Everyone Knows But Her...

Take A Chance


Sunny and Luna giggled as they whispered back and forth near the back of the restaurant. Siwon raised his brow and walked over.
"Spill it, what is it? I want in.", he narrowed his eyes at them.
Sunny clamped her hand over his mouth, "Shh!"
"Wahtt ish it?", his voice was muffled.
Myungsoo crept up and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Look at Key.", he said quietly.
They looked over and saw him playing with the small bowl of honey he had ordered with his tea. He scooped up the sticky substance with the spoon and watched as it slowly poured back into the bowl, all with a smile on his face.
"Hm. I wonder what that's all about.", Siwon scratched his head.
Sohee tilted her head and slapped at Suyeon's arm.
"Ow! What is-" Sohee, in a hush-hush manner, pointed in his direction.
Suyeon gave him an odd look and saw the same confusion in her co-workers.
Junhong tugged at her sleeve, "Go find out!", he said,
Suyeon slowly approached his table and sat down in front of him.
"Key?", she questioned.
"Hm?", he glanced at her.
Sueyon wasn't sure how to react, the boy seemed to be dazed, his eyes gleaming with pure bliss.
"What's going on?" Suyeon spoke slowly and gently, as if he was a child.
Key put down the spoon and let out a shy giggle. Suyeon shot an amused expression at Luna and the rest of the staff. They all hid their smiles and continued to watch as Suyeon interrogated him.
"I'm in love~!" He threw his hands in the air, a big smile on his face.
Luna rushed over and sat on top of Suyeon's lap, "What!?" 
The girls shot incredulous looks at each other. "Who, when, and whaaat?"
"Well...", Key covered his face, "It was when I was in Japan."
"Her name is Miyumi.", he said her name sweetly, "And she's...amazing!" 
Suyeon motioned for him to continue, trying not to squeal over how love-sick he was.
"I thought it was just one of those summer love things you know? Like the minute I left for home, it would be over and I wouldn't see her again.", he explained.
"But then, I went into one of the modeling agencies that I work for. They wanted samples of the new Spring line, so I volunteered to deliver them."
He took a sip of his tea to soothe his throat before continuing.
"And I walk in as they're doing a photo shoot, and BAM! She's the model they're using."
At the word 'model' all the male workers rushed over, minus Kibum who was stuck in the kitchen.
"Does she have model friends?"
"Are they hot?"
"Of course they are, can you set me up?"
"Me! Me! Set me up too!"
Luna and Suyeon nearly fell out of the seat as they bombarded the boy with questions.
"Okay, y'all are gonna need to back up!", he said, "Like, right now!" 
They pouted and did so, leaving the girls and him.
"Anyways, before I was so rudely interrupted!", he shot them a glare, "She was doing a photo shoot, and in the middle of it we met eyes and...", he giggled again.
"Oh my gosh Key!", the girls clapped, "We've never seen you like this before!"
His face became red, "I know! Ah, but it feels so good to say!" 
They giggled, "I mean Suyeon, you must know what it's like. Every time you're with Yongguk, that's how I am with Miyumi."
Luna gave him a warning look, knowing well that Suyeon hadn't noticed it as much as they did.
"Uh...", she patted Luna's leg, telling her to get up, "I should get back to work."
Key frowned as she walked away, "She doesn't know it yet does she?", he asked Luna.
"Oh I think it's creepin' up on her.", Luna nodded, "Sooner or later..."


