A Date With Yongguk

Take A Chance

“Oh look!” Luna pointed to the window.
Suyeon was laughing with Yongguk. “Ahh~” Sohee squealed.
“And she’s actually early. Only by five minutes but still, she’s early.” Siwon raised his brows, “He is most definitely a keeper.”
“I haven’t seen her smile like that in a while.” Kibum happily returned to stove.
“She’s coming!” They all quickly went back to work.

“Hi guys!” Suyeon beamed as she walked in.
“Well don’t you have a skip in your step.” Myungsoo teased.
She blushed, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“GIRLLLL~” Sunny ran up excitedly, followed by Sohee and Luna.
“What did you two do?” “Is that his jacket?” “Jooyeon asked if he’s good in bed.”
Suyeon rolled her eyes, as expected the attacked her with constant questions.

“He took me home, he knew I was uncomfortable.” “Yes, it’s his jacket. Since you guys dressed me like a hooker, I got cold.” “I don’t know if he’s good in bed! What do you take me for?!”
Sunny pouted as she texted Jooyeon back.
“So what is going on between you two?” Myungsoo asked.
“I have a date with him…on Friday.” she mumbled and walked to the locker room.
“WHAT?!” they all grinned. “Aw Suyeon~” they called after her.
She covered her ears and quickly shut the door.


Suyeon POV:

“Hello my name is Suyeon, I will be your waitress tonight. Can I get you gentlemen anything to drink?” I smiled brightly.
“So your name is Suyeon.” I turned to one of the customers. Great, he was the one who had harassed me and told Suzy to give me his number.
I let out a small sigh, “Yes that is my name.”
“Tell me beautiful why have you not called me?” he smirked.

“Junsu, please not again.” his blonde friend begged him.
“Khun’s right.” said another, “Can you please just stop.”
He frowned and straightened up in his seat, “Number five please.” he muttered.
I nodded and quickly wrote the rest of their orders. The restaurant wasn’t completely full tonight, a relief for us since Sunny and Sohee would leave soon, leaving us understaffed for the rest of the night. Junsu continued to steal glances at me from his table.

“Can you go beat him up?” I asked Myungsoo.
He chuckled, “Go ask your boyfriend.” he nodded to his left.
“What?” I looked over and saw Yongguk walk in with one of his friends.
“So he is your boyfriend?” he teased.
I shoved his shoulder, “He isn’t! I haven’t even gone on a date with him yet.”
“Eh, I’ll give you two a week before he asks you…maybe week and a half…” he contemplated.
“Oh God.” I rolled my eyes.
“SU! Table three~” Siwon beamed in my direction.
“Ha ha.” I stuck my tongue out at him and grabbed my notepad.

As soon as I reached his table I felt Siwon right behind me.
“Hello my name is Suyeon, I’ll be your waitress this evening. Siwon if you don’t go back to your post I will beat you in front of the customers.” I turned giving him a smile.
He frowned, “Why you gotta hate?” he brushed his shoulder off before leaving.
Yongguk and his friend both chuckled, “Hi.” I smiled shyly at him.
“Hi.” he flashed me his perfect smile. “Uh, Suyeon this is my hyung, Yohan.”
“Nice to meet you.” she shook his hand.
“The guys are right, she’s out of your league bro.” he said.

Suyeon pressed her lips together seeing Yongguk blush.
“I’ll have a number four please.” Yohan smiled, seeing that he had successfully embarrassed his junior. Suyeon giggled as she wrote it down.
“And you Yongguk?” she smiled.
“Number ten.” he mumbled, not wanting to make eye contact.
Before walking away she lifted his chin up, “I’m definitely not out of your league.”
He smiled as he watched her walk away. “Aw~” Yohan poked him with his chopstick.
“Look at that~”
“Yah hyung!” Yongguk frowned and sipped his water.

“Luna, Suyeon, your favorite customer is back~” Donghae pointed at table six.
“Key!” they both ran to his table.
“Hello my babies!” he grinned as he hugged them both.
“How was Japan?” Suyeon asked.
“Fabulous!” he flipped his hair, “So, how have y’all been?”
“Suyeon got herself a little boyfriend~” Luna teased.

