18 Invisible Ferris Wheel


Youngjae really didn't have a good night's sleep. After the events from yesterday, who would?!

But still, he had to make sure that he and Daehyun were going to be safe..it's his responsibility afterall, and staying in one place for too long doesn't exactly help the fact that they could possibly get caught..there were even bots in that area..

so to play safe, He wrapped himself up in layers of clothes, grabbed Daehyun ,and the cube then continue their destinationless expedition, no matter how much he wanted to call sick and lay in bed all day..

of course sacrifices had to be made.. he had his priorities..

speaking of which, his priority was calmly waking beside him..
'How doesn't he get at least a little bit affected by the cold? he's only even wearing 1 coat!'
he thought



"Aren't you cold"

"Nope.. why do you ask?"

"I don't know..I'm just worried I guess.."

"Don't be..you should be more worried about yourself..you don't look too good.."

"I-I don't..feel too good.."

"Well why didn't you say anything?! Open the cube.. I'll get the knife and-"

"No! You promised, remember? No more hurting yourself for anybody else.."

"But Youngjae! It's you we're talking about here!"

" 'Anybody' includes me... so, no.."

"Well what do you suggest we do then?"

"We continue walking.."

"Youngjae.. you could faint again..."

"Well I guess I have to find a way not to, because we can't just stop walking and open up the cube everytime I feel cold.. it's winter! It's always cold this season..I can't possibly stay in the cube the entire season now, can I ?"

"I guess you're right... I'll just keep you warm then"

"wait Daehyun-"

Daehyun made his way behind Youngjae and wrapped his arms around the latter

"How does this feel?"

"..hnmmm.. well I think that I can make it official that you're really warm..thank you.."


After a couple of hours of walking, they found themselves on top of a hill. Down the hill was a little neighborhood, maybe about 5 houses.. Daehyun was sure Youngjae would oppose to his idea.. but it was probably worth a shot

"How about we pop open the cube down there.. I mean at least we can blend in.."

"That doesn't sound like a good idea.. for all we know these, people could turn us in.."

"We could try.. I mean.. we don't know that they're actually good people who don't care about the company and money..."

"I highly doubt that.."

"okay.. how about we pop open the cube here and apply that invisibility chip?"

"or..how about we leave this place..and get going?"

"c'mon.. I don't think you can take it anymore..I can feel you shaking, don't you know that?"

"Oh... well I guess we can stay here for a little while..how about...until tomorrow? or the next day after that?"

"That's okay... Let's pop open the cube now..."

And so with that, they did..

Youngjae didn't really like the idea of staying on a hill with just the invisibility chip on.. but could he help it? Could he refuse Daehyun? Could he say no to the poor guy? No. Of course not.. Okay, Daehyun wasn't really relatively poor but just to think about all the horrible experiences his been through, made Youngjae want to hurl into the ground and wished it was him instead

Daehyun's such a good kid.. well to Youngjae he might have been a slight hyung but it seems as though Daehyun was Younger than him since he gave out that 'Curious kid' vibe

He could never say no to a good kid

So yeah..might it feel uncomfortable to be in such location, but since Daehyun had been the one to request it.. What more could he do?

Well atleast he had his benefits too.. he could finally rest, even better when Daehyun's beside him

His warmth gave him reassurance.. and he was sure enough that was enough to make him feel at ease..

Maybe his Dad was right... maybe Daehyun had been the 'one'

but he guesses it's better not to think too much about it..

So with a final note, he gentely s his hands around Daehyun and drifted of to sleep

To Daehyun it might have felt lile hours, but to Youngjae it only felt like 5 minutes when Daehyun woke him up

"W-what is it?" he asked with a groggy tone

"Someone's at the door..."

"What? how do you know that?"

"Well there were about a hundred knocks... I'm quite suprised you managed to sleep through it.."

" Let's open it... but just to be safe..." Youngjae got up and grabbed the lazer gun from before

"Just in case"

"Safety is Priority, right?"


'And also, You're my priority'

They carefully tip-toed to the door.. Youngjae wonders why.. since they could have just made it there normally without practically looking like crouching Hippos

wait- Can Hippos even crouch?

Youngjae doesn't think so..

all he knows were Hippos were similar to Rhinos and Rhinos were similar to a native animal in Noxeverox151 called 'Xenos', as his mother told him..

