With Severity


Located on the outskirts, the somber house stands on the lonesome hill. An institution is established for the parentless, but behind closed doors, there are some wicked things running untamed. Having played the scapegoat, a certain bright-eyed boy believes that he is being singled out by the caretaker for deeper reasons than mere foolishness.


Jung Daehyun


-Contemplative in nature

-Has faint markings on his palms

-Knows that there is a fine line between certain things like bravery and stupidity


Yoo Youngjae


-Intellectually gifted

-Bears a smile of infinite possibilities

-Mostly accepting


On a side note, I must say that I intended for this piece to be a oneshot, but with an interminable amount of thought, it will unravel into a three-chaptered story. May the reader enjoy this story.




Surely I am more than just this.


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