Sibling Love

Hello, My Baby!


"It was hard on you, huh?" Jae asked me while we watched the others have fun.
"What do you think, Jae?" I looked at him.
"Didn't I tell you that our freindship would never break? This is just like a graduation from high school, YunHo. We just have to part ways."
"Part ways? Part ways?! We promised each other to NEVER part ways!" I finally let go of my anger. Everyone stopped from what they were doing and stared ut us.
"YunHo-ah... calm down..." Leeteuk hyung tried to stop us but I pushed him away.
"YunHo-ah... please just understand..." Jae's tears were flowing. "Mianhaeyo."
"I can't afford to lose you guys.You know how devastated I was when I lost Ami. I don't think I can live anymore." I started to cry.
"Don't say that, YunHo." Jae kneeled in front of me. "YooGeun needs you. Please don't say that."
"You expect me to let you go just like that?"
"You have to."
"I am losing almost everything here and you're telling me that?"
"You're not losing us, YunHo. Yes, we're not going to be together but that doesn't mean that we're really going to go away from you."
"But everything's shattered now."
"Collect all the pieces and we'll help you put it back together." Leeteuk hyung smiled at me.
"Let's have more fun, shall we?" Yesung hyung smiled. "Come on, we've only got one night to be together. We'll all be busy sooner or later and wouldn't have this kind of party."
"Hyung's right." Jjong then took a microphone and started singing intelligble words.
"He's going to pass out anytime." Key mumbled.
"Saranghae, SeKyung-ah!" Jjong finally shouted before passing out on the floor.
"I knew it." Key then carried the man to the room where TaeMin and KangIn hyung was.
"Is the SeKyung he's talking about is the SeKyung I know?" I asked.
"Yes, it is." Hee-nim smiled. "He's been courting her for two weeks now."
"Hah. He's now having his youth." DongHae chuckled.
"BoA was Hae's youth, wasn't it?" Hee-nim laughed and the younger man blushed.
"Wasn't she your youth too, Su?" I looked at JunSu who was looking away.
"He was Hae's..." JunSu replied.
"Such a lucky dog. BoA's one of the finest." ShinDong hyung pat DongHae's back.
"Lalalalalala~" Eunhyuk sang to BoA's Key Of Heart.
"Shut up, HyukJae." DongHae glared.
"Fine, fine. You guys were such lovebirds then..." The man continued to tease.
"I said shut up!" Hae then pinned down his friend and started to tickle him.
"Fine, fine! I give up!" EunHyuk said between gasps of air.
"You guys are lucky... to have your youth with your best friend." I sighed.
"Are we going to start on that subject again?" Jae glared.
"Fine, let's just make use of the time we have together." I smiled then joined the other guys with the riot. Yes, they were tickling Eunhyuk and Donghae.
The party ended with almost everyone lying on the floor asleep. They were very drunk and tired. I tuned off the karaoke machine and started to clean my guests' mess. 
"Yunho-ah." Jae mumbled. "Don't be like that."
"I will support you guys." I smiled then put a blanket over him. "Whatever happens you're still my best friend, Jae." I then went to the other men to put blanket on them. Really, I feel like I have 22 crazy sons who just had their tantrums.
"Hyung." A weak voice called me.
"Oh, Changmin-ah. You can sleep in my room if you're uncomfortable here." I smiled.
"Aren't you sleeping?"
"I have to clean up this mess, you know."
"But it's already five in the morning."
"It's not like we have a schedule later, right?"
"Oh. I forgot." He yawned. "Aish. My head hurts. Looks like I drak too much last night."
"You're growing up now, huh?"
"I hope so. I need to get a girl before I reach my thirties. I want to have my own YooGeun." He smiled brightly. These guys don't know what they are risking. How can they just hrow their career for a child?
"Oppa?" A girl's vioce rang in my ears.
"Oppa?" Changmin and I looked at each other.
"Are you... expecting someone to come over, hyung?" Changmin looked around.
"Then... aside from you... who else has the key to this house...?"
"J...Ji..hye..." I stuttered. Oh no. Not my little sister. She can't see these guys lying on my living room and smelling like alcohol. These guys are the ones who should set an example to her.
"Andwae." Changmin was frozen. Did I mention that he likes my sister so much? Oh, I don't think so. Here's a fact, my Changmin is in LOVE with my Jihye. I didn't really like it but seems like my sister is hinting on Minnie too.
"AH! OPPA!!!" Jihye finally entered the room. We stared at her blankly. "Yunho oppa?" She looked around the place.
"Don't look at the---"
"Stop crying, Jihye-ah." Changmin sighed.
"But... there were... ahhhh!" Jihye sobbed. Oh, yeah, my family was a very conservative one. Since I am an only son, I try my best to protect my sister. I have always kept that perfect hyung image in front of her. But it looks like I just crushed it. 
