
Take A Chance

"Leave me alone." Baro said and shut the door to the refrigerator.
"Are you going to ask her out next time? Huh? During one of your 'study sessions'?"
He rolled his eyes at the youngest, "That isn't code for anything. We really only had a study session."
"Then why'd you make a big deal out of it?"

"Because!" Baro threw his hands in the air, "I actually got to hang out with her. Even if it was just for studying." The hyper boy followed him from the kitchen to the living room. "Drop it Gongchan.", he said.
"When can we meet her?", asked another.
"You guys?" Baro snorted, "No, never."
They all, minus Jinyoung, quickly opened their mouths to protest.
"Jinyoung meeting her was an accident.", he added and shot him a look.
"Our telepathic powers weren't working." Jinyoung explained.
"I'll behave!" pouted Gongchan, "How pretty is she Jinyoung?" 
They all turned to the male for information.
"I don't know, six maybe a seven.", he reasoned.
"WHAT?!" Baro coughed up the water in his mouth.
Jinyoung and the other boys tried their hardest to keep from laughing.
"She's a TEN...a-a TWENTY at that!" He yelled, "You must be blind!" 
Gongchan had a giggle fit on the couch as he watched the older boy get worked up.
"I think we should just let Baro be, and it's his decision whether or not to introduce her to us or not."
"THANK YOU!" Baro put his arm over his shoulders, "Sandeul, the voice of reason!"
"He's only saying that so that you'll introduce her to him before the rest of us." 
Baro quickly removed his arm and looked as guilt quickly spread over Sandeul's face.
"Way to go Dongwoo!" Sandeul slapped at his arm, "You just lost all your hopes of finding out anything."
"Why are you guys at all interested about my love life anyways?", Baro sighed.
Gongchan shot up from his seat, "Because we just are!" 
"We like to meddle." Jinyoung said truthfully.
"That too.", Dongwoo nodded in agreement.
"Well, I don't know. If the opportunity presents itself then you might get to meet her okay?" He looked at them cautiously.
"YAY!" Gongchan jumped up and hugged him.
Baro sighed and hugged him back before sending him to his room.
"I'm going to class." He grabbed his backpack and headed towards the door.
Sandeul tilted his head, "I thought you had class at three today, it's barely noon."
Baro came to a halt, his back still facing them. "Uh..yeah, I'm...going to the library." 
The three looked at eachother, "Baro." Jinyoung said, "Look at us." 
"I am." He said, still facing the door.
"You're stalking her now?!", Dongwoo accused.
"I am not!" He turned around, "I'm...casually running into her...?" 
Sandeul crossed his arms over his chest.
"Look, I know what I'm doing okay?", Baro adjusted the backpack strap and walked out.



