The Fourth Mission

We're All Mad Here

Cheshire entered Nochang's temporary studio exactly as he said they were going to listen to the song. She bowed slightly to him and her other two sunbaes before closing the door and standing beside it. As soon as the song poured out of the speakers Chess knew that the competition would end up coming down to the lyrics and how they performed it. She had unconciously started dancing to the song just like she had with Giri's, and she was thankful that when it finished and she looked up only Shownu had seemed to notice. The boy just smiled at her with a bright eye smile before turning his attention to his team mates who were screaming about how sure they were that they would win. As they started discussing parts and what they thought about putting into their lyrics Chess left the room giving a quick bow to her sunbaes before opening the door.

Chess waited in the center room for the trainees to finish meeting with their leaders. She was a judge and she didn't want to give herself too much information just to try and keep herself objective though she knew that her opinion wasn't going to decide who won this time. She could not have been happier when K. Will had told her about the audience vote that was going to decide the winning team. She was so sick of feeling bad for voting people out or being apart of the reason that a team lost. While she lost herself in her own thoughts the teams must have finished because both doors opened and the ten trainees came out all looking smug and confident. Chess just rolled her eyes and shook her head lightly smiling at the boys who were gathering in front of her like she was their chaperone for a field trip and once that visual came to mind she couldn't stop .

"Alright children! Did we all enjoy our field trip to the studio? Yeah? Okay well remember keep quiet and stay in a double file line while we make our way back to the school!" Chess had bent to place her hands on her knees over exaggerating the smile on her face as some of the boys sniggered and some just looked at her like she was crazy. "Oh come on! That was hilarious and you know it!"

That set them off. All ten trainees started cracking up at the offended look on Cheshire's face, most laughing so hard they doubled over.

"Ne, Seonsaengnim. Mianhe, Seonsaengnim," I.M couldn't help adding in his own 4D comments as he found himself in a similar situation as he had last night with the abusive floor. Chess walked over to him and gently patted his head with a bright eye smile.

"This is what a good Hagsaeng looks like! Take note you brats!" The laughter slowly tapered off but the jokes that had passed between Chess and I.M seemed to help the other guys accept him even if only a little bit as they started lightly shoving him and just talking to him in general. It made Chess's heart soar to watch them acting like they were friends. 

"Well I guess I can leave you guys be now. I'm going to go back home and I'll see you all again in a few days for the mission," Chess smiled at the group of trainees happy to see them genuinely smile back at her. She watched as they all filed out of the room to make their way to the practice rooms before catching I.M's shirt sleeve as he was the last one to start to leave. "I'll give you your sweatshirt back after I wash it, okay? Thanks for letting me borrow it."

"Keep it. You look better in it than I ever did. Remember? I'm not that hot. But you're beautiful," It was cheesy and awkward and everything that Cheshire had ever come to expect out of anything remotely similiar to a confession aimed her way. She blushed deeply before she heard someone clear their throat behind them. I.M just bowed and walked out the door as Chess turned to look at who it was. Mad Clown did not look happy.

"You realize you're still a judge right? If you're too close to him he'll get eaten alive by the nietzens," Mad Clown closed the distance between them and whispered in her ear.

"It's not like that and the PD has already been informed to cut almost everything with me out anyways. Sajangnim is getting to look over what they have prepared before it gets released too. So it's ok. Besides it's not like that," Chess felt the need to explain herself though she was pretty sure Mad Clown didn't buy it.

"You haven't acted like that since you met Giri. I find it hard to believe that it's not LIKE that. On a separate note, you still might want to put some distance anyways. Even if the nietzens don't get wind of it there are others who can be just as harmful that are already taking notice," Mad Clown started walking away leaving Chess confused. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Well at least she had plenty of time to think that over before she even had to look in I.M's direction again. Uggghhh.... She hated when Mad Clown was being cryptic.


