
Take A Chance

“Ms. Hwang?” I called out. “We’re home.” I grunted, struggling to hold up Taehyun.
He had fallen asleep in the locker room before my shift ended, Junhong helped me carry him halfway but he had to go in the opposite direction. I laid him on his bed and took off his shoes.
“Ms. Hwang?” I went into the kitchen seeing her pour soup into a large bowl.
“Hello Suyeon.” she smiled. “I made you some food.”

I smiled, Ms. Hwang always did this.
I sat down at the table as she placed the bowl of steaming deliciousness in front of me.
“Where’s Taehyun?” she asked.
“Asleep.” I said, “He doesn’t have school tomorrow so he wanted to stay with me the whole day.”
“How was work?” she asked, washing her hands.
I shrugged, “It was okay. I got a lot of tips.”

“Well of course.” she giggled, “Beautiful girls like you always get tips.”
I chuckled, “Wouldn’t go that far.”
“It’s true.” she brushed back my hair.
“Did you talk to that boy?” she asked. Jang Hyunshik, a customer that came in one day when she stopped by.
I sighed, “No.”
“And why not?” she frowned.
“I don’t have time to date.” I sighed, “I have school and work.”

“Well he was very nice.” she said.
Yeah right, I thought. He stared at my chest the entire time we talked.
I shrugged, “He just wasn’t my type Ms. Hwang.”
She sighed, “Okay. Well, you’re still young, you have time.”
“Exactly!” I smiled, slurping up the soup.
“I’m going to sleep.” she smiled, “Good night Suyeon-ah.” she hugged me tightly.
“Night Ms. Hwang.” I called out.

After finishing my soup I washed the few dishes in the sink. Ms. Hwang was a god-send, I don’t know what would have happened to us if she wasn’t around when mom died. She shared her apartment with us and took care of Taehyun when I had work or school. In return I helped pay some of the bills, to which she still objected. She said that I shouldn’t even have a job, that I should just focus on school. The words just went in one ear and out the other.

I plopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. My thumb ran along the ring I wore on my left hand. It belonged to my mother, the only thing I have left besides a few pictures. Sometimes I would get angry, I didn’t mean to but it just happened. Besides my co-workers. Ms. Hwang, and Taehyun, I really didn’t have other people in my life. In fact, I didn’t want other people in my life. A sigh escaped my lips as I slipped off the ring, kissing it before placing it on my nightstand.



“Noona.” Taehyun walked into the kitchen.
“Yes sweetheart?” I squatted down.
“Are you working today?” he asked.
I sighed, “I am baby. Ms. Hwang said that you could go with her to the market to shop. Then she can drop you off at my job, you wanna do that?”
He nodded, “Do you have to stay late again?”
“Yeah, double shift again.” I frowned.
“Can I stay with you?” he blinked. “Until you come home.”
“You really want to do that?” I raised my brows.
“Please noona. I like being with you.” he made his eyes rounder.
“Kim Taehyun, you are the most adorable kid ever. If you want to you can stay. You’re lucky Donghae oppa and Siwon oppa like you.” I ruffled his hair.

He giggled, “Taehyun!” Ms. Hwang walked by, “Are you coming?”
He nodded and kissed my cheek, “See you later noona!”
I walked them out and went back, quickly eating a piece of toast before showering.
It would be a long Saturday, but I needed the money. Taehyun wanted stuff for Christmas and let’s face it I needed to save up in case of any emergencies.

“Are you ready to order?” I smiled brightly.
“Hm, yes.” said one, I prepared to write his order, “Can I get you? No clothes, and to go?” he chuckled.
I sighed and pursed my lips, “Great.” I muttered.
“Sir, please can you order?” I tried my hardest to not let my attitude get in the way.
His friends shook their heads in disapproval, “Don’t get us kicked out of this place please.” one said.

He lifted his hands, “Sorry.” he rolled his eyes, “I’ll take a number twenty.”
I nodded and wrote down all of their orders before heading back to the kitchen.
I saw Junhong talking with some customers, I needed to switch tables with him I hated customers like that.
“Junhong.” I tapped him on the shoulder.
“I’ll switch tables with you.” he said, continuing to take the order.
“You know me kid. Thanks, which one do I take?”

He looked around, “Table eight.”
I nodded, “Okay-”
“Oh wait, noona can you refill these drinks?” he pointed at the table he was at.
“Sure.” I smiled.
“These are my hyungs.” he smiled, “Inyeop, Jungmin, and Yongguk.”
“Hello.” I smiled politely.
“Hi.” they said in unison.
“This is my noona, Suyeon.” he put an arm around my shoulders, “Isn’t she pretty~?”
I chuckled, “I’ll be back with your refills.”

“There, I did my job.” Junhong stuck his tongue out at his hyungs.
“She didn’t notice me.” he frowned.
“Aw Gukkie~” said Maslo, “I love you.” he batted his lashes.
“I’m going to put your order in.” Junhong walked away.
“Here’s an idea, talk to her!” said CSP in a sarcastic tone, “She might notice you then…might.”
“Shh!” Maslo hushed them seeing Suyeon come back.

“Okay, two iced teas: one sweet, one unsweet, and a coke.” she smiled and put them on the table.
“Thank you.” smiled Yongguk.
She blushed a little, “No problem.” she quickly took the empty glasses and went back to the kitchen.
“Okay, she noticed you.” CSP high fived the younger male.
“Off limits though!” Maslo sipped his coke.
“What?” he asked.
“Did you see her hand? She has a ring bro.”
“No she doesn’t.” he retorted, “I didn’t see that.”

He looked around for her, spotting her near the entrance talking to an elderly woman. A little boy was clinging to her happily. Yongguk slumped back in his seat, “She’s married?”


