Double Date

Take A Chance


"Taehyun...", Yongguk and Suyeon both looked at him, arms crossed.
He lifted his head up, pouting, "Nope."
Suyeon kneeled next to him, "Please, just take it!", she pleaded him.
"You don't want to be sick the first week of summer break do you?", Yongguk asked.
For the past hour they had been trying to get Taehyun to take the cough syrup. He had woken up Suyeon the night before with a coughing fit, and continuousy refused to take the medicine. Ms. Hwang had gone to the market, attempting to find ingredients for a remedy in place of it. 
"Kim Taehyun!", Suyeon groaned.
Yongguk chuckled and stood up from his seat. He lifted her up to her feet and hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder.
"Take the medicine and we can go play some basketball and get some ice cream.", he proposed.
Taehyun put his finger on his chin, contemplating.
"He can't!", Suyeon began to protest Yongguk's idea.
"DEAL!" Taehyun grabbed the small measuring cup and downed it. Yongguk chuckled when he saw Suyeon pout, arms crossed. Taehyun pushed the chair back and ran to the room to get ready.
"He shouldn't be out like that Yongguk!", Suyeon tried to get out of his arms.
Yongguk held her tighter, "It's okay, he already took his medicine. He'll be fine Suyeon."
He spun her around and kissed her, silencing her bickering.
When he pulled away Suyeon looked up at him, frowning.
"Oh come on Su, he's a kid. Besides in a few hours he can take some more medicine, don't worry okay?"
She blushed when he leaned his forehead on hers.
"Taehyun will be fine, alright?", he pecked her lips.
"Fine!", Suyeon gave up and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Just as she was about to kiss him, Taehyun ran in fixing his shirt.
"I'm ready!", he beamed.
They both looked at him and smiled. "Let's go!", Yongguk led them out.


Suyeon smiled as she heard Yongguk's deep laugh mixed in with Taehyun's giggles. They both ran around the court, playing one on one. He passed the ball to the little boy and Taehyun took off.
"THAT'S TRAVELING!", Yongguk ran after him.
Taehyun ran around laughing as he barley escaped Yongguk's grasp.
He finally caught him and lifted him up above his head, allowing him to toss the ball into the hoop. Suyeon watched as they both cheered and Taehyun hugged Yongguk tightly as he spun around. 
"Put him down!", she yelled, still noticing the bandaid on his hand.
They both stuck their tongues out at her and grabbed the ball, continuing their game.
She shook her head, smiling at the scene. Across the street she saw a brightly dressed person attempting to cross the road. She recognized Key and giggled as he took two steps forward and jumped back when a car zoomed past him. He looked both ways again before running in a dainty manner over to the basketball court.
Suyeon got up from her seat and ran to his, crushing his slender frame in a big hug. 
"Key!", she screeched.
He almost fell backwards but was able to keep balance, "Whoa! Nice to see you too Su.", he chuckled. 
"I have to introduce you to someone!!", Suyeon grabbed his hand.
"Key hyung!", Taehyun dropped the ball and ran over, crashing into him.
Yongguk stopped dribbling the ball and took a few steps, standing behind Suyeon.
Key squished him playfully, "Key, this is Yongguk, my boyfriend."
He looked up and couldn't help but grin as he saw her shyly hold Yongguk's hand.
She pulled him forward, "Yongguk, this is Key. He's one of my best friends."
Taehyun let go of him and yanked Yongguk until he was in front of Suyeon.
"Don't be shy hyung!", the boy smiled.
They both chuckled and shook hands, "It's nice to finally meet the boy that makes my Suyeon so happy."
She opened and quicky shut it, face flushing with embarrassment.
"TAEHYUN!" They all turned and saw a few boys enter the court, waving at him.
He smiled brightly, "I'll be back.", he said to them.
Yongguk handed him the ball as he ran towards his friends.
"So you usually don't hang around this neighborhood.", Suyeon tilted her head.
"I know, I know.", He followed them and sat down on a bench.
"But, I actually came to ask you two if you'd like to go out Friday night."
"Miyumi doesn't know a lot of people here and she was wondering if you two would join us for a double date."
"Ohh!", Suyeon clapped with excitement, but stopped and looked at Yongguk.
He chuckled, "Whatever you want Su."
Key stood up, "Well then it's settled!", he smiled, "I'll text you time and where we should meet."
Suyeon nodded, giving him a hug before he took off.