Now, if you think about it, his mother had taught him A LOT of things regarding their former planet, 'Earth'.. although he had been confused.. 'What's so good about Earth? What does it have that Noxeverox151 doesn't? For all my 18 years of living.. I never  quiet had a problem with this planet.. well apart from the darn brutal wretched Tokiverox..' Okay.. maybe Earth was way better.. but, although he wants to go there.. he just doesn't think that the Jung Company's method through Daehyun to aqquire that goal was anymore better than the Tokiverox.. they were hurting him.. even started when he was just a child..

going back.. 
They carefully tip-toed to the front door.. when they got there, Youngjae bravely stepped forward and protectively lead Daehyun behind him

"I'm gonna open it now, okay? I'm here Daehyunnie.. don't be scared.."

"What are you talking about? I'm not scared.."

"Yeah right, you aren't.."

"ehhh just open it already.."

Youngjae carefully pressed his finger on the scanner

as soon as the door opened

Youngjae let out a suprised gasp, before pulling out the lazer gun almost immediately


He was about to pull the trigger when, Daehyun pulled him back in panic

"No- wait! Youngjae! This one's real! he's not a bot! He's Human!"

"What do you mea-"

"P-please d-don't hurt me.. Mister!.." The child cried in fear

"M-My name is J-Jeon J-Jungkook, I am 8 Years old... m-my friend, 
J-Junhong told me he bumped on a blank space and it made a 
c-clashing metal sound.. there was nothing there..so me and my friends..
th-thought..it was an invisible 
f-ferris wheel....and we just really wanted to ride it! I swear we meant no harm!"

He cried and pleaded desperately as he pulled two other kids that were hiding from the side

The three kids kneeled and pleaded for forgiveness

Youngjae didn't know what to do

He hurriedly crouched down to atleast get to their eye levels and eached patted them.. he was really bad with kids.. forgive him

"N-No! D-Don't cry! I-I didn't mean to scare you like that! OH My God, I'm such a bad person! Stand up please!"

The three crying children held there heads up hopefully

"Y-You're not going to hurt us?" 
said the tallest kid

"N-No! I never even meant to scare you in the first place.. I just- just... just- ahhhhh-- Daehyun help me out, here.."

Daehyun hurriedly crouched down aswell

"What hyung was trying to say was.. he thought that you were bad guys.. so that's why he pulled out a gun..but he never intended to shoot you anyway.. you see, hyung is a good guy..."

Youngjae looked at Daehyun in shock.. he hadn't expected that but.. he was more than happy to be backed up like that

"Y-You're really good guys?"

"Positive! and Youngjae is a really good guy.."

"Who's Youngjae? was he the hyung that scared us?"

"Well yes.. but, like I said.. he's a good guy! ..I'm Daehyun by the way!"

The three kids faces lightened up immediately as they stood up and bowed

"M-My name is Choi J-Junhong! I am 7 years old! N-Nice to meet you, Youngjae hyung... and ughhh Daehyun hyung!"
The tallest kid chirpped.. At this Youngjae and Daehyun could only stare in absolute shock

"You're seven?! but You're so tall!" They both said in unison

"Hehe...it's probably because my mommy makes me drink milk and eat cherry tomatoes everyday!" Junhong happily explained

"Ehhhh.. but my mommy lets me have those stuff everyday too.. But I never grow tall like Junhong!" Jungkook pouted

"It's okay, Jungkook.. I'm sure you'll grow tall, even like me and your Daehyun hyung one day.."

"You really think so, Youngjae hyung?!"

"I Know so!...Oh and what about you, What's your name?" Youngjae pointed at the cute little boy right next to Jungkook

but he received no response

"Oh, he's Moon Jongup... he's really reallyyyy shy... he doesn't talk much either, especially to new people... but he's really nice.. he's 8 years old though..." Junhong explained

"Ohhh.. Say... how about you guys come in... I'm sure you're cold.."

"You'd let us in your invisible house?!!" Junhong and Jungkook exclaimed excitedly as Jongup wore a shy smile

"Sure... I mean.. I guess I should repay you for scaring and making you guys cry... but first...

Daehyun? would it be okay for this three lovely kids to enter the cube and have fun with us?" Youngjae asked with a teasing tone

"Of course! Why not? the more the merrier, right?"

