Yes, I Am A Bad Father And I Am Confessing It

Hello, My Baby!

"You shouldn't hide them anymore, Oppa. Don't you think that this is unfair for you to just be taking care of Yoogeun while JaeYoung and YoungJi are living in Gwangju with people you barely know? Oppa, I think this is the right time to adopt your sons back." Jihye crossed her arms.


I had a wife. She was my girlfriend for three years. Then I decided to get married after my auditions. Then we had a son, my first born, Jung YoungJi. He was born  a month before our debut (November 2003). I had to keep everything a secret so I can still be part of DBSK. I left him and his mother and continued with my career for the next year. But, being a married man, I couldn't forget my wife. That was why I went back to Gwangju to check on them. But before we made our Japan debut, I had my wife carry my second son, JaeYoung. But everything didn't go well then. I was in Japan and she was in labor. I couldn't fly back and couldn't even call her. Only Jihye knew about this. She was the one who took care of my family while I was away. But September 2005 came, while we were doing shows, Jihye called me that my wife passed away after giving birth to my second son. Of course, it was devastating but I couldn't do anything. DBSK was on its peak at that time. We were gaining so much attention and fans. If I suddenly went missing, fans would be furious. If I publicized my son, it would ruin the group's image. I left them to a neighbor's care. I payed them to take care of my children while I'm away. Since they were also old and didn't have children, they accepted the kids willingly. Yes, letting Yoogeun grow up with the ahjumma wasn't really new to me. And now, I am feeling guilty over everything. I spoiled Yoogeun here in Seoul while my two older sons are living in Gwangju and didn't even know about my well-being. Jihye is right. Maybe I should get them back now.


But we're going to do a comeback next year. Even without JYJ, we were still going to perform. How am I supposed to take care of a child, not to mention, three of them!


"You have to explain to us, Jung Yunho." Jae glared at me.

"Mianhae. For not telling everyone. In truth, I was married before our debut. It wasn't regitered, though since we were underaged." I started.

"YOU'RE MARRIED?!" All of them looked at me. Some had their jaws dropped, some had their brows knitted together.

"I was. I had two sons before Yoogeun, I sent them away to Gwangju and let another ahjumma take care of them."

"You did what?!" Jae was shooting daggers at me through his glare.

"I didn't want to ruin any image. Mianhae. Even my grandmother and parents didn't know about my first children."

"What about your wife?"

"She died when my second son was born."

"You're such a bastard." Jae said through his gritted teeth then punched me. "How can you do that?! You made your sons grow up in another family while you are here, enjoying your out?!"

"I won't defend myself, anymore. I know that what I have done was wrong." I sighed.

"If I were you, Jung Yunho, I'll be getting all my sons back and take care of them by MYSELF! How can you abandon children?!"

"I told you, I'm sorry."

"You were taking care of children in hospitals and concerts yet you abandoned your own children?!"

"Jae, please stop." Heechul hyung pulled Jae away.

"Never talk to me unless you have contemplated about what you've done and got your children living under this roof with YOU!" Jae stomped away. I heard the front door shut loudly. I heard his motorcycle drive away.




The rest were quiet and the atmosphere was very awkward. Yoochun went out of the room with Yoogeun in his arms.

"Yunho hyung, I think Jae hyung was right." He handed me the child then pulled Junsu out along with him.

"Super Junior, we have schedules today. Let's settle this matter later, ok?" With that, the members went out, leaving me, Changmin and Jihye in the house.


"Oppa, think about it." Jihye then went out of the house.

"Hyung... what did just happen?"

"I hope everything turns out alright."




Double update~~~


Yeah~~~ I know that those are his nephews... but the kid looks exactly like Yunho!


thankyou for readin!

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K-PopAddict72 #1
Chapter 49: I feel so sad for the kids. I can't wait for the sequel.
I finally had a chance to sit down and read this the saying want. Which means on the quiet so o can let my imagination get caught in the story,. All Ivan say is WOW!!! This is amazing! It is sad, funny,entertaining, has sibling love,friendship display that makes you wish your own friends were that way, and is all out heartwarming!
I lovelovelove this story so much!! Read it in one shot heh :B changmin <3 yonghwa <3 UPDATE SOON OKIE ^^ <3
My phone internet is going crazy so I will have to stop reading for now and come back later. Before I go I do want to say already this story is tugging at my heartstrings!
Wow his grandmother has an amazingly strong will. I wonder what kind of woman she picked.
I feel so bad for Yong, Amid really didn't explain why she is leaving. I wonder is it better to be hurt and know the reason why or to be jury and not know why.
New reader here~!!! Good story! Hope you'll update soon.
Eycha_sk11 #8
now yunho get close to his son :D im waiting for sequel !!! Especially seohyun !! Seoyunho <3
Interesting description about your story ^^ <br />
I will start reading it after I update mine T.T