Key gaped at her, “He’s not my boyfriend.” she corrected.
Luna snickered, “Not yet anyways.”
“Girl look at you, is he cute?” Key asked her.
“You can see for yourself.” Luna motioned to the entrance.
“Ooh, which one is he?” he sipped his tea.
“Tall, black hair, red shirt.” she shyly looked down.
“Hm, you have good taste love.” he eyed Yongguk.

“She’s has a date with him on Friday!” Luna said excitedly.
“And a date?!” Key lightly slapped Suyeon’s hand. “Finally back to dating, I’m so happy Suyeon!”
She smiled, “I hate to break up the reunion, but I need you guys to get back to work.” Donghae said quietly.
They pouted, “Oh don’t worry, I’ll come back and visit you guys later. I’ve got to unpack everything still anyways.” Key stood up, giving each of them a big hug.
As he passed by Yongguk he turned around and mouthed ‘Nice ’ with a thumbs up to Suyeon. She rolled her eyes and face palmed, “He’s right.” Luna giggled.


Suyeon POV:

“What are you wearing tomorrow night?” she nudged me.
I shrugged, “I don’t know yet.”
“Good, we told Key to help us out.” she smiled.
“What?! Sunny, why would-”
“Shh!” she scolded me, “He’s know more about clothes and stuff than we do! Besides he was happy to help.”
“It’s just a date!” I whined.

“So it’s no big deal?” she continued with the subject.
“No! Wait, I mean yes!” Suyeon rubbed her forehead, “I’m…I’m nervous.” she admitted.
“Aw noona~” Junhong overheard and put his hand on my shoulder.
“It’s okay.” he assured.
“He’s just so nice, and really handsome.” I laid my head on the counter top and mumbled more nonsense.
“Su.” Sunny cooed, “I’ve never seen you get so worked up over a guy.”
“I know!” I lifted my head up, “This is weird I just feel so…weird and…is this normal, like do you feel like I don’t know…it’s a good weird though.” I bit my nail.

“Hyung told me you ran into Zico the other day.” Junhong blinked.
“You didn’t tell me that!” Sunny said with slight annoyance.
I sighed, “Yeah, I was at the basketball court with Taehyun and he saw me.”
“What happened?” she asked.
“He didn’t do anything, Yongguk showed up thankfully.” I explained.
“Aw, did he save you?” she giggled.
“Yes he did.” I said proudly.
“Su! Table nine.” Siwon walked by, probably taking his break.
“I should get back to work.” I smiled and quickly went back to taking orders.


No One’s POV:

Suyeon was squealing practically the whole night and day before her date with Yongguk. He had texted her in the evening asking if eight was a good time to pick her up. Siwon and Donghae had given her the day off.
“Just go home after you get out of class and get ready for your date. You don’t need to clock in today.”
“But-” Suyeon pouted over the phone.
“No buts, just go. Luna said that Key would call you when he’s on his way.”
After picking up Taehyun from school she waited patiently for Key to show up. Sohee and Jooyeon called her before their shifts telling her to have fun. She was helping Taehyun with his homework when a knock came at the door.

“Key~” she beamed.
“Hello beautiful.” he kissed her cheek and made his way in.
“Ms. Hwang~” she called out, “Key oppa’s here!”
“Kibum.” she smiled, hands on her hips.
He gasped, “Oh Ms. Hwang if only I were a few years older, you’d be in trouble missy.”
She chuckled as he hugged her.
“Key hyung!” Taehyun ran up.

“My favorite kid.” he scooped him up, “Oh yeah, you will definitely break hearts.” he ruffled his hair.
“He’s my personal stylist today.” Suyeon beamed.
Ms. Hwang looked inside the bag he brought. “Oh, Suyeon you’re going to look so pretty.”
He chuckled, “Alright, let’s start with the hair and we’ll go from there.” he pushed her towards the bathroom.


