Hanging out part 2

The Revenge

Chapter 22 :D There's going to be another part to 'Hanging Out'. I'm sorry for having to split it into three parts >.< If I don't, the next chapter will be really short. >.<


[Soon Kyu's POV]

I walked to the bathroom and washed up. Following which, I picked an attire to wear. I figured high waist cropped shorts, white flowy blouse and a black leather jacket would be appropriate. I put on my high tops and walked towards our meeting place to grab some breakfast.

(at the cafe)

'One breakfast set A please.' I told the ahjumma at the counter.

'Neh. Please take a seat. The food will be brought to you.' she said and passed me a number card.

'Kamsahamnida!' I said and bowed before searching for a seat. I found one near the window and sat down, before taking out my phone to check if there were any new messages. There weren't any, as usual.

*Joon oppa, what's wrong? Why haven't you been answering my texts and calls?*

'Miss, here's your breakfast set! Enjoy.' I vaguely heard a voice say.

'Neh! Kamsahamnida!" I said and dug in. I was extremely hungry.


'You look like a pig.' someone commented while I was eating.

*What the hell? Who gave him the right to tease me like this?* Ever since the day I got bullied by Kim Jaejoong and Goo Hara, I became extremely sensitive to teasing and insults and I will always unconsciously shout back at the person who teased or insulted me. I know that being oversensitive is detrimental, but I just can't help myself. It has already became a habit to defend myself.

'Yah! Who gave you the right to tease me?!' I shouted, pissed. At that time, I didn't care about the other customers that were in the shop. That person's comment reminded me of my horrible high school life-- one that was tormented with endless bullying and teasing.

'Mianhae.' he apologised softly. I had, no doubt, surprised him with my outburst.

*Who the heck is he anyway?* I thought. He was wearing huge shades that covered most of his face, a scarf that was wounded many times round his neck and a beanie that covered all his hair. From far, he could pass off as a baldie.

'Who are you?' I asked. He probably took my question as a cue and settled down into the seat that was opposite mine.

'Jaejoong. You can't recognise me like this?' he asked, pleased.

*Mwoh? Jaejoong?!*

'You're Kim Jaejoong? Oh come on. Don't lie to me. I'm not stupid.' I said disbelievingly.

*He can't possibly be Jaejoong. They are worlds apart*

'I'm serious.' he said, frowning.

'Yeah right. If what you say is true, a stray dog will walk by this cafe five seconds later.' I said.

*Hah! Like that would possibly happen!*

'5...4...3...2...1' he counted down and right on the dot, a stray dog walked by. My mouth hanged wide open while he laughed.

*You have got to be kidding me...*

'Yah! That doesn't count! You're just pure lucky. I'll believe you if a middle-aged lady with a crying daughter enters the cafe one minute later.' I said.

'Deal! No going back, neh?' he asked.

'Bring it on.' I replied and smirked. We started counting down and on the 60th second, a middle-aged lady with a crying daughter entered the cafe.

'Believe me now?' he asked.

*You have got to be ing kidding me. Isn't he way too lucky?*

'Neh.' I said reluctantly. I wasn't convinced but because of the small agreement we had, I had to say yes.

'You don't believe me, do you?' he asked with a small smile.

'Neh.' I said frankly.

'Aish... now do you believe me?' he asked as he leaned towards me and took off his huge shades.

The man was indeed Kim Jaejoong.

*I feel like a retard now.*

'Neh. Sorry about just now.' I said sheepishly.

'It's okay. Done eating?' he asked, smiling. I nodded my head and he pulled me out of the cafe excitedly.

[Mysterious Guy's POV]

*So, this is Sunny eh? The girl whom Jae hyung and Changmin were talking about this morning huh... Jaejoong hyung doesn't want me to come along, but here I am. He will be in for a surprise once he get back home. Hehe.*

(at the carnival)

'Omo! There's so many people here! We're going to have to wait a long time before we get our tickets.' I said worriedly.