"Hello my name is-"
"SUYEON!" She looked up from her notepad and smiled when she saw the familiar faces.
"Hi guys!" She giggled.
The three boys grinned and set their menus down.
"Yongguk hyung didn't tell us you worked here.", Daehyun said
"Oh, well yeah I kinda do.", she chuckled, "Jongup and Junhong also-"
"Oh God." The all turned and saw Junhong, a pitcher in one hand and the other rubbing his forehead.
"Is there anyone that doesn't know of this place?", he muttered.
"Can we switch waiters!?" Himchan excitedly asked.
"NO. You cannot hyung." Junhong quickly made his way around them, muttering under his breath.
Himchan pouted, "Anyways!", he turned back to Suyeon.
"What can I get you guys?", she asked.
After taking their orders she sat at an empty table. 
She felt her phone vibrate and quickly took it out, expecting it to be Yongguk.
Unfortunately it wasn't, it was Baro. Over the last week, as awkward as it was, she had been seeing more of him around campus.
She didn't even have the slightest idea that the poor boy was jumping hurdles for them to run into each other. Suyeon just assumed that he had always taken the routes before and that since she was acquainted with him, she now acknowledged him.
Suyeon, I lost my notes from class yesterday. Do you think I could borrow yours?
While waiting for the boys' food to come out, she responded that she was at work at the moment. But she would drop them off somewhere if he was willing to meet her in two hours when she shift was over. He quickly texted back.
Oh no, how about I just go by there? That way you don't have to walk far.
"Okay...sure.", she said monotonley as she typed it up.
Myungsoo furrowed his brows as he walked by her, "Talking to yourself Su?"
She looked up and chuckled, "No, just replying back." 
He sat across from her and took her phone, finding the most recent message.
Myungsoo raised a brow, "Does Baro know you have a boyfriend?" 
Suyeon tilted her head, "He should...I think..."
He rolled his eyes, "Kim Suyeon, have you not once mentioned Yongguk to him?"
The girl thought back, I did! Didn't I? 
"Well, I don't talk for him that long. Our conversations usually revolve around class work.", she tried justifying herself.
"Does Yongguk know that you hang out with Baro?"
Suyeon began to chew on her lip nervously, "You make it sound like I'm doing something bad."
"Do you think you are?", he raised a brow.
"No.", Suyeon answered truthfully, "I don't think of Baro in that way."
"And are you positive that he feels the same way you do?"
"Suyeon order up!" Kibum placed the order forward.
She sighed and got up. "God I hope so.", she muttered to Myungsoo.
He pressed his lips together and slipped her phone back into her apron pocket.
Suyeon quickly put on a smile as she went back with the boys' food.
As she shut the door to her locker her phone beeped.
I'll be there in ten minutes baby!
She smiled and stuffed it back in her pocket. The other waitresses waved as she exited, spiral notebook in hand.
"I'll see you tomorrow boss!", she saluted Donghae.
He chuckled, "Bye Suyeon."
On a small bench she sat and waited for Baro and Yongguk to show up.
A light bulb went off in her head. I can introduce them to each other! 
"Suyeon!" She looked up and saw Baro approaching her.
She smiled and stood up to greet him.
"I hope you weren't waiting too long.", he looked down.
"Oh no, I wasn't.", she assured.
He gulped and slowly met her eyes, "Uhm, I don't know if you'll be able to understand my notes. I have a certain system for them but-"
Suyeon handed him the hot pink notebook.
"Oh...", he completely forgot about what he had told her.
Of course the boy lied yet again. He had never once lost his notes, and even if he did Jinyoung always had them if he needed them.
"Thanks, you saved me.", he chuckled nervously.
"No problem!", Suyeon spoke cheerfully.
It's now or never... Baro took a deep breath and looked at Suyeon.
"Are you okay?" She gave him a concerned look.
Without another thought he leaned in, attempting to kiss her.
Suyeon quickly backed away, her hands keeping distance between them and hitting her lower back against the bench.
"Baro what are you doing?!" She asked, wide eyed.
"Uh...", he gulped, "I-"
Before Baro could explain himself Suyeon heard her name in an angry tone.
Yongguk grabbed Baro by the collar and pushed him against the brick wall.
"YONGGUK!" Suyeon tried pulling him away.
Suyeon desperately tried to pry him away.
Baro, a little shaken up, tried to be brave in front of her.
"Who is this guy Suyeon?", Baro smugly asked.
"You little-" Yongguk raised his fist.
"YONGGUK STOP!" Suyeon squeezed in between them and forced her boyfriend a few steps back.
"This is just a misunderstanding!"
Baro put his arm around Suyeon's shoulders and that's when Yongguk lost it.
He moved Suyeon out of the way and threw a punch, aimed directly at Baro.
The boy ducked, barely dodging Yongguk's fist. Suyeon covered as he let out a pained groan. His hand shook as he brought it back, blood seeping out through the cut skin.
"Baro, just go." Suyeon said.
He took a step towards her but she stuck her hand up, "Just go!", she repeated.
"Yongguk...", she went to his side.
He gritted his teeth together as he tried moving his fingers.
"Let me see.", she carefully grabbed his hand.
Yongguk hissed as she lightly tried to bend them at the joints.
"I don't think you broke anything but I need to get this cleaned up."
He took deep breaths as she led him to the back entrance of the restaurant.
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Argh, you guys are so patient with me! Thank you and I'll have a chapter...or two up tomorrow when I get out of class! Thank you for reading and subscribing


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Chapter 32: This was an amazing story! Thnk you very much for sharing your creativeness. I wish it was longer! Lol I love it!
Chapter 7: I'm happy for you, Suyeon (^-^)
Chapter 5: Why didn't Suyeon knock on the door so Maslo or anyone in house could open the door? (previous chapter)
Yongguk hugged her~ >///<
Chapter 3: I'm giggling here but also disappointed, Yongguk has been rejected!! ( ; _ ; )
Chapter 1: Omo~ >///<
I'll read this until the end~
dalamjwi07 #6
Chapter 2: I was confused at first, who were those csp, maslo, etc? then I searched their profile on internet and I found myself listening to their music, and it's great. What a twist authornim, thank you.
Chapter 34: Re-reading this for the 1000x time and gah all the feels i get everytime when reading this! Ofc i had to vote this story up~
hahalalatata #8
Chapter 34: I cant believe its done!! Omg im happy and sad. But i loved this fic. Such a perfect balance of everything. I hope there is another BYG fic in the future. Now I'm going to reread thia fic again: )
Chapter 34: So....I saw that you finished the story....so instead of picking up where I left off...I went and re-read the entire from the beginning lolz....such a cute story....I love it!!! ♥♥
MAIisVIP #10
Chapter 34: Haha cute ending ^______^