My Girl

Take A Chance

Suyeon POV:

“D’aww~” Sunny and Luna poked at me with the silverware we were wrapping.
I couldn’t stop smiling, “Guys, he is like…I can’t even describe him.”
Before I continue my ramble of how amazingly incredible he was, my eye landed on the clock. Taehyun would be out of school soon, and Ms. Hwang wouldn’t be at home until later.
“Crap.” I quickly took off my apron, “I’ll be back in a minute.”

I raced to the school, making it to the front gate just as the bell rang. Panting, I leaned against one of the brick columns to catch my breath.
“Hyung~” I raised my head, hearing Taehyun’s voice.
My mouth hung open as I saw Yongguk scoop him up.
“Taehyun?” I frowned, meeting them at the gate.
“Noona!” he beamed, hugging my waist.

“I thought you were working.” Yongguk blinked.
“I was, I freaked because I thought I would be late to pick him up. What are you doing here?” I asked quickly.
He chuckled, “I sent you a text. I knew you’d be on the clock so I thought I’d pick him up and take him over there.”
I dug into my pockets, only to find them empty.
“I left my phone at the restaurant.” I pouted.
“Come on.” Yongguk smiled, “I’ll take you guys back.”

We stood outside for a second until Taehyun got the clue and walked in.
“Thank you for picking me up hyung.” he smiled giving him a quick hug.
“I’ll be in, in a minute.” I called after him.
Yongguk swung our laced hands, “Are you busy tomorrow night?” he asked.
“Nope.” I smiled, “Why?”
He chuckled, “Because~” he whined, “I have a show and I was wondering…”
“Wondering~?” she giggled.

“Wondering.” he continued, “If you would come and watch me.”
I smiled, “Of course.”
“You can bring Luna and everyone else, if you want to.” he suggested.
“I’m sure they would love nothing more than to come along and tease me.” I pouted.
He chuckled and looked into the window, “I think you should go inside.”
I furrowed my brows and turned around. Everyone quickly whipped their heads away while Donghae and Siwon pretended to clean the windows.

“Text me before your shift is over, I’ll take you and Taehyun home okay?”
I smiled, “Okay.” I turned but he spinned me around and pouted.
“What?” I giggled.
He pointed at his cheek, “Pleasee~” he begged.
Pretending to be fed up I crossed my arms, “Bang Yongguk, I can’t keep kissing you.”
“Kim Suyeon.” he mimicked me, “I know I’m not your boyfriend yet, but I have a recording session right now and I could use the luck.”

Yet? I blushed and let my arms fall as I leaned in. I should’ve learned from last time that he wouldn’t just let me kiss his cheek. He cupped my face connected our lips, making rise to my toes so I could actually reach him. He wore a big grin as we pulled apart, I rolled my eyes and slapped the bill of his cap over his eyes.
“You liked it!” he teased as I walked inside.
I stuck my tongue out at him before having to face the smirks of customers and co-workers.

“Hey guys.” I coughed.
“Mhmm~” Key raised his brow, continuing to sip his drink.
Sohee and the rest of the waitresses giggled, “Okay, let me have it.” I opened my arms, awaiting to be teased. Myungsoo held back his laughter and pointed behind me. Donghae and Siwon pretended to reenact the kiss, over exaggeratedly of course.
“I knew you two were gay for each other.” I joked.


No One’s POV:

Suyeon contemplated which flower bouquet to buy. Her and Taehyun would be visiting her mom and they didn’t have her favorite flowers, they weren’t in season.
“Tae?” she called out, “Which one do you think umma would like?”
The boy walked away from the fish tank and inspected both bunches of flowers.
“This one! Umma always liked purple.” he smiled. She nodded, putting back the other. She thanked the cashier and walked out, holding Taehyun’s hand.

Quickly she squatted down to fix his scarf, making sure that it would protect his face from the cold wind. They walked down the streets, carefully crossing the road to the small cemetery where their mother’s grave was located. The noises of vendors and construction were so loud that Suyeon didn’t even hear her name being called. Taehyun was too occupied turning up the volume on his music, he didn’t hear it either.

Yongguk rushed over, but was always short that they were turning another corner as he ran up from another. He stopped seeing them enter the cemetery. Oh, her mom. he mentally slapped himself contemplating whether or not he should go in. He would see her tonight, she was coming to his show, but he wanted to see her now. Quietly he entered, not wanting to disturb them.