Suyeon blew a raspberry as she undid the braid she had done in her hair. There was still time before Yongguk would pick her up but she couldn't figure out what to do with her hair. Finally she just gave up, letting it do whatever it wanted and grabbed a light sweater from her closet.
"Noona!", she heard Taehyun call her from the kitchen.
She grabbed her purse and walked out, "Coming.", she replied.
He sat at the dining table, his arms folded over the other with his head on top of them over the hard top of the table.
"Taehyun?", she kneeled next to him and lifted his head up, "What's wrong?"
Suyeon touched his face and let out a light gasp, "You're burning up!"
He frowned, "Can you just give me some medicine before you go?"
Suyeon got up and opened a cabinet to retrieve the purple sough syrup.
"You weren't like this a few days ago.", she measured it out in the small cup went back to him.
"Here.", Taehyun drank it quickly and laid his head back down.
Ms. Hwang came out and tilted her head, "What's wrong?"
"Taehyun has a fever.", Suyeon held him closely.
He sighed, "I can stay if you want Taehyun, I don't have to go."
"No, I'll be fine noona.", he assured, "You don't have to cancel your plans."
Suyeon gave him a worried look, "But-"
"Go answer it.", Ms. Hwang took her place.
Suyeon opened the door to Yongguk's smiling face. Even though she was worried about Taehyun she couldn't help but sprout a smile of her own.
"Hey baby girl.", he kissed her cheek, "Are you ready?"
"Uh...", Suyeon turned around and saw Ms. Hwang ushering Taehyun down the hall.
"Good evening Ms. Hwang.", Yongguk greeted.
She smiled, "Hello Yongguk."
"Hey little man!", he squatted and opened his arms.
Taehyun bolted but stopped a foot away from him, "I can't hug you hyung."
Yongguk furrowed his brows, "Why not?"
"I'm sick, I don't want you to get sick either.", he hid behind Suyeon.
He moved over until he was right next to him and sat back on his knees. 
"I won't get sick if you hug me Tae.", he assured.
He peeked from behind his sister, "Positive?"
"Positive.", Yongguk smiled.
Taehyun grinned and tackled him to the ground with his arms around his neck.
"And you say you're sick.", Yongguk chuckled.
Suyeon ruffled Taehyun's hair, "Get some sleep okay?", she kissed his cheek.
"Okay, good night.", he skipped back to Ms. Hwang.
"Have fun you two.", she smiled.
Yongguk, still on his knees, noticed Suyeon's heels by the door and grabbed them.
"What are you doing?", she giggled.
"Helping.", he pulled over a stool so she could sit down.
"Yongguk.", Suyeon crossed her arms, "I can put on my own shoes. I'm not a baby."
He grinned, "But you're my baby."
She shook her head and bent down to peck his lips. He let out a noise of victory when she sat down and allowed him to put on the shoes for her.
"There, now we can go.", he stood up and put an arm around her waist.
They both turned hearing footsteps from the hallway. Ms. Hwang stopped and crossed her arms, "Well? Get going, Taehyun will be fine okay?"
"Yes ma'm.", Yongguk nodded, making her laugh.
Suyeon giggled, "Bye Ms. Hwang."


