Third Time's A Charm

Take A Chance

Yongguk hung up his keys at the entrance and threw off his jacket.
“How’d it go?” Junhong sat up, making him jump.
“I thought you were asleep.” he sighed.
Junhong shook his head, “So what happened? Did she say yes?” he smiled.
He shook his head sadly, “No, even before I could ask she said no.”

Junhong frowned, “I thought for sure she would have said yes.”
“Did you plan this?” Yongguk looked at him.
“Getting beat up on my way home then going back to the restaurant to find Suyeon noona, telling her to call you to come get me, then having you get rejected, no I didn’t plan it.” he rolled his eyes, “Jeez hyung, it’s not all about you!”

Maslo came out of his room, “Hey lover boy~” he joked, “How’d it go?”
“She said no.” Yongguk plopped down on the sofa.
“Oh.” his smile disappeared, “I guess I owe Kuan and Ri money.” he sighed.
Yongguk rolled his eyes, “Thanks for placing bets on my love life.”
“No problem.” he smiled, retreating back to his bed.

“So is that it?” asked Junhong.
He raised his brow, “Are you kidding? She thinks of herself as undateable, have you seen her? Donghae told me to fight it, and I will.”



“Who was that boy?” Suyeon jumped. Ms. Hwang stood at the entrance of the kitchen, a smirk on her face.
“One of Junhong’s friends.” she answered, “Sorry I came late by the way, Junhong got into some trouble and-”
“He’s handsome.” she interrupted.
Suyeon chuckled, “Okay.”

“And let me guess, you said no.” she frowned.
“Twice actually.” she said, walking past her.
Ms. Hwang gasped, “What? He’s asked you out twice?”
She nodded, “Oh you are heartless Suyeon!” she joked, giving her a light slap on the back.
“I don’t have time Ms. Hwang.” she whined.

“Yes you do.” she raised a brow, “But, it’s your decision, whatever you want.” she lifted her hands up.
“Yes it is my decision, thank you.” Sueyon stood her ground.
“Poor boys.” she sighed, “Hearts broken everywhere, but you know what good for you, more power to you.”

Suyeon caught on to her sarcasm, “But this one is different.” she eyed her. “The other boys have only asked you out once, they gave up so quickly. And this one? This one seems persistent.” she pointed out.


“Have a good day at school.” Suyeon kissed Taehyun on the cheek.
“Noona~” he whined, wiping his face.
“What?” she frowned, “Too old for my kisses?”
He giggled, “I’ll see you later noona, have fun in class and work.”
“Always do kid. Be good, Ms. Hwang will pick you up.”
He nodded and skipped inside the building, disappearing among the numerous students.

Suyeon made her way to Junhong’s school. Even though he didn’t like the idea she would make sure that those boys got what they deserved. As she reached for the door handle another hand shot out at the same time. Startled, she looked up meeting Yongguk’s eyes.
“Oh.” she bit her lip, “Hi.”
“Hi.” he replied quietly.

“You here for Junhong too?” he asked.
Suyeon nodded, “How is he?”
“Still asleep, but his wounds are better.”
She nodded, “That’s good.”
They stood there for another second before realizing they should walk in.

She thanked him as he opened the door. Since school had started there wasn’t anyone in the hallways, except for a few teachers.
“May I help you two?” a lady, her nametag read Ms. Lee, asked.
“Uh, yes we’d like to speak to the principal.” she said.
“Oh, may I ask what this is regarding?”
Yongguk coughed, “Well a few of your students thought it would be funny if they roughed up another, Choi Junhong.”

She gaped, “Was your son hurt by some of our students?”
“No, no…no he-he isn’t our son.” Suyeon spoke up immediately.
“He’s not our son.” repeated Yongguk, “But we are very close to him.”
“Oh, well right this way.” she showed them to the main office.


“Do you know the names of the boys?” asked Principal Kim.
“No, we don’t.” they sighed.
“But I know what they look like.” Suyeon spoke up.
He raised his brows, “I’m pretty sure I know the four that you speak of but, just incase…” he pulled out a book, flipping through some pictures.
“Are these them?” he pointed.

