
Acting As His Shadow

The air of Seoul tasted just like Tokyo’s. Mysteries.

“So this is Seoul? Whoa.” Sungyeol commented. The three who has had their share of the city mentally rolled their eyes.

“Yeah, and it’s also the birthplace of your nightmares to come.” Sungjong said, making Sungyeol froze in place.

“You’ll make a lot of enemies here, Lee Sungyeol.” Woohyun added, meanwhile Ryosuke just watched as the three chatted among themselves. Sungjong and Woohyun may see Seoul with only their bad eyes, but Ryosuke knew fairly well that good comes out of it as well.

“You guys are giving me goosebumps, stop it.” Sungyeol snapped, however only Woohyun laughed at his sudden outburst. Sungjong who has already started observing the city noticed that a lot has changed in the last three years. The population of Seoul was no joke and possibly as crowded as Tokyo now.

“Sungjong.” Woohyun started, “Where are we staying?”

“That place you took to me to that one night three years ago, let’s check there first.”

“What? So we’re going to stay there in that messy place? What about all the money you inherited from your mother’s business and the money Ryosuke made as a star?” Woohyun asked.

“They weren’t meant to be used on you.” Sungjong said, shutting Woohyun up. “Besides, we wouldn’t want to draw attention to us, so keeping a low profile is the best thing to do. Just try and rent an expensive place and turn in over our identities. Yamaguchi would have us killed, instantly.”

“You sound so serious.” Woohyun said shortly, this time Sungyeol who was beside him answered.

“That’s because he and it is serious.”

“This is turning out to be more complicated than I thought….” Woohyun mumbled.

At a summer party where beautiful women bathe under the sun, under a shaded portion of the lot, a large crowd of wealthy people were feasting and chatting. Resting in a beach chair was the youth and beauty Kim Suzy. On every side of her, her six girl friends laid with her. Suzy wore a pink tank top that wrapped tightly around her body and white shorts. With sunglasses over her eyes, she was resting assure. “When will he show up?” One of her friend asked.

“Yeah Suzy, didn’t you say your Prince Charming was going to show?” Her English friend on the side ask in English. Suzy who forced as the host of the conversation heaved a gentle breath.

“Relax girls. He will come. He always keeps his promises.” Suzy said, earning giggles and awes from her friends. Then all of a sudden her friends fell dead silent. Suzy assumed they must have given up with all their squirming and giggles. Until she felt a certain weight over her and the removal of her sunglasses. She quickly opened her eyes to Myungsoo leaning over her and wore a warm smile. “M-myungsoo.” She uttered, this time her friends couldn’t help themselves but burst out cheering at the sight. Without a care in the world, Suzy grabbed a hold of Myungsoo’s collar to pull him down for a kiss.

Inside of the cool modern home, Myungsoo was sitting on the ground by the opened door to the bathroom. In his hand was a camera. While in the bathroom, Suzy was taking a shower where her silhouette could be seen through the covers. “Take any good pictures?” Suzy asked.

Myungsoo hummed. “The most beautiful sceneries are here, Suzy.”

The lass laughed a little, “You say that every time we go to a different place.”

“I mean it, America has the most beautiful scenes.”

“Yeah yeah, you said that about France, Britain, Canada, Egypt, and Italy too.”

Myungsoo smiled a little. “Did I?”

“Anyway where should we go next? Let’s go somewhere nice before I have to return to Korea and prepare for the fall runway fashion show.” Suzy said.

“Did you have a place in mind?” Myungsoo asked. He heard Suzy hummed for a while before answering.

“Japan? We haven’t been there since two years ago.” Suzy said. Myungsoo detached his eyes from the camera and set it down beside him.

“Choose somewhere else.”

“Why? You don’t want to go to Japan?”

Myungsoo allowed a moment of silence to answer Suzy before speaking. “How about Thailand? The temples must be beautiful during this time of the year.”

“Temples are always beautiful Myungsoo, it has nothing to do with the year.” Suzy laughed at his silly statement.

“Are you almost done showering?” Myungsoo asked, dropping the topic of traveling altogether.

“Yeah, I’ll be out in just a moment.” Suzy said. Myungsoo picked up his camera and stood up. He set the camera on the surface of the drawer.

“Japan….How is Japan treating you, kid?” Myungsoo asked under a whisper.

“Myungsoo, can you scratch my back?” Suzy asked.

“Yeah, I’ll be right there.” Myungsoo said back before taking another long look at the camera. Then he walked into the bathroom without further ado.

“Ta-dah! The abandoned storage you were looking for.” Woohyun said with a smile and opened arms as he showed the three lads to the storage, “Is now nothing but a piece of land.” Before them were nothing but dirt. The once unwanted storage room was now a property of dirt where new construction had just started.

“So…?” Sungyeol trailed off peeking over to Sungjong.

