The End

Take A Chance




Suyeon tossed a scarf around her neck and sighed when she hear no response from him. She had knocked on his door and yelled as loud as she could. “Taehyun!” She stomped over to his bedroom, knocking once before he yanked it open. “I heard you the first time.”, he grumbled sleepily. He was already dressed in his school uniform, still tired but ready nonetheless. “Sorry.”, she frowned. “You usually yell back or something.” He yawned, fixing the cuffs on his blazer. “I know, but I was too tired...We had to move everything last night and I didn't want to wake up.”, he shrugged. She ruffled his hair, “I'm sorry, I know you're tired but you can't miss school.”


“I think he can miss one day.” Suyeon turned and glared at her father. He flinched and lowered his head. “No.”, she shook her head, “He cannot.” Taehyun pouted, widening his eyes towards his father, hoping to get some sympathy. “Come on Suyeon, he didn't get a lot of sleep and he's smart he can make up the work.” Suyeon covered Taehyun's face. “Don't fall for it!”, she warned, “It's not cute, it's a trap!” Their dad chuckled, “Well it's working.” Taehyun took away Suyeon's hand and stuck his tongue out at her. “Suyeon does it too! She'll whine and nag at you until she gets what she wants, ask Yongguk hyung!” She gasped and pushed him hard. “You little-”

“Suyeon-ah!” She hissed at the little boy and backed away. “She doesn't even have class today!”, Taehyun blurted out, “She's probably going to be at hyung's place all day and you know what they'll do!” Suyeon let out a gasp, feeling her face burn because she knew that he had no idea what he was saying but it was not going to settle well with their father. “Really?”, he asked, his voice hard. Taehyun nodded, “Hyung got a new keyboard the other day and I know that he's going to be writing songs all day, some about Suyeon.” She pressed her lips together, trying to not laugh at his innocent answer. “Yeah...New keyboard...”


Their father silently fumed but before he could open his mouth they heard the bell ring. Suyeon rushed to it, knowing that it would be Yongguk. She pushed the button on the intercom and saw his face on the screen. “You weren't supposed to come here!”, she scolded him. He shrugged cutely, giving her a slight pout. “It's cold, let me in!” She pushed another button to let him in and he disappeared from the screen. Not too long after she opened the door and he walked in, quickly enveloping her in a hug. “I know I was supposed to wait down the block but you wouldn't answer your phone. I was going to be late and when I got there I thought maybe you thought that I had forgotten.”


“AHEM.” Suyeon cringed as she heard her father. Slowly she turned and Yongguk immediately took a few steps in front of her an bowed lowly, “Good morning, sir.”, he greeted him. With arms crossed he merely nodded at him, turning his gaze to Suyeon. “Please daddy~?”, she pouted. He shook his head, “You tell me not to fall for Taehyun's behavior, yet here you are doing the sa-” “PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DAD? TAEHYUN CAN STAY HOME IF HE WANTS! PLEASE, PLEASE!” Suyeon stomped her feet lightly and Yongguk covered his mouth to keep from laughing at her. From the hallway Taehyun strolled out, already changed from his uniform to his pajamas.


“Already ahead of you.” He walked into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water, quickly gave Yongguk a hug and made his way back into his room. “That little-You see? You see what I've had to put up with for nearly ten years?!” Her father moved to the kitchen and Suyeon followed, telling Yongguk to stay put. He poured himself some coffee as she approached him slowly with her head down and hands laced together in front of her. “I'm his father.”, he said. Suyeon frowned, already knowing where this was going. “I know that this is going to take some getting used to but, I want to be a parent. I want to be the parent that I wasn't able to be all these both of you. But I can't do that if you under mind me all the time with him.” Suyeon pressed her lips together and nodded. “Now I want you to have fun, I do. You've taken care of him all these years, you've done all that you can and I appreciate it. You made a lot of sacrifices to keep your family together and I love you for that Suyeon, and I know your mother and grandmother do to.”


“You don't have to hide Yongguk from me.”, he continued, “You just have to tell me when you're leaving and when and if you'll be home, okay?” Suyeon nodded, “Yes sir.”, she said quietly. “Alright.”, he straightened up, “Now, go. Will you be home tonight?” She nodded again. “I'll see tonight then, I'll make dinner so try to be somewhat early.” He walked her back to the door where Yongguk was still standing. “We can go now!”, she beamed brightly and slipped on her shoes. “Don't get into any trouble.”, her father called out after them.






