a. Attempt to jump on the tall kitchen counter

Every Day With Day6

Adventurous dog that he is, despite a little small and thin, he jumps. Or at least, he tries to. The two boys who are occupied with the cooking do not notice him, or the scrabbling noise he makes.


“Brian, could you get the eggs?” asks Dowoon, who is stirring the mixture in the pot.


The older nods, turning to walk toward the kitchen counter and freezes. He sees their rascally sunrise dog nosing the items. The needed ingredients, the eggs, are tilting dangerously–


“Wook!” yells Brian without thinking, hoping to save the situation but no, it cannot be saved. Startled by the sudden yell, the sesame Shiba Inu falls over with the tray of eggs.


“Brian?” mumbles Dowoon in a scared voice, lowering the cooking fire to assess the situation.


Most of the eggs are smashed on the floor and the two of them. Wook continues looking innocently confused while Brian is not pleased with having egg yolk on his hair and clothes.


“I have a good mind to boil the egg yolk off you,” whispers Brian maliciously before raising his voice. “Oy, someone in the house, get a towel for me or I’ll be dripping egg yolk on the way to the bathroom.”


Nice Jae comes to the rescue, in fact, taking two towels. One for Brian, one for Wook, who he does a quick rub on.


“You’ll have pretty hair now, Brian,” says Jae cheerfully, to which the other boy responds by flinging egg yolk on the face.


“Okay, sour boy,” mumbles Jae when Brian is safely out of the hearing range. “Come on, Dowoon. Don’t worry. I’ll help you with the cooking.”


The drummer boy only blinks in appreciation.


[click here to continue]

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Chapter 87: Im re-reading this !! jfc i love it so much
jelly888 #2
Chapter 92: This was really interesting! This must have been so challenging to make. Great job! I didn't expect it to be quite dark. Nevertheless, the boys with a pet is sooo cute! <3
jelly888 #3
I'm super looking forward to reading this! :D
OMG this is heaven <3
Chapter 92: Amazing! This was soo good ♡.♡
Chapter 92: This was so cute wtf (also how long did it take to make this omgg + how'd you get my username at the end amazing !! )
Knkspapi #7
Chapter 92: This was amazing. Its probably one of my favorite stories I've read online ever.
Honoka41 #8
Amazing as always!