Hide and Seek



“OPPA!” She called him, loud enough to wake the neighbors. Fortunately, their next door neighbors were out of town.

“WHAT?!” He answered her.

“What do you mean ‘what’?! You just killed him!” She shouted at her brother. “Look at him! He’s dead!” She cried even louder.

Worried that he’d get imprisoned for what he did, Eunho squatted down to Baekhyun’s level to inspect whether he was still alive or not.

Eunho let out a sigh of relief. “He’s breathing.”

“His face…” She murmured in disgust as she stared at the huge slipper mark on the sleeping boy’s cheek.

“Well don’t just stand there! Help me carry him into the house!” Eunho blurted out while securing the boy’s armpits on his arms. “You carry his feet while I hold his arms.”

“What?!” She reacted and widened her eyes in surprise. “We can’t let him in the house! Mom and dad will be furious!”

Eunho ignored his sister’s warning and continued dragging Baekhyun’s body away from the post. “Yea? Well it’s better than getting sued and going to prison for assault, don’t you think?!”

“Well you’re the one who whacked him. So I’ve got nothing to do with this anymore.” She countered and started to walk back into their house with her head high.

“YA! YOU KICKED HIM RIGHT IN THE BALLS!” He shouted at her. “Just look at the poor kid still holding is nuts even though he’s unconscious!” “You didn’t have to kick so hard!” He added with a fake whimper to make her feel even more remorseful.

Eunhee let out another deep sigh and glared at her brother. “Fine.” She responded and walked back to the scene of the crime.

“How are we even going to explain this to mom and dad?” She asked him as they carry the boy to their house. “They’re gonna kill us once they found out about this!”

“We don’t need to.” He said in between huffs and puffs from carrying the relatively heavy boy.

Eunhee stopped her steps confused by what she just heard. “What do you mean?” She asked him.

“We can just enter through my bedroom window and let him sleep there for the night.” He replied and lifted the boy higher to keep him from slipping through his arms. “Hurry up before they start looking for us.”

Another sigh of disbelief left Eunhee’s mouth as she continued to help his brother hide their crime from their parents. “Umma will find out before we could even wake up tomorrow, you know.”

Eunho once again ignored his little sister’s comment and kept on walking backwards until they reach his bedroom window. “Don’t worry, lil’ sis. Umma never looks around my room.” He assured her while he lifted Baekhyun’s upper body to get him through the alternative passageway.

Fortunately, Eunho’s bed was right next to the window. Otherwise, Baekhyun would’ve had another concussion.

“Figures. Your room smells like rats died in there.” She commented and passed the boy’s legs to her brother.

“We’ll get him out of the house before they even know he was there.”  Eunho continued while gently passing Baekhyun’s feet through the window. “Then we’ll negotiate with our pal here, laugh off this silly accident, and then we’re free!”

 With bad luck following their footsteps, Eunho’s gleeful conclusion was delivered a little too loud for their dog-eared mom to not hear.


“Eunho?” their mom called from the living room.

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Chapter 46: SO CUUUUUTE!
Chapter 2: Lovely story with an amazing plot.
Keep writing
myungsoodaehyun36 #3
Chapter 46: One of the most unique plot in aff ♥ love it... Baekkie is so cute here..
trollingchenchen #4
Chapter 46: It was a cute but interesting story??? loved it.
BellaWu #5
Chapter 1: Just finished my first chapter. So far so good and cant wait to read the next chapterrrr
Chapter 1: Sweet and beautiful I can totally picture Baekhyun in this, My friend this is the best thing someone have ever done to me :) I feel so honored, I'll treasure these words and keep them close to my ❤️.