Chapter 18 - Begin

Yes! I do


A certain brunette was sitting in a empty table beside the glass window inside a cafe. It used to be a hang out place for them back then, the four of them. She was sipping a glass of water waiting for a pink brunette to arrive.

The chimes sounded indicating a costumer has arrived, the brunette smiled warmly at her as the newly arrived younglady approach her.

"Jessi~ I'm really sorry i'm late. Hate that traffic! I missed you so much!" Tiffany exclaimed as she hug her Bestfriend.

"It's okay. I missed you too. It's been a while since you visit me." Jessica pouted.

"I know right? and i'm sorry, don't worry i'll visit you more often in the future." Tiffany sat opposite to the brunette's chair.

"Have you order yet?"

"Ne, I already ordered your favorite Red Velvet Cake and a white wine too." The brunetter said with a smile.

"How's married life, Jess?" Tiffany asks, noticing how her friend smiles.

"Fine." Was all her reply.

"Fine? or Fun?" The pink brunette laugh.

"Yah! What do you mean by that?" Jessica slap her arm playfully.

"Nothing. Do you remember what we always said back then? That when we get married we would have this big family that we could have so much fun." Tiffany chuckled at the memory.

"Some things change Tiff. And sometimes its for the better." Jessica said in a serious tone.

"But, isn't staying the same is the best? Laughing out loud like worry free, Enjoying life like it's gonna end tomorrow. And falling inlove with no rules and limitations." Tiffany said with a bittersmile.

"Excuse me Miss. Here is your order." The waiter interupted their serious conversation.

"Thanks." Jessica smiled at him.

"So Jessie? Is Taejoon being nice to you?" Tiffany change the topic.

"Good." She shrugged.

"Good what? In bed?" Tiffany teases her.

"Yah! Hwang Miyoung! Stop being so Byuntae!" The ice princess covers when all eyes turn toward them as she yelled.

"Sorry." She mumbled as she bow at the other costumer.

"Ahahaha. Just kidding, no need to be so defensive." The pink brunette chuckled.

"Ugh! I hate you Tiff." The brunette groans at her best friend.

"But I love you." Tiffany pouted which makes the other girl chuckles.

"Aigoo~ My ever so cutie Best Friend." Jessica pinch her cheeks.

"Hmmm, The only one in the world. Right Jessie?" Tiffany showed her Famous eyesmile.

"Of course! and the only one for me." Jessica added. The other costumer may think they're lovers but that's just how JeTi shows their affection towards each other as Sisters.


"Kyaaaah! I missed going here in Han river, Don't you Jess?" Tiffany smiled, facing the said river.

"Yeah. We've been very busy in our companies that we forgot to enjoy sometimes." The Ice-princess nodded in agreement.

"That's why we should go out more often while were still young and rockin', ahaha." Tiffany sad with a laugh.

"Of course." The ice princess inhaled and sigh. Silenced engulfed them, a comfortable one. There's no words can express how much they missed the old days. Back when they we're once free and contented.


"Hmmm?" The other girl hum.

"Uhmmm, I'm just thinking. Taeyeon looks like Taejoon, right?" Tiffany look at her bestfriend with a confused look. 'Did Jessie find out already?' the pink brunette thought.

"Yeah, people often think their twins. Why do you asks?" Tiffany adjust her sit.

"Well, these past few days. I've been noticing that taejoon became shorter after our wedding and he's acting like all innocent and all." The Ice princess explained. Tiffany nodded her head, telling her to continue.

"I know these might sounds crazy but.. I think Taeyeon is Taejoon? You know? I'm not assuming or something. And earlier, I found these what do you called these? presser? The one that is used to hide like those in movies. It's just.... Nevermind." The ice princess sigh. Tiffany look at her with guilt.

"Uhmmm, Jessie-ah~" she heaved a deep sigh.

"Yes?" Jessica turn to face her.

"How should I say this. I made a promise but. I think you still need to know." Tiffany started, Jessica looks at her curiously.

"About what?" The Ice Princess furrows her brow.

"The truth is. Taejoon who's with you now is really Taeyeon...



I mean just like you said it might sound crazy but it's true. Taejoon went somewhere for some important and personal thingy, but before that he ask Taeyeon to act to be him for the meantime while he's away." Tiffany explained. She hugged the Ice Princess in front of her, afraid that she'll burst in anger. But to her surprise the Brunette was still processing her explanation.

"You mean, Taeyeon is really Taeyeon? As in I married her? And not Taejoon?" Jessica asks, face unreadable.

"Yes?" Tiffany replied in a nervous chuckle.

"So, All this time. I've been with a woman? with my supposed to be Sister-in Law?" The Ice Princess asks again, not clearly sure if she would believe what she just heard a moment ago.

"Yes?" Tiffany replied furrowing her brow.

"My goodness Miyoung! for heaven's sake! all this time you knew that i was sleeping with a woman and you didn't even told me? I thought we're sisters???" Jessica stood up from their position and walks away from Tiffany.

"Jessi-ah~ Mianhae~ jjeongmal mianhaeyo~ I made a promise to Taeyen that I won't say a word unless you ask, and you did. I'm really sorry, you know it's so hard for me to lie to you too. You know how much i cherish our friendship, Jessie~ please I'm sorry." Tiffany backed hug the Ice Princess.








"Jess? talk to me please?" The pink brunette pleaded.


"You can scold me, hit me, nag at me or even kill me just don't ignore me please? I'm still your one and only Miyoungie~"

*No response

"Jessie~" Tiffany sniffed.

"Yah! Are you crying?" Jessica quickly turn to see her Best Friend who was close to tears and envelope her in a hug.

