Namwoo's Brother

Take A Chance

Yongguk felt as if he had just gotten his mom to buy him his favorite candy. After taking Suyeon home it took forever for her to actually get inside, since they wouldn’t let each other go and each time they did one of them would pull the other back. He had the biggest smile on his face as he walked inside his apartment.
“There he is!” RiLord jumped on his back, “Where have you been?”

He couldn’t say anything, and just smiled. “Oh, did you ask her?” Kuan grinned.

The younger boy shyly nodded, “She said yes.”
“Ata boy!” They all nudged him, “Little Jepp is all grown up!”, they teased.
After all the jokes he managed to get to his room, even though he had no luck sleeping.

Little did he know that Suyeon was having the same issue. She laid in her bed smiling like an idiot at the ceiling. Yongguk is my boyfriend, Yongguk is my boyfrend~, she sang in her head. With the past guys she had felt a bit of happiness before, but none of them had been as sweet as Yongguk. In fact the other guys didn’t even legitimately asked her to be their girlfriend, they would just introduce her to their friends with that title.

Being too timid she wouldn’t say anything different, but felt wanted which is why she didn’t question it. Now with Yongguk, she knew what they were and that she was happy with it. How she wished that her mom was alive, Taehyun was right she would love Yongguk. This was one boy she was proud to show off.


Suzy prepared to flick the paper football that Myungsoo held up. She aimed directly at Siwon who was sitting down at a table, on his break. Too busy fiddling with his phone he hadn’t noticed the younger two taking out their boredom on him. She flicked it, making it land in his water with a splash.

“WHAT THE-?!” Siwon stood up, grabbing a napkin to wipe his face.
Myungsoo walked away from the bar, holding in his laughter as Suzy squatted down behind the bar giggling like mad.
Before he could yell at them Junhong strolled through the door, just in time for his shift. “Hi hyung.” he smiled brightly. “Oh, paper football again?”

“You know about this?’ Siwon showed him the glass.
He nodded, “I thought of it first, Donghae hyung was our first victim.”
Siwon rolled his eyes, “Get to work.” He fluffed the boys hair and pushed him lightly to the employees lounge.

As he walked out from the lounge, fully dressed in his uniform Sunny and Jooyeon greeted him. The subject of SuyeonxYongguk came up.
“THEY’RE OFFICAL!?” squealed Sunny.
He nodded, “None of you knew?”
“No!” Jooyeon pouted.
“Knew what?” Sohee pinned up another order.
“Yongguk hyung asked Suyeon noona to be his girlfriend.” Junhong explained.

“Wha~t?” Kibum stuck his head out from the kitchen, “Since when?!”
“Last night.” Junhong said, “No wonder no one knows anything.”
Myungsoo rushed over, “What am I hearing? She said yes?”
Suzy squealed excitedly behind them, “Ah~ They’re so cute together!”
As the continued to gossip more people came from their shifts, also joining into the group.

“Here they come!” Donghae motioned for them to keep quiet.
They all spread out around the restaurant, still with a good view of the window.
Yongguk hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. “Five bucks says they kiss!” Luna betted.
“No one is going to think different!” Myungsoo pretended to clean a table.
“Ah, look look!” Jooyeon pointed.

Suyeon looked up at him with a bright smile, “Thank you for walking me…oppa.”
“YES!” he lifted her off the ground, “I knew I’d win!”
Yongguk made this whole big deal of her never calling him oppa.
“I’m older than you, you have to call me that.” he had said.
Suyeon shook it off, she hadn’t called a boyfriend oppa…ever. The only guys she called oppa were Siwon, Myungsoo, Donghae, Key, and Kibum, if she felt like it.

She giggled as he sat her back down, “Yes, you won!” she pouted, “Enjoy it!”
He gave her his gummy smile, “I will.”
“I have to go inside now.” she frowned. “Are you going to come by tonight?”
Yongguk nodded, his arms tightening around her waist, “Of course.”
She beamed, “I’ll see you later then.”
Yongguk puckered his lips slightly, making her laugh.

