Chapter Two

Bunny and Wolf

"Sungminnie, wake up!" I groaned as I opened one eye, only to be met with a blinding light streaming in through the pink curtains over my windows,

"I'll get up when you turn the sun off, Hyukkie. Please?" I mumbled, and he snickered.

"You'd make a good vampire, y'know?" He said, chuckling as if he he said something funny, and I simply chucked a pillow in his general direction. I heard him catch it, and curled up into a ball, hugging Minnie and blocking out the outside world. Why was he even trying to wake me up in the morning anyway?

"Yah! Sungmin, we've got school, remember?" Oh. Awww. I sighed and sat up, blinking to clear my vision from the sleep filled haze I was in. I saw Hyukjae standing a little way away from my bed, holding the pillow I threw, and giving me an amused look.

"...what?" I asked, stretching and setting Minnie down on the table beside my bed.

"You didn't brush your hair last night, did you?" He accused with a laugh as I rubbed my neck sheepishly.

"Um...maybe?" He snorted and threw a bundle of clothes at me.

"If you make us go late, I might leave you to walk." He said, and I nodded before standing and moving over to the bathroom. As I stripped, I heard his footsteps going downstairs, most likely to raid my fridge. 

I knew he wouldn't leave me to walk, as he's threatened me with this many times, but we both ended up going late before anyway. That doesn't mean I shouldn't hurry up though. Even if we do have an hour till school starts.

As I showered, I heard a crash from downstairs, and sighed. Lee Hyukjae, that had better not be my favourite mug.

"Ah... Sungminnie?" He called in a sweet voice as I got out of the shower. Oh no.

"What did you break?" I asked, and there was a small silence before he sighed.

"Uhm... The TARDIS." He said, and my eyes widened. With only my boxers and shirt on, I dashed downstairs and saw the mug with the TARDIS on it shattered, all about the floor. 


I looked to Hyukjae, who was hiding his hands behind his back. That lessened my anger; please tell me he didn't cut himself.

"Hands up." I ordered, and he hesitantly gave me a wave with his bleeding right hand. I gasped.

"Holy- Hyukkie, you've gotta be careful!" I exclaimed, going around the living room and into the other side of the kitchen, then reached for the first aid kit behind his head in the kitchen cupboard. He gave me a sheepish look as I searched for the alcohol. I found it and dipped a Q-tip in, then dabbed it on his wound. He hissed and pulled away, but I had a firm grasp on his hand. I applied more pressure, and he whimpered lightly. 

"It won't get better till it-" I started, but he cut me off.

"Till it gets worse. I know." He muttered, looking away. He flinched as I put the bandaid over his cut a little less gently than I could have. Oops.

"We should probably clean this up..." He said, looking at the TARDIS all ver my kitchen floor.

"Sungmin?" He called as I went for the broom.

"Hm?" Ah, that was a mop. Not the broom. Grr. Where- oh, found it.

"Thanks." He said, making me look at him. He gave me a small but genuine smile, one which I returned with one of my own as I handed him the dustpan.

"Of course." I replied, and looked at him questioningly as he took the broom from me.

"Dude... put some pants on." He said. And I blinked, remembering I hadn't put them on yet. I sent him a fake annoyed look and went around the kitchen into the living room, then upstairs into my room, where I put on the jeans that Hyukjae gave me.

"Uh... Hyukkie?" I called. 


"I think I've gotten fat." I said, and heard his laugh.

"Nah. Those are skinny jeans, Min." He replied, and I 'oh'ed.

"Okay. Why am I wearing skinny jeans?" I asked, fiddling with the zipper.

"I thought you'd look good in them." He said. Uh... What?

"First of all, I look gay. Secondly, why are you checking me out?" I asked, giving a teasing grin as I came down the stairs with Minnie in hand. He blinked as he saw me.

"You look gay? Aren't you? Want me to tell you how to come out?" That earned him a pillow to the face. 

"No, I'm not gay. Not since the last time I checked, anyway. And I don't want to hear that from the one who won't tell me where and how he met his boyfriend." I shot back, and he pouted, then grew red. Very red.

"D-Donghae isn't my boyfriend..." He trailed off, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Awww, you're blushing. Ah, how is it he isn't your boyfriend yet? I thought it would have been confirmed already, considering how much you like him." I said, and his face cooled down some.

"What do I do? I can't just be like 'Hey, Donghae, go out with me cuz I love you like I love strawberries.'." He said, and I rolled my eyes again, though I was really shocked. He barely loved me more than he loved strawberries. This Donghae's really something.

"Minnie says you should take him out. Make sure he knows how much you love the red strawberry goodness. Then tell him you love him more than strawberries. If he says no then it's both his loss and he's an idiot for not seeing how awesome you are." I said, getting my jacket from where I threw it last night. He 'hmm'ed and got up as well, then went to the front door and slipped his shoes on, opening the door for me as I struggled with the laces on my sneakers. He watched me, amused, for a good five minutes, then I gave up and threw them back into their shoebox and put normal shoes on my feet.

"Y'know, if you needed help... " he trailed off as I pouted at him. It became clear to him that I wanted to do them on my own, and he snickered as he closed the door behind us, and locked up with his spare key. We walked to his car and I made sure both he and Minnie in the back seat had their seatbelts on before he drove away.