"Right!"The four, including Youngjae exclaimed


They all went to the cube... Youngjae really didn't know what to do with 3 kids, or more likely 4, if you include Daehyun

So he just excused himself to the kitchen to make 4 hot cocoas and 1 normal tempered one, for Daehyun.. He left the the 3 kids with Daehyun in the living room, after all, Youngjae was never good with kids anyway

@Living room

"Daehyun hyung! what do you do for fun?" Jungkook asked with much anticipation

Daehyun didn't know how to answer the kid's question, I mean c'mon! He spent all his life in that glass cell, how was he suppose to have fun.. but he did have a bit of an idea

"Well...I haven't really have any fun for most of my life... but the closest I can probably get to fun is when your Youngjae hyung teaches me a lot of things, like eating, building snowmans, and lazer gun shooting.. but what I really really found fun was when he would lift me on his back for a ride!" Daehyun, happily explained

"You mean a piggy-back ride?" Junhong questioned curiously

"Hmmnn.. I don't really know what that is.. but I guess you can put it that way...." 
Just as Daehyun had said that, Youngjae just happened to have gotten back from the kitchen

"Okay.. I'll go back to the kitchen when the water's ready...but for the mean time.. what were you guys talking about while I was gone?"

"Oh! Youngjae hyung! we were just talking about how Daehyun hyung loves it when you give him piggy-back rides!"

Youngjae stared at Daehyun questioningly.. Daehyun stared back too then later on gave a sheepish laugh

Red tint crawled over from Youngjae's cheeks to his ears

he quickly snapped out of it and thought for a way to brighten up the atmosphere

"Well.. I didn't know that.. but.. do you...perhaps...wanna do it again? I mean not if you don't want to..but I just wanna...just wanna..- ch-check on your weight again! yeah, that's right! I wanna see if you gotten heavier or lighter! There is no more particular reason why I want to do it again, okay? I just-just wanna check.."

.    .    .   .


"Daehyun hyung?...why is Youngjae hyung turning red like a tomato?" Jongup asked so innocently, that all the other 4 people could only gasp

"HE TALKED!!" They all exclaimed.. Jongup looked at them weirdly.. Youngjae sighed in relief.. feeling lucky to have gotten their attention on something else other than his red face.. but he was just as suprised as the others when he heard Jongup's sweet monotone voice

"Daehyun hyung? my question, please.."

"ummn..err.. I also don't know why your Youngjae hyung is as red as a tomato, Jonguppie... I don't even know what a tomato is.."

"Oh..then.. Youngjae hyung.. why are you as red as a tomato?"

'calm down, Youngjae...it's just a question...just a harmless little question..' he thought

"Umm.. It's probably because it's so cold..that my body gives up heat..." 'Thank God I didn't stutter!'

"Okay..but how does that explain your redness?" Junhong, the youngest asked

"Say...how about we try out that piggy-back ride again, Daehyun?"
Maybe escaping the question as whole will do the trick

"Oh right!  I wanna do it again!"

"can I ride on Youngjae hyung's back too?!  Pretty pleasee! with a cherry on top!" Junhong begged cutely

"Oh I wanna ride too!!" Jungkook chirpped

"Can I..ride..too?" Jongup asked shyly

"We can all take turns! Right, Youngjae?"

Youngjae felt warm all of the sudden.. but at the same time a little bit shocked

'I wanted to rest..but..'

"Okay! Let's start with you, Daehyun!"

Daehyun excitedly made his way on Youngjae's back just like he used to

At the moment when Youngjae started to lift.. he couldn't believe it..

They almost fell as Youngjae's legs wobbled and turned to jelly

"D-Daehyun.. Y-You've gotten much heavier..that's for sure" he tried the best he can to manage to speak.. it was a bit hard since he was using all his energy to support them both

"Is...getting heavier.. a good thing or a bad thing?..." Daehyun innocently asked

"W-Well it's a good thing, Dae... it means you're getting healthier...but don't over do it.
because too much of everything is not exactly that good anymore...." Youngjae said as he gently placed Daehyun down

"I'm sorry... but I can't carry you anymore, Dae... I'm just not that strong..."

"It's okay...you don't have to force yourself..." 

"Alright...I'll go ready the hot cocoa.. but after we drink.. who wants to go next?" 



"They can go first..."

After drinking all the hot cocoa (and cold cocoa for Daehyun)

Youngjae happily played with the kids and Daehyun

but since Daehyun wont be able to ride Youngjae's back anymore, he offered Youngjae the courtesy in helping him give the kids piggy back rides, reasoning he was strong enough now.. and although Youngjae refused at first..what choice does he have? since Daehyun was really determined to do it, then why not?

30 minutes Later....

