Strike Two

Take A Chance

“Do you know how much money we’re spending by coming here everyday?” CSP parked in front of the restaurant.
“I just need her number.” Yongguk unbuckled his belt.
“But, now that we are here, we might as well eat.” shrugged Maslo.
They entered and we’re greeted by Donghae.
“Hey guys.” he smiled. “My favorite customers.” he showed them to a table and waved over Junhong.

Yongguk looked around and let out a sigh after not seeing Suyeon.
“She doesn’t work this shift today.” said Junhong. “She’s on the night shift.”
“Just tell us Junhong, does he even had a chance with her?” asked CSP.
Junhong shrugged, “Noona’s had boyfriends before so I guess he has a chance.”
He smiled triumphantly, “I guess I know where I’m eating dinner.”
“Aish.” they rolled their eyes.
“Seriously Jepp, why you goin’ after this girl?” asked Maslo.
He shrugged, “She seems interesting…plus she’s really pretty.”

“He just wants to know why she rejected him.” CSP flipped through the menu.
“No~” said Yongguk, “I just-”
“Like you can’t get any of the girls who come to our shows. About sixty percent of them come for you alone.”
CSP looked up from the menu, “So what are you saying, only forty come for the rest of us?”
Maslo shook his head, “No, forty come for me.” he smiled.
Junhong sighed, “I’m just going to write down what you ordered last time.”


Suyeon POV:

“I’m on time!” I ran through the front door this time, disturbing a few of the customers.
After quickly changing into uniform I was pulled into the kitchen by Luna.
“Ow!” I pouted, “Abusive much?”
“Why did you reject that handsome boy?” she put her hands on her hips.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and listened in.
“I’m assuming you all voted for her to ask me about it?” I sighed.

“Look unnie, I just don’t need any distractions right now. I have school and work-”
“Bull!” Kibum chuckled, “Give him a chance! He’s nice, he obviously likes you.”
I sighed, “Suyeon, look we know that you think he’s going to hurt you but don’t you think that you’re judging him too soon?”
“I can’t afford to date someone right now, okay? I have my exams coming up soon so it’s not going to help anything.”
Everyone awkwardly looked away. Luna sighed, “Fine. Whatever.”

“Okay. I think we should get back to work now.” Donghae broke the silence.
Without another word we continued to deal with the dinner rush.
“Lover boy’s back.” another waiter, Myungsoo nudged me.
I looked ahead, he was laughing with three other guys. “SU! Table seven.” Siwon called out. My eyes widened, “Is he serious? I-I can’t go wait his table! Oh this is going to be awkward.” I rubbed my temples.
“I can take it for you.” he offered.
“Can you? Please~!” I tugged on his arm.
He chuckled, “Alright, alright. Take table eleven for me.”


Yongguk’s POV:

“You are desperate.” Kwang Yo chuckled.
“No I’m not~” I stirred my drink, “Just…determined.”
“Is Junhong not working tonight?” Key Real looked around.
I shook my head, “Man.” he frowned, “I was gonna mess around with him.”
“Pedo.” muttered Slake.
“Hello, my name is Myungsoo. I will be your waiter tonight.”

I was distracted the entire time, watching Suyeon serve the other tables.
“And you hyung?” Myungsoo asked.
“Oh, uhm thirteen please.” he nodded and took back our menus.
“So which one is she?” asked Slake.
“The pretty waitress over there.” I continued to stare.
Key Real whistled lowly, “When did you raise your standards? A little out of your league there ey Jepp?”

I rolled my eyes at his remark and looked back at her. She look directly at me, I gave her a smile. Flustered, she returned it and quickly looked back down, writing down another order. I chuckled as she slowly looked back up, meeting my eyes again, before nearly sprinting back to the kitchen. When she came back out, her eyes never wandered. She kept them fixed on which ever customer she was serving.

“Here you are.” Myungsoo came back with our food.
“Myungsoo.” I looked at him.
“Okay, I know I shouldn’t have taken this table away from her. I know you like her and I’m sorry.” he gulped.
We all stopped and blinked at him, “Uhm…I was just going to ask if I could have a refill…”
“Oh…” he stared at the empty glass. “Damn it.” he whispered and took it.