'Don't worry. I had actually gotten the tickets a few days back and was just looking for someone to accompany me...' he trailed off and looked down.

'So...you asked me?' asked.

'Neh.' he said and blushed. Somehow, his answer made me alot happier than it should.

[Mysterious Guy's POV]

*Omo! Omo! Hyung's blushing eh? First time I've seen him blush because of a girl. Even a fan girl won't make him blush like that! Interesting!*

[Soon Kyu's POV]

'Araso! Let's go now!' I said and took Jaejoong's hand purposely.

[Jaejoong's POV]

*Omo! She's holding my hand!! It's not really a big deal but why did I feel a jolt of electricity pass through me when our skin came in contact? Sure, many other girls had held my hand before, but I've never gotten this feeling before...until now. Kim Jaejoong, you're just thinking too much... it can't be love...it can't be.* I thought and unconsciously blushed.

'Sunbae, gwenchana? Your face's all red.' Sunny asked, concerned.

'Huh? I'm okay.' I said and gave her a small smile.

'Neh sunbae. If you say so...' she replied and smiled back.

*Sunbae...she always call me that. It would be way nicer if she called me oppa for a change...*

'Sunny, can you call me oppa instead of sunbae? Sunbae makes me sound really old.' I complained.

'Neh, oppa!' she said and smiled brightly.

'Gomawo. Let's go to the booths now!' I said and pulle her towards the throw the darts booth.

(At the throw-the-darts booth)

'Annyeonghaseyo! Welcome to the throw-the-darts booth! Are you guys going to play?' the guy at the booth asked while checking Sunny out.

*What the hell. Can that guy keep his eyes to himself? Stop checking Sunny out like that! She's not a piece of meat!* I was angry, no doubt about that.

'Yeah of course. Otherwise, why would we be here?' I said coldly and glared. The guy seemed to have sense my anger and directed his attention somewhere else.

*Smart move buddy.*

'Neh. So uh, if you hit the bull eyes, you will get our grand prize-- the big plushie over there.' he said while pointing at this huge puppy soft toy, ' And as long as you hit the other areas within the board, you can choose any of the prizes from here. You only have three tries.' he said and pointed at the wide variety of soft toys and other items.

'Sunny, do you want the grand prize?' I asked.

'Neh oppa! But if you can't get it, it's okay.' she replied, smiling.

'No worries. I will get the grand prize for you.' I said, confident.

'Here are your darts. Good luck.' the guy said and stood by the side. My first try was a fail. It didn't even hit the board. My second try just hit the board at the edge. I was seriously losing confidence.

*Oh my god. I seriously at this.* But, just before all confidence was lost, I gained some luck and managed to hit bull eyes.

'Omo! OPPA! YOU HIT BULL EYES!' Sunny shouted as she jumped and down.

'Neh. Do you like the plushie?' I asked while blushing like mad.

'Neh! Kamsahamnida oppa!' Sunny said.

[Mysterious Guy's POV]

*Woah woah, look at that. Jaejoong hyung is as red as a tomato. And seriously, does Jae hyung so much at throwing darts? Tsk tsk.*

[Soon Kyu's POV]

We spent the next few hours playing the games at the different booths. At these booths, Jaejoong always tried his best to win for me the grand prize, I could tell. But he's no superman, there were some booths where we only got the consolation prize. However, I really appreciated his efforts. Even Joon oppa was not like that...


'Oppa... I'm hungry.' I whined.

'Me too. What do you want to eat?' he asked.

'Hotdog!' I said. I always had a thing for hotdogs, but not many people know. I guess I just told him one of my secrets...

'Haha, sure.' he said and directed us to a hotdog stand.

'What sauce do you want?' he asked.

'Cheese!' I replied with a smile.

*Maybe...just maybe, he's not that bad of a person after all, but... what if this is just an act. Ahhh. I'm confused.*

'One hotdog with chilli and one with cheese please.' he told the ahjussi mending the stand.