It had been almost a week since she had seen the trainees or Giri and Mad Clown and she was starting to go a bit crazy. Her last conversation with Mad Clown had done nothing but confuse her and force her to think over how she had acted with both Giri and I.M. She had to admit there were definitely similarities but she couldn't see why her becoming friends with a trainee was a bad thing. She was friends with Jooheon too. Finally she had just given up and decided that she'd have to just see for herself who these dangerous people were that Mad Clown had mentioned. Just let them try to hurt her friends, she would bury them. Thankfully though, today was the day of the fourth mission and as it was an audience vote only K. Will and Cheshire were there to give criticism.

Ji Eun had done an amazing job on Chess's outfit choice, it was both hard and y with a hint of danger. Black ripped skinny jeans tucked into black knee high combat boots accented with a thick studded belt. All topped off with an off the shoulders ripped black tee with the Saying we're all mad here in red with the Cheshire smile appearing as a white cresent moon. Her hair was in thick wavy curls again and she had a smokey eye on top of a dark matte lip accented by her new lip piercing that she had gotten the day after she left the trainees in the studio. She looked like a force to be reckoned with and she relished in the confidence it gave her. She was ready for anything.

Cheshire was told to sit up in the balcony that had been set up so the teams could watch each others performances and K. Will would shortly be joining her too, he just had to introduce the mission and Giri's team first. Once he was done and had made his way up to the balcony himself the performance started. Chess's heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest. She was so nervous for her boys. As soon as Mad Clown's rap started though, she could never understand why she had been nervous the song just flowed from them like it was the most natural thing in the world. Chess felt her heart skip a beat when I.M started rapping though. He looked amazing. If he was hot in every day life then he was a god on stage with a mic. as he rapped he made his way towards Chess's side of the stage and the moment that Seokwon took over he reached a hand towards Cheshire gesturing for her hand. She leaned over the railing to offer it and he tied a thinly folded bandana into a bow around her wrist. It was so cute Chess had to laugh. He went back to entertain the audience afterword and Chess just started dancing along with the rest of the crowd, yelling out in excitement when Giri started his rap. He was definitely 100 times ier on stage. He oozed confiedence and it just made you want him to just look in your direction for a second. Of course he did look at Chess when he was rapping he had always made it a point to if she was at a show. she was almost disappointed when his part was over but was happily surprised to hear Jooheon's voice cut through the noise. Jooheon wasn't so much 'y' on stage as he was fierce and strong. It just drew you to look at him and Chess noticed she was definitely not the only girl there that had been drawn in either. He had always known how to own a stage but it felt so much more real with fans in the crowd screaming his name. As he meandered back to the main stage he looked up at Chess and gave her a wicked smile coupled with a wink. If he hadn't been so in control of the stage at that exact moment she probably would have rolled her eyes but the way he was killing it she could only offer her most seductive smirk. She hadn't even meant for it to be seductive, it had just come out that way, especially considering the body rolls she was doing with the music. She just couldn't stop. It was like a natural reaction and it filled her with a joy and excitement that she had only felt when she was the one on stage. And just like that it was over. The music stopped and K. Will asked her opinion.

"Wow. Giriboy you've always made good music but I'm pretty sure this is going to be your masterpiece. I loved it. I literally could not stop myself from dancing. I haven't ever had that much fun with a song unless I'm the one on stage performing it. And I think I saw a couple girls almost faint when you took off your shirt Wonho. I gotta give it to you guys, that will be tough to beat," Chess noticed how out of breath she sounded but she couldn't care less the crowd was roaring in agreement with her and she had no regrets. She zoned out for a while until she heard Jooheon say something about putting his soul into two fingers and Chess turned to face him right at the moment that he started his aegyo. She dropped into a crouch with one hand still on the railing and the other covering as she openly laughed. She couldn't breathe. No way he had just done that in front of 300 and some odd people... No way... But of course he had, it was impossible to deny by the way the crowd was loosing their . That may have been the best and most manipulative move she had seen this entire competition and she loved it.

Shortly after Cheshire had reclaimed her seat the red team had come to replace the white team on the balcony and she felt someone wrap their arms around her shoulders as they sat down. Looking over she saw Jooheon slowly lean his head on her shoulder and she reached up to pat his cheek. Almost as soon as she had dropped her hand another arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her so that Jooheon's head fell off her shoulder. Giri smirked at the look Jooheon gave him and the staring contest wouldn't have stopped anytime soon if Chess didn't have something to say about it.