“What you think just cause I’m your girlfriend now you can get a kiss whenever?” she blushed lightly using the term girlfriend.
He frowned and leaned in closer to her, “Please jagi~”
She couldn’t resist him even if she was on threat of death. Stepping on her tip toes she planted her lips on his. Yongguk chuckled when he felt her smile as well.

“You’re lucky I like you.” she blinked up at him.
He pecked her lips again, “I am lucky.” he smiled cheekily.
Yongguk hugged her tightly before letting her start her shift.


Suyeon skipped in and stopped seeing all of her co-workers, minus Junhong, lined up, arms crossed, and looking directly at her.
“Is this an intervention?” she asked innocently. “What’s my problem?” she sighed sarcastically.
“Why didn’t you tell us!” Luna whined.
“It only happened last night!”
Siwon frowned, “Could’ve told us!”
“What did you want me to do? Make a ten way call and giggle and gossip with all of you at two in the morning?”

“I was up.” Myungsoo raised his hand.
“I was too!” Sunny frowned.
Junhong sighed as he passed through, a tray full of drinks in his hands.
“We should get back to work~” he sang.
“He’s right.” Suyeon smiled but they still pretended to be mad.
“I’m sorry guys~” she pouted. “Really~”
“I forgive you!” Kibum called from the kitchen.
Donghae chuckled, “Let’s get back to work. Oh and Suzy and Junhong, we have a new waiter I expect you two to train him today when he comes in for his shift.”

“What?” Suzy whined, “I don’t like training newbies.”
“I’m still a newbie.” Junhong sighed.
Suyeon patted their shoulders as she made her way to the employee lounge.
“I’ll help you guys if you need it. Don’t think you will though.” she smiled.

“Hyung?” Donghae looked up to see his new employee, arriving in time for his first day.
“Hi Jongup!” he smiled, “Come on, don’t be shy.”
He led the blonde haired boy to where Myungsoo and Siwon were making conversation with Kibum.
“Hey guys, this is Jongup hired him the other day.”

“Hi.” he spoke shyly.
After introducing themselves, Donghae looked around for Junhong and Suzy.
“I got two people to train you, you know show you the ropes and…Aha!”
He spotted Junhong and called him over. “Where’s Suzy?” he asked him.
The younger boy shrugged, “Why?”
Donghae frowned, “Oh well, this is-”

“Jongup hyung!” he beamed.
“Zelo?” he chuckled, “You work here?”
He nodded, “Well looks like I don’t need to worry about you two getting along. I’m going to find Suzy.” he left the two boys with the others and searched for her.

“Is it fun working here?” Jongup asked.
They all nodded, “We’re family here kid.” Myungsoo smiled.
Sunny passed by, pinning up an order, “Are you the new waiter?” she asked.
Jongup nodded, “Oh, you’re so cute!” she giggled, pinching his cheek.
Junhong laughed seeing him rub his face, “This is Sunny noona…she’s crazy.”
“Shut up boy.” Sunny playfully yanked his ear.
“Ow! This is Jongup, noona.” he introduced them.

Sohee, Jooyeon, and Luna all came out of the employees lounge.
“You two!” Siwon stopped Sohee and Jooyeon.
“We’re off the clock!” they pouted.
He rolled his eyes, “I know losers, here.” he handed them their checks. “It’s pay day remember?”
Squealing they apologized, giving him a hug, “Thank you oppa!”
“Oh, I don’t know you.” Sohee spotted Jongup, “Are you the new guy?”

He nodded again, “And here, are more crazy noonas.” Junhong began.
“Yah!” they hit his back.
He chuckled, “This is Jooyeon noona, Sohee noona, and Luna noona.”
“You are adorable.” Sohee cooed, ruffling his blonde hair.
Jongup turned a light pink and looked down.
“Well, we’re out!” Jooyeon and Sohee headed to the door, “We’ll see you guys tomorrow!”

