Second Mission

We're All Mad Here

Shownu and Kihyun were up first. Two that Cheshire very specifically remembered. The one that made her feel things and the one that had almost perfect english. To say that she was actually intrigued by what they would do would be an understatement. Her hopes were high and given her luck today she should have known better. What were they wearing on their heads to begin with. Just why? Chess could see this going at least a little bit sour from that point honestly and was preparing to see how far the great have fallen.

As the performance went on Chess came to realize that unfortunately Shownu was just not up to par for this song. Whether his throat was hurting or he just didn't fit this song she wasn't sure and it ever so slightly hurt to know that he was going to be up for elimination. There was no doubt that he would be. Kihyun was killing his part he was lively and energetic hitting all his notes with only a few mispronunciations every now and again but nothing too major. Shownu had lost and it was almost sad to Chess. She really kind of liked the guy.

Shortly after the judges gave all their criticism and input and it was Chess's turn. She reached for the mic and just kind of stared down the trainees on the stage for a minute with a confused smirk playing on her lips.

"You two were both some of the most memorable trainees from last time. Given that half of the others didn't even stand out enough for me to have anything good or bad to say to them I think that should tell you about where you had landed in my mind. Kihyun you were definitely into it and were doing really well but honestly Shownu.... What the hell? You did so amazing last time. You had a great song that you knew, great dance moves, and it felt like you put your whole self into the performance. Where was that spark? You felt more like Kihyun's back up than anything this time around. I'm disappointed this time. Jinja. If you make it through this I expect a lot more from you next time. This was almost painful to watch."

Shownu seemed like he really understood what Cheshire was saying because instead of looking like he was about to cry like she slightly expected out of him after that rant, he squared his jaw, bowed, and apologized with a new fire burning behind his eyes. Maybe that was all he needed, a swift boot to the , to get it. K. Will went through his spiel about the loser would face elimination and announce that unsurprisingly that loser was Shownu.

Minhyuk and Seokwon were up next. Their stage while much better than Shownu and Kihyun's was almost so average it was forgettable. Chess was already tiring of boring performances and she had to sit through at least four more. She could feel the headache forming. All of the judges seemed to only have positive things to say and as her oppinion was definitely the unpopular one Chess just kept quiet while sipping on her monster. She had to admit they had definitely improved a lot but she was not very fond of the amount of praise they were getting. And suddenly the mic was in her hand as she had changed her mind in a split second.

"You guys have most definitely improved... But... a few things. You're vocalists. It should be much simpler for you to project than the rappers in all honesty and you just didn't do it for me the beginning of the song I understand is light and airy but if I can't really hear your notes over the background music then it's too light and airy. Second if you don't have that gravelly soulful bluesy voice in your artillery Do. Not. Use. It. It makes it sound like you are prepubescent boys who's voices are starting to change and it screws up your notes and quite honestly sounds really bad. I'm really impressed with the improvements you've made but you're still not at the top yet so don't let all the praise your getting go to your heads you still have some work to do." Chess slightly tossed the mic onto the table in front of her and rubbed her temples. She didn't mean to be rude or mean to the poor kids but after the day she had had she felt like they were just getting a lot of false praise for going up a little in the rankings. She barely heard K. Will mess up the anouncement calling for Seokwon to face elimination when it was supposed to be Minhyuk but that didn't matter. All that mattered was the steady pounding behind her eyes. She couldn't take it anymore and asked for a break which was swiftly given. Cheshire stood and quickly marched her outside only the have the cigarette light and being deeply dragged on before the door even shut behind her. Not that it would have anyways considering Giri had apparently followed her out.

"Are you sure you're okay? That was a bit harsh considering the circumstances especially for you," Giri wrapped his jacket around her shoulders as she had forgotten to grab her own on the way out.

"Ughhhh.. This day just won't let up will it!?" Her sarcastic smirk was more than enough to alert Giri to how bad this was but when it dropped for two seconds in favor of a snarl he was almost scared about what was going on in Chess's mind. 

"Cheshire. Look at me," Giri grabbed her arms and turned her to face him. Very rarely did he ever use her full stage name so she figured he must really mean business and looked him dead in the eye with her sarcastic smirk plastered back in its place. "I understand your day has been but you've had days before and never have I seen you like this. What's the real problem here?"