"That was mean Giri!" She smacked his shoulder wriggling herself free from his arm and stood up to lean on the railing. 

It was long after that the white team was starting to perform. Their performance was definitely more base on the vocals and dancing but it still made Chess have to dance along. It was almost as much fun as Giri's song, almost. Before she knew it #Gun had started rapping and was practically dissing Mad Clown as he walked towards where Chess was. He made the same motion that I.M had and when she lowered her hand to hime he tied his own bandana on her wrist. She really couldn't hold in her laughter as he looked over at I.M and slapped both hands on his chest in what Chess could only describe as a 'come at me bro' gesture. Their performance while nifty to watch hadn't focused as much on interacting with the crowd which Cheshire thought was the only real downfall. Else wise it had been just as good musically. This time though when the song ended K. Will just gave his comments not bothering to ask Chess what she had thought. After a few comments from the group K. Will explained the voting process and how they were going to work eliminations. Then it was over. The crowd went to vote and all they could do was wait. It didn't take too long and K. Will was about to announce the winners. It came down to 11 votes. That's all that separated winning and losing in this mission. 11 votes. When K. Will had announced the winners Chess couldn't help but feel proud of the boys. She just smiled brightly down to them standing on the stage.

Giriboy's team had won.


A/N Why did they do the bandana thing? Well you'll find out in the next chapter ^_^... As always Thank You for Reading! Kamsamnida!

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Chapter 49: Did I stop reading half way because insta notified me that Limitless had posted? Perhaps. But did I finish reading as soon as I liked and saved the post? Yes. But anyways, I've missed this couple and this story and on jah, we gotta get Wonho back. THOSE ES! Anways, if Hamilton doesn't get the chair, imma riot. Throw his to...something menacing. Idk it's 4 in the morning and I SHOULD be asleep but my body clock says SIKE! Soooooo, here I am. But yeah, gotta complete this story xD It's been going for pretty as long as our friendship has been! Wild
Chapter 48: ACA-ING-XCUSE ME?! IDRIS AND YOUNG JI?!?! MEETING THE PARENTS?!?!?! Move over Chess and Changkyun, there's a new OTP in this biss' heart! And that analogy with the white board was so freaking beautiful, dude. Had me feeling all types of ways. And Aaron Burr needs to bring his back to life for one last duel, I ing swear.

(can we bring Ezra and Young Ji into the au? Please? I need more of them in my life)
Chapter 47: It's been a ing minute since this was updated and I will go down with the ship that is Young Ji and Ezra! Or more like Young Ji and Idris! Because I still see Idris Elba as Ezra xD I ing love Idris Elba.
Chapter 46: Holy ing someone needs to call Aaron Burr to come fight a motherer. Also, I remembered mas o menos how this chapter was supposed to go xD Oops. It came to me as I was reading and was like "Oh yeah!" Pero oh well. Chess is about to get her hearing back, yaaaaas! And the face is going to jail to get butted. Adios, psycho.
Chapter 45: IMMA SCRAP! ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Chapter 44: Monsta X? More like Roasta X! Ha ha! d=(´▽`)=b Jesus, I'm ing tired. ALSO! I know we discussed what would happen but this still hurt my heart to read...I think it has to do with the dead bird. Do I smell a ship? Idris and Young Ji? \( ̄▽ ̄;)/
Chapter 43: Dude, I deadass got an ad for hearing aids on here xD and holy on a mushroom, Ezra is more than some bodyguard. Fake Hamilton can post the up, that's what he can ing do. Imma scrap.
Chapter 42: Fam, why is it marked completed? BUT CHESS IS somewhat OKAY! Hamilton can get shot by Burr...My Hamilton musical fangirl part of me just died, see what you're doing to me?! i'm finna listen to the soundtrack to make myself feel least up until Phillip and Alexander die...then I cry.

Chapter 41: LIAM NEESON 2K2K!
Chapter 40: If it was Liam Neeson...we wouldn't be having this issue. Nothing but respect for my president. Liam Neeson 2k2k.