"Not fair! Junhongie already rode 5 times! I haven't even gotten to four! Youngjae hyung please let me ride again! Pleaaasseee!!" Jungkook complained

Youngjae was hella tired they had been playing non-stop for that last half an hour...

he was suppose to rest...but he really couldn't say no to cute kids

"H-hold on Jungkookie... I'll let you-"

he halted as soon as he felt a tight comforting squeeze on his right shoulder

"Kids...I think it's time we let Youngjae hyung rest... he's really tired.. and he was just sick awhile ago...so for now, let's let him rest okay?"

The three children looked at Youngjae with worry

"We're sorry... we didn't know he was sick.." Jongup apologetically stated

"Yeah... we're sorry Youngjae hyung... especially me.. for raising my tone..and besides.. I think it's time for us to go home too... We wouldn't want our mommy's to worry" Jungkook murmured

"Yeah...that's right..." Junhong concured

"Let me lead you guys out the door.. okay.. but first, you should also say a proper goodbye to your Youngjae hyung"

The childen propely thank and gave Youngjae a proper farewell before leaving with Daehyun out the door.. not before giving Youngjae big bear hugs

"Youngjae hyung, Daehyun hyung... we'll see eachother tomorrow, right?" Jongup shyly asked with practically thr sweetest voice that no one could ever say no to

"Yes, Uppie... we'll see eachother tomorrow!"

and with that, the 3 children went home


"Okay, Youngjae, time for bed.."

Youngjae only responded with a tired yawn

"Hmmnn.. you look tired... let me carry you to bed, this time..." 

"Daehyun you don't have to do that..." Every word died down each second, as he tiredly countered.. he was indeed exhausted

"Your appearance says otherwise.." Without warning, Daehyun lifted Youngjae up, bridal style.. trying to be as gentle as possible as he let his head rest on his chest

Youngjae nuzzled in, comfortably
as he closed his eyes

"you win this time.. Jung.." he shortly exclaimed, eyes still shut and lips curved up into a soft smile

Daehyun chuckled before walking to the bed and gently laying Youngjae there, making sure the latter is comfortably tucked in, as he layed beside him then covered their bodies with the thick sheets..

He could tell Youngjae was already asleep from the sound of his soft breaths

So without any hesitation, he leaned in and gently placed his soft, plump lips on the latter's forehead

"You were good with the kids today... 
and I hope you really do know that I really love you..Good night 
Youngjae-ah...sweet dreams.."

and Youngjae did have sweet dreams



[A/N: Basha!! Amma back again! I hope the next update'll be soon though XD hehe, how's everyone doing?

Oh and yeah.. how's the story goin? TTT---TTT it's killing me how I don't even know how it's going on ;-; Anyway, Thanks for reading this chapt. ^^ I love your comments! It motivates me! See you on the next chapt!]

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I loved this! Daejae for the win!
bap_panda #2
hi? i have read this story in wattpad.. and I assume that you and the one who wrote the one in the wattpad were the same person right? anyways, I really find this story amazing and it was cool. aliens and stuff. you made it realistic despite of being fiction. U get me, right? i love this story and ill still subscribe even if I already read it in wattpad. hwaiting!
Chapter 38: And why do I just found your latest update?
( ̄. ̄)

Btw, I was about to throw my phone when I read the early part and wishing there's a miracle that bring Daehyun back and tadah!!
He's back! Thanks for the update! I love how this story moves and they were so cute! (ok, I sounds weird)
Great job, upvote for you (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡
Chapter 38: you..you made an epilogue(cries in the corner in fetal position)

Chapter 38: Glad to see daehyun back!! Thank you for this ^^
Chapter 38: OMG was so not expecting it!!! But I loved it, loved loved ausbsjshhshdjdjd aaaahhhh thank you <3
amlingforu95 #7
Chapter 37: I'm crying rn....please make a sequal....
Chapter 37: Dude. What is happening? It's that all? I'm... I'm.... fine. *Crying at the corner.

I hope there is sequel for this ff. Please I'm begging you author-nim!
NaDaeHyun #9
Chapter 37: I didn't expect this at all...
THERE WILL BE. RIGHT?? *get on her knees*
*throw you*(╯°□°)╯︵(\ .o.)\
*throw youngjae* (╯°□°)╯︵(\ .o.)\
*throw daehyun* (╯°□°)╯︵(\ .o.)\

I'm not satisfied yet!
┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I'm still angry!
┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

Just why?! (╥﹏╥)