"Hyung!" Taehyun ran into Yongguk's arms. He chuckled as he almost toppled over.
"Whoa there.", he steady himself, "Gettin' a little strong there Tae, don't hurt me now!"
The boy giggled, "I won't! At least, not on purpose."
He smiled and stood up, taking his hand.
"Hyung is your hand alright?" Taehyun noticed the white bandage along Yongguk's knuckles and gave him a worried look.
"Huh? Oh yeah." Yongguk shrugged, "It's nothing, don't worry about it."
The boy nodded, "Okay...Are you taking me to noona's job?"
"Yes young sir, I will be escorting you there.", he smiled.
"Taehyun-ah!" The little boy turned at the shout for his attention.
"Ah, Sunhwa!" He high fived the little girl. 
"Oh.", she looked up at Yongguk, "I'm sorry if I was interrupting..."
"You weren't.", he assured, ruffling her hair.
"Sunhwa, this is Yongguk hyung. He's my sister's boyfriend.", Taehyun said.
"Suyeon unnie has a boyfriend?!" The little girl squealed.
Yongguk chuckled and squatted down to their level. "Yup, that's me."
"Annyeonghaseyo Yongguk oppa.", she bowed politely.
"She's my best friend.", said Taehyun.
"And rival!", Sunhwa beamed, "Taehyun and I are the top of the class."
"Sunhwa!", they all looked to see Baro standing a few feet away.
"Oppa!", she beamed, "Come here!" 
"We should get you home." He sighed as she dragged him closer to where Yongguk was.
"Yongguk oppa, this is my brother Sunwoo!", she smiled.
The two awkwardly shook hands, Yongguk's grip a little harder than usual.
"Taehyun.", he said, with eyes still on Baro, "Why don't you and Sunhwa go get some ice cream." He took out his wallet and handed him a few bills.
"Okay!", Taehyun could never turn down the sweet treat.
Sunhwa looked at the two curiously before following Taehyun who was tugging at her arm. As Yongguk sighed Baro flinched and jumped back a step.
"Please don't hit me.", he gulped.
Yongguk rolled his eyes, "Yeah, like I would really do that in front of all these kids."
For once the boy was glad that his mother forced him to pick up Sunhwa.
"Look, about the other night...", Baro scratched his head, "I shouldn't have done that, even if I didn't know about you...It was wrong..."
"At least buy a girl dinner before you try to her face off. Common decency...", Yongguk gave him a judging look.
Baro wasn't sure if it was okay to laugh or not, but he did anyways. Yongguk looked at him oddly, "Okay then..."
"I'm sorry.", Baro chuckled, "No really...I am..."
"You know that if you ever, and I mean EVER try to kiss my girlfriend again and I will end you."
He nodded, gulping in fear, "Y-yes sir. Understood."
"I love Suyeon.", he declared, "And you have no idea what I will go to keep her safe."
Before Yongguk could induce more fear into Baro, the kids ran back ice cream in hand.
"I should get you home Sunhwa.", her older brother rubbed the back of his neck.
"Okay.", she smiled, "Bye Taehyun! It was nice meeting you Yongguk oppa, thank you for the ice cream!"
"No problem.", he gave her a warm smile.
"Bye Sunhwa!" Taehyun waved and took Yongguk's hand. "Let's go hyung!"
They both walked their normal route to Suyeon's job, stopping at a small flower stand when Yongguk saw a few carnations.
Suyeon jumped with excitement when she saw them coming down the street. She gave Taehyun a tight hug before being lifted off the ground by Yongguk.
"Yongguk!", she laughed, "Oppa, put me down your hand is still hurt."
He smirked and raised his bandaged hand with flowers up at her. Suyeon shook her head, "I forget how strong you are.", she said as he slowly lowered her to the ground.
He leaned in and kissed her softly, until Luna stepped out of the restaurant and took Taehyun, who was covering his eyes. 
"Shameless!" Key scoffed, "Get a room!"
Suyeon covered her blushing face and looked up at Yongguk. He chuckled and handed her the pink flowers.
"For the record, we don't think it's shameless. We think you two are adorable!" 
Suzy and Jongup stuck their heads out and grinned.
"Tell me you're coming tonight!" Yongguk squeezed his eyes shut.
Suyeon giggled and kissed his cheek, "Of course I am! Why would I miss my wonderful boyfriend's perform?"
He smiled brightly, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Okay then, I'll see you tonight."
She nodded, "I lov-ook, look at the time, I should be with Maslo. He...needed something."
Suyeon tilted her head, "Okay...", she held back a laugh and kissed him again.
"Thank you for the flowers oppa.".
Yongguk opened the door open for her and gave the other workers a quick wave.
"Bye hyung!" Junhong beamed from inside.
He smiled and met Donghae and Siwon's grins at the entrance. They both smiled knowingly at him. Almost as if they knew what he was about to say to her.




Babies, omfg. Tell me you all saw the No Mercy teaser?

Isn't it beautifullyamzingyhotomfgwhatislife

It's currently 4am here and I had to stay to watch it.

Okays, I'm done.

Thank you for reading and subscribing<3333 

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Argh, you guys are so patient with me! Thank you and I'll have a chapter...or two up tomorrow when I get out of class! Thank you for reading and subscribing


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Chapter 32: This was an amazing story! Thnk you very much for sharing your creativeness. I wish it was longer! Lol I love it!
Chapter 7: I'm happy for you, Suyeon (^-^)
Chapter 5: Why didn't Suyeon knock on the door so Maslo or anyone in house could open the door? (previous chapter)
Yongguk hugged her~ >///<
Chapter 3: I'm giggling here but also disappointed, Yongguk has been rejected!! ( ; _ ; )
Chapter 1: Omo~ >///<
I'll read this until the end~
dalamjwi07 #6
Chapter 2: I was confused at first, who were those csp, maslo, etc? then I searched their profile on internet and I found myself listening to their music, and it's great. What a twist authornim, thank you.
Chapter 34: Re-reading this for the 1000x time and gah all the feels i get everytime when reading this! Ofc i had to vote this story up~
hahalalatata #8
Chapter 34: I cant believe its done!! Omg im happy and sad. But i loved this fic. Such a perfect balance of everything. I hope there is another BYG fic in the future. Now I'm going to reread thia fic again: )
Chapter 34: So....I saw that you finished the story....so instead of picking up where I left off...I went and re-read the entire from the beginning lolz....such a cute story....I love it!!! ♥♥
MAIisVIP #10
Chapter 34: Haha cute ending ^______^