
Take A Chance


“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Suyeon went down the line of Yongguk's friends, hugging them tightly. When she reached Sungjun she frowned, “I haven't met you, but thank you too!” He chuckled and hugged her back. She reached Hyunchul who had his lips puckered, eyes shut while he leaned forward with his arms opened. Suyeon covered , laughing because Yongguk put his arm in front of her to stop her from going to him. “Hyung.”, Yongguk spoke up. “No.” Hyunchul opened one eye and dropped both of his arms, smacking his lips. “Why not man?!” Yongguk hugged her tightly and stood in between them. “Really though guys, thank you so so so much for watching over him. I...I owe you guys forever.” Yongguk covered , “Don't say that!”, he widened his eyes. “Forever huh?”, Maslo crossed his arms, already thinking of favors to ask.


“No! She will bake cookies for you, and that's it.”, Yongguk proposed, “And nothing else!” She giggled and stood on her toes to peck his cheek. “Ah!”, Still PM snapped his fingers, “Speaking of baking...” CSP opened the supermarket plastic bag and pulled out a container holding two cupcakes, handing it to them. “In the Lonely Island video they got a cake when they had s-”
“OKAY.”, Suyeon and Yongguk both face palmed. “Let's never talk about that...EVER.”, Suyeon emphasized, “EVER, okay?” They all looked away, not nodding or showing any form of agreement. “Well then don't be so loud next time.”, Maslo said under his breath. Suyeon gawked at him and then buried her face in Yongguk's chest. “Hyung!”, he whined, “No more, please?” The moment was lost when they heard shouting down the hallway.


“KIM SUYEON, I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR LITTLE !” Key ran over and pulled her away from Yongguk, hugging her tightly. Her other co-workers followed behind, each trying to keep a tough look on their face, as if they were angry. “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!”, Myungsoo came forward and playfully smacked her head. “SHHH!” A nurse poked her head out from another room and scowled at them. “Oh...” They all bowed in apology and waited until she went back in. “What were you thinking!?”, he repeated in a hushed tone. Suyeon could see how they hid their smiles and she reached out to hug all of them, initiating a group hug. “I'm so so so sorry guys!”, her voice came out a mumble from all the bodies. “Yongguk told me what you did. I had you running around the whole city and...”, she felt the tears come back to her face. “I'm sorry...I was being stupid and...I wasn't thinking about anything and-”, her voice cracked and she sniffed.


The nurse stepped out again and crossed her arms, “If you're here to visit someone maybe you should enter their room.” Clearly she was annoyed and they all shuffled into Taehyun's room. “We're gonna get going.”, Yongguk nodded at his hyungs and Suyeon continued to thank them as they walked down the hall towards the exit. Everyone crowded around Taehyun, giving him high-fives, hugs, but still making sure he didn't talk unless necessary. Suyeon leaned against the back wall and sighed heavily. Yongguk put his arms around her, whispering some reassuring words and giving her a peck on her cheek. “Do you want to talk about it?”, he asked. Suyeon nodded and stood up, making her way to Taehyun. “I'm going to get some coffee from the cafeteria, will you be okay?” The little boy simply nodded. “Okay.”, she smiled and kissed his forehead before walking out with Yongguk.


“He said he wants to be part of Taehyun's life...and my life again too.”, Suyeon leaned back again the elevator wall and Yongguk pushed the basement button. “What did you tell him?” She exhaled and shook her head, “I didn't tell him anything...I don't know if I want him to.” Yongguk took her hand as the elevator dinged and the doors opened. He didn't ask her anything else and she didn't say anything until he lead them over to a table by the window. He sat across from her, holding onto one of her hands. “I'm just afraid that if we do give him another chance...that maybe Taehyun will get attached to him and he'll leave again, and I would only be angry with myself if that happens.” She put her chin on the table and pouted. “Maybe you should think about it, he seems like he really means it.”, he pointed out, “Time changes people Su...Maybe you should ask Taehyun about it too, maybe he'd want to meet him.”


“I really really don't want him to.”, she squeezed his hand a little. “Don't you think that maybe he should have a chance to meet him? Maybe then he could make up his mind about whether wanting to keep him in his life?” She pouted again, “You're supposed to be on my side, Yongguk!” She stomped her feet and he laughed, reaching out to ruffle her hair. “I'm not on anyone's side, I’m just trying to tell you that maybe...Taehyun's never even asked you about your dad? He's never been curious?” Suyeon shrugged, “I never asked and he never asked either.”