Donghae came by, “Everything okay?”
The guys nodded at him, mouths too full to completely express what they were feeling.
I propped my elbow on the table, scratching the side of my head.
“You okay Yongguk?” he asked.
I looked over at Suyeon for a quick second then back at him.

“Oh.” he nodded, “Okay look.” he pulled up a chair.
“We completely approve of you and her. The entire day staff knows you, Junhong never has anything bad to say about you, basically you’re good in our book.” he explained.

“Suyeon is…she’s a big excuse maker.” he said, “She’ll give you so many reasons as to why you shouldn’t want to date her or why she can’t date you. Fight it.” he said.
“We’re all tired of seeing her like this. She either works or is in class, she only gets sleep on the weekends, and she’s extremely fragile.”
“She’s already said no to a date.” I argued.
“Keep trying.” he stood up, “That is, if you want to.”

Again, I looked at Suyeon who was giggling with another waitress. Her smile was contagious, no way that I would give up so soon.


“I’ll see you later Su.” Myungsoo patted her shoulder.
“Bye oppa.” she smiled as he turned the corner.
She turned off the lights and locked the back door before heading home. The alley was dimly lit and the sounds of cars echoed in the street. As she passed by the dumpster a hand shot out and grabbed her ankle.

She screamed and jumped away, falling over some crates.
“N-noona…” the person croaked out.
Suyeon removed her hand from , “Junhong?”
His blonde hair came into view under the blinking streetlight. “Junhong!”
She quickly got up and moved him closer to the light. Seeing his face, she gasped. He had a black eye, blood was dried under his nose, fresh blood gushed out from cuts on his face.
“What happened?” she exclaimed.
He groaned, “Don’t tell my mom.” he said.

She sighed, “Come on, we need to take you to a hospital.” she lifted his arm over her shoulders.
“No! No.” he pulled away, “They’ll ask questions. Here.” he handed her his phone.
“Call Yongguk hyung.” he said, “He can come get me.”
Suyeon hesitated, but she had to for Junhong’s sake. She sighed and scrolled to his number.


Suyeon turned her head, hearing the screech of tires. A car parked at the end of alley and she could see the outline of Yongguk’s body as he ran towards her. “Suyeon!” he called out.
“Over here!” She let out a sigh of relief.
He came and squatted next to her, looking at Junhong. “You have never given me trouble.” he said to him, “You have some explaining to do.” He reached out to carry him, accidentally grabbing Suyeon’s hand. Goosebumps ran up her arm and she could have sworn her heart jumped a little.

“Oh…sorry.” Not that he actually meant it.
She shook her head, “It’s okay. Let’s get him out of here.”
She opened the back door and climbed in, motioning for Yongguk to put Junhong in. His head laid in her lap and she brushed away his hair, “You are in so much trouble kid.”
Junhong gave a weak smile, “You guys love me too much to punish me.”
“I think you’ve been punished enough.” Yongguk the ignition, making a u-turn.

In a few minutes they ended up outside an apartment complex. Yongguk carried out Junhong with ease as Suyeon followed him upstairs. “Damn it.” he said as he reached the door.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Hold on.” he tried reaching into his pocket. “My key.” he muttered.
Without thinking she dug into his pocket, only then realizing what she had done.
He stared at her, “Oh.” she quickly took out her hand, pulling out a pair of keys, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s-it’s okay.” he coughed as she quietly unlocked the door.

She closed the door behind them and locked the middle lock. “What happened?!” “Is he okay?” “Who did this?” Suyeon peeked into the living room area, where Junhong now laid on the sofa.
“Exactly what I want to know.” she walked over and crossed her arms, waiting for Junhong to explain.
CSP, Maslo, and Kuan raised their brows at Yongguk. He scratched the back of his neck, unable to explain.

“Do you have a first aid kit?” she asked them.
“Oh yeah…I’ll get it.” Maslo and CSP both went into the kitchen, coming back with a medium clear box.
She thanked them and kneeled next to Junhong. “Sit up.” she demanded, opening the kit.
He groaned and Yongguk went over, helping him up.

