


“STOP THIEVES!” Dr. Zhang shouted as he pedalled hard to catch up to the surprisingly able-bodied girl.

Their constant shouting, however, backfired as it served as motivation for Eunhee to pedal quicker.

“Faster, Ajussi.” He told the guard behind him who was trying as hard as he could.

“May I just ask…” the older man said, gasping for air in between. “Why do you have a tandem bike?”


“They’re catching up, Eunhee!” Baekhyun cautioned her.

Eunhee gritted her teeth and pedalled faster to a point where the tires led a trail of flames as they went.

“You think I don’t know?! I’m already doing the best I can!” She growled at her dead weight passenger.

Just for how long are they going to chase us?! She thought to herself as she looked at her pursuers through the side mirror.


“There’s no time to answer unnecessary questions, ajussi! Just peddle faster.” Dr. Zhang breathlessly told the guard who had decided to stop pedalling on the count of the rheumatic attack on his knees.


“They turned that way, samchun!” Eunho told the escape car driver, pointing to the direction he saw Eunhee’s chasers went.

Taehun continued to follow the bikes at a steady pace until he pulled the car into a stop.

“What? Why are we stopping?!” The boy violently reacted, grasping the front seats.

Instead of answering the frantic lad, Taehun looked at the bright red circle that beamed inside the traffic light post.

“Are you kidding me?!” Eunho shouted. “We’re in a chase right now, samchun!”

“Easy for you to say! You’re not the one on the driver’s seat!” The older countered.

“Aish.” Eunho cursed as he dropped himself back onto the torn leather seat.

“Good luck, sis.”


“Chanyeol! Bring out the ramp.” A middle-aged man instructed his subordinate as he pushed out a platform cart from the observatory entrance, a massive moon diorama riding on it.

Obediently the tall boy took out the wooden ramp from the passenger seat and positioned it by the base of the concrete stairs.

“MOVE!” a loud voice yelled, causing the lad to jump backwards before he could fix the ramp.

His eyes immediately widened at the sight of a girl biking frantically towards his direction, something covered in white sitting behind her.

“A ghost?” He thought right before the speeding bike reached the ramp, making it seem like it flew high over the moon.

Time slowed down for Chanyeol to catch a glimpse of the alien boy looking at him.

“What was that about?” his boss murmured, watching the bike continue its way heading who knows where.  “Ya. What are you pointing at?” the man asked his dazed younger companion.

“E.T.” The boy blankly replied.


“Are they still following us?” Eunhee panted, her legs growing weaker by the second.

Baekhyun anxiously looked behind them, hoping that their chasers have given up.

“They’re gone!” He gleefully announced. “You can stop now.”

“Maybe they know a shortcut around here. They could be waiting around the corner… we should keep going.” The relentless girl replied as she cycled farther.




“Doctor…” The old guard mumbled as he watched Dr. Zhang stare frozen at the obstacle in front of them. “They’re just pigeons.”


“Eunhee… you must be tired. They’ve stopped following us so you can rest now.” Baekhyun told her as he wiped the sweat on her nape with the sleeve of his jacket.

“Just a little further.” She sternly replied as they reached a sunflower field far from any building or people.


“I’m not going to let them take you away again.” She declared and stopped in the middle of the field.

Embarrassed, Baekhyun got off the bike.

And at the same time, it started to rain.

“It’s raining! I think I saw a gazebo over th-” Eunhee failed to finish when she collapsed on the damp soil below them.

“Eunhee! Are you okay?” He worriedly asked, kneeling down to her level.

She laughed. “I’ve never ridden a bike that fast before. I guess my legs are mad at me now.”

Feeling guilty, the boy took off his jacket and placed it over her head. He then turned around with his back facing her, making his savior blush in return. “What are you waiting for? We’ve already done this before.” He said with a faint chuckle.

“There it is!” Eunhee shouted as they ran towards the wooden gazebo, holding up the white jacket above them.


“Eunhee…” He called her softly while she brushed off the rain from her skin. “How is it raining when the sun is shining so bright?”

“It’s called a sunshower. Haven’t you ever-” She stopped her words, remembering that the boy grew up confined in darkness.

Baekhyun smiled brightly at the phenomenon he was witnessing for the first time. “The sun really is amazing, isn’t it?”

She turned to him, admiring his beautiful smile under the sunlight. “It is.”

“Hey, Eunhee.” He called once again. “I’ve been nothing but trouble for you since we met…”

Eunhee laughingly nodded.

“So why did you save me?”

She pulled his arm and held his head down for their lips to touch, causing a shock from the unsuspecting lad.

As she pulled away, she smiled and said, “Because I’m a girl from the moon.”

The boy turned red just as the sky did as the sun went down.

“BAEKHYUN!” she yelled upon his sudden collapse.

“YA! I can’t carry you all the way to the pier!” She shouted further, slapping his red, grin-painted face.


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Chapter 46: SO CUUUUUTE!
Chapter 2: Lovely story with an amazing plot.
Keep writing
myungsoodaehyun36 #3
Chapter 46: One of the most unique plot in aff ♥ love it... Baekkie is so cute here..
trollingchenchen #4
Chapter 46: It was a cute but interesting story??? loved it.
BellaWu #5
Chapter 1: Just finished my first chapter. So far so good and cant wait to read the next chapterrrr
Chapter 1: Sweet and beautiful I can totally picture Baekhyun in this, My friend this is the best thing someone have ever done to me :) I feel so honored, I'll treasure these words and keep them close to my ❤️.