
Take A Chance

Yongguk felt like he was walking on air as he made it inside his apartment.
“There he is!” Maslo and the rest of Soul Connection smiled as he entered.
“How was it maknae?” they nudged him, pinching his cheeks.
He blushed, “Yah hyungs!” he couldn’t stop smiling.
“Aw, he’s shy!” CSP chuckled.
They continued to poke fun at him until he finally told them how the date went.

“Oooohh!” they hooted and hollered, “Look at that!” Still PM wiggled his eyebrows.
“Okay, I’m going to sleep.” Yongguk stood up and headed to his room.
As he laid in his bed he touched his lips, recalling the kisses they both shared. He thought about how her small body perfectly molded with his when he held her. There was still so much about her that he wanted to know, like how the hell she was able to make him go crazy after only one date. As he ed his shirt he smelled something different.

Putting it up to his nose he sniffed the cloth, smiling as he did so. A light scent of strawberries filled his senses. It must have been from when she had held on to him that it seeped into the shirts stitching. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been so happy over a girl. Kim Suyeon, you are really something.



“TELL US EVERYTHING!” The entire staff went bug eyed and stopped what they were doing as soon as her and Taehyun walked in.
“I went on date.” Suyeon said sarcastically.
“Oh come on!” Key pouted.
She looked at Taehyun who rolled his eyes, “I’ll go sit down.”
They chuckled and then bombarded her with questions again.
“Chill!” she raised her hand, “Customers are staring.”

“He took me out to eat, we walked around for a while.” she smiled, “And we danced and then it rained and we kissed.” she spoke quickly.
“WHAT!?” They all gaped at her, “SUYEON! SCANDALOUS!”
“Shh!” she looked over at Taehyun who hadn’t looked up from his book.
“What?” A blush crept up on her face, “It was a moment!”
Junhong smirked, “I knew you’d fall for him noona!”
“Shut up.” she tried to be serious, but failed terribly.

“Okay, I’m going to work!” she announced, “Something that we all should be doing!” They booed her, “Lover boy’s here.” Key nudged her, taking a sip from his drink.
She quickly turned and smiled at him. She didn’t even hear Donghae tell her to serve his table until Suzy and Junhong pushed her forward.
“Don’t stare too long now noona.” he teased.
She blushed as she walked up to his table, greeting his friends.
“Is Taehyun here?” Rhymics asked.

“Uh yeah he is.” she was a little surprised that they remembered him.
“Tae!” she waved him over.
“Hi hyungs!” he went around hugging each of them, saving Yongguk for last. Yongguk sat him in his lap.
Suyeon sighed, “Yongguk, he’s not that little.”
He replied with a shrug, “I like the kid, he’s cool.” he ruffled his hair.

“We got you something.” Yongguk told him, placing his green snapback on the child’s head.
“Really?” his eyes lit up.
He nodded and CSP brought out a small bag, “We thought you might like it.” Still PM said.
Sueyon squatted next to them as Taehyun opened the present. Inside was a small battery operated MP3 player, a pair of white Beats headphones, and sealed copies of their Cds.

“Whoa.” he went wide eyed. “Hyungs…” he looked at them. “I don’t know if I can-”
“Don’t be silly.” Maslo said, “We got that just for you.”
“Look.” Yongguk turned over the MP3 player, in blue graffiti like letters was Taehyun’s name.
“Wow.” he smiled at them, “Thank you!” he went around and hugged them again before Yongguk scooped him up, sitting him in his lap.
“All of the songs are already on loaded on there.” mentioned Kuan.

He smiled brightly as Yongguk placed the headphones on him and Slake taught him how to work the MP3.
Suyeon felt like crying, no one had ever been so nice to Taehyun after such a short time of knowing him.
“Are you okay?’ Yongguk handed Taehyun to Maslo and turned to face her, holding her hands.
“I’m fine.” she blinked, showing him a smile, “Really I am.”