Kuan, Maslo and CSP watched from the dining room as Yongguk and Suyeon cleaned Junhong’s wounds and at the same time making sure nothing was broken.
“It’s like he’s their child.” Kuan snapped a quick photo on his phone of them.
“Okay. Explain.” Suyeon and Yongguk stood up in front of him.
“Do I have to?” he whined.
“Do you want me to tell your mom?” she threatened.
“Okay! Fine.” he sighed, “You know those guys that came by the other day?”
“The one’s from school?” she asked.

He nodded, “I ran into them on my way home from my shift. Couldn’t get out of that one.” he said, hanging his head.
Yongguk let out a sigh, “You didn’t tell me you were getting picked on.”
“I thought I could handle it.” he shrugged.
“Well obviously you couldn’t!” Suyeon snapped, “Aish! I’m going to your school tomorrow.”
“No! Please noona don’t do that!” he pleaded.
“Junhong.” said Yongguk, “You can’t expect us not to do something about this.”
“I’ll deal with it.” he argued.

“That’s what you said the first time!” they both yelled together. The guys held back laughter seeing that they both startled each other.
“You guys sound like my parents.” he had a smug grin.
“Shut up.” she said, “I’ll call your mom and tell her you’re staying here for the night.

“You aren‘t going to school like that tomorrow.” Yongguk crossed his arms.
Suyeon nodded in agreement, “I‘ll tell her that you are though, we don‘t need her getting worried.”
He nodded, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” she sighed, “I should probably get ho-”
“Don’t leave!” pleaded the younger boy. “Can you stay until I fall asleep?” he pouted.

Suyeon blinked, “What are you seven?”
“Please~?” he gave her his famous puppy dog eyes.
“Oh no, that isn’t going to work on me Junhong.” she stood her ground.

“Just until I fall asleep!” he frowned.
Yongguk held back his smile, “Junhong, just go to sleep.”
“Nope.” he crossed his arms stubbornly.
“Fine!” Suyeon threw her arms in the arm, “But only until you fall asleep!”

He smiled triumphantly, “Yay~”
“Well…sleep!” she raised her brow.
“I would like warm milk please.” he looked up at them.
They both sighed, “You’re joking.” said Suyeon.
“Do you guys have cookies?” he looked at Yongguk.
“You’re really milking this.” they muttered.

“Well we’ll be leaving now.” CSP and Kuan moved towards the door.
“Hope you get better kid.” they patted Junhong gently.
“Bye guys!” they waved as they walked out.
Suyeon suddenly felt awkward as she looked around.
Maslo coughed lightly, “Well I’m going to my room. If you guys need anything just yell.” he gave her a smile before closing his door.

“So…” she said, “Milk, you wanted?” she asked Junhong.
“Yes, and cookies…please.” he smiled.
“May I?” Suyeon pointed to the kitchen.
“Oh yeah go ahead.” Yongguk lead the way.
He went through a cabinet and pulled out a pot. “Will this work?” he asked.
Suyeon nodded and the stove. He went into the tall refrigerator and pulled out a carton of milk.

They both stayed in silence waiting for the liquid to simmer. She turned hearing a door creak open, Yongguk opened the pantry and pulled out a package of cookies.
“So you and Maslo live together?” she asked, breaking the silence.
He nodded, “Maslo? Yeah, we’ve been together, wait NO living together-living together,” he repeated, “For a while now.”
Suyeon giggled, “Living together.” he said again.
“I believe you.” she assured, “Can you hand me a mug?”

She poured the steaming milk into the black porcelain mug. Yongguk took it, telling her to bring the cookies along.
“Here.” Yongguk set down the mug on the coffee table.
Junhong was now spread out on the couch, flipping through channels.

He beamed, “Thank you~” he said taking a cookie and dipping it in the milk.
“Sit.” Yongguk motioned for Suyeon to the couch.
It was silent once again, the only noise coming from the T.V.