“What if he does want to meet him. You don't want him to resent you later for that do you?” Suyeon lifted her head up and frowned at him. “You're supposed to be on my side!”, she repeated, hiding the smile that was threatening to escape. Yongguk put both of his hands over hers, a big grin spreading across his face. “You know I'm right though! Just, give it a shot, you can warn Taehyun before hand, he's a lot more grown up than we think.” Suyeon took a sip of her coffee, letting out sigh after sigh before Yongguk finally got annoyed with it. “I'm sorry!”, she frowned, “I can't just decide this right now...”


At the same time they both reached for the plastic container that held the cupcakes, fighting over who would get it first. “Okay, okay!”, Yongguk playfully bit at her finger, “We earned these so...”, he smirked at her. Suyeon's face flushed as she recalled how they earned them and buried her face in her hands. “Don't say it like that!”, she whined, “I still can't believe they heard us!”, she grumbled. Yongguk, put his feet in between hers and scooted as close as he could, stretching his arms out to her shoulders. “Don't be embarrassed~”, he laughed, “It's not like it wasn't fun...” Suyeon's head snapped up and she covered his mouth with her hand. “Shh!”, she pleaded, wearing a sheepish smile while her face continued flushing deeper shades of red.




Suyeon yawned loudly, quickly putting her hand over to muffle it since Taehyun had fallen asleep. They would be spending one night in the hospital before being able to go home. A knock at the door startled her and she got up from the chair she was curled up in. The light from the hallway was bright and she squinted her eyes. “Baro?” She opened the door wide and he smiled at her in relief. “Come in before the night nurse sees you.” Suyeon ushered him in and took a quick look up and down the hallway before shutting the door. “Everyone told me you were staying here with Taehyun for the night and I just had to make sure you were okay...Are you staying here alone?”


She shook her head, “Yongguk just went to go get something to eat, but he's going to stay with me.” Baro nodded and turned his head to Taehyun, who was mumbling quietly in his sleep. “They had to uhm remove his tonsils.”, she explained. He nodded, patting Taehyun's leg gently before moving away a few steps. It was silent until Suyeon coughed. “Yongguk told me...” His head shot up in confusion. “That you called him, when you saw me with Zico.”, she clarified. “Oh.”, Baro smile sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I wasn't following you or anything...well I kind of was but, I only did because you didn't seem like yourself. Sandeul was the one who actually told me that those guys weren't exactly friendly so I thought it'd be better to call him.” Suyeon gave him a smile, “Well, remind me to thank Sandeul too.” Baro shook his head right away. “Oh no, he was complaining the whole time. You don't want to do that, he doesn't deserve it.”


They both laughed, Suyeon slapped his shoulder lightly and he patted her back. “I'm glad you're okay.”, he gave her a lopsided smile. Suyeon returned it, “I'm really glad you were there. Who knows what kind of trouble I would've gotten myself into.” He chuckled, “Nothing too bad, I assume. You're Suyeon, how much trouble can you get into?” Suyeon cringed, “You don't want to know.”, she groaned. “I don't think you, yourself get into it...I think it's the people you used to surround yourself with.” She bit her lip, shrugging. “I didn't do any better by trying to keep up with those people now did I?” Baro nudged her with his elbow and rolled his eyes. “Well at least you have good people around you now.”


She smiled, “Yeah, people to keep me in check.” It grew silent again, this time for a while since neither knew what to say. Her phone vibrated on the chair, a text from Yongguk saying he was on his way back. “Well, I just came to check on you.”, he muttered. She walked him to the door, taking another look to make sure the nurse wasn't around to scold them and he stepped out. “I guess I'll see you next week, hopefully we have another class together.”, she said earnestly. “Yeah, me too.”, he stuffed his hands in his pockets and lingered for another second. Suyeon chuckled and leaned in slightly, pecking his cheek.


His eyes went wide, the apples of his cheeks turning red and he swallowed the lump in his throat. “Are you okay?”, she asked. Baro cleared his throat, his voice cooperating before his body did. “Y-yeah.” He shut his eyes and leaned in a little but Suyeon pushed him back. “No.”, she said straight faced, “Don't try that with me, not again.” He backed up and scratched his head in confusion. “That was a thank you.”, she explained, a little amused and taken aback. “Please don't tell Yongguk, he said he'd kill me if I tried to kiss you again.”, he looked around cautiously, hoping that Yongguk hadn't arrived yet. Suyeon chuckled, “I don't think he'd kill you, Baro.” He shook his head rapidly, “No, no, I take his threats seriously, he scares me.” Rolling her eyes she nodded, “I won't tell.”


“Oh thank God.”, he let out a sigh of relief. Suyeon gave him a blank stare, “You need a girlfriend.”
He blew the air out of his cheeks, “Yup, yup I sure do...Any single friends?” She nodded, laughing a little, “Sure, I'll set you up.” Baro just nodded, looking down at his feet. “Well, I guess I'll see you at school, maybe.” The both chuckled quietly as he took off down the hall, Suyeon shook her head in amusement and went back inside.