He smiled, “Y’all are very sweet, thank you.” she looked at the rest of Soul Connection.

“I should go put your order in.” she chuckled and stood up heading back to the kitchen.
“Suyeon~!” Everyone poked fun at her.
She giggled, “He kills me, I swear!”
Sohee, Suzy and Luna all peeked at them from the hallway. “He’s really good with Tae.”
“I know.” she sighed, “Ahh~” she covered her face.

“Did you and noona have fun on your date hyung?” Taehyun asked Yongguk.
His friends snickering remembering what he had told them.
“Uh, I think we did.” Yongguk tried to leave as PG as possible.
“Oh, well thank you hyung.” he smiled.
Yongguk chuckled, “Why are you thanking me?”
“Because Suyeon noona’s been really happy. I know it’s because of you.”
The boy happily ate his noodles as Yongguk looked over at Suyeon. She quickly looked in another direction and pretended to talk to Myungsoo. He chuckled, “She makes me happy too.” he said.


Suyeon quickly rushed back and forth, same old busy Saturday nights. Yongguk and his friends had left hours ago but she would constantly look at the entrance. Even for only knowing him a few weeks it already became a habit of hers to see him at work. On her break Taehyun had shown her that he already memorized a few songs that they had put in his MP3.
“You think that I can be a good rapper noona?” he asked her.
She laughed, “You can be anything you want to be Tae.” she ruffled his hair, “Anything.”

“I hope I can be as good as Yongguk hyung.” he beamed as he changed the song.
“You really like him don’t you?” she tilted her head.

He nodded, “He’s really nice, so are his friends. He’s a good guy noona.”
She smiled, “You haven’t known him for that long, how can you tell?”
“Because I see how he looks at you. It’s the same look that the guy looks at the girl in the dramas Ms. Hwang watches.” he said, “And he told me that you make him happy.”
Her eyes widened, “H-he said that?”
“Mhm.” the little boy went along as if what he said wasn’t a big deal.

“SU!” Donghae walked into the employees lounge and pointed behind him.
She nodded and pulled Taehyun off her lap, “I gotta get back to work.” she sighed.
He held her hand as they both walked to his usual table.
“Table eight.” he handed her a few menus and walked back to his post.
“Be good okay?” she kissed Taehyun’s forehead and chuckled as he pulled on Yongguk’s lettermen jacket, using it as a blanket. She hadn’t given it back to him yet, she didn’t want to admit that she had already become attached to it.

As she finished taking orders from the customers she looked up hearing a familiar set of voices. It was Zico and a few members of his crew. Suyeon rolled her eyes as she clipped up the order. Donghae could have refused them service but they would have complained about it. The last thing any of them wanted was for him to get fired.
“Uhm…” he turned and looked at the waiters who were waiting to see which one of them he would choose to serve them. None of them were particularly fond of them since Suyeon’s previous relationship with Zico. “Suzy.” he looked at the amount of tables we each had, she had the least.

She sighed and pulled out her notepad as Donghae showed them to a table.
Suyeon stopped her, “Do you want me to take it for you?” she asked.
“I got it unnie.” she forced a smile.
“No.” they all spoke together.
“I don’t want them messing with you.” Myungsoo looked over at the table.
“I’ll go with you noona.” Junhong offered.
Suyeon nodded, “Come on.”

“Well well well.” Zico smirked as he saw her come to the table.
“Good evening, my name is Suyeon, this is Junhong we will be your servers tonight.” she said in a monotone voice.
“Not really into guys, can he be taken out of the equation?” Mino asked jokingly.
“What would you like to drink?” Junhong was already annoyed.
It was hell trying to get their orders and Zico never took his eyes off of Suyeon, making her uncomfortable.
“Does that finally conclude your order?” she sighed.
“For now.” they all smiled.