Suyeon leaned forward, recognizing the faces. “That’s them.” she nodded.
He sighed, “I thought so.” he closed the book.
“What can you do?” asked Yongguk.
“Well, unfortunately since the attack was not on school grounds so the worst they can get here is after school detention.”
They lowered their heads in disappointment. “But.” he spoke up again. “If you can get a witness who saw it, then it would be in the hands of the authorities. They would get a small fine perhaps, community service, sometime in juvenile detention.”

Their ears perked up, “So just one witness?”
He nodded, before speaking up again someone knocked on the door.
“Come in.” he called out.
“Principal, I’m sorry to interrupt.” said a secretary, “But, there’s a student here for the same reason they are.” she looked at them.
They looked at each other oddly, “Bring them in.” he said.

A young girl, big eyes, long dark hair came in. She bowed and stood awkwardly. “Lee Minhee.” the principal said curiously, “What brings you here?”
“I know what happened to Junhong oppa.” she said. “I saw it happen.”
Minhee turned her attention to Yongguk and Suyeon, “He doesn’t want me to say anything because he thinks that Namwoo and his friends will hurt me, but I saw it.”
Principal Kim smiled, “Well, it looks like we can bring those boys in now.”


As Yongguk and Suyeon exited the school they saw two police cars parked in the front. They held in their laughs seeing the four boys struggle against the policemen. “I DIDN’T DO IT!” “YOU GOT THE WRONG GUYS!” “LET ME GO!”
Students gathered by the windows, giggling at the scene.
As they walked down the street, they had a sense of pride. But still, in the back of their minds they couldn’t get over how Ms. Lee confused them for a married couple.
How old did they look? Was it because Suyeon wore a ring? Did they really look together?

“So where are you going?” asked Yongguk.
“Oh. I have my psychology class in about a half-hour.” she looked at her cell phone.
“Then my English class. After that I’ll be at the library until my shift.” she sighed.
Yongguk chuckled, “All work and no play.”
Suyeon shrugged, “I’ll have time to play later, I just want to have life figured out. Then I can play whenever I want.”
“Well, can I walk you to your class?” he asked.
“You don’t give up do you?” she smiled.
He smiled and shook his head, “Not when I want something.”
Her cheeks turned pink, “Okay then.”


“So what is your major this semester?” Yongguk smirked.
“That’s mean.” Suyeon looked at him, “But for now it’s Human Services.”
“And next semester?” he chuckled.
She shrugged, “I was thinking either Management, maybe Dance.”
“You dance?” he raised his brows.
“Kind of.” she smiled sheepishly, “I tried it a little my first year, but the amount of practice I would have to do got in the way of work and I wasn’t as home as much.”

He kicked a rock into Suyeon’s path, engaging them in a small game.
When she kicked it too hard it landed into some shrubs. “Aw.” they both frowned.
Yongguk chuckled, “This is my building.” Suyeon pointed.
They stopped in front of the steps, a few of the female students passing by giggled as they stole glances at Yongguk.
“Well you became popular quickly.” said Suyeon, slightly jealous.
“Eh.” he looked around before settling on her eyes, “Only one person here interests me.”

Suyeon flushed a deep red and looked down quickly, “See, you like me.” he chuckled, lightly shoving her shoulder.
She shook her head, still not looking up, “I never said that!” she whined.
“You don’t have to.” he smirked. “Suyeon, why don’t you just say yes to me?”
She sighed and looked up at him, “Yongguk, I-It’s not a good time right now.”
He straightened up, “I should get inside.” she bit her lip, “Thank you for walking me.”
Yongguk shoved his hands in his pockets, watching her walk away.


“You are just avoiding that poor boy.” Sunny raised her brow.
“Let it go~” Suyeon refilled a few drinks.
“Hmmm.” she pretended to think about it, “No, I won’t.”
“Why does everyone feel the need to pressure me into dating him?” Suyeon whined.
“I get it, he’s handsome, sweet, tall, really nice hair.” she stared at Yongguk from the bar.
Luna squealed, “See!” she punched her shoulder, “You like him too! So does Taehyun, whenever he comes by he invites Taehyun to sit with him. And I’m pretty sure any of us would love to take him out of your hands.”

