Seemingly Never Ending Night



“What are we supposed to do now?!” She shouted out of panic. “There’s no reception in the woods!”

Baekhyun bit his lip as he thought. “We’ve been here for quite a while now…” “maybe they’re already looking for us.”

“And how on earth are they going to find us?!”  “WE’RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FOREST!!” She shouted too loudly, causing the wild birds to fly up from the shock.

The boy lowered his head, feeling guilty for what he had caused due to his reckless behaviour. “I’m sorry, Eunhee. I keep getting you into trouble.”

“YOU SHOULD BE.” The girl replied, glaring at him only to be faced with his tearful puppy eyes and pouty lips.

She let out a disgruntled sigh. It’s enough that they’re stranded in an unfamiliar place because of him but now she couldn’t even scold him due to his guilt-tripping actions.


“You’re just lucky it’s summer. We’d be dead by now if this happened in winter.”

Awkward silence filled the space between them.

She leaned her head back on the nearest tree and closed her eyes, finding peace to calm her anxious mind.


“Eunhee…” He softly called her, earning an irritated grunt from the meditating girl.

“What now?” She replied with her eyes still closed.

He gulped as he raised his hand to point something that was right above Eunhee’s head. “Th-there’s… there’s something with many legs above you.”

Her eyes popped open at his horrifying statement. “WHAT?!”

Large cockroaches were nothing to the brave Eunhee. She could kill them with her bare hands after all. Spiders, however, were completely different.

“Get it off me!! She screamed, flailing her arms around in the hopes of swatting the miniscule insect away.

Baekhyun, on the other hand, feared all insects. To him, they’re tiny deadly pests that will do everything and anything to have a taste of his sweet flesh.

Thus, he remained unmoved. “What do I do?”  He worried to himself.

“BAEKHYUN!” She cried.


Something snapped inside him at that very moment.

For the first time, Eunhee called for his help instead of the other way around.

Fire blazed in his eyes. He was determined to prove to her that he wasn’t as helpless as she had always thought.

Baekhyun then gathered up the courage to crawl towards the still panicking girl in all fours and swatted away the spider with his right hand, causing him to lose his balance and accurately (and quite unrealistically)


fall towards her lips.

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Chapter 46: SO CUUUUUTE!
Chapter 2: Lovely story with an amazing plot.
Keep writing
myungsoodaehyun36 #3
Chapter 46: One of the most unique plot in aff ♥ love it... Baekkie is so cute here..
trollingchenchen #4
Chapter 46: It was a cute but interesting story??? loved it.
BellaWu #5
Chapter 1: Just finished my first chapter. So far so good and cant wait to read the next chapterrrr
Chapter 1: Sweet and beautiful I can totally picture Baekhyun in this, My friend this is the best thing someone have ever done to me :) I feel so honored, I'll treasure these words and keep them close to my ❤️.