Yongguk tapped his foot underneath the table, his eyes finding a new subject to stare at every few seconds. This time it was the back of the bar stool behind Key, who was sitting across from him. Key kept his hands in his lap, not moving too much and rolling his shoulders from time to time. Suyeon and Miyumi were talking non-stop, to the boys it was a wonder how they didn't seem to breathe in between their exchanges. A waiter came by and refilled their water, to which they nodded at him in thanks before drinking half of it in a few gulps. 
Suyeon and Miyumi suddenly stood up, "We're going to the bathroom. We'll be right back.", they smiled and took off.
Both exhaled and slumped their shoulders, chuckling that they did the same thing.
"I totally knew this was going to be awkward.", Key put his elbows on the table.
Yongguk nodded in agreement, "Tell me about it."
Again, they were silent and only heard the sounds of clattering dishes and animated conversations from around the restaurant.
"Your food should be out any minute.", another waiter smiled at them, "Can I get you gentlemen anything else?"
"Beer.", they said in unison, ""
The waiter nodded, "O-okay...I'll be right back."
Being left alone once more, they opened and shut their mouths. 
"Oh you can-", Key motioned for him to speak first.
"No, you go ahead.", Yongguk insisted. 
Neither said a thing and diverted their eyes to observe something else.
"We have nothing in common.", Yongguk twiddled his thumbs.
Key move his head from side to side, "Not necessarily...", Yongguk gave him a look that said 'Come on, who are you kidding?' 
"Okay, maybe you're right.", he shrugged.
"What is taking them so long?", Key looked in the direction of the bathrooms.
"Girls always take a while in the bathroom. They talk and stuff.", Yongguk said.
Key's head snapped back, "What kind of stuff? Relationship stuff?"
He shrugged, "Stuff, like anything."
"I hope Mimi doesn't mention...certain things...", Key's eyes shfited downwards.
Yongguk turned a light shade of pink when he understood what he was saying, "Oh..."
"They wouldn't would they?", Key asked desparatley.
"I...don't know...", Yongguk answered honestly, "I...we...haven't..." He stopped himself, not wanting to say any of the actual words.
Key leaned back in his seat, "Really?"
Flustered, Yongguk nodded meekly, "Whoa. You must have an amazing level of self-control."
Key moved the hair out of his eyes and chuckled, "Are you trying to prove something...?"
He really didn't want to talk about this with him, or anybody for that matter. Yongguk bit his lip and tried to come up with the correct words to say, "I don't mind if we take our time long as I'm hers...and she's mine, that's all that matters.", he gulped.
"Awh.", Key couldn't hold back his admiration, "That's-"
"Here you are sirs, I wasn't sure what kind exactly to bring so-"
"Just put it down.", Yongguk and Key each grabbed a glass of the alcohol.
"So I brought samples of everything...", the waiter finished his previous sentence.
They both nodded and he walked away awkwardly. As they finished their first glass they both bursted in laughter.
"So,", Key looked him dead in the eye, "Have you told her you love her yet?"
Yongguk ran his finger along the rim of the empty glass, "No.", he blinked, "I haven't."
"It''s hard for me to...say it. I think I'm more afraid of her freaking out and leaving or accepting it and suddenly being distant from me."
"Well...if it helps, she does love you. She just doesn't see it yet.", Key gave him a smile.
Yongguk broke into a smile of his own and nodded, "Thanks."
A second passed before plates of food were placed around them on the table.
"Mmm, food!", both girls skipped back to the table and smiled brightly.
They quickly dug in and began conversing. Yongguk stared at Suyeon as she spoke to Miyumi and heard Key's words echoing in his mind. She felt his eyes on her and looked at him, they both smiled and she reached under the table and grabbed his hand.
"I had so much fun!", Miyumi exclaimed as they walked along the streets, "Thank you both for coming with us, it means a lot to me."
Suyeon nodded, "It's not a problem, I had fun too."
"We should do it again!", Miyumi announced.
Both Key and Yongguk looked at each other while they continued to talk.
"Don't worry, not gonna happen.", Key whispered to him.
"Oh thank God.", Yongguk let out a sigh.
After bidding each other goodbye Yongguk and Suyeon began walking back to her home. 
"So how awkward was it for you and Key?", she asked out of the blue.
"What?", Yongguk acted, "What gives you that id-"
Suyeon stopped walking and raised a brow at him, "Okay, it was kind of awkward.", he reasoned, "But I knew this would make you happy so..."
She smiled, there was nothing he wouldn't do for her. 
"Thank you for putting up with it.", she kissed him, "You're amazing."
"I am aren't I?", Yongguk joked.
When they reached the door Suyeon clung to him, "It's late oppa. Why don't you stay?"
He was about to protest but she pouted, "Come on, Ms. Hwang loves you she won't be mad."
"Okay, I'll stay." She beamed and led him inside.
They quietly entered the room with Yongguk going to Taehyun's bedside and placing his hand on his forehead.
"His fever went down.", he told her, "If it comes back though, we should take him to the doctor."
Suyeon nodded, "Hopefully it's just a cold..."
He got up and hugged her, "It probably is, nothing major to worry about."
"Now, let's go to sleep. You have to study tomorrow for your finals.", he reminded her.
"Ugh.", Suyeon began to whine, "Whyyyy?"
"Shhh!", he placed his lips on hers, "You'll wake someone up."
She blushed, "Sorry.", she mouth.
"Come on, let's get some sleep." He laid down and she followed, snuggling closely to him.

/has no excuse for not updating.

thank you for reading and subscribing<44343555876542

Since it's almost 6am and I haven't slept, I am going to do that now. 
I'll be updeating sometime later today or tomrorrow! That is if my computer cooperates and saves the next chapter.



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Argh, you guys are so patient with me! Thank you and I'll have a chapter...or two up tomorrow when I get out of class! Thank you for reading and subscribing


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Chapter 32: This was an amazing story! Thnk you very much for sharing your creativeness. I wish it was longer! Lol I love it!
Chapter 7: I'm happy for you, Suyeon (^-^)
Chapter 5: Why didn't Suyeon knock on the door so Maslo or anyone in house could open the door? (previous chapter)
Yongguk hugged her~ >///<
Chapter 3: I'm giggling here but also disappointed, Yongguk has been rejected!! ( ; _ ; )
Chapter 1: Omo~ >///<
I'll read this until the end~
dalamjwi07 #6
Chapter 2: I was confused at first, who were those csp, maslo, etc? then I searched their profile on internet and I found myself listening to their music, and it's great. What a twist authornim, thank you.
Chapter 34: Re-reading this for the 1000x time and gah all the feels i get everytime when reading this! Ofc i had to vote this story up~
hahalalatata #8
Chapter 34: I cant believe its done!! Omg im happy and sad. But i loved this fic. Such a perfect balance of everything. I hope there is another BYG fic in the future. Now I'm going to reread thia fic again: )
Chapter 34: So....I saw that you finished the instead of picking up where I left off...I went and re-read the entire from the beginning lolz....such a cute story....I love it!!! ♥♥
MAIisVIP #10
Chapter 34: Haha cute ending ^______^