
Take A Chance

Suyeon looked over the essay her professor handed back to her earlier that day. She shoved a spoon full of soup into as she read all the red notes on the margin. She’ll admit, it wasn’t her best work but, she didn’t think it was her worst. Sighing, she set down the paper and continued to indulge in the food Kibum had prepared for her.

“You okay love?” Sohee sat down in front of her with her own plate of food.
“Meh.” Suyeon slumped her shoulders and propped her elbow on the table.
“Didn’t do so well on my paper, that’s all.”
“You’ll do better next time.” Sunny appeared behind her and rubbed her shoulders.
“Hope so.” Suyeon finished her food and gave her seat over to Sunny.

After the lunch hour rush she continuously looked at the door. Since it was a Friday she was sure that Taehyun would beg Ms. Hwang to come over to the restaurant. As she finished pinning up another order she heard Taehyun’s voice.

“Noona!” He crashed into her, hugging her tightly.
“Ooof!” She chuckled, “Hey Taehyun.”
He pulled away, “I have to introduce you to someone.”
She furrowed her brows when he turned towards the entrance and waved them over.
A little girl around his age ran up.

“Noona, this is Sunhwa.” he smiled.
“Annyeonghaseyo unnie.” The girl bowed politely.

Suyeon smiled, “Annyeong.”
She squatted down to her level. “Are you in Taehyun’s class?”
Sunhwa nodded, “Teacher assigned us to be partners for a project.”, she explained.

“Where’s Ms. Hwang?”, Suyeon asked Taehyun.
“Oh, Sunhwa’s brother walked us over.” he said.
“He did!”, the little girl said and looked around. “Oppa!”
Suyeon stood up and saw the older boy walk up.

“Sunwoo oppa, this is Suyeon unnie.”

“Suyeon?” he tilted his head.
“Do I know you?” she blinked.
His cheeks turned a light pink, “We have the same Finance class.”

Suyeon thought about it, she couldn’t recall seeing the boy ever.
“We do?”, she asked.

“Well, you do sit in the front of the class…so I’m not surprised you don’t know me. Professor Lee always calls on you though….that’s how I know…”
He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he finished explaining.
“Oh!” she said, “Yeah, I don’t ever turn around in there.”, she chuckled.
“So, Sunwoo is it?” she asked, sticking out her hand.
“Yeah but, you can call me Baro.” he smiled, shaking it.

Taehyun and Sunhwa stood quietly as their older siblings got acquainted.
“So, uhm you two have a project?” Suyeon turned her attention back to the kids.
“Mhm.” Sunhwa nodded.
“Can we work in the back noona?” Taehyun asked.
Suyeon nodded, ‘Yeah, no problem.”

Sunhwa looked up at her brother, “I’ll come by in what? Two hours?” he asked.
“That sounds good.”

He squatted down and hugged her tightly, “Okay then.”
The little girl squealed when he blew a raspberry against her cheek.
Suyeon smiled at the sight, and giggled when Baro stood up red faced.
“Bye oppa!” She waved as Taehyun led the way to the lounge.

“So!”, she broke the silence, “Did you want to eat something?”
He looked around, hands stuffed in pockets, “Sure.”, he flashed her a smile.
“Yay!” she clapped and led him to a table, signaling Suzy to bring her a menu.
“He’s a classmate.” Suyeon told her, “Treat him well.”
Suzy smiled, “I will unnie.”

Suyeon was back by the kitchen when Sunny all the waitresses huddled around her.
“Who is he?” Sunny asked.
“Apparently he’s in my Finance class.” she grabbed a pitcher of water.
“Apparently?” Sohee questioned.
Suyeon shrugged, “Well I rarely associate with people in class…”

“He’s cute.” Suzy walked up after pinning up his order.