“Then why don’t you?” Suyeon asked stubbornly.
“Because!” Jooyeon jumped in, “He wants you and only you!”
Suyeon rolled her eyes, “Guys.” she whined.
“Fine whatever.” frowned Sunny, “Hey! Come out with us tonight!”
“What? No.” Suyeon shook her head.
“Aw, why not?” they pouted.
“Guys, I…can’t.” she said.
Luna smacked her lips, “Girl, you don’t have class tomorrow and you don’t work until the night. You have no excuse!”

“What about Ms. Hwang huh? I’m going to have to go all the way home and then by that time I won’t want to go out.” she put her hand on her hip.
“We new you’d say that.” Sohee interjected. “Which is why we already let her know.”
“Oh god.” Suyeon covered .
“That’s right!” Junhong came up, “While you coaxed Taehyun away from Yongguk and Maslo, Donghae and I spoke to her. She’s fine with it and says to have fun.” he beamed.
“You guys .” Suyeon grimaced.

“Oh come on!” Sunny slapped her arm, “Live a little!”
“I don’t even have a change of clothes!” she argued.


“I look like a street walker!” Suyeon pouted.
“If it makes you feel better, you look like a high class street walker.” said Donghae, “You know the one’s that charge a load but it ends up being worth it.”
They all stared at him, “Okay, my bad.” he rolled his eyes.
“Guys I don’t know about this.” Suyeon toyed with the sequence of the halter top.
“You look hot!” Luna smiled, “Come on Su, you never go out with us just-please!?”
“Please?” Sohee, Jooyeon and Sunny all batted their lashes.
“If I say yes will you stop?”

They stopped, “Fine.” she muttered.
Sohee squealed, “Yay~ Suyeon gon’ party tonight~”
Suyeon giggled, “Okay I admit, I kind of like this outfit.” she looked in the locker room mirror again.
“See!” Jooyeon smacked her , “You need to let loose!”


 Donghae parked his car on the side of the road, “Alright guys don’t lose each other.”
Suyeon’s eyes sparkled as she got out of the car, “Su, welcome to Hongdae!” beamed Sunny.
“Come on!” Luna pulled her along, “We’re going to be late!”
She furrowed her brows, “For what?”
“There’s a concert tonight!” Sohee explained, “Hot guys singing, rapping, and dancing.” she squealed.

They reached a long line, the grayish silver sigh read “Club NB”.
Donghae and Siwon waved to the bouncer who motioned for them to come in front.
“Let’s go!” they pushed Suyeon forward.
The crowd cursed the bouncer as he lifted the red velvet rope. Suyeon linked arms with Jooyeon, “Don’t let me die.” she said.
Jooyeon giggled, “You won’t kid. Trust me.”

The ground level was filled with club goers that surrounded the stage area. The lights changed colors quickly as the beat of the song increased. Cheers were heard as the rapper finished his set. “Aw.” pouted Sohee, “We missed New Champ.”
“Pfft.” Sunny rolled her eyes, “You know he’d probably give you your own show in private~”
“Gross.” Siwon pushed pass them, “I’m going to get a drink.”
Luna pulled Suyeon closer to the stage, “It is packed tonight!” the MC cheered. “A great line up tonight people, we even got SOUL CONNECTION!”

“WOOOOOOOOO!” Luna cheered loudly.
“Who’s that?” Suyeon mouthed.
“You’ll see!” she winked.
“But before that! We got a got a special treat got ya‘!”
Sunny squealed, “CREAM!” she shouted.
“See you already know who I’m talkin’ ‘bout! Give it up for Young Cream!”
Suyeon cheered, although completely clueless as to who he was. The DJ began the song as the rapper stepped out.

Half way through the song Suyeon felt the two water bottles she had drank earlier.
“Hey.” she tapped Luna’s shoulder, “Bathroom?” she asked.
Luna nodded and motioned for her to follow. They passed along the front of the stage, with Suyeon holding Luna’s hand trailing behind.
As she passed by the performer jumped off making her and Luna break apart.
Suyeon felt awkward as he came closer, “Do you like, do you like, do you like me~?”
He twirled a lock of her hair with his fingers, “Do you want, do you want, do you want me~?” The girls squealed, envious of Suyeon’s position.