“It's weird having a dad.”, Suyeon rested her chin on her knees and sighed. She sat in between the two tombstones of her mother and grandmother, both of which had a fresh bouquet of flowers in front of them. “It's kind of funny and frustrating at the same time, 'cause he has trouble with deciding stuff...I should've known he'd have some trouble with learning how to be a dad.”, she chuckled. “He tells me stories...about you two, and grandpa...We stayed up all night talking one night, he told me the story about how you found out when you were pregnant with me. He said that you took like fifteen home pregnancy tests because you couldn't believe it.”


“Taehyun's doing good. He's getting out of class soon. It's a little hard for him too, but he accepted it better than I did...probably because deep down he'd always wanted to know about dad...So he's getting used to it too.” A light breeze passed through and Suyeon ran her hands along the bright green grass she was sitting on. “Yongguk told me to tell you he misses you...He's been really busy lately, so he's sorry he can't come with me to see you.”, she smiled sadly at her grandmother's tombstone, “He was the one who told me to buy you those daisies. He said that they remind him of you...Dad's still iffy about him, but he says that he trusts him with me so, he's warming up to him too. I was right about this one, about him being different. Sometimes I wonder how things would've turned out if I didn't take that chance to let him into my life. But you know...I may not marry that boy but I really can't imagine my life without him now.” She paused for a moment, swallowing back the lump in . “Being the woman of the house is tough.”, she joked, trying to brighten up her own mood. “I don't know how you two did it.”


She stayed there for another half hour, mumbling more nonsense about her father and how much laundry there was. “Was there always that much?”, she let out an exasperated sigh, “I mean...I know they don't shower that often.” Catching onto her own words she chuckled, “You two remember the time you chased around Taehyun? He was like four, and he kept escaping because he didn't want to bathe. I guess somethings will never change.”, she shook her head in amusement. “At least now I know where he gets it from...He's different...Dad, not Taehyun...The last time I saw him was when we moved in with you grandma. Even though mom never told me anything bad about him, I always thought he was arrogant and careless. But, that day that they called him about Taehyun...even though he seemed angry he showed up when they had called him. It was like he had been waiting for that day, maybe not under those circumstances but, just to see us again.”


A quick glance at her phone and she jumped up from the ground. “Crap, Taehyun's already out of class.” She adjusted her coat and let out a sigh as she looked down again at the tombstones. “I'll bring them by later. Maybe when Dad has a day off, we can all come. Would you like that?” She answered for them in her own head, using their nagging voices about how they better bring them flowers and make the place look prettier than the others. She kissed two of her fingers and placed them gently on the gray markers. “I love you both.” Another light breeze passed through and she smiled, taking that as their own response. Slowly, she made her way out of the cemetery into the busy bustling streets, the smile still lingering on her face.





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Argh, you guys are so patient with me! Thank you and I'll have a chapter...or two up tomorrow when I get out of class! Thank you for reading and subscribing


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Chapter 32: This was an amazing story! Thnk you very much for sharing your creativeness. I wish it was longer! Lol I love it!
Chapter 7: I'm happy for you, Suyeon (^-^)
Chapter 5: Why didn't Suyeon knock on the door so Maslo or anyone in house could open the door? (previous chapter)
Yongguk hugged her~ >///<
Chapter 3: I'm giggling here but also disappointed, Yongguk has been rejected!! ( ; _ ; )
Chapter 1: Omo~ >///<
I'll read this until the end~
dalamjwi07 #6
Chapter 2: I was confused at first, who were those csp, maslo, etc? then I searched their profile on internet and I found myself listening to their music, and it's great. What a twist authornim, thank you.
Chapter 34: Re-reading this for the 1000x time and gah all the feels i get everytime when reading this! Ofc i had to vote this story up~
hahalalatata #8
Chapter 34: I cant believe its done!! Omg im happy and sad. But i loved this fic. Such a perfect balance of everything. I hope there is another BYG fic in the future. Now I'm going to reread thia fic again: )
Chapter 34: So....I saw that you finished the instead of picking up where I left off...I went and re-read the entire from the beginning lolz....such a cute story....I love it!!! ♥♥
MAIisVIP #10
Chapter 34: Haha cute ending ^______^