“Found her!” Donghae walked up with Suzy behind him.
“I was on break!” she whined.
Rolling his eyes he introduced her to Jongup. Everyone returned to work, leaving the two to begin training him.
“Alright, first things first. Things can get crazy, rule number one: don’t panic.” explained Suzy.
“NEVER panic.” emphasized Junhong.

Jongup nodded, mentally taking note. “Okay, two: We’re family, no one fights with the other.”
“Three: The customer CAN be wrong, but still be polite-”
As she mentioned the third rule Suyeon walked back to the kitchen with a plate of food, mumbling under her breath.
“Kibum.” she sighed.
“Again?!” he whined, “Jeez, I thought I was good at what I did.”
“I tasted it.” she placed the plate down, “I think it’s good, but apparently not good enough for Mr. I-Know-More-About-Food-And-This-Tastes-Like-.”

Kibum inspected the food and sighed, “Fine, I’ll do it again.”
Suyeon nodded and looked forward, seeing the three younger kids.
“Hey guys.” she sat down with them.
“Suyeon noona, this is Jongup hyung!” Junhong smiled, “He’s the new waiter.”
“Hey kid.” she patted his back, “Welcome to the family, we’re crazy. Seriously, all of us.”
Suzy giggled, “She’s the least crazy though.”
Suyeon smiled, “I take pride in that.”

Up until the dinner rush Suzy and Junhong helped Junhong get familiar with how things worked. He learned fast, although he did have some problems he got the hang of it pretty easily.
“Noona?” Jongup asked Suyeon.
“Hm?” she continued cleaning the table, while he set it back up.
“Are you married?” he stared at her ring.

She stopped wiping the table and gave him an odd look, “What!?-Oh!” she realized why he thought that.
“No.” she raised her hand, “It’s my mom’s ring.” she explained. “It was handed down to me, I guess you could say, when she passed away.”
“Oh…” he looked down, “I’m sorry.” he said quietly.
“Don’t be, you’re new. You might have learned fast but there’s still a lot you have to learn about us.” she patted his shoulder and went back to taking orders.

An hour before her shift ended Yongguk walked through the door with three of his hyungs. Suyeon beamed and quickly went to their table.
“Hi oppa!” she greeted, also giving the other three the same greeting.
“Hey!” Yongguk pouted, “How come you call them oppa right away? I had to work for it!”
Suyeon shrugged innocently, “Jepp stop being a girl!” Still PM hungrily looked at the menu.

Jongup watched curiously as she laughed with them. He tugged on Suzy’s sleeve.
“Noona, is that Suyeon noona’s boyfriend?” he blinked.
“Yongguk oppa? Mhm, they just got together actually. Don’t they make a cute couple?”
He nodded, “He looks familiar…”
“He’s part of Soul Connection Jongup-ah.” she explained, “The other three with him are too.”
He snapped his fingers, “I knew it! Wow, Suyeon noona is so lucky.”

She raised a brow, “Why, do you want to date him too?”
“W-what?! N-no!” he stammered, “I mean, she’s dating an SC member, you know…”
Suzy giggled, “I get it, I get it. But if you asked Yongguk oppa he’d say that he’s the lucky one.”
He looked back seeing Suyeon walk over to where he has, “Do you need help noona?”

“Yes, can you get me two glasses of red rice wine?” she pinned up the order and grabbed two other glasses to fill with tea. He nodded and immediately went to fulfill the order. They both walked over together.
“Oppas, this is Jongup, he’s the new waiter.” Suyeon introduced him.
“It’s an honor.” he blurted out, bowing ninety degrees, “I love Soul Connection, I love you guys…”
Suyeon pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh at the fan-boying that was taking place.

Maslo chuckled, “Thank you, do you rap too?”
Jongup shook his head, “I dance…and sing…mostly dance.”
They talked for a little before more customers showed up, making them both work diligently. Suyeon saw Yongguk’s table stand up and went over to him.
“I have to go to the bathroom, but I’ll be outside waiting for you okay?”
She nodded, “I’m going to clock out and meet you there.”
“Okay.” he pecked her lips and made his way to the bathroom as the other three headed outside.