“Umma!” Taehyun beamed and hugged the cold tombstone.
Suyeon smiled, he always did that. “Hey umma.” Suyeon pressed her lips together.
Taehyun moved over and sat in her lap, both of them facing the tombstone.
“I couldn’t find your favorite.” she pouted, placing the flowers in one of the plastic vases. “Tae picked them out.”

“I miss you.” she said quietly.
“Tired of hearing that?” she chuckled, “Well…yeah. I just finished my third semester.”
“And she’s changing majors….again!” Taehyun giggled.
“Be quiet!” she playfully scolded him.
“It’s true!” he stuck his tongue out.
“Okay I did change majors again, but I’m sticking with this next one. I promise.”

Yongguk smiled as he heard them speak.
“Umma, I know what I want to be when I grow up.” Taehyun sat up a little from Suyeon’s lap.
“I want to be a rapper!” he said proudly. “Like Yongguk hyung!”
“Oh yeah.” Suyeon giggled, “I met someone umma.”
“He’s cool umma, you’d like him!” Taehyun continued to ramble on about his hyung.

“His name’s Yongguk.” she said, “He’s really really sweet, and…This sounds all too familiar, but I know he’s different umma. I just know it.”
Taehyun got up, “Want me to get water for the flowers?”
She wiped the tears away from her eyes, “Yes please, be careful though.”
He nodded and ran off to the small fountain that was in the center of the cemetery.

“Umma…” she sighed, “I…I…I know that you’re watching after us. I miss you, and-” she sniffed, “I love you a lot.”
Taehyun came back, carrying a small bucket filled with water.
She helped him pour it into the small plastic vase that held the flowers.
They both stared at their mother’s grave before Suyeon tugged at his arm, signaling that it was time for them to go.
“Yongguk hyung?” Taehyun tilted his head, looking ahead.

Suyeon raised her brows and looked in the same direction.
“Yongguk? What-What are you doing here?” she quickly wiped her eyes again.
“I saw you guys walk in…couldn’t help myself.” he admitted shyly.
Taehyun smiled a little and went over grabbing his hand. “You want to meet our umma?” he asked.
“Tae.” Suyeon said, “I don’t think-”
“Actually, I would love to.” he interrupted her.

A warm feeling went through Suyeon. None of the other boys even knew her mother had passed away. Yongguk squatted down, putting his arm around Taehyun’s shoulder and looked at the grave, “Hi Ms. Han~” he chuckled lightly.
“Uh, I’m Yongguk, Bang Yongguk.” he bit his lip, “I don’t know what else to tell you but, I hope you don’t think bad of me. Really, I’m not a bad guy.”
Suyeon smiled, “Also thank you very much for bringing these two kids into the world.” he hugged Taehyun tighter while grabbing Suyeon’s hand.
“You raised some amazing children.”

Suyeon chuckled as he stood back up, putting his arm around her waist.
“Are we leaving now noona?” Taehyun asked.
She looked away from Yongguk as he pulled her closer, her head leaning against his chest. “Yeah, we are.”
They both placed a kiss on two of their fingers and touched the tombstone. Yongguk blinked, “Can I do that too?” he asked.
Suyeon once again raised her brows, “Uh-”
“Yes!” Taehyun pulled him closer, “Umma likes you, I can tell.”
He smiled and did it as well taking Suyeon’s hand.
“Bye umma, have fun playing with the angels.” Taehyun whispered as he led them out of the cemetery.


The girls ran to the restroom the minute their shifts ended. Suyeon had already taken Taehyun home earlier so she had nothing to worry about. With the help of Key they each had been able to prepare and outfit in a short amount of time. Myungsoo joined them this time, he hadn’t been out in a while.

“Did he say what time they were performing?” asked Jooyeon.
“Nope.” Suyeon pouted slightly, continuing to search for Soul Connection’s name on the roster. “Aha!” she smiled, “Another…fifteen minutes!”
“What’s taking the guys so long?” she looked around.
“We got carded by the bouncer, then we had to pay cover.” Siwon walked up at the perfect time.
“I was not notified about that.” Myungsoo frowned cutely, stuffing his wallet back inside his pocket.

Donghae immediately went to the bar, skipping his side of the story.
“I bet if we dressed like you guys we would’ve gotten in, no questions asked.” Siwon shook his head.
“If you would’ve dressed like us you probably wouldn’t have gotten in.” giggled Sunny.
“That is true.” Myungsoo nodded.

“Suyeon!” She turned hearing her name. Yongguk weaved in and out of the crowd, nearly spilling someone’s drink in the process.

She giggled as he balanced himself before calmly walking towards her.
“Smooth.” she chuckled.
“I know.” he smiled proudly.