She smiled shyly as she walked around him, he pouted and tapped his heart.
Suyeon shrugged her shoulders making Luna giggle, “Not interested.”
“I AM!” Sunny shot her hand in the air.
Taking that opportunity they escaped into the restroom.
“Why did you bring me?” Suyeon whined.
“Oh come on! I know you’re having fun~” Luna teased outside the stall.
“That’s not the point!” she came out, quickly washing her hands.
“Don’t worry, the main event hasn’t even started!”


“Hey Jepp, ain’t that your girl?” Rhymics looked over the second story.
Yongguk furrowed his brows and went over, it was. She wore a black halter top sequenced with silver along the neckline, her white shorts showcased her creamy legs that were elongated by the heels she wore. Cream was rapping to her, making him clench his fist over the silver bar.
“Don’t get all possessive now.” Kuan said.

Junhong looked over as well, “She doesn’t like him.” he assured.
Yongguk looked back down, seeing that she shrugged as she walked away from Cream. A smile formed, relieved that she had rejected him.
“Come on!” CSP smacked his neck, “Our set’s almost up.”
Yongguk kept his eyes on the bathroom door as they walked down. He wanted to see her again.

“Jepp! Jepp? Jepp~?” Maslo snapped his fingers.
“Huh?” he turned to him.
“Mic check.” he said handing him the device.
He tapped the mic a few times before speaking into it. After making sure the mics were all accounted for CSP motioned for the MC to announce them.
Yongguk looked back at the bathroom door.
“Now I know you all know who I got next!” The bathroom door opened as Suyeon and Luna walked back.
“Give it up for SOUL CONNECTION~!” Luna widened her eyes and pulled Suyeon quickly to the crowd.

CSP signaled the DJ to start the track.
“SC!” Still PM shouted into the mic.
The crowd cheered, rocking with the beat.
“CSP! MASLO!” They jumped forward, grabbing the hands that reached out for them.
Suyeon’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she saw Yongguk come from the back of the stage.

She grabbed Luna’s hand and moved closer to the stage, until they were smack in front of it. “You knew didn’t you?!” she yelled over the music.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Luna played innocent.
Sohee, Jooyeon, and Sunny all giggled behind them. Suyeon shook her head, still with a big smile.

Yongguk stepped up as his verse began. She cheered loudly for him, making him flustered. The smile never left his face as he rapped his part. He threw her a shy smile, making the girls nudge her. Suyeon blushed and pushed them away. They went through ten songs, most of which Yongguk had suddenly forget the lyrics to.
Junhong excitedly waved at his noonas from the DJ booth, making the surrounding girls scream even louder.

They finished their last song when CSP thanked everyone for coming out to see them. “I also apologize for our maknae.” he patted Yongguk’s shoulder.
“Forgetting lines like that!” The rest of Soul Connection playfully punched him.
Yongguk brought the mic up, “I guess I was just…distracted.” he kept his gaze on Suyeon. She covered her face up and looked away, fearing that she would end up screaming.
“Anyways, thank you people for comin’ out!”


“Just taste it Suyeon!” Sohee held up a drink.
She grimaced and shook her head, “I need to go home sober!” she said.
“Just one sip!” Jooyeon handed her another.
“Guys stop it!” she pouted.
“I agree.” Donghae broke them up, “She doesn’t need Ms. Hwang thinking she’s irresponsible.”
“But she said to have fun!” Sunny pointed out.
“I don’t need to drink to have fun, a few minutes ago I was still sober and having a blast.”

They began another conversation when Suyeon was tapped on the shoulder. She turned to see the rapper who had jumped off stage when she first got here. He flashed her a smile, “I knew if I looked hard enough I would find you.”
Suyeon chuckled, “The name’s Giseok.” he extended his hand.
“Suyeon.” she shook it.
“Now tell me Suyeon, why is it that I’ve never seen a pretty girl like you around here?”
His eyes scanned her up and down, making her uncomfortable. “Uhm, I should probably get ba-”

“Oh come on.” he his lips.
She took a step back, “As I said before, not interested.”
He followed her, “Leave her alone Cream.”
Suyeon looked back, seeing Yongguk glare darkly at him.
He retreated a few steps, “Oh I get it.” he lifted his hands up.
She got closer to Yongguk and he put his hand on her shoulder.
“Next time just say you’re Jepp’s girl.” he muttered, “Would’ve saved me some time.”
Suyeon let out a sigh of relief as he walked away.
“You okay?” Yongguk rubbed her back.
Her eyes got watery but she nodded, “Suyeon.” he carefully hugged her


 “I’m sorry.” she said quietly, “I really don’t know why I broke down like that.”
He handed her the bottle of water the bartender gave him, “It’s okay, you were scared, totally understandable.” he patted her back.
She sniffed, “Thank you, again.”
He smiled, “It’s no problem.”
“I guess I kind of owe you now.” Suyeon sighed.