“Are we still going to stay here, huh, Lee Sungjong?” Woohyun asked with an obvious happy tone.

“We’ll have to find another abandoned home.” Sungjong said, making Woohyun’s face twitched.

“W-what? But why?”

“Because you’re a prisoner who’s just been released and is now on the Yakuza side, Sungyeol and I cannot draw attention since we’re registered as Yakuza members. And little do we know, Yamaguchi has a hand in almost everything and everywhere. So it makes staying in rentals dangerous. As for Ryosuke, reporters would probably flood the rooms we’re renting to get a story out of his unexplained scandal from three years ago.”

“Then….?” Woohyun asked.

“Boss said I have connection so he trusted me the most with this duty. But little did he think about the influence of Yamaguchi’s clan. My long distance connections may turn me over in a blink of an eye.” Sungjong said instead of answering Woohyun. Ryosuke then realized something.

“How about Myungsoo’s studio?”

Woohyun and Sungjong eyed Ryosuke at the same time. “His studio?” Sungjong asked.

“Yeah. You probably don’t want to meet Myungsoo but remember? He had kept his studio out of all sort of attention for years. People doesn’t even know it was a small business. Besides, Myungsoo’s probably the only person who may have no connection to the yakuza whatsoever. Plus he’s pretty trustworthy.”

“You know Kim Myungsoo?” Woohyun asked.

“Client of his for some time. But that’s not the important part.” Ryosuke said. Then he look to Sungjong. “So what do you say? I think Myungsoo’s studio is the best place to stay if you don’t want to draw yourself any attention.”

“You’re basically asking me to approach him,” Sungjong said.

“You might as well if he’s the only help you can get.” Ryosuke said.

“There should be a way around it.” Sungjong said. Sungyeol who was completely clueless only watched as the older talked among themselves.

“Who else can you think of that you can trust? Or at least can help you?” Ryosuke asked.

“I can’t ask Myungsoo.” Sungjong said, looking only at Ryosuke.

“And why not?”

“Is it because of me?” Woohyun asked, capturing Sungjong’s gaze. “If you’re worried that I may still want to kill Myungsoo to get to my wife then don’t be. I won’t kill someone who can help us.”

“Wife? You’re married?!” Sungyeol interrupted with a shocked. But Woohyun only nodded and turned away from the tallest's surprised expression.

“So, what’s stopping you?” Ryosuke asked Sungjong again, “The sooner you talk to Myungsoo, the sooner we’ll be able to find a place to stay.”

Sungjong clutched his fists and tighten his jaws. Ryosuke had a point, but Sungjong didn’t want to rely on Myungsoo. Or rather he didn’t want to be the first to contact Myungsoo because it would mean then that maybe he’s the only one thinking of Myungsoo and not the opposite. He wanted Myungsoo to reach out to him first.

“I’ll think of another way to find us a place.” Sungjong said, letting down the other three.

When night was near, Sungjong and the rest had taken shelter in an alleyway by a dumpster. Sungyeol was sound asleep lying down on the dirty ground, While Woohyun slept with his head leaning against the large garbage pin. Meanwhile Sungjong sat closer to the entrance with Ryosuke on the opposite side of him. “Is this your ideal of finding a place for us?”

Sungjong couldn’t dare to look Ryosuke in the eyes. Usually Sungjong would do anything to make everything easier for him and Ryosuke. Even if it’s to run as fast as he could to chase down Hoya’s car in order to get a twenty minute ride home or walk for almost two hours home. “Just bear with me Ryosuke. I’ll find a way soon.”

Ryosuke sighed. “Get some sleep then.”

“You too.” Sungjong said under a whisper.

Sungjong waited for it to be very dark and for the rest to be asleep. Then he got up and took off toward the direction of Myungsoo’s studio. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do if he come to it. Or if Myungsoo just happen to be up in the middle of the night, or maybe he wasn’t there at all. After all, Myungsoo did say he had only kept the studio for his sister. And after her returned, Sungjong had little faith in believing of the existence of the studio. But he had to check.

So when he came to the same colored door. He unknowingly decided to knock. When nobody came to answer the door, he knocked harder. This time hearing the rattles of chains. Sungjong came to a halt and look down the door and under the dimmed moonlight he could make out the chains, chains that held the door locked.

Myungsoo had probably moved or abandoned his studio, was all Sungjong could come up with.

When Sungjong was heading back to the alleyway he saw how the others were gone. Sungjong’s heart dropped a little until he heard a hiss. “Sungjong, over here.” Sungjong looked over and noticed the dumpster. Inside he could see the head of someone slowly rising out like the sun to an horizon line.


The lad opened the lid and quickly climbed out. “Where did you go?” Woohyun asked. Sungjong scan the area and noticed there were no signs of Sungyeol and Ryosuke.

