Hanging Out Part 1

The Revenge

Chapter 21 :D Once again, thanks for the comments! (:


I was sleeping peacefully until I heard Bonamana playing from god-knows-where.

*Oh my god. Can someone lower the volume? Somebody needs to sleep here!* I thought as I tossed and turned, trying to fall asleep again but the music just continued playing, increasing in volume with each passing second.

'CAN YOU GODDAMN LOWER THE VOLUME?' I shouted in frustration. I become Grumpy Soon Kyu everytime my sleep is disturbed. A girl needs her beauty sleep, you know. However, there was no response.

*Ok... this is really weird. What happened to the other girls?* I thought as I sat up and glanced round the room. None of the eight girls were present and all their beds were all neatly made.

Borggamargga, borggamargga, borggamargga na gateun namja
Bonchemanche, bonchemanche, bonchemanche doraseo bwado
Bogobwado, bogobwado, bogobwado na bagge eobtda
Bonamana, bonamana, bonamana na bagge eobtda


'Ok. This song is starting to get on my nerves and where the is it playing from?!' I swore, pissed. I followed the music and was led to a dressing table in the dressing room, which was rather near the beds.

*Wait, isn't that my dressing table?* I thought as I recognised the fashion and sports magazines that were scattered all over. I walked towards my table and lying right on top of my dressing table was my currently vibrating handphone, aka, the source of the music.

*Since when did Bonamana become my ringtone?*

(flashback starts)

'Soon Kyu-ah, Bonamana is a really catchy song you know?' Mi Jung said.

'Whatever.' I replied dismissively and continued reading my novel.

'Mind if I change it to your ringtone?' she asked.

'Yeah yeah whatever.' I said, annoyed. I hate it when people interupts me while I'm reading.

(flashback ends)

*No wonder...* I thought as I picked up my phone and answered a call from an unknown number.

*I wonder who it is...*

(phone call starts)

'Sunny! Are you alright?!!!' a male voice shouted from the other line before I could even say hi.

'Uhm neh. Who are you?' I asked, curious.

'Oh my god!! That's good to know! You know how worried I was when you didn't answer your phone?! I called you like five times and there was no...' he continued on and on. I completely understand if he was worried but there was seriously no need to keep shouting! Besides, I don't even know who he is!

'Mianhae but who are you?' I asked, irritated.

'Jaejoong' was his simple reply.

*Jaejoong? KIM JAEJOONG?*

'Oh hi, sunbae.' I said.

'Hello.' he greeted back simply.

'So uh why did you call me?' I asked.

'Have you forgotten that we are hanging out today?' he asked teasingly.

*Oh yeah. Kim Jaejoong made the first move. Thanks.*

'I remember. So what are the details? Weren't you going to text me the details? You don't need to call you know, it's less troublesome this way.' I said.

'Well, I thought it would be better and more sincere if I called you instead...' he said.

*Since when is Kim Jaejoong sincere?*

'So, I was thinking that we could go to the carnival. I heard that there's currently one that's organised and thought it would be fun. What do you think?' he asked.

'I think that would be great.' I said simply.

'Great! So let's meet at the cafe opposite this building in an hour's time. i don't want people like Junsu to know that we're hanging out because if he does, he'll stalk us for sure and that will ruin all the fun.' he said.

'Neh. I'll see you later.' I said.

'Oh and also remember to bring a jacket later! It can be a little chilly in the morning.' he advised.

'Neh. Bye.' I said.

(phone call end)

*This is going to be one long day...*

[Jaejoong's POV]

*Aish! Why isn't Sunny picking up her phone? Is she okay?* I thought as I paced around the living room non stop. Changmin and I were the only ones that were currently awake and he was, as usual, in the kitchen searching for food.

'Woah. Hyung, what's wrong?' he asked as he entered the room with chocolate bars and lollipops in his hands.

'Sunny isn't picking up her phone!' I said, exasperated.

'Relax hyung. Just keep calling. She's bound to answer your call.' he said. I nodded my head and tried calling her again. This time round, she picked up.