"I can't even honestly tell you. Remember I told you about that stupid clause in my contract? The only person who knows anything about why I am even remotely on the beginning of a breakdown is sajangnim and I can't tell anyone. I would literally lose everything. Every year without fail this happens and we just had to film today and listen to these trainees perform today. I can't even talk to anyone about it today. It's been two years and I still can't talk to anyone. I'm losing it Giri." The more upset she got the harder it was for her to keep up her Korean. She knew he didn't really understand english but he must have seen the tears beginning to pool in her eyes that she wouldn't dare let fall because it took no time for him to pull her to him throwing her face towards the crook of his neck so she could hide there until she wasn't on the verge of tears. That's all it took for her to let them fall though. It was the closest she had been in two years to someone being able to actually comfort her on this day and she didn't care if he didn't know why she was crying she just wanted to feel like someone understood for just five minutes. And despite not truely knowing the reason he did understand because for Chess to actually breakdown and to actually let tears fall was something he had never witnessed in the entire two years of close friendship that they had managed to build. She was always the strong one. Always the shoulder. Never did she cry. Not anymore. Giri held her tight not saying anything because what could you say in a situation like this? He simply held her rubbing comforting circles onto her back until she finally pulled herself together enough that she backed away on her own to relight the cigarette that was forgotten in her hand.

"I know that I don't know why you're feeling this way and I know you can't tell me but Cheshire I'm here for you whenever you need me. Always remember that. Even if all you can say is that your having a bum day or that you might break I'll always be here for you. You don't always have to be so strong. You can lean on me it's fine." Giriboy reached up to grab Chess's chin to make her look at him. "Wow at least the stylist did an amazing job. All those tears and not a bit of make up out of place."

Chess laughed. Genuinely laughed for the first time on this day in two years. Giriboy had made her laugh like nothing was wrong. Thinking about this just made her laugh even harder. She almost went into hysterics she was laughing so hard but Giri couldn't help but grin at her. So happy just to see her actually smile for the first time today. He never felt worse than when he was having to look at her putting on her fake smiles. He knew she did it as a way to try and cope with whatever was wrong but it didn't make it any less painful for him.

"About ready to go back inside now? And seriously if you steal another of my Monster's I will make sure you have to pay me back triple the value," Giri smirked at Chess as she scoffed and flicked out her cigarette before heading towards the door.

"I guess I'll just have to be extra entertaining for you then," Chess turned and winked at him before throwing his coat at his face and making her way towards the stage. She didn't manage to see him look at the sky or hear him muttering to himself.

"She has no idea what she does to me huh?" Giri shook his head and quickly followed behind Cheshire quickly closing the distance between them only to poke her sides making her squeal like a little girl and jump about ten feet in the air before realizing they were being watched by the other judges and immediately halting the assault.

"Mianhe. I didn't mean to make an awkward situation for any of you. There's a lot of things that unfortunately I can't even tell Giriboy that have influenced my behaviour today and for that mianhe," Cheshire bowed swiftly to the other judges who simply nodded and turned back around in the case of the men or waved their hands ridiculously in front of their faces saying that it was fine and they understood, in the case of Hyolyn and Soyou.

Before Cheshire had actually fully settled herself into her chair the next pair of trainees were entering the stage and Chess knew she needed to start finishing off her Monster now. Unfortunately she had apparently already drained it before her little moment and had none left though she found that a new one was being set in front of her as she placed down the empty can. Looking up at Giri he waved at her in a motion that said don't worry about it and she dipped her head in thanks towards him. She didn't think that she could watch Jooheon's performance without having something to at least occupy her hands.

Chess had never been more right in her life either if it hadn't been for the can of Monster that she was continually sipping on through his performance she was pretty sure she would have hit crazy fangirl level and that was just not becoming. Jooheon and #Gun just had an unbelievable chemistry on stage it was just plain mezmorizing. Jooheon really was a monster. That was all she had managed to take away from the judges opening statements, but it was definitely true. They owned the stage together and they showed what this challenge was all about they competed and worked together so well. Cheshire couldn't get over how much they played with the judges too not ending their rap and just flat out saying "We're not done yet". It was the best performance she had seen in a while and honestly it was exactly what she needed to brush away what had been left of the negativity that always surrounded her on this day. It was playful, fun, entertaining, enrapturing, and honestly well written. And as soon as SanE confirmed that they were done the mic was in her hand waiting for her turn. Of course she had to wait for SanE to finish first which was proving difficult especially with the amount of caffine now coursing through her veins. At least he had had some solid points that she wasn't going to disagree with.