“You look so pretty noona~” Taehyun smiled up at her.
“Thanks baby.” she curled her hair back, “I feel pretty.”
Key had already left, leaving her ready for her date. She grinned seeing her reflection in the mirror, the outfit, hair, Key was a genius.
“What time is hyung coming to pick you up?” he asked
“At eight.” she smoothed the long blazer and looked at him. “What time is it?”
“Five to-”
He stopped hearing a knock, “I’ll get it~” he ran.
Suyeon became nervous again, taking deep long breaths.

Taehyun opened the door, “Hi hyung!” he beamed.
“Hey!” Yongguk squatted down and ruffled his hair, “How was school?”
He shrugged, “It was okay. Are you here to pick up Suyeon noona?”
Yongguk nodded, “Is she ready?”
“She is, I’ll go get her!” he skipped off. “NOONA! YONGGUK HYUNG IS HERE TO TAKE YOU ON YOUR DATE!”
He let out a chuckle as he heard Suyeon quietly scold the little boy.

Yongguk stopped breathing when he saw her walk towards him from the small hallway. She shyly looked up at him, “Hi.” she smiled.
“Hi.” his hands crinkled the plastic from the flowers he had in his hand.
“You look, beautiful.” he breathed.
She blushed, “Thank you.” her head lowered and she twiddled her fingers.
“Oh, um.” he blinked, trying to keep his cool, “These are for you.” he handed her the small bouquet.
“Thank you.” she admired them.

A cough was heard, making her turn. Ms. Hwang and Taehyun watched from the kitchen. Suyeon chuckled, “Ms. Hwang this is Yongguk. Yongguk this is Ms. Hwang, my guardian angel.” she smiled.
“Hello.” he bowed lightly and waved from the doorway.
“Hello!” she smiled brightly.
Suyeon walked over to her, “Can you put these in water for me?”
She nodded, “Absolutely, now go on. Have fun.”

Suyeon stepped out, “I’ll be home later.”
“Be careful!” Ms. Hwang called out.
Yongguk gently took her hand as she closed the door, “You ready?’
She nodded happily as they began walking down the street.


“You look handsome by the way.” Suyeon smiled shyly as he linked arms with her.
He squeezed her hand, “Thank you.” he chuckled.
She had never thought any of the past guys she dated had looked as good as he did.
He had paired a pair of dark colored jeans, a white button down shirt, and topped it off with a black leather jacket, giving him a bit of an edge.

He took her to a small restaurant where they nearly kicked out from laughing to loud. Suyeon couldn’t remember the last time she laughed like that on a date. There was so much about him that brought a smile to her face, it shocked her. Once they left the restaurant, they walked around for hours, enjoying each others company.

“So you thought I was married?” she giggled.
“Maslo did.” he cleared up, “He saw your ring and then Taehyun came at the perfect moment.”
“Oh.” she removed her arms from his waist and bought her hand out.
“It was my mom’s.” she smiled.
His arm still hung loosely around her shoulders, “It’s the only thing I have left besides some pictures.” she brushed her finger over the small diamond.

“How long has it been?” he asked.
“Almost three years.” she sighed.
His hand ran up and down her arm comfortingly, “I know what will make you feel better.” he looked around and spotted a night market.
“Come on.” he smiled as she wrapped her arms around him again.

“Can I get two rice cakes please.” he asked politely.
The lady handed him the sweet treats with a smile.
“Here.” he held it up to .
“I can feed myself.” she raised her brow.
He chuckled and put her hand on it, “I know you can.”
She smiled as he laced their hands together, continuing to walk down the busy street.

“Hey look!” Suyeon pointed at a small gazebo with a small band played under it as couples danced to their tune.
Yongguk smiled, “Come on, let’s dance.” he pulled her along.
“Wait!” she gigged, trying to keep up.
He found an empty table and took off his jacket, putting it on the chair. She took off her blazer and tossed it as he grabbed her hand and led her to the dance floor.

