
Take A Chance


"Are you almost home?" Suyeon walked out of the subway station and had her phone out, answering her mother's call. "Yeah.", she sighed, "I'm a few streets away." It was already dark and she was just grateful that it was Friday, but there was still tons of studying to do over the weekend. "What time are you coming home?"  Her mom sighed on the other end. "Late.", she clicked her tongue, "I just stepped out to make sure you were on your way." Suyeon smiled, even if she hardly saw her mother throughout the week she would always call to check up on them.
"Alright mom, well I guess I'll see you when you get home." Suyeon looked both ways before crossing the street and heard someone calling her mother's name in the background. "Okay sweetie, I love you!" Before Suyeon could repeat it she had already hung up. She blew a raspberry and pocketed her phone before fixing the straps of her backpack. Loud music poured out of a music shop, smoke from the food vendors filled the streets, and there was cheering from a small circle surrounding a few breakdancers. Suyeon was so caught up in looking at the bboys that when someone clamped their hand over she began kicking and thrashing against who ever was behind her.
"Baby, calm down!" She was spun around and found herself face to face with her boyfriend, laughing at her reaction. "Zico!", she punched his shoulder.
"Ow!", he rubbed where she had hit him, "Why'd you do that for?"
Suyeon looked at him in disbelief, "Why?! You scared the out of me, that's why!"
He chuckled and put and arm around her waist, "My bad." He leaned in to kiss her but she turned her head. "Baby!", he whined. Suyeon scowled at him and wiggled out of his hold. "I have to get home.", she said.
"Oh come on", he grabbed her again, pressing her body against his. She sighed and he kissed her cheek, "Suyeon~". Zico kissed the corner of and lifted her chin up, "I'm sorry.", he mumbled and then placed his lips on hers. She started kissing him back but felt his hands wander to the front of her uniform skirt. "Zico.", she pushed away, "I have to go home." He let out an agitated sigh and rolled his eyes. "Just a quickie...please~!", he begged her. Suyeon scoffed, "Seriously?"
"My friend's apartment is just down the-"
"You've got to be ing kidding me.", she began walking away but he ran up in front of her. "Come on Suyeon, I haven't seen you in like a week."
"You're mad because I don't want to sleep with you? Well I'm ing sorry but you're only sweet or nice to me when you want some, so no Zico." She pushed pass him and he caught her by the arm. "Don't ing speak to me like that."
She clenched her jaw and yanked away from him, "Don't touch me." Suyeon walked away again and he chuckled, "Walk away, see if I care!"
"FINE!", she didn't look back and continued on her way.
She got a few blocks down before he ran after her. "Wait, wait, wait Suyeon." Zico blocked her off again and she attempted to go around him. "Please.", he changed the tone of his voice, "Please baby, I'm sorry." Suyeon stopped walking and he back hugged her, "I'm really sorry.", he said in her ear. He turned her around and lifted her chin up, "Forgive me?" In her mind she added another tally under the 'Forgive me' column and sighed. Suyeon nodded her head and he smirked, "Oh you're full of it.", she sulked. He chuckled and bit his lip, "Look, I'll take you out next week okay?"
Suyeon also had another column for that as well, when ever he 'took her out' it also involved his friends.
"Yeah, sure.", she said, even though she knew that either he'd cancel later. He smiled victoriously because he knew he'd always win with things like this. "I really have to head home.", she repeated for the third time. Zico tossed his head back and groaned, "Fine.", he whined and released her from his hug. "I'm really sorry.", she apologized, "I had already told my mom I was on my way and-"
"It's fine...", he tried to guilt her into it a little more, "I guess you should head home." Suyeon nodded and leaned in to kiss him, adding onto the apology of not being able to be with him. She waved at him shyly and continued on her way. 
She was three blocks away when her phone rang again. She didn't recognize the recognized the number but answered it anyway. "Hello?" She heard Taehyun crying on the other end and she panicked immediately. "Taehyun?! What's wrong? Where are you? Wh-" He sniffled and coughed a few times, "It...It's mom.", he sobbed, "Noona, y...you ha...have...Th...they said she is..n't going to make it." Suyeon nearly tripped over her own feet when her brother said that. "What do you mean!? Where...what." She heard the phone being moved around and Ms. Hwang's voice came up on the other end. "Suyeon.", her voice was strained, "You have to come to the hospital, right now." She bolted in the other direction and ran as fast as she could.