A few minutes later while she was dozing off she heard the door open. Yongguk stuck his head in and quietly entered the room, though the plastic bag he was holding was only betraying him. He cringed as he set down the food he had gotten along the ledge under the window and Suyeon giggled with her eyes still shut. “Shhh~”, she sat up and he looked down shyly. “Did I wake you?”, he whispered. Suyeon shook her head as she stood up, “Nah, I was still awake.” He wrapped his arms around her tightly, placing a kiss on her forehead. “I ran into Baro outside, he come to see you?” Suyeon nodded, “Yeah, he wanted to make sure I was okay.” Yongguk raised a brow, “That was it?”, he asked with some suspicion. A broad smile spread across Suyeon's face as she looked up at him, hearing the jealousy in his voice. “Maybe~”, she teased. Yongguk pouted, a little grumble escaping his lips. “Ohh~”, she squished his cheeks, “I'm just kidding babe.”, she gave him a kiss. “You know I love you.” He smirked, “Yeah, I love you too.”




Laying in Yongguk's bed, Suyeon still felt the flush on her face and the smile that was plastered there wasn't helping either. She sat up and carefully grabbed the necklace he had given her and her mother's ring as well from his nightstand. Her thighs tingled, from what they'd just done a few short minutes ago, along with the feeling of where his hands had held her along her sides. The bedroom door opened and she looked at him shyly as he entered the room, the heated gaze sending chills down her spine. He sat down on the edge of the bed and turned his head to face her. Suyeon lifted up her head a little when she felt him nuzzle his nose against her cheek, pressing his lips to hers in a heated kiss.


Their bodies drew closer together, his lips trailing from her lips down to her neck. And just like that she felt the heat in between her legs return, but she couldn't stay. Taehyun was spending some time with their father, mostly when Suyeon was at work. She still hadn't given it any thought on moving in with their dad, he said they could move in with him but she wasn't sure. The whole situation was still wary and she didn't want to make a big decision like this because it wouldn't only effect her it would effect Taehyun, the one she worried for the most. “I can't stay.”, she whispered, her fingers holding on tightly onto his strong arms. She felt the grip on her hips relax a little and Yongguk's body went a little limp as he rested some of his weight on her.


“I don't like you staying by yourself with Taehyun.”, he murmured, holding onto her hand. Suyeon frowned, “I know but, we still have until the end of the month until we have to move out...if we move out...” Yongguk shifted until he was sitting back up, hesitantly looking at her. “You both could move in with me...” Suyeon glanced at him, only to see that he was drawing shapeless figures on the white sheets. “Yongguk.”, she said softly, his eyes finally meeting hers, “You know I can't have you do that.”
He pouted slightly, “And why not?” Suyeon couldn't help but giggle at how cute it was when he said that, like a little kid not being able to get something he wanted. “Because you aren't the only one that lives here, Maslo lives here too and I can't ask you to do something like that.”


He merely shrugged. “Seungkyu hyung is leaving for the States...He's going to go to school there and that'll mean that Yohan hyung will be living by himself. He could move in with him, Taehyun could have his room and you can stay in here with me.” Suyeon saw how much thought he'd put into this idea and how simple he made it all sound. “Yongguk.”, she lifted up his chin and placed a kiss on his lips. “Thank you, but you know that I need to decided what's best for Taehyun. And even if I do chose to stay with my dad, we'll actually be closer than we were before!” Yongguk continued to sulk, “Yeah but, if you moved in here then you'd be here!” Suyeon laughed, “Oh Yongguk, I don't think that that's the best thing for us right now...not yet.” The us had gone from her and Taehyun to her and Yongguk. He sighed, “I know that we might not be together forever, we might not get married or anything you know...we could break up later but...I really do love you.” Smiling, she leaned in again, “Yeah, I love you too.”


Suyeon dressed slowly since Yongguk took both her jeans and shirt and hid them. “You know, you're dad does know where you're at right? He's not stupid.” Yongguk laid back on the bed, propping his weight up on his elbow while he watched her dig through his closet. “Yeah, I know he knows but...He didn't seem that fond of you a few weeks ago at the hospital.” He yawned, “I don't know why, everyone says I'm awesome. Should I write their names and numbers down as reference?” She rolled her eyes at him, finally finding her jeans on the top shelf. “Get me them!”, she whined, pointing up at the shelf. Yongguk let out a deep chuckle and stood up, sauntering towards her until his body was right up against hers. Suyeon pressed her lips together, shutting her eyes for a quick second as she felt him reach over her to retrieve her jeans. Her eyes opened and she took a long glance at his bare upper half that brushed lightly along her t-shirt.