"Arren't you used to seeing boys?" Changmin tried to comfort her but she just sobbed harder.
"She studied in an all-girls boarding school, Minnie. And she'll be studying in an all-girls college too." I glared.
"Mianhae, Jihye-ah." Leetuek hyung watched her cry.
"Choosuhamnida, noona." Onew tried to reach out his hand to touch her.
"NO TOUCH!" Changmin and I shouted at the same time. Jinki gasped and sat back.
"Jihye-ah... We didn't really know that you were coming." Kibum singhed.
"Jihye-ah... Should we just compensate for what happened?" Siwon smiled. Oh great. Here goes her all-time crush.
"Siwon oppa..." She sobbed and embraced Siwon.
"ANDWAE!" Changmin and I rushed to pull Siwon and my sister apart.
"There goes the perfect man." I heard Kibum mumble.
"One. No touch." I glared at the boys whom I finally managed to gather. "Two. Keep a distance of at least three meters away from her." I sighed. "Three. No sweet talks. She's more naive than you guys think."
"I like naive girls." Kyuhyun smiled.
"Stay away from her." I snapped. "Those are the three rules. You guys have to put up with it today."
"But... what if she's the first one to move?" Wookie asked.
"Then congraatulations. You just earned yourself a death wish." I smiled.
"Oppa!" Jihye came out from her bedroom. "What are you all doing there?" She asked. "And, are there anybody else here? There's the master's bedroom but I saw a cap so I did not check who were inside."
OH NO. "Uh... That...?" I stuttered. Please, not now.
"WHAT THE F---------------------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Kangin hyung shout. BABO YUNHO. BABO.
"There are more?" She now looked scared.
"D...don't worry, Jihye-ah. These... o... op.... people are my friends, remember?" I forced a smile.
"What is that kid doing beside me on that bed?! What the hell happened last night?!" Kangin hyung was freaking out while running away from the room. His shirt was loose and he was only wearing his boxers.
"JIHYE-AH!" Changmin ran towards my sister and embraced her so that she could not see or hear Kangin hyung and his curses.
"Who is she?" Kangin hyung finally noticed my sister.
"Yeoja chingu." Changmin replied.
"Oh. Is that so?" Kangin hyung smiled then turned his back at him.
"YEOJACHINGU?!" All of us glared at the smiling Changmin.
"Hyungnim." He bowed and teased me more.
"Yah. Jihye is my sister and she will never belong to someone else but me." I growled.
"Oppa, chill." She smiled at me for a while then covered her eyes.
"You. Are. Going. To. Die. Shim. Chang. Min." I pulled Jihye to my room.
"Stay here, arasseo?" I smiled, locked the door then rushed to the living room. "Where the hell is that ?" I looed for Changmin.
"H... hyung, I was just kidding." He raised his hands in defeat. "I... I... I'm sorry!"
"Awww... my head..." I heard Taemin groan.
"Ah! You're awake!" Changmin ran to the younger boy. "Let me treat your headache."
"Hyung, what happened? And why is everyone looking at me like that?" Taemin looked around.
"Uh, because you're sooo cute in the morning, right, Kangin hyung?" Changmin laughed and brought the young man to the kitchen.
"This is my house, Shim Chanmin! If you think you can escape from me, I have bad news for you, YOU WON'T GET OUT HERE ALIVE!" I shouted at his back.
"Man, chill." Leeteuk hyung pat my back. "I know how you feel."
"Na doo." Jae chuckled. "But don't be too strict. She'll be out of hand."
"That kid is really killing me." I sighed.
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K-PopAddict72 #1
Chapter 49: I feel so sad for the kids. I can't wait for the sequel.
I finally had a chance to sit down and read this the saying want. Which means on the quiet so o can let my imagination get caught in the story,. All Ivan say is WOW!!! This is amazing! It is sad, funny,entertaining, has sibling love,friendship display that makes you wish your own friends were that way, and is all out heartwarming!
I lovelovelove this story so much!! Read it in one shot heh :B changmin <3 yonghwa <3 UPDATE SOON OKIE ^^ <3
My phone internet is going crazy so I will have to stop reading for now and come back later. Before I go I do want to say already this story is tugging at my heartstrings!
Wow his grandmother has an amazingly strong will. I wonder what kind of woman she picked.
I feel so bad for Yong, Amid really didn't explain why she is leaving. I wonder is it better to be hurt and know the reason why or to be jury and not know why.
New reader here~!!! Good story! Hope you'll update soon.
Eycha_sk11 #8
now yunho get close to his son :D im waiting for sequel !!! Especially seohyun !! Seoyunho <3
Interesting description about your story ^^ <br />
I will start reading it after I update mine T.T