“I’ve never hated my job until this moment.” she said to Junhong.
“You and me both noona, you and me both.” he helped her gather all the drinks to take them.
She filled up a glass with lemonade and stopped by Taehyun’s table.
“Here you go sweetheart.” she ruffled his hair.
He looked up from his book and took off his headphones, “Why is that guy here noona?” he frowned.
“Don’t worry about that.” she kissed his forehead, “I’ll be off shift in about an hour, hour and a half okay?”
He nodded, continuing to look over at Zico’s table.
“Okay.” he threw her a quick smile, “Can I go to the back?”
“Yeah, sure.”

He hopped off the chair and put on Yongguk’s jacket grabbing his book and glass of lemonade.

She returned with Junhong to serve Zico’s table, speaking as little as possible.
“Would you like anything else?” she asked. Suyeon nearly wanted to slap herself for being so polite to such an .
“Mm, yes I had a question about your deserts.” Zico looked at her. “I noticed your name wasn’t on the menu.”

His friends snickered and she walked away, Junhong’s signal to take over. Zico frowned before they all got up, leaving at least 115,000 won as a tip. They both stared at the money.
“I don’t want it.” she pushed it towards him.
“I don’t either!” he whined sliding it to her.
From the entrance Zico watched them push the bills back and forth until Siwon walked over and took it, putting it in a clear jar labeled ‘Emergency’. His friends waited for him outside, as he exited he ran into Yongguk.
“Jepp!” Zico said rather cheerfully.
“What are you doing here?” Yongguk worried for Suyeon.
“Don’t worry, your girl’s loyal.” he chuckled, throwing a glance back at her.
“You should keep her close though. I’m not the only one with my eye on her.” he smirked.

He roughly grabbed him by the collar, “Touch her and you’re dead.”
Zico’s friends quickly came up but he stopped them, “Don’t worry boys, I got it.”
Yongguk’s blood boiled, “I’m seriously Zico.” he growled, “Leave Suyeon alone.”
He smirked, “She’s tainted hyung, what do you want with her anyways?”
“She’s anything but tainted.” he spat, “This is a warning.” he shoved him into his friends. “I don’t want to see you around here anymore.”
Without another word Zico dusted himself off and walked away, his friends following.
As Yongguk turned around he saw Suyeon taking off her apron, heading to the employee lounge.

“Junhong, can you help me with Tae?” Suyeon carefully slipped off his headphones and turned off his music. He had fallen asleep, typical.
The teenage boy came over and lifted him off the chair. “You got everything noona?” he asked.
She nodded and they walked out, saying goodbye to their co-workers. When they walked out into the chilly night Junhong smiled seeing Yongguk.
“Hey hyung!” he beamed.
“Hey.” Yongguk looked at Suyeon and gave her a shy smile, “Hi Suyeon.”
“Hi.” she smiled brightly.

“Want to walk home with us?” he asked.
Yongguk shrugged, “That’s why I’m here.”
He joked around with Suyeon as they walked, making her laugh since he made fun of Junhong most of the time.
“I’m glad you two can bond at my expense.” he sighed.
“Aw, we’re just kidding.” she pinched his cheek.
He scowled as they reached the light. “Let me get him.” Suyeon reached out for Taehyun.
“I got him.” Yongguk moved in front of her, taking Taehyun from him.
She pouted, “But-”
“No buts, he’s half your size.” chuckled Yongguk.
“I’m going home~” Junhong walked away slowly, “Not that you two care…”

They waved at him as he crossed the street.
“You don’t have to carry him. I can do it.” she complained.
“Uhm, no.” he smiled, “Come on, I can’t let a pretty girl walk home alone with her younger brother at this hour anyways.”
She blushed, “Thank you.”
He nodded, “No problem, come on. It’s getting colder.”

