Scandal Part 2

Love In The Club


           “How long you gonna be in Japan?” I asked as Taecyeon and I were in the departure hall at Incheon Airport.

            “About a week…there’s music festival the day after tomorrow and then a recording for the Japanese station.” He said lacing our fingers together. “I’m gonna miss you.”

            “Me too…”

            “Noona, remember, no food feast while I’m gone…if you bring any sorts of delicious food to the office I will not talk to you…” Chansung pouted. How adorable this little giant could be.

            “Yes, sir! Hey, I gotta go now…”

            “Already? But my flight is an hour away…can’t you stay until I got on?”

            “I can’t…I left the shop for too long now…”

He pulled me over to a secluded corner far away from people and pinned me to the wall.

            “What?” I said and he just stared at me.

            “Nothing…I just wanna see you…” he said and smirked. “You looked so freakin’ y now…”

            “Yaa, we’re in the middle of the airport…now, behave yourself stud…” I pinched his cheek. “Aigoo…my little beast…”


The rehearsal for the music festival just ended and they were heading back to the dressing room. 2AM boys were just getting ready for their stage as they walked in.

            “Hyung, since everyone is here…how bout all us went out and have fun tonight?” Jinwoon said wearing his jacket.

            “That sounds good…it’s been a while since us Oneday boys have our boys’ night out…” Junsu said looking at Khun.

            “Yeah…I’m in…” Chansung said high fiving with Jinwoon and Kwon.

            “It’s all settled then…tomorrow night after the show…Oneday boys’ night out…” Seulong hyung said.

            “2AM, you guys are next!” the PD said peeking into the room.

            “Nae…kids, lets’ go…” Changmin hyung ordered.

Author’s POV

The music show went well and the boys were getting ready to hit the town together. In 2PM hotel suite…

            “Hyung, Jinwoon’s been calling me like crazy…they’re waiting for us at the lobby…” Chansung said grabbing a beanie from his bag.

            “We’re ready…”

            “Hey Taec, you’re not coming?” Khun said as he watched Taecyeon coming out from the room wearing his sweat pants and black tank top.

            “I don’t feel like going out…” Taecyeon said heading to the small bar.

            “Are you sure?” Junsu asked.

            “Yeah…you guys have fun…I’m just gonna head down to the gym…”

            “If you say so…kids let’s go…” Junsu huddled the members together heading to the door.

After the boys’ left, Taecyeon went to the hotel’s gym for a light workout session. He was just getting off the treadmill when a call came to his phone. The name appeared on the screen bring a smile to his face.

            “Hey babe…whatcha doing?” it was Hee Jin.

            “Are you that happy to hear my voice?” Taecyeon said.

            “Kinda…so, where are you?”

            “At the gym…”

            “With the boys?”

            “Nope…alone…the boys went out having fun in the city…”

            “And you’re not going? That’s not the Taecyeon I know…” Hee Jin said chuckling at the end of the line.

            “What’s that supposed to mean?”

            “You know…anyway, I’m on my way to the club now, there’s a launching party for 2ne1 girls tonight…”

            “Well, behave yourself babe, don’t flirt with those boys from YG…Seunghyun hyung is looking good these days…”

            “I’ll try…”

            “Jagiyaaa…” Taecyeon said in a cute voice.

            “Ok, ok…I’ll behave…but I can’t guarantee anything if they come to me instead…” Hee Jin laughed.

Taecyeon POV

            “Fine…just forget your boyfriend then…” I said and I heard her laughing.

            “If you say so…I gotta go now, later babe…love ya!”

            “Love you too…have fun…” I hung up the phone. I looked at the watch and it’s still quite early. I decided to grab a coffee from a coffee shop across the hotel.

At the coffee shop…

I walked into the shop and there’s few people around. I was waiting for my coffee when…

            “Taecyeon oppa…”

I turned and saw Mi Young. She stood at the counter next to me.

            “Mi Young ah…” I was surprised to see her here.

            “I can’t believe we would meet here…what a co incident…”


            “Oppa, about that article that came out…your girlfriend…”

            “Don’t worry about it…she’s cool…I’m sure she hurt a little but we’ve worked it out…”


I paid for her drinks and went our separate way. Another busy day ahead tomorrow and I need a good night rest.

End of POV

            “Girls…look! Another news about Taecyeon!” Hyo An said turning the laptop on the counter towards me. I looked at the headline and my heart skipped a beat.


            “I don’t know about you guys but I think there’s definitely something going on between those two…” Sora said rubbing her chin like a detective in cheesy 50s movies

             “I think so too…first, they were spotted going out from the restaurant together and now…even in Japan…”

            “Do you think that secret girlfriend that Taecyeon talked about before is Hwang Mi Young?” Bora said.

            “It could be…” Hyo An looked at me. “Unnie, what do you think?”

            “I dunno…but what I do know that if you don’t get back to work, there will be some payment cut…” I made a scissors gestures with my hands.

            “Nae unnie…” the girls went back doing their work.

I looked at the picture and honestly, I don’t know what I felt that very moment. I feel mad, jealous and hurt all mixed into one. I know Taecyeon wouldn’t do anything with her but I can’t help feeling insecure.

Taecyeon POV

            “Aishh! Stupid paparazzi!” I scoffed and slammed the Japanese tabloid on the floor.

