Strike One

Take A Chance

“There you try it.” Junhong gave his skateboard to Taehyun. He ran over and steadied himself.
“Be careful.” called out Suyeon. She sat on a small crate and leaned against the brick wall.
Taehyun went down the small ramp Junhong had made for him. “Woo! Look at me noona!”, he cheered.
Suyeon chuckled, “Don’t get hurt.” she raised her brow.
Junhong high fived the boy, “Good job.”

“ZELO.” a voice echoed in the alleyway.
Taehyun gulped and gripped on to the skateboard. Suyeon turned to her left, seeing four guys walk up. “You little I knew I’d find you.” The tallest one grabbed him by the collar.

Suyeon stood up, “Okay hold up here.” Daehyun hid behind her.
“Tell your girlfriend to go inside.” said another.
She popped her hip out, “Noona just go inside, I’m okay.” Junhong choked out.
“Put my dongsaeng down now or so help me God I will stomp on your asses.” she said fearlessly.
They all chuckled, the tall one let go of Junhong making his fall onto the hard pavement.
“Your girl’s cute Zelo.” he eyed me. Before they could step towards her the back door swung open.
“SU! JUN! I need you guys back in…” Siwon looked at the four boys oddly.

“Perfect timing oppa.” Suyeon pushed Taehyun in and helped up Junhong.
“Next time I see you guys around him I’ll call the cops.”
Siwon closed the door and folded his arms as he looked at them, “Care to explain?”
“It was Junhong’s fault…” she said innocently.
He turned his glare over to him, “It’s these guys from school.” he sighed. “I said stuff that I should’ve and well you know…karma.” he chuckled weakly.
Taehyun came up and held his hand, “I’ll help Suyeon noona beat them up hyung. No one should mess with you!”
Siwon smiled, “Back to work both of you. Taehyun, please put the skateboard up.”
They all nodded and quickly went back to their roles.


“You haven’t finished?” Suyeon refilled Taehyun’s drink.
“I can’t do this one problem.” he scratched his head with his pencil.
Suyeon squatted and looked it over, “SU! Table thirteen!”
“Aish.” she muttered, “I’ll come help you in a minute.” she assured him.
Taehyun pursed his lips and began counting his fingers, attempting to solve the problem.

Suyeon rushed in and out of the dining area from the kitchen. She was about to go help Taehyun when the cook called her back, “SU! I think I broke the stove, it won‘t heat up!” he went wide eyed.
“What?” She went back and looked under the big pot.
“Sweetheart.” she told him, “You didn’t turn it on.” she sighed, turning the knob.
People sitting at their tables heard and laughed.

She looked up and chuckled, “I forgot you guys can hear what goes on in here.”
Yongguk smiled, “Welcome to Uncle Shin’s, dinner and a show!” she joked and grabbed a pitcher of water.
“You should stop stalking her.” said Junhong as he walked up to their table.
“I brought different people this time!” he said defensively, “I usually bring CSP and Maslo hyung. I invited Rhymics and Kuan hyung this time.” he smiled.

Junhong rolled his eyes, “I like how you didn’t deny stalking her.”
“We were just hungry, and maknae said he would buy.” Rhymics continued looking at the menu.
“She is pretty though.” Kuan looked at Suyeon.

After placing their orders Yongguk continued to watch Suyeon. As busy as it was she always had a smile on her face when she spoke to the customers. He admired her work ethic. What bothered him was that every time she would go near Taehyun to help him she would be called back. He frowned, the little boy seemed to be struggling a lot.
“I’ll be right back.” he told his hyungs and walked over to Taehyun’s table.

Taehyun let out a sigh as he erased his work.
“Need help?” he looked up, seeing Yongguk with a smile.
“Oh, noona said I shouldn’t bother the customers.” he looked back down.
“You’re not bothering me.” he said, “Can I sit down?”
Taehyun bit his lip, “She also said I shouldn’t talk to strangers.”
“She taught you well.” he said and stuck out his hand, “I’m Yongguk.”

Taehyun hesitated, “I’m Taehyun.” he shook it.
“See now we aren’t strangers.” smiled Yongguk, “Now what is that, math?”
The young boy nodded, “I can’t figure this problem out.” he sighed.
“Maybe I can help. Can I sit down?” he asked again.
He pondered on it, “Okay.” he said.