"Jessie~ I'm really really sorry. I promise I won't lie to you again, please? Will you forgive me?" Tiffany asks between sobs.

"Pabo! Of course I will, I'm just upset that you didn't tell me in the first place. Don't you trust me? Do you think I would harm Taeyeon?" Jessica patted her back.

"It's not like that, It's just Taeyeon made me Promise so. I just did my part as her friend too." Tiffany replied.

"It's okay, By the way. How did the two of you became close?" The Ice Princess asks as she slowly retracted the hug and face her BestFriend.

"Huh? Aah, TaeTae?" Tiffany asks.

"You even gave her a pet name? You must be pretty close to each other.

"Yeah, You jealous?" Tiffany smirked at her bestfriend.

"Not a single thing." The Ice Princess shrugged.

"That's unfornate of me. Do you remember when Dad sent me back here in Seoul during vacation as a punishment while we're in the U.S?" Tiffany asks.

"Ne, When you bullied the daughter of the owner of our university." Jessica mocked.

"Yah! It's was just because of that jerk! He keeps on chasing you when he was still with that witch, that ended up you being bullied by her. Huh! I should have punch that witch when the security came." Tiffany said in an angry tune reminiscing the past.

"Ahaha, you're really up to fight that day."

"I know! The thing is, I meet Taeyeon while here during that vacation punishment. I sneaked out one night in the mansion, I was just walking near Infinity University when some men approach me and their drunk and so on. I was so afraid that time, I shouted for help of course and that's how I meet Taeyeon, She saved me from those men. Beating them all, well not really all she's been hit too." TIffany sighed after a long explanation.

"Wow? A hero huh?" Jessica smirked.

"Well, you could say that. She's a nice person, right?" Tiffany said with a smile.

"Yeah, she is. But still you should have told me so I could be aware that she's a she." Jessica stated.

"Ne, mianhae~ I was just so confused back then and it's just for a short period of time anyway." Tiffany pouted.

"Okay~ okay~ I was just you know? what if I crossed the line. Tsk!" The ice princess sigh.

"Crossed like what? ahaha" Tiffany asks with a laugh.

"You know? I didn't know that she's a she and I tried to seduce her many times maybe that's why she didn't even budge cause she's she." Jessica face palm.

"What the?! Seriously? She never told me about that, Ahahaha, She's so innocent you know. Just like a baby." Tiffany chuckled at the thought of her friend.

"Yah! So, you mean I'm not innocent?" The Ice Princess glared at her.

"Ahaha, Of course you're not." Tiffany stick her tongue out playfully.

"Yah! Miyoung!" Jessica raised her voice.


"She's straight, right?" Jessica asks all of a sudden.

"Yeah, and you're not."

"Yah! Why do you side on her? I'm your long time best friend!" Jessica used her high pitch voice.

"Hey~ hey~ turn that speaker off. Chill out okay? I'm just saying make her gay for you. Ahahaha."Tiffany said with a laugh.

"What the? How could you do that? we're both you're friends." Jessica gasp.

"That's why. I want you two together, simple as that. Why not give it a try Jess?" Tiffany look at her seriously.

"You serious?" She furrows her brow.

"Do I look like I'm joking right now?" Tiffany raised her brow.

"No you don't. You told me she's straight!"

I told you make her fall for you!"

"Ugh! Whatever!"

"Please Jessie~"




"Pretty please?"


"Sooyeonnie, please?"







"Fine! I'll think about it. Why do you have to do this to me? ugh!" Jessica rolled her eyes and smile as she saw her friend smiling and showing her eyesmile. 'guess it won't hurt trying.' the ice princess though, maybe it won't maybe it'll bring more pain and lies.



A//N: hey guys~ a short update for all of you.. hehehe, sorry if i'm taking too long to update. I just don't have enough time to write since I'm so busy in school and etcetera. Don't worry, I'll try my best to update sooner for more longer and happy chapter next time. Sorry for all the errors too..

By the way, welcome new subscriber.. :) and yeah, I just notice it just these past few days. There are some who upvoted my story. Gosh! Really really Thank you guys, I haven't seen these notifications before so, For all who upvoted since I started this story. I'm really honored, Thank you very much for your support.. :)

Comments, suggestions and criticize thoughts are welcome, just tell me in the comments below. Okay?  :D



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sorry for that triple chapter guyyssss.. actually i just saw it today.. so sorry..


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Chapter 38: I'm years late to reading this masterpeice. <3
Chapter 38: Waaah I finally reached the ending. Thank uou for the story author nim :))
This story is amazing <3
Chapter 38: Ahhh..its the end....its taengsic happy ending....🥰
Chapter 29: Why??why tae must leave sica??
Chapter 27: We're in the same boats...hayeonnie☺️🤭
Chapter 14: Oh yeahhh....fighting taengoo
Chapter 10: tae yeobo sica.
Chapter 6: Aww sica...u start to falling for her right??
Chapter 3: this is interesting^^
Chapter 38: I doubt you'll see this comment author-nim, but I can't even begin to describe how amazing this was to read. I didn't expect the story to take that shift when it did. I loved the development of the characters and how there were two stories or two sides to one story happening at the same time. I really loved the messages this story was conveying. It hit close to home. I loved the songs used in some of the chapters, it was really nice to have that. What really really got me was that twist. I know there's a word for but seriously I loved that. This story has everything I love in a good story, it had character development, plot, solid storyline, a really great ending, again the music. It was all really great. Your story really threw me for a loop --if that makes sense-- and I really love that, not many stories can do that. I'm really late, but thank you for this wonderful story. It made me smile a lot and right now with this pandemic, I really need smth to take my mind off things. This was a great distraction. thank you for writing this story, it was really great and now one of my all time faves.