Shock Part Two

The Revenge


'I'm serious...Oppa, I like you. Will you go out with me?' she asked.


'Let's break up.' he said quietly.


Chapter 26:

[Jaejoong's POV]

*Is she serious?*

'You're joking right?' I asked while backing away from her.

Jessica, having seen my movement, immediately grabbed my hand and said, 'Ani! I'm serious! I really like you. Ever since day one.'


'Mianhae, but I don't like you. I'm very sure you'll find someone better though.' I said carefully. I had picked my words carefully to mimimize the degree of hurt I'll bring her. I didn't want a replay of what happened last time when Sunny was the one who was confessing to me.

'You like someone else, don't you?' she asked as tears rolled down her cheeks.

'Neh.' I said softly. I wasn't sure if that was the right thing to say for I didn't want to provoke her further.

'Who is it?' she demanded as she tightened her grip on my hand.

'Sunny.' I muttered before I could stop myself.

'I k-knew i-it! W-why her? W-why not m-me?' she screamed while crying. She was hysterical.

'I just like her. Mianhae.' I apologised. I figured apologising would make things better, but it didn't seem to have any effect on her.

'Answer me! WHY HER? WHY NOT ME?!! I've done so many things for you, s-so W-WHY H-HER?' she demanded. This was seriously getting way out of hand. I decided to switch tactics and immediately changed my tone to the one which I always used when I wanted Changmin to clean up the mess he created in the kitchen.

'Jessica! Calm down!' I said with a voice that was full of authority.

'Oppa! Why her?!!! Why not me?!!!' she repeated again. Obviously, it didn't have any effect on her.

'Mianhae. You'll find someone that's better than me. So, please don't waste anymore time on me. Mianhae.' I said.

[Jessica's POV]

His words were like daggers to my heart. With every word he said, my heart broke into more and more pieces. Did he seriously think that apologising would help? At this point of time, the only thing I want to hear from him is that he likes me, not Sunny. WHY SUNNY? What does she have that I don't? I hate SUNNY. She took Jaejoong away from me!

'If you think apologising would make me feel better, then you're wrong.' I said coldly while wiping away my tears. I didn't want to further embarrass myself in front of him by crying non-stop. Crying is equivalent to weakness. I don't need to show him any more of my weak side, as if what he had just seen wasn't enough. If I wanted to cry, I would not do it in front of him, anyone but him.

'Mianhae.' he said again.

'STOP SAYING SORRY!' I shouted and ran out of the company building with fresh tears spilling all over.

I didn't want his pity. I want his love.

(While on Sunny's side)

[Soon Kyu's POV]

'Let's break up.' he said quietly.

*Wait. What did he just say?*

'Can you repeat what you just said?' I asked, my throat suddenly dry.

'I want to break up.' he said.

'WHAT? WHY?' I shouted. I didn't care if I was creating a scene in the cafe.

'Soon Kyu! Sit down! People are looking at us!' he hissed.

'I don't care! Tell me the reason why you want a break up!' I demanded.

'I only love you as a sister!' he shouted back, pissed that I wasn't listening to him. Just seven words...but they had the strength to make my world fall apart.

'W-what?' My legs turned soft as I dropped onto the chair. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He only loved me as a sister?

'You're joking right? Tell me this is not true.' I said as my tears threatened to fall.

'This is not a joke.' he said while looking at me pitifully.

'This is not funny, Lee Joon!' I shouted. I was still waiting for the moment when he would start laughing and admit that it was just a prank that he pulled on me.

'Get a grip, Soon Kyu! Stop being delusional. This is the truth! Face it!' he said as he started shaking me by holding my arms.

'B-but why?' I asked so softly that it was barely audible as I started sobbing.

'I don't know. The time apart from each other gave me time to think and I finally figured out that I only love you as a sister.' he said as he released his grip.

' all this time, you ignored all my calls and texts because you were thinking?' I asked hoarsely.

'Neh.' came his reply.

'Did you know how worried I was? The least you could do was to just call me and tell me that you're fine and NOT IGNORE MY CALLS OR TEXTS!' I shouted. How could he do this to me? I love and care for him so much and this is what I get?

'Mianhaeyo.' he said apologetically.

'Lee Joon. You're a real heartbreaker. I can't believe that I actually thought you were different from the rest.' I said and walked out of the cafe with whatever dignity I had left, not giving a damn about the looks I was getting from the customers in the cafe.

'Piece of advice: Sometimes, you have to let your defences down.' his words were loud and clear.


A rather short chapter (: I actually enjoyed writing this. LOL. I don't know why. Jessica's and Sunny's responses are different yet similar eh?

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@all: Thank you for all your support, guys!! I hope yall will enjoy the sequel!! (I think it's better than this tbh hahaah) <3
SungHaJoon #2
Chapter 43: I love it so much~ <3 *^*
i'm going to read the sequel *0*
Chapter 43: Definitely loved this story! :D Though revenge is so sweet, falling in love is way much sweeter! ^^ Hihihihi

off to read the sequel :3
Chapter 3: Daebak! I LOVE IT SOO MUCH!!!! :D
BrendaloveSuju #5
Unnie did you make up that little speech in the end that's in gray ? : o
KimHyunAe #6
yeah i like ur story...but i prefer sunny and joon...
jaejoong and sica...
humphh nice story author nim
I like , oh no no i don't like but i LOVE your story.

So nice and touchy.

Please continue you ff inseparable , I'm so curious about the next and i hope sunny with jaejoong still together. I love sunjae ♥ and i love your story too :))
@sackjt: thanks for reading :D glad you love it! n__n
i luv ur story!!!<br />
i luv ur story!!!<br />