He smirked down at her, bringing his face dangerously close to hers so fast that she glanced back up at him innocently, acting as if she hadn't been drooling over his abs, arms, neck, or face, or anything else for that matter. Her lips quivered as she tried to hold back her laughter and he claimed her lips again in another searing kiss. They parted just slightly, their breaths mingling with one another as he continued to give her the same longing lust filled stare.“Okay.”, she breathed out, his forehead resting against hers, “I'll stay over.” Yongguk his lips, chuckling as she kissed him again, pulling the jeans from his hand and tossing them behind them as she led him back to the bed. She landed softly on the mattress and just as Yongguk was about to crawl over her she sat back up, putting her hands to his chest. “Wait, I should call him...Just so that he knows.” Yongguk gave a long appreciative look at her body once before nodding and she scooted off the bed, putting on a pair of her sleeping shorts before heading to the living room where she had left her purse.


Upon opening the door she was met with four smirking, all-knowing faces. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks as Yongguk's friends whistled as she made her way around them to the coat rack by the front door. “Hey!” Yongguk stood at the bedroom's door frame scowling at them. “Oh, that wasn't for me.”, Suyeon giggled from the door. “That was for you.”, Rhymics finished for her, making Yongguk look down to realize he was only wearing his boxers. Maslo took out his wallet, fanning out a few bills, “Drop it low and we'll make it rain~” Suyeon cackled as Yongguk hid his body behind the door, “Hurry Su!”, he pleaded. She awed and walked back with her bag, “Sorry boys, this one only does private dances~” Yongguk blushed as they were booed until Suyeon shut the bedroom door.


“I think they're asleep.”, she frowned, hearing the phone ring continuously with no end. On the last ring she heard a click, followed by yawn. “Dad?”, she asked. “Dad's asleep.”, murmured Taehyun. “Oh...Well...Did I wake you?” The little boy nodded as if she could actually see him. “Taehyun?” He blinked a few times, “Do you have to pick me up? I mean, I was already asleep anyway.” Suyeon bit her lip, “Not if you don't want me to...So you're going to stay the night?” He nodded again, rubbing his eyes. “Taehyun?” He hummed, “Yeah, I'll just see you in the morning.” Suyeon slapped away Yongguk's hand that was creeping along her thigh, sticking her tongue out at him. “Okay well, good night. I love you.” Taehyun mumbled a sleepy 'I love you too' and yawned, “Oh, and tell Yongguk hyung I said hi.” Suyeon turned to Yongguk, “He says-WAIT HOW DID YOU KNOW?” Taehyun let out a sleepy giggle, “Noona, I know everything. Good night!”


Yongguk grabbed her phone from her, tossing it back into her bag that was on the floor. She squealed as he pinned her down to the bed, shushing her as he kissed his way up her neck, slowly sliding up her shirt. From the living room they heard the volume on the television go up and chuckled. “Well they're being considerate, aren't they?”, Yongguk mumbled against her skin. Suyeon inhaled sharply when she felt Yongguk's lips on her stomach, nipping lightly at the skin and smirking when she broke out in goosebumps. “Wait, one more thing.” He got up and turned the lock on the door. “Can't take anymore chances with that.” 





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Argh, you guys are so patient with me! Thank you and I'll have a chapter...or two up tomorrow when I get out of class! Thank you for reading and subscribing


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Chapter 32: This was an amazing story! Thnk you very much for sharing your creativeness. I wish it was longer! Lol I love it!
Chapter 7: I'm happy for you, Suyeon (^-^)
Chapter 5: Why didn't Suyeon knock on the door so Maslo or anyone in house could open the door? (previous chapter)
Yongguk hugged her~ >///<
Chapter 3: I'm giggling here but also disappointed, Yongguk has been rejected!! ( ; _ ; )
Chapter 1: Omo~ >///<
I'll read this until the end~
dalamjwi07 #6
Chapter 2: I was confused at first, who were those csp, maslo, etc? then I searched their profile on internet and I found myself listening to their music, and it's great. What a twist authornim, thank you.
Chapter 34: Re-reading this for the 1000x time and gah all the feels i get everytime when reading this! Ofc i had to vote this story up~
hahalalatata #8
Chapter 34: I cant believe its done!! Omg im happy and sad. But i loved this fic. Such a perfect balance of everything. I hope there is another BYG fic in the future. Now I'm going to reread thia fic again: )
Chapter 34: So....I saw that you finished the instead of picking up where I left off...I went and re-read the entire from the beginning lolz....such a cute story....I love it!!! ♥♥
MAIisVIP #10
Chapter 34: Haha cute ending ^______^