Stay With Me

Take A Chance

Junhong struggled to get Suyeon to get inside her apartment.
“Go inside noona!” he whispered.
“NO!” she quietly yelled, “You are taking me with you!”
He sighed, “Yongguk hyung told me to bring you home and I did! Now stay here!”
She crossed her arms, “Absolutely not! You are taking me with you, that is final!”
“Aish! NOONA GET INSIDE!” he yelled.

Suyeon gaped at him, “Did you just raise your voice at me? Boy you have got me messed up-”
He widened his eyes, “I-I’m sorry noona-a.” he stumbled backwards.

“Suyeon?” Ms. Hwang opened the door ajar, her eyes showing that she had just woken up.
“Ms. Hwang.” she turned around quickly.
“Is everything okay?”

Junhong and Suyeon gave each other uneasy glances, “Uhm, Yongguk hyung is in the hospital.” he lied, “I came to tell noona.” he blinked.
She covered , “What happened?”
“I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about…” Junhong looked at the ground.
“I came to tell you that I was going to see him.” Suyeon picked up where he left off.
Ms. Hwang rubbed her eyes, “Yes, yes. Go, it’s better if you check on him. Take some clothes too.” she opened the door wider. “Incase you have to spend the night, hospitals can get cold.”
“Come in Junhongie, you’ll freeze.” Ms. Hwang waved him in, quickly shutting the door.

They didn’t go back to the restaurant. Suyeon continuously called Yongguk but it went straight to voicemail. Her and Junhong went to the apartment Maslo and Yongguk shared, hoping that they’d be there but when Junhong opened the door with his spare key, it was empty. Suyeon grew worried with each passing minute and wouldn’t stay still.

Junhong called CSP, he hadn’t heard from them either. He said he’d be there as soon as possible. It was nearly one in the morning, Junhong was fast asleep on the couch when Suyeon heard shuffling outside the door. She shook him awake and pointed at the door.

She swung it open and the four boys quickly walked in, shivering from the cold.
“Oppa!” she hugged Yongguk tightly, “Are you okay? Are you guys okay?” she looked over at the others.
They nodded, “We’re fine.” assured Maslo.
“Thankfully Luna walked out when her shift ended, she called the cops.” explained Still PM.

Yongguk brushed her hair back, “We’re fine jagi.” his voice calmed her a little.
She looked up and saw a small band aid, mostly covered by his hair but still visible.
Frowning she touched it lightly, “Are you sure?” she asked again.
They nodded, “We’re fine Suyeon.” called RiLord from the kitchen. “Only two punches were thrown.”
“When did he get back there?” she turned, confused at how he had gotten past her.

A knock at the door made them all jump. CSP stood outside, hugging himself trying to keep warm. “What did you guys do?” he walked in.
“Nothing~” Still PM whined, “No one got hurt, with the exception of a small cut but we’re fine.”
“It was my fault!” Suyeon sighed.
“No!” they all said, making her pout.

“It was mine!” Junhong stood up, “I’m the one who had beef with Namwoo.”
“I’m the one who went to your school!” she got out of Yongguk’s arms, only to be pulled back.
“I went too you know.” he calmed her down, “You’re going to have to share the blame.”

CSP yawned, “So no one of you died, am I right?”
Maslo nodded, “We’re all good.”
“Alright then, you three.” he pointed at Junhong, Still PM, and RiLord. “Car. Now.”
They all assured Suyeon that they were fine before running downstairs, fighting over which one would get shotgun.

She sighed seeing that Yongguk’s band aid was already soaked. Maslo said goodnight as he sleepily walked into his room.
“Where’s the first aid kit?” she frowned.

“I’m fine!” he leaned his forehead on hers.
“Just tell me, please…”

He left her in the living room and quickly went into the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets.
“Sit.” she told him as he handed her the case.
“But jagi!” he whined.
She pushed him down on the couch and sat down next to him, tearing open an alcohol pad and grabbing a fresh band aid.

He cringed lightly from the stinging and stared at her as she cleaned the small cut.
After she placed the new band aid on she sighed and quickly hugged him.

“Don’t do that again.” she mumbled.
He chuckled, breathing in the scent of her hair, “I’m sorry.”
“I could’ve taken him.” Suyeon pouted.

Yongguk tickled her, “I don’t doubt it but, I wouldn’t allow it either.”
“You men.” she rolled her eyes, “Always trying to be tough.”
He gave her a comforting smile and leaned her head back on his chest.
“I’m fine and so is everyone else.” he squeezed her tightly.
She mumbled something incoherent against him.

“Is that your backpack?” he furrowed his brows.
She pulled away, “Oh, yeah. Junhong and I started arguing. I didn’t want to go home so he lied and told Ms. Hwang that you were in the hospital. She suggested that I pack some clothes incase I needed to stay overnight.”
He smiled, “Are you going to stay?”
Her brow raised, “I thought you were okay.”

Yongguk let out a fake groan, “Ouch, it hurts Su.”
She giggled, “Really now?”
He nodded with a pout, “What hurts?” she asked.
“…Everything.” he cringed.
Suyeon shook her head, “That’s terrible babe but~ I should probably head home.”
He held her by the waist, restricting her from standing up. “But-” he kissed her cheek.
“I’m just kidding!” she giggled, “I’ll stay…if you want me to.”
“Of course I do.” he smiled. “Stay with me~”

Suyeon sat on Yongguk’s bed, brushing out her long dark hair. Already changed into an oversized t-shirt and shorts she waited for Yongguk to come out of the bathroom. She stuffed the round blue brush back into her bag and sat up against the bed frame cross-legged, silently sending a prayer to her mother. The ring easily slid off her finger and made a ting as she set it down on the nightstand.