Junhong slowly fell asleep, leaving the mug empty with cookie crumbs around the coffee table. Suyeon stared at the ceiling most of the time, too shy to return the glances that Yongguk was giving her. After a few minutes they both reached out for the mug at the same time. They smiled, “I got it.” assured Yongguk.
She nodded and grabbed the remaining package, following him to the kitchen.
After closing up the pantry she watched as he cleaned the mug immediately, leaving it to dry.

“Oh, I didn’t even ask, did you want anything to drink?” he quickly remembered.
She chuckled, “Uh, water?”

He went into the refrigerator and handed her a bottle. She called Junhong’s mom and assured her that he was okay, he just fell asleep and that he would be at school the next morning. Yongguk even backed up her story. They ended sitting across from each other in the dining table talking.

“So two years of college and you haven’t decided?” he chuckled.
She gaped a little, “Hey, it’s hard for some people! Even my professors make fun of me. I change majors every semester.” she frowned.
Yongguk smiled, “What grade is Taehyun in?”
“Third.” she said proudly. “That kid is beyond smart, he’s always reading and I never have trouble with him.”
He nodded, “Your parents must be proud of you.”
She looked down a little, “I guess.” she sighed.

He furrowed his brows, “Why do you say it like that?”
“My parents…they aren’t around anymore…” she ran her thumb along the plastic bottle.
“Oh.” he mentally slapped himself, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” she assured, “You didn’t know.”
An awkward silence followed, a loud snore from Junhong broke it, making them burst out in laughter.

Maslo sleepily opened his door, “Children…Children!” he got their attention. “Shh.” he put his finger to his lips, “Some of us are trying to sleep.”
“S-sorry.” they both chuckled.
After calming down Suyeon looked at her phone, “Oh crap, I should get home.”
It was already 1:30 am.
Yongguk stood up after her, “I can take you, it’s not safe at this hour.”
She shyly smiled and nodded, “Okay…”


“Thanks again.” Suyeon pulled out her keys. They stopped right in front of her door.
“No problem.” he smiled. That smile, she mentally sighed, she didn’t know how she had been resisting.
“Uhm, you think that I could get your number? You know just incase Junhong happens to get into trouble…again.” he prayed that she would say yes.
“Uh, sure.” she pulled out her own phone and they quickly exchanged numbers.

I have to ask again, he thought as she slipped her key into the lock.
“Suyeon.” he said.
She stopped, secretly enjoying how he said her name, “Yeah?”
He looked down, “I know I already asked but…”
“Yongguk.” she sighed, he took in the way she responded, she had never said his name until right now, “You don’t want to date me.” she looked at him. “Trust me.”
Without waiting for him to respond she said good night and walked inside.

Yongguk sighed and leaned against the door. On the other side Suyeon did the same. Both of their hearts raced with such few exchange of words, and neither could find a single explanation for it. Strike two, he thought bitterly.

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Argh, you guys are so patient with me! Thank you and I'll have a chapter...or two up tomorrow when I get out of class! Thank you for reading and subscribing


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Chapter 32: This was an amazing story! Thnk you very much for sharing your creativeness. I wish it was longer! Lol I love it!
Chapter 7: I'm happy for you, Suyeon (^-^)
Chapter 5: Why didn't Suyeon knock on the door so Maslo or anyone in house could open the door? (previous chapter)
Yongguk hugged her~ >///<
Chapter 3: I'm giggling here but also disappointed, Yongguk has been rejected!! ( ; _ ; )
Chapter 1: Omo~ >///<
I'll read this until the end~
dalamjwi07 #6
Chapter 2: I was confused at first, who were those csp, maslo, etc? then I searched their profile on internet and I found myself listening to their music, and it's great. What a twist authornim, thank you.
Chapter 34: Re-reading this for the 1000x time and gah all the feels i get everytime when reading this! Ofc i had to vote this story up~
hahalalatata #8
Chapter 34: I cant believe its done!! Omg im happy and sad. But i loved this fic. Such a perfect balance of everything. I hope there is another BYG fic in the future. Now I'm going to reread thia fic again: )
Chapter 34: So....I saw that you finished the instead of picking up where I left off...I went and re-read the entire from the beginning lolz....such a cute story....I love it!!! ♥♥
MAIisVIP #10
Chapter 34: Haha cute ending ^______^