From afar Baro sat calmly, secretly celebrating on the inside that he finally was able to meet the smartest, most prettiest girl he’s ever known. He could never work up the courage to talk to her, so he would just admire her at a distance. Did he know Taehyun was her brother? Of course he did. Sometimes when he would go pick up Sunhwa there she was, waiting patiently for him. So naturally when his beloved dongsaeng introduced him to her new project partner, he took the opportunity to meet her.
When Suyeon left him in the care of Suzy though, he fell to disappointment. He rethought his whole plan. I came when she was working, what else did I expect?

Twiddling his thumbs he looked over as she was taking an order. Her smile was breathtaking and he didn’t realize how long he’d been staring until Suzy returned with his food.
“Oh, thank you.” he coughed awkwardly.
Suzy pressed her lips together and nodded, “Enjoy.” she said and took off.

“He has a crush on you unnie!” Suzy whispered loudly.
Suyeon and the other waitresses stopped what they were doing and looked at the younger girl.
“I went to go give him his food and caught him looking at you.”, she went on.

Suyeon rolled her eyes, “Oh come on Suzy, he hardly knows me.”
“Talkin’ about lover boy number two?” Myungsoo strolled up, all caught up on the story.

“I have a boyfriend you know, one that I very much like.”
“Oh we don’t doubt it.” Jooyeon wiped down the counter.
Suyeon curiously glanced back towards his table and was unconvinced of Suzy’s words. Shrugging it off she continued serving the customers.

Baro didn’t know whether to just stay there or leave and come back. He had long since finished his food but, he still a long while before Sunhwa said she’d be done.
I’m taking orders from an eight year old,he thought, what the hell. After contemplating it another minute he decided to leave. I’ll just look like a loser sitting here.

“Leaving?” Suyeon caught him before he left.
“Yeah…” he smiled, “The food was great.”
“I’ll tell Kibum, I’m sure he’d be happy to hear it.”
Still being awkward around each other, a silence settled around them. It didn’t help that most of the customers had left, leaving it almost vacant.

“Uhm, so I’ll come by…in a little bit to pick up Sunhwa…”
Baro didn’t want to leave, he prayed that she would invite him to stay so that they could get to know each other.

She nodded, “Okay then.”
Donghae face palmed at the scene as the boy exited.

“Could that have been anymore painful?” Siwon cringed.
Suyeon frowned, “Tell me about it.”


Her day continued until Taehyun and Sunhwa both came out from the lounge.
“Done already?”, she asked.
The kids nodded, “For now anyways, we can do the rest in class.” Sunhwa said.

“Are you two hungry?” Donghae walked by, offering them food.
They nodded eagerly and Suyeon put them at Taehyun’s usual table.
“I’ll tell Kibum to make you something.”

The children ate happily as Suyeon sat around, bored from the lack of customers.
“You can take off when Sunhwa leaves, that is if you want to.” Siwon said.
“Are you sure?”, she asked. The last thing she wanted was for them to be understaffed.

“Yeah, I doubt we’ll have much business tonight anyways.”
She nodded, “I will then. I need to sleep~”

Pulling out her phone she texted Yongguk, telling him that she would be getting out early. He responded back quickly saying that he’d be there to walk ‘his girl’ home. She blushed just from reading the typed message. Sunhwa was beyond adorable, always complimenting her on something.
“Oh, and Sunwoo oppa says you’re very smart.”, she continued.

Her co-workers stopped and neared the table.
“What did I say?!” Suzy put her hands on her hips.

Suyeon told her to hush. “What else does he say Sunhwa?” asked Luna.
Taehyun and Suyeon rolled their eyes.
“Oh I don’t know.” she said, “Since he lives in the dorms I don’t seem him too often.”
Suyeon brushed off everything. I’m with Yongguk, and he’s more than I could ever ask for.

After a few more minutes of interrogating the girl, Jooyeon told everyone to shoo and to let her finish her food. Suyeon waited a few more tables and was clocking out when Sunhwa’s voice rang through the air.
“Oppa!” She ran up and hugged her older brother’s leg.
“Hey cuteness.” He smiled and scooped her up in his arms.