“Got an admirer~” grinned Siwon.
“What?” Suyeon furrowed her brows. She clipped up the order she had just taken and turned to face him.
“That one guy, you refilled his drink earlier.” he looked back, “He’s actually looking at you right now.”
“You’re crazy.” she responded grabbing a drink of water.
“No, no I’m not. He comes in all the time though, at least for lunch.” he continued, “Junhong knows him and his two buddies.”

“Oh.” she said, “He just introduced me to them.”
“And~?” Siwon poked her side.
“Doesn‘t the title of general manager mean you should be more busy? I should tell Mr. Shin that you need more work since you happen to notice who stares at me.”
He frowned, “Don’t be like that Su! Seriously though, I saw you blush!”
“No I didn’t.” she denied. “Besides even if I did I wouldn’t act on it.”
He sighed, “You need a guy in your life.”
“Remember what happened with the last boyfriend?” she thought bitterly.

Siwon clicked his tongue, “Choi Seunghyun was ed up okay. Besides not all guys are like him.”
“Siwon, take over hosting.” said Donghae, “I’m on break.”
He nodded, “Just saying, maybe you should give this guy a chance.” He poked her forehead before walking to the entrance.
Suyeon rolled her eyes as she sipped her water. Maybe he was right, she thought, but at the same time she didn’t want a boyfriend, they had all hurt her in the past. Curious though, she quickly glanced back to table five.

The boy’s dark brown eyes quickly darted in another direction. A small smile involuntarily appeared on Suyeon’s face, but she shook it off. “Noona~” she heard Taehyun’s voice.
“You hungry?” Suyeon asked him.
He sat in the chair and nodded, “Okay, I’ll ask Kibum to make you something.”
Taehyun smiled, “Thank you noona.”
Suyeon kissed his forehead, “No problem babe.”
Yongguk smiled at the scene, it was sweet. Even if she was taken, he had to admit she was a good mother.

Junhong gave the boy a drink and squatted next to him, “I’m on break in twenty minutes. You want to go play out back?”
Taehyun nodded excitedly, “Thank you hyung.” he smiled.
“Here you go sir.” Suyeon giggled as she set down a plate of food in front of him.
“Thank you~” he sang, “Tell Kibum hyung I said thank you too.”

Siwon walked by and looked at Taehyun, “You’re here so much I should hire you.”
Taehyun smiled, “Can you hyung? I’ll work as hard as my noona does.”
Suyeon rolled her eyes, “Your job is going to school, now eat. I’ll come check on you later.”


Junhong brought over three plates of food to his hyungs.
“Are you okay hyung?” Junhong asked Yongguk.
“Is Suyeon married?” Yongguk asked him.
Junhong looked bewildered, “Suyeon noona isn’t married. Who told you that?”
They all looked at Maslo, “She has a ring!” he pointed out, “And is that her son?”
Junhong looked towards the table he motioned to, “Oh! No that’s her younger brother. How old do you think she is? She’s barely twenty.”

Yongguk let out a sigh of relief while covering his heart, “That freaked me out for a second.”
“Did you get through to her?” he asked giving them more napkins.
“She blushed when I thanked her, is that good?”
“Hmm. I guess, good luck though. Seriously it’s going to be tough.” warned Junhong.
He bit his lip, while looking at her, “She caught me looking at her.”
“Oooh.” CSP made a face, “She thinks you’re a creeper now.”
Junhong chuckled, “I honestly think that you have a shot hyung, really.” he patted his shoulder.


“Unnie~” Suzy came up to her, “This is for you.” she handed her a napkin.
“Thank you?” she raised a brow.
Suzy let out a giggle, “Open it!”
It had a name scribbled on it, along with a phone number. “What is this?” she sighed.
“That cute customer from table fifteen left it for you.” she smiled.
“The one who harassed me? Seriously Suzy?” Suyeon balled up the napkin.

Behind her Yongguk frowned, he even scooted back a little to hear the conversation better. “Oh, I didn’t know that.” said the younger girl, “I’m sorry unnie.”
“It’s okay kid. I told you though, I don’t like guys leaving me their numbers like this.” she walked away.
“There’s a clue.” said Maslo.
Yongguk puffed his cheeks out and balled up the napkin he had in his hand.
“Wow.” said CSP, “At least you found out before leaving for her.”
He glanced at her, she was talking to Taehyun, “This might be harder than I thought.”

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Argh, you guys are so patient with me! Thank you and I'll have a chapter...or two up tomorrow when I get out of class! Thank you for reading and subscribing


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Chapter 32: This was an amazing story! Thnk you very much for sharing your creativeness. I wish it was longer! Lol I love it!
Chapter 7: I'm happy for you, Suyeon (^-^)
Chapter 5: Why didn't Suyeon knock on the door so Maslo or anyone in house could open the door? (previous chapter)
Yongguk hugged her~ >///<
Chapter 3: I'm giggling here but also disappointed, Yongguk has been rejected!! ( ; _ ; )
Chapter 1: Omo~ >///<
I'll read this until the end~
dalamjwi07 #6
Chapter 2: I was confused at first, who were those csp, maslo, etc? then I searched their profile on internet and I found myself listening to their music, and it's great. What a twist authornim, thank you.
Chapter 34: Re-reading this for the 1000x time and gah all the feels i get everytime when reading this! Ofc i had to vote this story up~
hahalalatata #8
Chapter 34: I cant believe its done!! Omg im happy and sad. But i loved this fic. Such a perfect balance of everything. I hope there is another BYG fic in the future. Now I'm going to reread thia fic again: )
Chapter 34: So....I saw that you finished the story....so instead of picking up where I left off...I went and re-read the entire from the beginning lolz....such a cute story....I love it!!! ♥♥
MAIisVIP #10
Chapter 34: Haha cute ending ^______^