[Changmin's POV]

*Is Jaejoong hyung actually worried for a girl? First time I've seen him like that...hmmm... He's concerned for her too! 'Oh and also remember to bring a jacket later. It can be a little chilly in the morning.' Aww how sweet.* I thought as I eavesdropped on their conversation while on a lollipop.

'Hey hyung. Where're you going with Sunny later?' I asked as soon as he was off the phone, so as to let Jae hyung know that I had heard everything he said.

[Jaejoong's POV]

'Hey hyung. Where're you going with Sunny later?' Changmin asked.

*Shoot! Changmin heard everything!*

'Uh no where. Who said I was going out? Changmin, you want some food?' I said as innocently as possible while hoping that food would be a distraction but it didn't work.

'Oh really?' Changmin asked as he grinned evily at me.

[Changmin's POV]

*Who're you trying to fool, hyung? I'm not dumb...*

[Jaejoong's POV]

'N- Neh.' I stuttered under Changmin's unwavering gaze.

'Don't bother lying to me hyung.' the maknae said.

*Damn it! Might as well just admit the truth.*

'Fine! I was planning to go to the carnival with Sunny.' I admitted.

'And why is that so?' he asked.

'I just wanted to hang out with her. Anything wrong with that?' I asked back.

'Oh! It's perfectly fine. No problems at all...I'm very sure Junsu hyung would love this bit of information...' he said slyly.


'Damn it! Don't tell him Changmin! I'll do anything, just don't tell him!' I begged. Can you imagine? The oldest member begging the MAKNAE!

'Well, if you'll cook me buchimgae for one month without any complaints...then I'll consider not telling him.' he said, smirking.

*As usual, it's related to food.*

'Neh! I will do it. Changmin, you are very nice you know? Threatening your hyung for the sake of food.' I said sarcastically.

'I know hyung. I am very nice. Food's my girlfriend and wife. I'm willing to do anything for it.' he replied smugly.

But what they didn't know was that someone was already awake and had heard their entire conversation...

[Joon's POV]

*Training has been really tough these days but it was not the training that was stressing me up...it's my relationship with Soon Kyu. It's like a heavy burden on my shoulders that causes me to think about it night and day. Our time apart gave me time to think. I had spent the days before training started, worrying endlessly about our relationship. about whether Sunny will meet someone new, about how much I would think of Sunny and how distracting it would be. But now, after months and months of training, all these didn't happen. I found myself missing her less and less as training got more and more hectic. I found my priorities more important--she was, in other words, losing her significance. But I do know that I love her, I only don't know if I love her as a lover or just a sister...  I need time to think.*


'Hyung. Where are you going?' Mir, the maknae, asked once he saw me putting on my shoes.

'To the carnival. Inform the rest about it.' I said and left.

The carnival will be the perfect place for me to destress and think.


So, somebody eavesdropped huh? And Joon's going to the carnival too... :D So uh, I need to ask the readers a question. I'm planning to write a new ff once I complete this one. I have already decided on the plot and everything but what I can't decide on is the guy whom sunny should be paired with. So, who do you readers want Sunny to be paired with? I need your help! :D And yes, I'm using sunny again because right now, I'm a sunshiner! :D

PLEASE COMMENT! Kamsahamnida! :D

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@all: Thank you for all your support, guys!! I hope yall will enjoy the sequel!! (I think it's better than this tbh hahaah) <3
SungHaJoon #2
Chapter 43: I love it so much~ <3 *^*
i'm going to read the sequel *0*
Chapter 43: Definitely loved this story! :D Though revenge is so sweet, falling in love is way much sweeter! ^^ Hihihihi

off to read the sequel :3
Chapter 3: Daebak! I LOVE IT SOO MUCH!!!! :D
BrendaloveSuju #5
Unnie did you make up that little speech in the end that's in gray ? : o
KimHyunAe #6
yeah i like ur story...but i prefer sunny and joon...
jaejoong and sica...
humphh nice story author nim
I like , oh no no i don't like but i LOVE your story.

So nice and touchy.

Please continue you ff inseparable , I'm so curious about the next and i hope sunny with jaejoong still together. I love sunjae ♥ and i love your story too :))
@sackjt: thanks for reading :D glad you love it! n__n
i luv ur story!!!<br />
i luv ur story!!!<br />