Yongguk scooted close to him and looked over his shoulder. “Oh I hated this when I was younger.” he frowned.
“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.” said Taehyun.
“Okay well you have to get the ‘x’ all by itself right?”
He nodded, “Alright, now what you do to one side of the problem you have to do to the other side.”
“To keep it balanced.” said Taehyun.
“Exactly!” smiled Yongguk. “But you have parenthesis, what does that mean?”

A light bulb went off in Taehyun’s head, “Oh, I have to do what’s in there first!”
Yongguk nodded, “That’s right.” He watched as the little boy started working out the problem.
“Tae!” Yongguk lifted his head, “I’m so sorry was he bothering you?” Suyeon walked up carrying a tray full of drinks.
He shook his head, “Taehyun, I told you not to-”
“It’s fine.” assured Yongguk, “He looked like he needed help, I think I’m the one who bothered him.” he chuckled.
“I did it!” Taehyun completely ignored his older sister’s rant.

Her expression quickly changed and she looked over his work, “How’d you-”
“Yongguk hyung helped me.” he beamed.
“SU!” she sighed and looked back ,”I’m sorry. Tae behave please!” she walked back.
Taehyun pulled out his folder and put the finished sheet inside.
“Hey, you wanna come sit with me and my hyungs?” asked Yongguk. “It looks kind of lonely over here.”
Taehyun looked over to where Suyeon was, “I don’t know, Suyeon noona might get mad.”
Yongguk shook his head, “Don’t worry about it, I’ll take the fall.” he assured.
A smile crept on Taehyun’s face.


Suyeon leaned against one of the columns to take a breather.
“You can take a break, you know that right noona?” Junhong came by grabbing more napkins.
“I know.” she sighed, “But if I skip break I get paid for that half hour.”
He gave her a worried look, “You can’t do this to yourself noona. You could get sick and Taehyun will get worried.”

“Alright, Suyeon you’re on break.” Donghae walked up to them.
“I’m fine.” she argued, trying to grab another pitcher of water.
He slapped at her hand, she scowled. “Yah! Take a break!” he said, “Go sit with Taehyun, I’ll tell Suzy to come bring you food.”
She rolled her eyes, “I will tell Siwon to carry you over there.” he threatened.
“Fine.” she muttered and walked to the table.

Her heart fell as she neared it, seeing the table vacant. “Taehyun?!” she looked around.
He would always stay put, even when he had to go to the bathroom he would always let her know first.
“Taehyun?” she looked out into the dining area.
She heard deep laughter coming from one of the tables, table ten. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she saw her younger brother sitting in between them. Wait…her little brother was sitting with them…complete strangers…

“Tae…” she quietly scolded him, “I told you not to bother customers. I’m really sorry.” she apologized to them.
“No don’t worry about it.” they chuckled, “He’s cool.” one ruffled his hair.
Taehyun looked up at her, “I’m sorry noona. After I finished my homework Yongguk hyung invited me to sit over here.”
“Noona, this is Rhymics hyung, Kuan hyung, and Yongguk hyung.” Taehyun introduced them.

She shook their hands, saving Yongguk for last. “We’ve met.” she smiled.
“Sorry if I scared you, he just looked lonely so-”
“Unnie~” Suzy came up with a plate of food.
“Oh.” Rhymics and Kuan stood up, “Well we should get going.” they smiled.
Yongguk pulled out his wallet, “Don’t worry about it.” they said.
“Are you leaving too hyung?” Taehyun asked him.
Suyeon raised her brows at him, “Tae-”
“Not if you don’t want me to.” he smiled.

“Not to be a bother but this is getting really hot.” Suzy switched the plate over to her other hand.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Suyeon grabbed the plate from her.
“We’ll see you guys later.” Rhymics and Kuan started walking towards the entrance.
“Sit down noona!” Taehyun beamed.
She hesitated, “I don’t know Tae…”
“It’s fine.” said Yongguk. He stood up and pulled out the chair for her. “Come on, sit down.”
“Sit noona!” Taehyun tugged on her apron.
She gave in and thanked him as he pushed her seat in.