'Here you go. Enjoy! It's very rare to see young couples like you two in carnivals these days. Most of the times, it's just parents with their kids.' the ahjusshi said while Jaejoong oppa passed him the money.

'We're not a couple...' I said softly.

'Ahjusshi, we're not a couple. Don't misunderstand.' Jae oppa said and passed me my hotdog. We walked round the carnival while munching on the dogs, occassionally stopping by at a couple of booths to watch other people trying to win the prizes. Some were really good, but some weren't as good as the others.

'Oppa! I'm done! Let's go play some more games!' I said ecstatically.

'Wait a minute.' he said smiling as he leaned closer and closer towards me.

*What is he doing?*

'W-what are you doing, oppa?' I asked, stuttering as I watched him get closer and closer to me.

'You have food at the corner of your mouth.' he said simply and wiped it.

*Ok. That just killed the romantic mood. Wait... ROMANTIC MOOD? LEE SOON KYU, what the hell are you thinking? You have a BOYFRIEND. You HATE this guy too, remember?!*

'Eh? Thanks oppa.' I said and looked somewhere else while trying to hide the fact that I was blushing like mad.

[Mysterious Guy's POV]

'Wow... they're really close, aren't they...*

[Soon Kyu's POV]

'Let's go now!' he said and I let him drag me to the archery booth.

'Can I play this game instead of you?' I asked him once we were at the booth. Jaejoong had been playing and winning all the plushies for me and I wanted to try to win a plushie for myself, just for once.

'Sure.' he said.

The lady at the booth explained the rules to me before handing me the bow. I was supposed to hit the '100' spot within three tries and I will be able to win the grand prize. The grand prize was a huge bear plushie-- the type that I wanted really badly. My first try only hit the '10' spot, which was an extreme fail while my second try hit the '60' spot. With just one last try left, I was starting to get really desperate.

*Come on Sunny. You can do this! Don't make yourself look like a fool in front of Kim Jaejoong. Prove to him that you're good too.* I repeated endlessly in my head as I aimed at the '100' spot. I hit my goal.

'Congratulations. Here's your prize.' the lady said as she took the bow from me and passed me the bear plushie.

'Kamsahamnida!' I said happily. I had just won a plushie for myself, and by myself. I wasn't and never will be those type of girls who were overly dependent on guys. Being over dependent will only make you weak.

'Oppa! I did it!' I said and hugged him. Yes, I hugged him. In the midst of my happiness, my hatred towards him faded and was replaced with pure joy...but it all disappeared once again when I saw him standing not just a few centimetres away from us with a shocked expression on his face...


I think you readers pretty much know who he is right? And I'm really sorry if this chapter is not satisfactory. I'm currently going through some tough times in my life, so that explains the ishness of this chapter. Mianhae ): Next chapter's gonna mostly be in Joon's POV, so for those readers who want more of Joon, the next update will be something that you should definitely look out for!

Please sub and comment too! Kamsahamnida!

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@all: Thank you for all your support, guys!! I hope yall will enjoy the sequel!! (I think it's better than this tbh hahaah) <3
SungHaJoon #2
Chapter 43: I love it so much~ <3 *^*
i'm going to read the sequel *0*
Chapter 43: Definitely loved this story! :D Though revenge is so sweet, falling in love is way much sweeter! ^^ Hihihihi

off to read the sequel :3
Chapter 3: Daebak! I LOVE IT SOO MUCH!!!! :D
BrendaloveSuju #5
Unnie did you make up that little speech in the end that's in gray ? : o
KimHyunAe #6
yeah i like ur story...but i prefer sunny and joon...
jaejoong and sica...
humphh nice story author nim
I like , oh no no i don't like but i LOVE your story.

So nice and touchy.

Please continue you ff inseparable , I'm so curious about the next and i hope sunny with jaejoong still together. I love sunjae ♥ and i love your story too :))
@sackjt: thanks for reading :D glad you love it! n__n
i luv ur story!!!<br />
i luv ur story!!!<br />