            “Dude, what’s wrong?” Khun asked. I slumped on the couch with a messy head about to burst any minute now.

            “Hyung, again? With her?” Wooyoung said looking at the tabloid. The news of my accidental meeting with Mi Young at the coffee shop are making another front page headline in the papers. Those damn paparazzi!

            “I don’t even wanna think what if Hee Jin noona saw this…” Junsu said.

            “And Ah In…he will freak out! You know how protective he is towards her…” Chansung shook his head. “Look, he’s already calling me…”

            “Let me talk to him…”

After successfully convincing Ah In that it was just an accidental meeting, I decided to call Hee Jin noona.

            “Hey babe…” she said at the end of the line. Her voice sounds okay…maybe she haven’t seen the news yet.


            “How’s Mi Young? Did she get back to the hotel safe?” I heard the tone of her voice changed.

            “Jagiya…it was an accident meeting…I didn’t plan on meeting her there. You have to believe me…”

            “Can we talk about this later? I’m kinda busy right…”


            “The crew needs me now…I’ll talk to you later…bye…” she hung up the phone before I could say anything. I guess she’s really mad at me right now.

            “What did she say?” Khun asked.

            “Not much…but I do know she’s just mad…”

            “It’s a normal thing when women get jealous…”

            “I guess so…it’s just that I know she’s hurting seeing all this front page scandal news…and I don’t want her to have any second thought about our relationship…”

            “What do you mean?”

            “You know, like in the movies…the girl would break up with the guy because of the things happened around her…the fan taunts, scandals…just like what Hee Jin noona are having right now.”

            “I’m sure you and Hee Jin noona would make this relationship work.” Khun tapped my shoulder.

I can’t wait for my schedule in Japan to be over so I could go back and see Hee Jin noona and sort this problem once and for all.

End of POV

            “Hee Jin ah…you know…you can always talk to me if you have any problem right?” Yeon Rin said to me as we’re on the VIP lounge at second floor.

            “I know…”

            “You wanna tell me what’s wrong?”

            “It’s just that…it’s about Taecyeon and I…”

            “Why? Did you guys fight? I saw the article about that Mi Young girl and Taecyeon spotted in a café in Japan…”

            “Sometimes, I think that this relationship is too good to be true…I’m not cut out to be with someone of Taecyeon’s status…his fans, admirers…you know what I’m trying to say right?”

            “Yeah…let me ask you one thing…do you love him?”

            “Yeah…with all my heart…”

            “Do you trust him?”

            “Never even doubt him for once…”

            “It settled then…you love him enough to trust him…so what if he’s a mega idol star? He fell in love with a regular people…his fans have to learn to accept the fact he’s a normal human being…and I know a lot of other female idols admire him but he wouldn’t even look at them…doesn’t that prove something?”

            “I guess so…”

            “Look Hee Jin ah… when you decided to date him months ago, didn’t you tell me you were prepared with all the baggage that come with the relationship?”


            “Now why are you having second thought about it?”

            “I know, I know…it’s just that I’m having a momentary breakdown…all this are new to me…you know…dating a celebrity and stuff…dealing with obsessive fans and everything…”

Now I feel guilty hanging up on Taecyeon earlier today. I should’ve been more understanding.

Taecyeon POV

            “I’m thinking of introducing Hee Jin noona to the public…to the fans…” I said as the six of us were in the hotel suite after the schedule.

            “Hyung, are you serious?” Chansung asked.

            “Yeah…I’ve been thinking about it for a while now…it’s the best way…people would see what a great woman that she is…”

            “I think that’s a good idea…you know how netizen talked bad about her…saying that she’s ugly and stuff…” Junho nodded.

            “Yeah…have you talked to Jin Young hyung?” Junsu looked at me.

            “I did…he said it’s up to me…so, you guys have any objection? This thing is just not about me…we’re all in it…”

            “I’m cool…” Wooyoung said.

            “Me too…” Chansung and Junho said together.

            “You have our 100% support Taecyeon ah…” Junsu tapped my back.

            “You guys are the best brothers I could ever had…” I’m so lucky having these great guys around me.

            “So, what are you planning to do? Any special event?” Khun asked.

            “I’m still looking for ideas…you guys got any?”

End of POV


Sorry for the late update...

Another chapter and we'll be at the end of the road...

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aigooo~~~~~writers' block again!!!!!


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3300++ views!!!
Chapter 35: okay. I love Himchan, he's my B.A.P bias, and Taecyeon I love even more...he's my ultimate bias...BUT OMG WHAT THE HELL WHY IS HIMCHAN SUCH A LITTLE WHINER IN THIS FIC?! HE NEEDS TO STEP OFF BECAUSE NOONA BELONGS TO TAEC AND TAEC IS BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT AND HE IS PRETTY BUT HE'S NO OK TAECYEON. okay I'm done. *goes back to reading*
3200++ views!!!
Chapter 6: okay so I'm finally getting around to reading this after subscribing MONTHS ago and O. M. G. its amazing. I usually dont do (you) fics and like..hardly ever non- but OMG WOMAN YOU HAVE WRITTEN SOME AMAZING STUFF. this chick, she's exactly my style of character. OMG I'm in love with this story already~
Whoa~ great ending :D Really like this story ^-^
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taekyeon #7
wow, i realy liked this story... good job... ^_^
So sad that its over! I enjoyed reading this so much!!!
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