven <3
Chapter 92: Amazing! This was soo good ♡.♡
Chapter 92: This was so cute wtf (also how long did it take to make this omgg + how'd you get my username at the end amazing !! )
Knkspapi #7
Chapter 92: This was amazing. Its probably one of my favorite stories I've read online ever.
Honoka41 #8
Amazing as always!