As they walked Suyeon noticed that his eyes shifted around, as if keeping a look out.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
He let out a small sigh, “I saw Zico walk out from your job.”
“Oh.” she looked down.
“Did he bother you?” he waited for her answer.
She shrugged, “A little, nothing I couldn’t handle, Junhong helped me out.”
He nodded, “Wait…he didn’t threaten you did he?” she worried.

Yongguk chuckled, “No, but…I might have roughed him up a bit.”
She gaped, “Yongguk!”
“What?” he looked at her, “He makes me mad.”
She frowned as they reached her door, “I don’t want you getting hurt.” she said quietly.
“Why’s that?” he smirked.
She shyly dug her foot into the ground, “Cause I like you.” she mumbled.
“I’m sorry what?” he smiled, leaning in slightly.
“What?” she looked up innocently.

He shook his head, “Okay, I see how it is.”
She face palmed, “Can you take him in or do you want me too?” Yongguk looked at Taehyun who was still fast asleep.
“I can get him.” she reached out as he carefully placed him in her arms.
“Wait…my keys.” she rolled her eyes.
“Where are they?” he looked her up and down, making her shy.
“Left jacket pocket.”
He dug his hand in and pulled out her key, unlocking it for her.
“Don’t go yet.” she said and quickly shuffled in.

Yongguk leaned against the door frame, waiting patiently. He noticed that she wore his jacket still, he couldn’t take it away from her if her wanted, she looked to adorable with it on. Suyeon quickly came back and he handed her back the key. She stepped out and closed the door, as he took her hands.
“Thank you for walking us home.” she smiled.
“My pleasure.” he pulled her close.
“I was being serious though when I said I don’t want you getting hurt.” she leaned her head on his chest.

“Oh yeah, why’s that again?” She rolled her eyes, knowing he wanted her to repeat it.
“Because~” she sang.
“Because why?” he chuckled, lifting her chin up.
“I like you…a lot.” she felt her cheeks burn up.
He gasped lightly, “Did Suyeon just admit that?” he tilted his head.
“Stop!” she whined, covering her face.
He laughed and wrapped his arms around her waist, “Hey.” he made her look up at him. “I like you too.”
She giggled as he leaned in and gently pecked her lips.

“I’m not going to stand by and let him mess with you, understand that?”
Suyeon pouted, “You can do that all day, I’m still going to protect you.”
“Even if we stop dating?” she raised a brow.
He thought about it for a second, “Eh, I don’t think that’s going to happen any time soon.”
She smiled and leaned in to kiss him again before saying good night.

Suyeon bit her lip as she leaned against the door, Bang Yongguk you are something else.

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Argh, you guys are so patient with me! Thank you and I'll have a chapter...or two up tomorrow when I get out of class! Thank you for reading and subscribing


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Chapter 32: This was an amazing story! Thnk you very much for sharing your creativeness. I wish it was longer! Lol I love it!
Chapter 7: I'm happy for you, Suyeon (^-^)
Chapter 5: Why didn't Suyeon knock on the door so Maslo or anyone in house could open the door? (previous chapter)
Yongguk hugged her~ >///<
Chapter 3: I'm giggling here but also disappointed, Yongguk has been rejected!! ( ; _ ; )
Chapter 1: Omo~ >///<
I'll read this until the end~
dalamjwi07 #6
Chapter 2: I was confused at first, who were those csp, maslo, etc? then I searched their profile on internet and I found myself listening to their music, and it's great. What a twist authornim, thank you.
Chapter 34: Re-reading this for the 1000x time and gah all the feels i get everytime when reading this! Ofc i had to vote this story up~
hahalalatata #8
Chapter 34: I cant believe its done!! Omg im happy and sad. But i loved this fic. Such a perfect balance of everything. I hope there is another BYG fic in the future. Now I'm going to reread thia fic again: )
Chapter 34: So....I saw that you finished the instead of picking up where I left off...I went and re-read the entire from the beginning lolz....such a cute story....I love it!!! ♥♥
MAIisVIP #10
Chapter 34: Haha cute ending ^______^