"That... Just... I... I swear to god I had points to make but just... Wow... That... That is my new favorite performance of all time. Sorry Giri but they just beat you out. You controlled every aspect of your stage and your audience. You even used the entirety of the stage which I'm pretty sure we're not going to see again today and if we do I'd be surprised if it could hold a candle to what you just did. #Gun you have an amazing ability to express the feelings in the lyrics and it almost made me jump up and start dancing with you. Given the three Monster's I've drank haven't helped that case but still." The judges chuckled along for a moment before Chess continued. "Jooheon... I'm really proud to say that you helped to teach me to rap.... And you've surpassed even my high expectations for you each time... You know me I have a tendency to hold others at the same standard I hold myself and I would like to think you know that standard is pretty damn high. You just come out and you own the stage. I am always amazed when I watch you perform its just so beautiful because I can feel how you leave your whole soul on the stage to make sure you give it your best. I feel like if no one else today you should definitely walk away from this stage with no regrets." The entire time that Cheshire was speaking Jooheon could not so much as blink. Apparently she was as enrapturing as their performance had just been and he didn't want to miss one second of what she had to say. When she was finally finished praising him he bowed low still not taking his eyes off of her and thanked her for her praise.

Chess kept her eyes on Jooheon untill K. Will announced that #Gun would be up for elimination. She locked eyes with him as his platform descended after his final praises from the judges and he was no longer visible. As much over thinking as she was definitely going to do later Chess couldn't help but feel her ego bloat just a little from the way his eyes couldn't move from hers.



A/N Well that took a turn I wasn't honestly expecting until I wrote it. I promise that eventually it will get explained. Cheshire will reveal her past but not for a while. And I know that it seems like she jumped out of a depression really quick but honestly that's sometimes how it is one minute you are in the worst moment of your life and then someone comforts you or does something to make you laugh and it takes you to hysterics. And honestly it helped that it happened just before Jooheon performed because sometimes all you need to do is just listen to a bit of your favorite artist or type of music and everything just instantly feels better. I would know I've been in recovery for severe depression for a long time so while I know that it seems ridiculous put to paper it is a real thing. Again Thank You so much for reading! Kamsamnida!

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Chapter 49: Did I stop reading half way because insta notified me that Limitless had posted? Perhaps. But did I finish reading as soon as I liked and saved the post? Yes. But anyways, I've missed this couple and this story and on jah, we gotta get Wonho back. THOSE ES! Anways, if Hamilton doesn't get the chair, imma riot. Throw his to...something menacing. Idk it's 4 in the morning and I SHOULD be asleep but my body clock says SIKE! Soooooo, here I am. But yeah, gotta complete this story xD It's been going for pretty as long as our friendship has been! Wild
Chapter 48: ACA-ING-XCUSE ME?! IDRIS AND YOUNG JI?!?! MEETING THE PARENTS?!?!?! Move over Chess and Changkyun, there's a new OTP in this biss' heart! And that analogy with the white board was so freaking beautiful, dude. Had me feeling all types of ways. And Aaron Burr needs to bring his back to life for one last duel, I ing swear.

(can we bring Ezra and Young Ji into the au? Please? I need more of them in my life)
Chapter 47: It's been a ing minute since this was updated and I will go down with the ship that is Young Ji and Ezra! Or more like Young Ji and Idris! Because I still see Idris Elba as Ezra xD I ing love Idris Elba.
Chapter 46: Holy ing someone needs to call Aaron Burr to come fight a motherer. Also, I remembered mas o menos how this chapter was supposed to go xD Oops. It came to me as I was reading and was like "Oh yeah!" Pero oh well. Chess is about to get her hearing back, yaaaaas! And the face is going to jail to get butted. Adios, psycho.
Chapter 45: IMMA SCRAP! ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Chapter 44: Monsta X? More like Roasta X! Ha ha! d=(´▽`)=b Jesus, I'm ing tired. ALSO! I know we discussed what would happen but this still hurt my heart to read...I think it has to do with the dead bird. Do I smell a ship? Idris and Young Ji? \( ̄▽ ̄;)/
Chapter 43: Dude, I deadass got an ad for hearing aids on here xD and holy on a mushroom, Ezra is more than some bodyguard. Fake Hamilton can post the up, that's what he can ing do. Imma scrap.
Chapter 42: Fam, why is it marked completed? BUT CHESS IS somewhat OKAY! Hamilton can get shot by Burr...My Hamilton musical fangirl part of me just died, see what you're doing to me?! i'm finna listen to the soundtrack to make myself feel least up until Phillip and Alexander die...then I cry.

Chapter 41: LIAM NEESON 2K2K!
Chapter 40: If it was Liam Neeson...we wouldn't be having this issue. Nothing but respect for my president. Liam Neeson 2k2k.