“Where’s Ryosuke and Sungyeol?”

“I don’t know, they took off running.”

“What do you mean they took off running?”

“Stupid dogs came out of nowhere and spooked us.”

Sungjong scoffed at Woohyun’s explanation. “Damn it, fools.” With that Sungjong took off in search of Ryosuke and Sungyeol. Woohyun quickly followed Sungjong without a second to waste. When morning rose, Sungyeol was on his knees in front of Sungjong. Meanwhile Ryosuke stood beside Sungyeol.

“Sorry….You know I don’t like dogs….I’m a cat person.” Sungyeol said. Sungjong then eyed Ryosuke who didn’t even speak.

“Still, next time if you decided to run, you better run with everyone behind, in front or beside you. Especially you who has just set foot into Seoul. You’re the one with the least advantage if you get lost.” Sungjong scolded. Sungyeol only nodded and kept his silence.

“Uh, so should we get breakfast first…?” Woohyun asked.

“Yeah, then afterwards I’m going to call Kim Myungsoo.” Sungjong said. Everyone, including Sungyeol, was surprised by Sungjong’s sudden change of mind and announcement. “If I don’t, I’ll end up wasting most of my limited time searching for you fools and get nowhere with Yamaguchi.”

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[AAHS] Got me poster, background, and banner! All thanks to the lovely AnneOnym~!


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sungjongsonly #1
Chapter 37: Okay so I finished the whole thing and im like SUNGYEOL LIKES SUNGJONG???? (or at least that's what I got from the last chapter.) Wow he's also in love with his brother damn the does not stop.
I knew what I was getting into and I did like this story but there are some things that I want to know is that WHERE DID WOOHYUN GO? WILL HE FIND JONGIE AGAIN IDK? And what'll happen to Hoya and Ryosuke? Are they just gonna be a couple cuz I'm cool with that. Also WHERES SUZY? She just disappeared and never came back again. I really want her to come back so I can understand what her feelings are for her brother and for her husband. Did she ever even love Woohyun? I want both Woohyun and Suzy to talk about what happened to each other and that if they should get a divorce.
I also wanted for Myungsoo to be upfront with his sister and explain that he doesn't have romantic feelings​ for her anymore. Like I just wanted some more talking with the characters that had relationships cuz u kinda just made it out to be that oh yeah I was dating them but now I'm over them let's just ignore whatever happened between us.
I hope for there to be a sequel for this ff. I did like it and I hope to see more of ur myungjong writing soon :)
Chapter 37: waaahhhh!!! this story is daaeeeebbaaakkkkkk!!!!!! i REALLY LIKEEEEE AUTHORNIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM <3
Chapter 37: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG IM NOT OKAY!!!!! IM SOBBING OMG THAT ENDING!!!!! My heart literally started pounding aggressively when I read the last sentence. This is the first time that a story's ending starstrucks me. BUT WHEN I READ BLACK MITTENS!! I WAS YODELING!!! Author-Nim you have become one of my favorite authors!!! Ugh!! I'm still a sobbing mess, but thank you for this wonderful story <3
fufy_campos #5
Chapter 37: MyungJong <3
Just this
Chapter 37: Not bad, not bad at all. This is a well thought out story that links all surroundings and characters. Very good. I liked the relationship between Hoya and Ryosuke as it seems more realistic, a idol and a former idol engaging together carefully.
rei_zha #7
Chapter 38: I'll wait, especially because it's gonna be myungjong (although they just a side character) ^-^
Chapter 37: Aww nooo why did Sungyeol have to leave. Seriously the relationship between the YeolJong brothers was the sweetest in this story I feel so bad that they have to be seperated. But I hope Sungyeol visits often even if he will busy with winning medals. I'm glad Sungjong's not a yazuka anymore because I don't want his life to be at risk. Suzy's so strange though exactly who did she love. Oh well everything ended fine.
Chapter 33: Waiiiit whaaat? I knew Sungyeol and Sungjong must have some kind of a relationship but they are brothers??? Wow. Oh no, is Myungsoo going to die? For some reason, I'm not feeling that sympathetic towards him.
Chapter 27: Ok so I read up till here without pausing and I was so caught up in the story that I forgot to comment. But seriously though, this is really really good. I'm sure there's still a lot I don't know yet and I will be patient until I've finished the story but I have to say this - what's the deal with Suzy? She's bouncing about from Myungsoo to Woohyun to Hoya and to who-knows-who. Who does she actually like? I thought she ran away from Myungsoo but now she's all over Myungsoo. Anyway she's a puzzle that will hopefully be solved later. Seriously what got me the most was Ryosuke liking Sungjong. Poor thing. And Sungjong was right beside him, fanboying over Hoya. But yeah, I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the chapters. You keep me on my toes.