Ah Stress!

Love In The Club

The shop has been busy with customers lately but we manage to get everything under control. The orders keep coming and business is good.

           “Daehyun ah…delivery to Chungnamdong…” Hyo An put a box of doughnuts on the counter.

            “Another delivery? I barely get a break from the last one I did…” Daehyun said but still picked up the box and went out to his waiting scooter.

            “Unnie, I think we need more people here to help us out…” Hyo An said as I arranged freshly made doughnuts in the display counter.

            “Yeah…I think so too…do you know anyone that would want to work here?”

            “I could find one or two people…”

            “Make sure they can be trusted…”

            “Yes mam!”

 I was busy cleaning the mixer when Himchan came handing me his phone.

            “Ah In wants to talk to you…” he said.

            “Ah In? Why didn’t he call my number instead…hello…?”

            “Noona! What happened to you? I called you 10 times but it went into the voice mail.” Ah In was practically yelling at me. I had to pull the phone away from my ear so it won’t hurt.

            “Yaa! You don’t have to yell! What do you want anyway? I’m busy here.”

            “Mom called me just now…she tried to call you but never get through…” oh god…what now…

            “What does she want this time around?”

            “Dinner at 8 in Hong’s Bistro Apgujong…don’t be late.”

            “Dinner? Are you coming too?”

            “Nope…mom said it’s a mother daughter night and I can’t be involved…”

            “I wonder what’s coming tonight…”

            “Just brace yourself noona…there might be another blind dates arrangements for you…” I heard him giggled.

            “Yaa! It’s not funny!” I wish I could smack him right now.

            “It is to me…anyway, have fun tonight! Bbyong!” he hung up.

            “What’s the matter?” Himchan asked.

            “Dinner with my mom…”

I arrived in front of the bistro 5 minutes earlier. I took a cab because I don’t feel like driving. I began to wonder what is in store for me tonight. Let just hope everything will go smoothly.

            “Omma…” I got up to greet her.

            “Hee Jin ah…” someone came behind my mother. I was shocked to see the guy…it was Lee Yunho.

            “What are you doing here?” I said giving him deathly stare.

            “It’s nice seeing you again Hee Jin ah…” he extended his arm for a handshake but I just ignore him.

            “Let’s all settle down…” my mom said pushing me to sit next to Yunho.

            “I thought it’s just the two of us tonight…” why do I have to see this jerk? Aishhh!

            “Yunho came to see me this afternoon and he invite us for dinner…he’s such a sweet boy.” Sweet? Sweet my foot!

            “It’s my honour omonim…shall we order some food now?” Yunho said looking at me.

The dinner was torturous. The steak I ordered felt like a block of wood drenched in sauce. I’m losing my appetite at the sight of Yunho and my mom getting all nice and close together. He really know how capture the heart of the elders with his sweet talk and gestures.

            “Um…excuse me…I need to take this call…” Yunho got up and left the table.

            “Isn’t he such a darling? You’re lucky to have him…”

            “What’s that suppose to mean?”

            “He told me that the two of you are getting back together…”

            “What?” my voice was so loud that people are looking at us.

            “Low down your voice young lady…” my mom glaring at me.

            “He said we’re getting back together?”

            “Yeah…and you should take this opportunity to make it work with him. It’s not easy to find a guy like him nowadays…”

            “Omma, are you serious?”

            “Yup…just forgive him for what he did before…it’s not such a big deal…”

            “Not a big deal you say? Omma…”

            “Man will cheat…but if they willing to change…you should give them a chance…”

            “Omma, did you realise what you just said?”

            “Yes…Yunho is a good guy…he made a mistake once…”

            “It’s not like he won’t do it again in the future…” I can’t believe that my mom wanted me to go back to a guy that break my heart.

            “Hee Jin ah…you’re not getting any younger…you should grab the chance while there’s someone wanted you.”

            “Omma, is it that important to you for me to get married?”

            “Yes! I want to have grand children before I die…all of my friends had married off their daughters except for me.”

            “Omma, I told you…I’m not interested in having relationship right now…I had other priorities in my life besides marriage.”

            “You’re not getting any younger by the day…”

            “Well, people get married late these days…it’s a common thing. Omma, we’ve talked about this…”

Yunho came back to the table.

            “I’m sorry…call from work…it’s getting busy lately…” he said.

            “It’s okay…man should work hard to have a stable life.” He infatuated my mom deeply. I wonder if he casted a spell on her or something.

            “I’m done with dinner…I’m going back…” I said and got up.

            “Yoo Hee Jin, sit your down…it’s rude to our guest if you just leave like that.” My mom said with a slightly threatening tone.

            “No…I will not have another minute with this jerk…”

            “Yoo Hee Jin!” my mom’s voice gets louder.

            “Omma, this jerk hurt me so much! I can’t possibly go back to him…and you…” I looked at Yunho. “If you think getting nice with my mother will make me come back to you, you were wrong. There’s no way we can be together again…even if you’re the last guy on earth.” I said and left.

Author’s POV

Hee Jin stormed out from the bistro with a rage building up in her. She couldn’t believe that Yunho would go this far.

            “Hee Jin ah…wait!” Yunho grabbed her arm.

            “What?” she snatched her arm away. “Don’t touch me!”

            “Listen to me…Hee Jin ah…I really want us to get back the way we used to…I miss you baby…”

            “Don’t make me puke…look, you and I can never be together ever again! Go find other woman that suits you better.”

            “Hee Jin ah…just give me another chance. I will make it up to you. I promise…I won’t disappoint you again.”

            “As promising as your word sounds, I won’t be fooled again…once is enough.” Hee Jin said and walked away.

            “Hee Jin ah…” Yunho called her name but she never turned back.

End of POV

I walked away trying really hard to calm myself down. My phone started to ring. I looked at the screen and it was Yunho.

           “What more do you want for me? Get lost!” I hung up. Couple of seconds later it rings again. Yunho again. “Stop bothering me Lee Yunho!” after hanging up, another call came in. Without looking at the screen, I picked up the phone. “Yaa! Wae? Do you wanna die?” I could see the people at the sidewalk are staring at me.

            “Noona…” a familiar voice at the end of the line.


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aigooo~~~~~writers' block again!!!!!


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Chapter 35: okay. I love Himchan, he's my B.A.P bias, and Taecyeon I love even more...he's my ultimate bias...BUT OMG WHAT THE HELL WHY IS HIMCHAN SUCH A LITTLE WHINER IN THIS FIC?! HE NEEDS TO STEP OFF BECAUSE NOONA BELONGS TO TAEC AND TAEC IS BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT AND HE IS PRETTY BUT HE'S NO OK TAECYEON. okay I'm done. *goes back to reading*
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Chapter 6: okay so I'm finally getting around to reading this after subscribing MONTHS ago and O. M. G. its amazing. I usually dont do (you) fics and like..hardly ever non- but OMG WOMAN YOU HAVE WRITTEN SOME AMAZING STUFF. this chick, she's exactly my style of character. OMG I'm in love with this story already~
Whoa~ great ending :D Really like this story ^-^
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taekyeon #7
wow, i realy liked this story... good job... ^_^
So sad that its over! I enjoyed reading this so much!!!
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