Yongguk stepped out of the bathroom, only in his boxers and muscle shirt. Suyeon blushed lightly as he crawled over to his side and pulled her close. She kissed him, starting off with small pecks and rapidly evolving into a full-fledged make out session.

She felt his hands go down, near the hem of her shirt. A small alarm went off in her head, not that she didn’t like him, but it was extremely early for them to go that far now. His hands never made it there, they reached out for her hands instead and she was more than grateful. Their kisses slowed down and he eventually laid her head on his chest.

Yongguk felt his heart flip flop every time she ran her hand along some part of him. He hoped that she wouldn’t notice with her leaning on him. The silence was broken when the branches from the bare tree outside knocked against his window from the cold wind. Right about now most guys would think that it was crazy that he had a beautiful girl in his bed and the last thing on his mind was .

He told her he was different, he didn’t want to get into her pants just like that.
“Are you okay?” Suyeon looked up at him.
He blinked out of his thoughts and smiled, “Never been better.” He tightened his arms around her, molding his body to hers.
She giggled, “Good night oppa.”
Yongguk kissed her while gently cupping her cheek, “Good night beautiful.” he murmured against her lips.


“Are you going to tell me now?” Suyeon pouted and played with the zipper of Yongguk’s jacket. He never told her what happened the night before. All she knew was that Luna was able to walk by in time, and according to RiLord only two punches were thrown.

“Why do you want to know?” he scrunched up his nose. “I told you I can handle myself.”
“I know, I know.” she rolled her eyes.
“Oh you don’t believe me?” he raised a brow, “Kim Suyeon, I’m very strong.” he said.
Suyeon heard the playfulness in his voice, “Yongguk-”

He tore off his jacket, revealing only a thin black beater underneath. “Oppa, what are you doing?!” she flushed a deep red, as people stared.
Yongguk set himself in a push up position, “One….two…three…” he grunted out each count.
“Oppa! Okay I get it!” Suyeon covered her face, “Get up!”
“…nineteen…twe…nt..y.” he sighed and got up, “I was supposed to make it to forty.” he face palmed.

She giggled, “Put on your jacket! You’ll get sick.” she helped him by buttoning it up and zipping it up all the way.
“Besides…” she grinned up at him, “You don’t have to prove anything to me.”
He flashed her a gummy smile, “But I did anyways, doesn’t that come with some kind of reward?”
Suyeon shook her head, “Aish, Bang Yongguk!” she joked, “Come here!”

Their hearts fluttered as they kissed. She giggled as he moved up, kissing the tip of her nose and then her forehead. He held her hand and continued walking her to the restaurant.

“You’re going to come see me later right? And you’re brining Taehyun?” he asked.
“Yes I am~ He’s excited about seeing you guys perform.” she smiled, “Ms. Hwang said he’s been bouncing off the walls all day.”
He chuckled, “He’s gonna have fun, and you missy have to go to work!”
She pouted, “I don’t wanna!”
“Well in that case I would run back home with you but, Myungsoo and Siwon are looking at us right now.”
“What?!” she turned and they both snapped their heads in another direction.

She grumbled and he lifted up her chin, “I’ll see you later.” he pecked her lips.
“Okay.” she gave him another peck.
He cupped her face, kissing her, “You should go inside.”
“Mhm.” she giggled, continuing to kiss him.
Yongguk held her close, “No seriously, you’ll get in trouble.”
She wrapped her hands around his neck, “Aish, how much time do you have?”

“Ten minutes.” she answered, just giving a rough estimate.
He moved her away from the door, still with their lips locked and leaned their bodies against the brick wall, “That’ll have to do.” he chuckled as they continued to kiss.

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Argh, you guys are so patient with me! Thank you and I'll have a chapter...or two up tomorrow when I get out of class! Thank you for reading and subscribing


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Chapter 32: This was an amazing story! Thnk you very much for sharing your creativeness. I wish it was longer! Lol I love it!
Chapter 7: I'm happy for you, Suyeon (^-^)
Chapter 5: Why didn't Suyeon knock on the door so Maslo or anyone in house could open the door? (previous chapter)
Yongguk hugged her~ >///<
Chapter 3: I'm giggling here but also disappointed, Yongguk has been rejected!! ( ; _ ; )
Chapter 1: Omo~ >///<
I'll read this until the end~
dalamjwi07 #6
Chapter 2: I was confused at first, who were those csp, maslo, etc? then I searched their profile on internet and I found myself listening to their music, and it's great. What a twist authornim, thank you.
Chapter 34: Re-reading this for the 1000x time and gah all the feels i get everytime when reading this! Ofc i had to vote this story up~
hahalalatata #8
Chapter 34: I cant believe its done!! Omg im happy and sad. But i loved this fic. Such a perfect balance of everything. I hope there is another BYG fic in the future. Now I'm going to reread thia fic again: )
Chapter 34: So....I saw that you finished the instead of picking up where I left off...I went and re-read the entire from the beginning lolz....such a cute story....I love it!!! ♥♥
MAIisVIP #10
Chapter 34: Haha cute ending ^______^