Suyeon quickly took off her apron and clocked out with Junhong, bidding her co-workers goodbye. They both praised Jongup for his fast learning before walking out.
Still PM, Maslo, and RiLord were still outside waiting for them as well.
“It’s really cold.” Maslo said, “It’d be better if we drove you both home.” he explained.
Suyeon nodded, thanking them for being so thoughtful. They all waited for Yongguk to come out.

“CHOI JUNHONG.” Junhong turned around curiously.
Coming quickly towards him was a face that Suyeon recognized. It was the customer that constantly would leave his number for her, Junsu.
“Do I know you?” the younger boy asked.
Junsu was followed by five other guys, making Suyeon nervous.
“You know my brother.” he spat, “You’re the ing reason he was kicked out of school!” he grabbed Junhong by the collar.

“Whoa whoa whoa!” Suyeon and RiLord pried him away.
Maslo got in front, facing Junsu, “Okay, I think you should just calm down.”
“Don’t ing tell me to calm down!” Junsu shoved him. His other five friends came closer as Still PM reached in his jacket pocket.
“It’s not his fault!” Suyeon called out, making Junhong step in front of her.
“Noona, be quiet!” he hissed.

“I did it!” she peeked her head out, “I’m the one who went to the school, blame me!” she said fearlessly.
Junsu furrowed his brows, “You did it?”
She nodded, but before she could step out from behind Junhong, Yongguk stepped out of the restaurant. He quickly came over and stepped in front of Maslo.
“Something wrong?” he asked Junsu.

“You stay out of this.” one of Junsu’s friends yelled.
“This is between me and Suyeon.” he gave a lustful look at her, making her cringe.
Yongguk raised a brow, clenching his fist, “Well whatever you have with her, you have with me. That’s my girl and this is officially my problem.”
Yongguk met Junsu’s glare. “I said, this is between me and Suyeon, I’m Kim Namwoo’s brother.” he stated.

Maslo snorted, “Is that supposed to mean something to us?”
“Your brother and his friends hurt Junhong! He should’ve been kicked out of school a long time ago!”
Junsu’s anger rose as Yongguk shoved him away.
“Take Suyeon home. NOW.” he ordered Junhong.
“No!” Suyeon fought against Junhong’s grip and turned around, seeing Junsu pulled out a silver blade.
He chuckled darkly as he twirled it menacingly at Yongguk.

“Take her!” Yongguk yelled at Junhong.
“We have to go noona!” Junhong pushed her forward.
“No!” she grew worried, seeing that they could get hurt. Suyeon couldn’t fight against Junhong’s strength and he easily lifted her up, running in the other direction.

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Argh, you guys are so patient with me! Thank you and I'll have a chapter...or two up tomorrow when I get out of class! Thank you for reading and subscribing


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Chapter 32: This was an amazing story! Thnk you very much for sharing your creativeness. I wish it was longer! Lol I love it!
Chapter 7: I'm happy for you, Suyeon (^-^)
Chapter 5: Why didn't Suyeon knock on the door so Maslo or anyone in house could open the door? (previous chapter)
Yongguk hugged her~ >///<
Chapter 3: I'm giggling here but also disappointed, Yongguk has been rejected!! ( ; _ ; )
Chapter 1: Omo~ >///<
I'll read this until the end~
dalamjwi07 #6
Chapter 2: I was confused at first, who were those csp, maslo, etc? then I searched their profile on internet and I found myself listening to their music, and it's great. What a twist authornim, thank you.
Chapter 34: Re-reading this for the 1000x time and gah all the feels i get everytime when reading this! Ofc i had to vote this story up~
hahalalatata #8
Chapter 34: I cant believe its done!! Omg im happy and sad. But i loved this fic. Such a perfect balance of everything. I hope there is another BYG fic in the future. Now I'm going to reread thia fic again: )
Chapter 34: So....I saw that you finished the instead of picking up where I left off...I went and re-read the entire from the beginning lolz....such a cute story....I love it!!! ♥♥
MAIisVIP #10
Chapter 34: Haha cute ending ^______^