“Do you need anything Yongguk oppa?” asked Suzy.
“No thanks kid, I’m good.”
She nodded, “And you dongsaeng?” she asked Taehyun.
“Did Kibum hyung make that cake he said he was experimenting with?” he made puppy eyes.
She giggled, “Yes he did actually and I’m pretty sure I saw a slice with your name on it!” she made her way back to the kitchen.

Junhong, Donghae, and Kibum all gathered around her as she entered the kitchen.
“So?” they asked.
“She’s sitting with him.” she said excitedly.
They all peeked from the kitchen out to the table where they sat.
“What’s going on?” Luna came in from the back.
“Shh!” they hushed her, “Suyeon is sitting with Yongguk.”
She let out a small squeal, “What?! Finally!” she joined in on their circle.


 “Thank you.” Suyeon looked at Yongguk.
“For what?” he asked.
“For helping Taehyun.” she looked over at him, he was enjoying the cake too much to hear their conversation.
“It’s no problem.” he stirred his drink with the straw. “He’s a cool kid.”
She smiled shyly, “Well thanks again, I get kind of busy here and can’t help him sometimes.”
“I noticed.” he said.

“You come here a lot.” she said, spooning the food into .
He chuckled, “Yeah I like it here, plus I get a chance to order Junhong around.”
She giggled, “Noona?” Taehyun yawned.
“You tired?” she leaned over to him.
He rubbed his eyes and nodded, “I’ll be in the lounge.” he hopped off the chair and walked away. “Bye hyung.” he stopped and hugged Yongguk.
Suyeon lifted her brows in surprise, “Bye kid.” he patted his back.

They both watched as Taehyun dragged himself to the back room.
“You take real good care of him.” Yongguk said, making her bring her attention back to him.
She shrugged, “Not as good as I could.”
He frowned, “Sorry if I sound like a pessimist.” she said sipping her water.

Siwon entered the kitchen, “Suyeon’s break ended ten minutes ago-”
“SHH!” they all silenced him.
He backed up, “What’s happening?” he went closer.
“She’s been eating with Yongguk.” said Donghae.
“Ooh~” he chuckled. “Never mind then.” he exited making sure to ‘accidently’ nudge her on his way back.

She pouted slightly, making Yongguk’s smile grow bigger.
“I should probably get back to work.” she looked back to the kitchen, making all of her co-workers duck back down.
Yongguk chuckled seeing them as well, “Uhm, you think we could hang out…later?” he asked.
Suyeon bit her lip, “I’m sorry, I just I really don’t have any time for that…”
A look of disappointment came across his face, “Oh, no yeah I get it.” he smiled.
“Sorry.” she said again before taking the dishes back.
He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. Suyeon’s co-workers looked at him, also disappointed. Strike one.

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Argh, you guys are so patient with me! Thank you and I'll have a chapter...or two up tomorrow when I get out of class! Thank you for reading and subscribing


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Chapter 32: This was an amazing story! Thnk you very much for sharing your creativeness. I wish it was longer! Lol I love it!
Chapter 7: I'm happy for you, Suyeon (^-^)
Chapter 5: Why didn't Suyeon knock on the door so Maslo or anyone in house could open the door? (previous chapter)
Yongguk hugged her~ >///<
Chapter 3: I'm giggling here but also disappointed, Yongguk has been rejected!! ( ; _ ; )
Chapter 1: Omo~ >///<
I'll read this until the end~
dalamjwi07 #6
Chapter 2: I was confused at first, who were those csp, maslo, etc? then I searched their profile on internet and I found myself listening to their music, and it's great. What a twist authornim, thank you.
Chapter 34: Re-reading this for the 1000x time and gah all the feels i get everytime when reading this! Ofc i had to vote this story up~
hahalalatata #8
Chapter 34: I cant believe its done!! Omg im happy and sad. But i loved this fic. Such a perfect balance of everything. I hope there is another BYG fic in the future. Now I'm going to reread thia fic again: )
Chapter 34: So....I saw that you finished the instead of picking up where I left off...I went and re-read the entire from the beginning lolz....such a cute story....I love it!!! ♥♥
MAIisVIP #10
Chapter 34: Haha cute ending ^______^