She giggled as he twirled her around, a little surprised that he could move so fluidly.
“You’re not the only one who knows how to dance.” he chuckled, reading her mind.
Suyeon blushed as he held her sides, lifting her off the ground above his head.
A squeal escaped her lips, “Oh my gosh.” she shut her eyes and gripped his shoulders.
He chuckled, “Open your eyes.” he said softly.
Suyeon couldn’t explain it, but the sound of his voice took away the small fear she felt and did as he said.
She returned his smile and put her hands on either side of his face. As he lowered her back down they leaned in, brushing their lips against each other.

His hands rested at the small of her back but before they could actually kiss, a clap of thunder interrupted them. They both looked up seeing lightening ripple through the sky. “Crap.” he held on to her hand and pulled her back. As he passed by the table he grabbed both of their jackets and started running, feeling the drops of rain already coming down.

Suyeon laughed as he scooped her up seeing a big puddle up ahead of them.
“Yongguk, put me down!” she smiled at him.
“No, you can drown, not risking it!” he joked.
By the time they reached a protective covering they were soaked. Both laughing ridiculously while he continued to have his arms around her waist. As they calmed down they stared into each others eyes. He moved his hand up, and brushed back a strand of her hair before they connecting their lips.

She happily kissed his back realizing that this was the first time surprisingly, that she had kissed a guy on a first date. Yes, even when Byunghun, Dongwoo, and the rest of them tried to steal a kiss she would deny them. This time it was different though, a good kind of different seeing that she still felt warm as he pulled away. He smiled at her, making her giggle before she jumped up and kissed him again.


“I had a really, really great time.” Suyeon smiled as they stopped in front of her door.
“Me too.” he swung their hands in the air. “Uh, do you want to do this again?”
She felt herself blush, “I’d like that.” she nodded.
“Say next week? Again on Friday?” he smiled sheepishly.
She nodded again feeling him play with her fingers.
He chuckled, “Good night Suyeon.”
“Good night.” she giggled as he leaned down, lifting her chin up to meet his lips.
Before closing the door she jumped back and pecked his lips again, leaving him with a big smile.

Suyeon tip toed into her room, heels in hand. Once she entered the room she closed the door, the lights and began jumping on her bed letting out small squeals every few seconds.
“Uh…noona?” she hit the wall seeing Taehyun sitting straight up in his bed.
“Oh!” she clutched her chest, “I forgot we share a room.”
He gave her an odd stare, “Okay…” he narrowed his eyes at her before laying back down.

After changing into her pajamas she washed her face, getting rid of the makeup Key had put on her. She crawled into bed, smiling that Ms. Hwang had put the flowers that Yongguk gave her on her nightstand. Taking a quick whiff of them she snuggled into her sheets, knowing that she would have a good nights sleep.

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Argh, you guys are so patient with me! Thank you and I'll have a chapter...or two up tomorrow when I get out of class! Thank you for reading and subscribing


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Chapter 32: This was an amazing story! Thnk you very much for sharing your creativeness. I wish it was longer! Lol I love it!
Chapter 7: I'm happy for you, Suyeon (^-^)
Chapter 5: Why didn't Suyeon knock on the door so Maslo or anyone in house could open the door? (previous chapter)
Yongguk hugged her~ >///<
Chapter 3: I'm giggling here but also disappointed, Yongguk has been rejected!! ( ; _ ; )
Chapter 1: Omo~ >///<
I'll read this until the end~
dalamjwi07 #6
Chapter 2: I was confused at first, who were those csp, maslo, etc? then I searched their profile on internet and I found myself listening to their music, and it's great. What a twist authornim, thank you.
Chapter 34: Re-reading this for the 1000x time and gah all the feels i get everytime when reading this! Ofc i had to vote this story up~
hahalalatata #8
Chapter 34: I cant believe its done!! Omg im happy and sad. But i loved this fic. Such a perfect balance of everything. I hope there is another BYG fic in the future. Now I'm going to reread thia fic again: )
Chapter 34: So....I saw that you finished the story....so instead of picking up where I left off...I went and re-read the entire from the beginning lolz....such a cute story....I love it!!! ♥♥
MAIisVIP #10
Chapter 34: Haha cute ending ^______^