Okay, Suyeon thought, that’s pretty cute.

“You ready to go?” he asked.
Sunhwa nodded, “Okay, go get your stuff then.”
He set her down and she grabbed Taehyun by the arm, “Come on Taehyun!”
Together they both ran back to the lounge, leaving their siblings.
“Thank you for watching her.” Baro said, “I hope she wasn’t too much trouble.”
“Oh not at all!” Suyeon shook her head, “She’s very well-behaved.”

They both stood their, again in silence. “So…” He chuckled nervously.
“I’m ready!” Sunhwa ran back out, backpack and all.
Suyeon pressed her lips together, holding in her laugh.
“Oh okay.” he looked around and the staff quickly snapped their heads in another direction.
“I’ll see you on Monday Taehyun!” Sunhwa beamed.

He nodded and stuck out his fist. Continuing to smile she fist bumped him and latched her hand to Baro’s.
“Well, we should get going then.” he said, already starting to turn away.
“I’ll see you in class…?” Suyeon said, making him look back.
A smile spread across his blush face, “Yeah…okay.”
“Bye unnie!” Sunhwa waved as her and Baro continued walking.

As they reached the door it was pulled open.
Suyeon smiled brightly as she saw Yongguk hold it and waited for them to walk out first. Baro glanced back at her and raised his brows, thinking the smile was meant for him. He grinned nonetheless and thanked Yongguk before skipping off with Sunhwa.

“HYUNG!” Taehyun beamed and ran up to him.
He smiled and carried him over to where Suyeon was.
“You two ready?” he asked.
“Let me go get my stuff.” Taehyun sprinted to the lounge yet again.
Suyeon smiled as he kissed her. “How’s my girl?”, he asked.
“I’m fine~” she giggled.

“I’m ready!” Taehyun came back smiling from ear to ear.
Yongguk took his hand and wrapped his arm around Suyeon’s shoulders.
“I’ll see you guys tomorrow!” Suyeon said goodbye to her co-workers.
“Bye guys.” Yongguk and Taehyun smiled as they left.

Myungsoo scratched his head, “Something tells me this isn’t going to end well…”




Thank you for being patient<333333

Hope you like the new chapter~

I have the tendency to stick my biases in my stories in one way or another

Sorry I've been busy. I had Prom this past week and I had a total of five AP tests .____.

then graduation is literally in two weeks...


 I should really put a label on how fluffy this story is.

FAF: Fluffy As . xD


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Argh, you guys are so patient with me! Thank you and I'll have a chapter...or two up tomorrow when I get out of class! Thank you for reading and subscribing


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Chapter 32: This was an amazing story! Thnk you very much for sharing your creativeness. I wish it was longer! Lol I love it!
Chapter 7: I'm happy for you, Suyeon (^-^)
Chapter 5: Why didn't Suyeon knock on the door so Maslo or anyone in house could open the door? (previous chapter)
Yongguk hugged her~ >///<
Chapter 3: I'm giggling here but also disappointed, Yongguk has been rejected!! ( ; _ ; )
Chapter 1: Omo~ >///<
I'll read this until the end~
dalamjwi07 #6
Chapter 2: I was confused at first, who were those csp, maslo, etc? then I searched their profile on internet and I found myself listening to their music, and it's great. What a twist authornim, thank you.
Chapter 34: Re-reading this for the 1000x time and gah all the feels i get everytime when reading this! Ofc i had to vote this story up~
hahalalatata #8
Chapter 34: I cant believe its done!! Omg im happy and sad. But i loved this fic. Such a perfect balance of everything. I hope there is another BYG fic in the future. Now I'm going to reread thia fic again: )
Chapter 34: So....I saw that you finished the instead of picking up where I left off...I went and re-read the entire from the beginning lolz....such a cute story....I love it!!! ♥♥
MAIisVIP #10
Chapter 34: Haha cute ending ^______^