Suyeon remembered every detail of that day. After hearing about Ms. Hwang she left the hospital, lying to Yongguk in the process and also leaving behind her brother. Suyeon walked around, not knowing exactly where she was going and ended up sitting on a bench, watching as the cars passed by. The first thing she did was shut off her phone, knowing that after maybe ten minutes Yongguk would've noticed how long she was taking and know that she bailed. They're gonna hate me...She covered her face with her hands and let out a frustrated groan. She straightened up and tried to get ahold of herself, right now she needed to get back but, she wasn't entirely sure she did. 
"You know this is like the tenth time I've found you crying on a bench." Suyeon rolled her eyes when she heard his voice. From the corner of her eye she saw his blonde hair. "Why are you always around when bad things happen?" Her eyes stayed fixed on the road and he scoffed. "Maybe it's a sign.", he shrugged and crossed one leg over the other. Well it isn't a good one, she thought. Zico scooted closer to her and put his arm over her shoulders. She chuckled bitterly and tried to get it off but he stayed put. "What's wrong?", he asked. Suyeon lifted her head up and gave him a skeptical look. "You never once cared about what was going on with me when we were together so why would you now?"
Zico gaped at her, "Are you kidding? I did care..." Suyeon narrowed her eyes and removed his arm from around her, "You really expect me to believe that? After all yo-"
"Again, that was all a misunderstanding.", he defended himself. Suyeon sneered at him, "You left me as payment for your gambling debt you !" Zico crossed his arms, "It wasn't as bad as you make it out to be.", he reasoned. She shook her head and faced the road again, knowing that she wouldn't win with him. He looked at her for a while before pestering her even more. "So where's your boyfriend? Yongguk isn't the type to let his girl be alone like this at night."
Suyeon gulped and guilt washed over her. "Unless, he isn't your boyfriend anymore..."
Is he?, she wondered, I just ran out on him, why would he want to stay with me? 
"...I don't know.", she mumbled. "I don't know much of anything right now."
Zico raised a brow arrogantly, "Does he not know of all the dangers there are when you let a girl walk, who's crying and distraught, alone at night?" Suyeon stood up, "Well the only 'danger' I see is you.", she said as a matter of factly. He chuckled and rose to his feet as well, "But you're still here.", he pointed out, a smirk plastered on his face. Suyeon looked down and shut her eyes, she just didn't want to go back and face everything, not yet.
"You want to go get a drink?", he stepped a little closer to her. Suyeon looked at him and tilted her head. Did she really? She knew she wasn't going to go back to the hospital right now, she'd probably wander around for a while. Suyeon didn't want to deal with anything, she didn't want to have to say goodbye to the person that took care of them like her own children. "I don't know.", she shrugged, "I'm not dressed to go out, I don't feel...I don't th...know." He laughed, "Come on.", he held out his hand, "You really do need a drink." In her mind she saw everyone's faces and sighed before putting her hand in his. I'm so sorry...
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Argh, you guys are so patient with me! Thank you and I'll have a chapter...or two up tomorrow when I get out of class! Thank you for reading and subscribing


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Chapter 32: This was an amazing story! Thnk you very much for sharing your creativeness. I wish it was longer! Lol I love it!
Chapter 7: I'm happy for you, Suyeon (^-^)
Chapter 5: Why didn't Suyeon knock on the door so Maslo or anyone in house could open the door? (previous chapter)
Yongguk hugged her~ >///<
Chapter 3: I'm giggling here but also disappointed, Yongguk has been rejected!! ( ; _ ; )
Chapter 1: Omo~ >///<
I'll read this until the end~
dalamjwi07 #6
Chapter 2: I was confused at first, who were those csp, maslo, etc? then I searched their profile on internet and I found myself listening to their music, and it's great. What a twist authornim, thank you.
Chapter 34: Re-reading this for the 1000x time and gah all the feels i get everytime when reading this! Ofc i had to vote this story up~
hahalalatata #8
Chapter 34: I cant believe its done!! Omg im happy and sad. But i loved this fic. Such a perfect balance of everything. I hope there is another BYG fic in the future. Now I'm going to reread thia fic again: )
Chapter 34: So....I saw that you finished the story....so instead of picking up where I left off...I went and re-read the entire from the beginning lolz....such a cute story....I love it!!! ♥♥
MAIisVIP #10
Chapter 34: Haha cute ending ^______^