“You owe me?” he smirked.
“Of course!” she took a sip of water, “Anything, I can’t say no!”
“Anything~?” he looked at her.
She met his eyes, knowing what he would ask for. She nodded slowly.
“And, you can’t say no?” he gave her an eye smile.
Just live a little! Sunny’s voice echoed in her head.
She shrugged, “I guess not.” she gave him a lopsided smile.
“Next Friday, a date?” he bit his lip.
“Next Friday then.” she smiled shyly.

“NOONA!” Junhong ran up, jumping over Yongguk, “Are you okay?!”
“SU!” Luna hugged her, “I’m so sorry! I thought you followed us.”
She giggled, “I’m fine guys! Really I am!”
They quickly inspected her only until Jooyeon saw Yongguk sitting awkwardly on the side. She whispered in Sohee’s ear who then passed the message to everyone else.
“Oh.” Luna stood up and glanced at Yongguk, “Well if you’re okay then…” she then looked at Junhong who got the message.

“I’m fine, promise!” she smiled. They nodded and walked a few feet away to the bar, keeping an eye on them.
“So.” she looked back at Yongguk, “You’re a rapper.”
He scooted back to his spot next to her, “I am.” he smiled proudly.
“No wonder Taehyun chose that as his dream job.” she giggled.
“What?” he asked.

“They asked him in class to write a paper over what they want to be when they grow up.” she explained, “He didn’t let me read it but he told me he wanted to be a rapper.”
Yongguk chuckled, “Is that a good thing?”
She nodded, “Taehyun isn’t easily influenced, so if he wants to be like you, then it’s a good thing.”
He frowned seeing her shift in her seat, “This isn’t really your scene is it?”
“That obvious?” she chuckled.
“Come on, I’ll take you home.” he offered.


Suyeon plopped down in her bed, a smile lingered on her lips.
“Suyeon?” she heard Ms. Hwang call out sleepily.
“Yes Ms. Hwang?” she sat up.
“Oh you’re home.” she smiled, “Did you have fun?”
Suyeon nodded, “I did actually.”
The old woman smiled, “That’s good. Good night sweetie.”
“Night~” she sang.

She thought about telling her that she had finally agreed to going out with Yongguk, but stopped. I can tell her in the morning.










"Do You Like Me?" Starring: M.I.B's Cream: 
"Bring It" Starring: Bang Yongguk: 


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Argh, you guys are so patient with me! Thank you and I'll have a chapter...or two up tomorrow when I get out of class! Thank you for reading and subscribing


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Chapter 32: This was an amazing story! Thnk you very much for sharing your creativeness. I wish it was longer! Lol I love it!
Chapter 7: I'm happy for you, Suyeon (^-^)
Chapter 5: Why didn't Suyeon knock on the door so Maslo or anyone in house could open the door? (previous chapter)
Yongguk hugged her~ >///<
Chapter 3: I'm giggling here but also disappointed, Yongguk has been rejected!! ( ; _ ; )
Chapter 1: Omo~ >///<
I'll read this until the end~
dalamjwi07 #6
Chapter 2: I was confused at first, who were those csp, maslo, etc? then I searched their profile on internet and I found myself listening to their music, and it's great. What a twist authornim, thank you.
Chapter 34: Re-reading this for the 1000x time and gah all the feels i get everytime when reading this! Ofc i had to vote this story up~
hahalalatata #8
Chapter 34: I cant believe its done!! Omg im happy and sad. But i loved this fic. Such a perfect balance of everything. I hope there is another BYG fic in the future. Now I'm going to reread thia fic again: )
Chapter 34: So....I saw that you finished the instead of picking up where I left off...I went and re-read the entire from the beginning lolz....such a cute story....I love it!!! ♥♥
MAIisVIP #10
Chapter 34: Haha cute ending ^______^