The girls giggled as they watched them. Suyeon rolled her eyes as she turned to face them. “Hi Yongguk!” they said brightly.
He chuckled, “Hey guys, thanks for comin’ out.”
“Wouldn’t miss it bro.” Siwon patted his shoulder, “Oh snap I’ll be back.”
He spotted two girls, “MYUNGSOO!” he grabbed his arm, “You are my wing man for the night since Donghae is MIA.”
Myungsoo looked in the direction he was looking, “Can‘t. Look. Away.” his jaw hung open. “We’ll see you guys later.” They stumbled as they made their way over to them.
“Gross.” Sohee made a face.

Yongguk pouted as he saw CSP waving him over, “I gotta go on stage.”
“You’ll do great.” Suyeon smiled, “I know it.”
He smiled at her compliment, and was completely taken by surprise when she lightly pecked his lips.
“For luck.” she said shyly.

He kissed her again before running to the stage for his mic check.
“Aw Su!” they poked at her.
“Yeah yeah, whatever!” she shrugged them off.


After Yongguk performed his full set he told her co-workers that he would be stealing her for a while. They agreed, not like it was possible to say no to anything that involved them being together. Although before letting them leave, they did have to endure a good ten minutes of teasing. Most of it revolved around their matching outfits, which neither of them planned.

He took her to Chyunggyecheon, even with the time nearing one in the morning the small stream still had a few couples in its presence. The lights in the water caught Suyeon’s attention. Even with living in Seoul her entire life she had never been here.
Yongguk hoped that she hadn’t noticed how sweaty his hands had gotten. He gulped as he stopped them, helping her walk down the small steps and sitting them down just where the water met the steps.

He sat on the step above her, allowing her to sit in between his legs. She leaned her head back against his chest as they both stared at the water. One of his hands laced with hers, resting on his leg.
“It’s beautiful here.” she blinked sleepily.
“It is.” Yongguk rested his chin on the top of her head.
Now! Now, do it now! Yongguk felt his heart race as he carefully let go of her hand and lifted her chin up to look at him.

“What’s wrong?” she turned her body to face him.
Yongguk smiled, taking both of her hands in his. “Suyeon…”
She blinked, waiting for him to continue. “Ahh~” he looked up at the sky.
“I’m sorry, this is…it’s the easiest thing to ask but the answer is…”
He took a deep breath and looked her in the eye, “Will you be my girlfriend?”

Suyeon’s eyes widened and she stopped breathing. “Su?” he squeezed her hand a little. That brought her back to reality and she found it difficult to breath regularly.
“Oh god, are you okay?” he cupped her face.
She shook her head, bringing his hands back to her, “I-I’m fine.” she assured with a weak smile, “I…Yes.”
He gave her the biggest smile he could give, “You’re saying yes?”
“Yes!” she let out a chuckle, scooting closer to him, “Yes!” she repeated.

He pulled her up, hugging her tightly. A few of the couples that were around them clapped hearing that she responded positively. She giggled as he leaned his forehead on hers. “Kiss! Kiss!” they chanted, egging both of them on.
“I think we should give them what they want.” he grinned.
Without a word he connected their lips, smiling when the people cheered.

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Argh, you guys are so patient with me! Thank you and I'll have a chapter...or two up tomorrow when I get out of class! Thank you for reading and subscribing


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Chapter 32: This was an amazing story! Thnk you very much for sharing your creativeness. I wish it was longer! Lol I love it!
Chapter 7: I'm happy for you, Suyeon (^-^)
Chapter 5: Why didn't Suyeon knock on the door so Maslo or anyone in house could open the door? (previous chapter)
Yongguk hugged her~ >///<
Chapter 3: I'm giggling here but also disappointed, Yongguk has been rejected!! ( ; _ ; )
Chapter 1: Omo~ >///<
I'll read this until the end~
dalamjwi07 #6
Chapter 2: I was confused at first, who were those csp, maslo, etc? then I searched their profile on internet and I found myself listening to their music, and it's great. What a twist authornim, thank you.
Chapter 34: Re-reading this for the 1000x time and gah all the feels i get everytime when reading this! Ofc i had to vote this story up~
hahalalatata #8
Chapter 34: I cant believe its done!! Omg im happy and sad. But i loved this fic. Such a perfect balance of everything. I hope there is another BYG fic in the future. Now I'm going to reread thia fic again: )
Chapter 34: So....I saw that you finished the instead of picking up where I left off...I went and re-read the entire from the beginning lolz....such a cute story....I love it!!! ♥♥
MAIisVIP #10
Chapter 34: Haha cute ending ^______^