The school wasn't that far away, thank goodness, so we got there fairly quickly, listening to U-Kiss on the way. When we arrived, Hyukkie turned the car off and we both got out. He slammed his door closed with more force that usual, making me look up curiously as I opened the rear door to get Minnie.

"Something wrong?" I asked, and he shook his head, still death glaring at a figure in the distance. He sent the person a haughty smirk, and I barely got to see who it was, just making out a head of dark, slightly curled locks on a tall, slim body before Hyukkie diverted my attention.

"Well? Minnie's gonna boil in the car if we leave him here." He said, and My eyes widened as I nodded and undid Minnie's seatbelt, then pulled him out of the car and closed the door. As usual, we got odd looks from people as we strode onto campus with me holding a pink, fluffy bunny. I wasn't that dense, I did notice the stares, but I ignored them. They don't know what my reasons are, so they didn't have a right to judge me, right? That's what Minnie says, and Hyukkie agrees with him. 

We both had our first, second, fourth and sixth periods with each other. Hyukkie requested a change, since he was worried about me on my first day; a small kid with a pink plushy in highschool wasn't welcomed, apparently. I persuaded him against it, convincing him that I would have to stand up for myself eventually. And I did; the first person who had tried to take Minnie from me was sent to the hospital. It was written off as self defense, in some way or form, but he couldn't write, so his parents made a big deal out of it.

"First class is Math. Why?" Hyukkie groaned, plopping himself into his seat, putting his feet up on the chair of the person in front of him. Said person flinched, and I swatted him. He gave me an adorable puppy dog look, but that had stopped working after the first thousand times he tried it.

"Hyukkie, be nice." I scolded like a parent would their child, and he took his feet off of the chair, pouting.

"I promise strawberries today after school if you behave." I bargained, and he sat up straighter.

"Anything for the sweets." He replied, and Minnie...oh. Hyukkie says I'm not allowed to say those words.

"Ah... Hyukkie? Minnie's saying bad things about you again." I said, and he blinked, then turned to the bunny staring at him innocently, and picked him up by the ear.

"Yah! Stop filling Sungmin's head with those words, demon rabbit!" He said with a small but playful frown, shaking him back and forth. Minnie was calling to me for help, and my eyes widened.

"Hyukkie, stop! He's gonna throw up on you!" I warned, and he stopped, throwing the plushy back to me.

"I'm not sure why I listen to you... Or the damned rabbit." He muttered, and I smiled.

We made it through Math class with the teacher completely ignoring Hyukkie's existance. I was surprised when he raised his hand and answered a question. He must really want those strawberries...

"Nyaaah, I don't ever wanna do that again." He said, stretching as we walked down the hallways towards our Art class. The sea of people split for Hyukkie to walk through, something I never was completely comfortable with, but they seemed to fear Hyukkie because of him fighting with delinquents over something that happened a few years ago. Main thing was that they were annoying him, but he didn't want to fight them since I had convinced him fighting was bad so he endured it.  Eventually, they pushed him over the edge when they started bad talking me, apparently. In the end... Well, let's just say he won, and leave it at that.

Now that I think about it, I was hardly any better; I made them freak out on my first day. It's now labelled as the 'Bunny Incident'. It wasn't my fault that guy wanted to be a bully!

"Hyukkie, we just got here. No skipping." I said, knowing what he was thinking, and he visibly deflated. The halls were silent, as usual, so we had to speak in low voices. Well, I did. Hyukkie clearly didn't care about what they all thought of him. Granted, I didn't either, but I did have some amount of modestly in me.

"But what are we going to use Trigonometry for in the future?" He whined as we entered our class. It was completely empty; we were the first ones there. I grinned.

"Maybe if you're getting mugged, you can-" 

"Sungmin, no. Just no." He cut me off with a smirk, shaking his head in amusement as I recalled watching a video with some guy named Dan. He asked the same question Hyukkie did, then acted out himself getting mugged.

"Hey, gimme your IPhone." I started it off, and Hyukkie laughed.

"No, good sir, for I have the power of triangles!" Hyukkie exclaimed, raising his arms above his head and using his hands to make a triangle. I was laughing too hard at his rediculous pose to even pretend to be wounded from the 'attack '.

"Sungmin, Eunhyuk, seats please." The teacher said, coming into class, smirking at our little act. I grinned at her and sat, Hyukjae taking his place next to me. It was originally the seat of a girl, but he decided to take advantage of the fear they had towards him, and made her move. Big meany. 

Soon the rest of the students filed into class, and we got started. As usual, we were allowed to draw whatever we wanted, granted we did the stuff she asked for; tones and textures had to be shown through different types of shading, and the sort. I decided to draw Minnie, which turned out better than I thought it would, considering he's been distracting me with how much his nose was tickling him at the time. Hyukkie leaned over from his seat to peer at my eisle, and let out a low whistle.

"Nice." He complimented, and I gave him a smile. I peeked at his eisle, to see he had been drawing Nemo. I raised an eyebrow at him questioningly, and he turned a light pink.

"Donghae's favourite movie..." He trailed off and groaned as he saw the huge smile I was wearing.

"Awww, that's just too cute, Hyukkie!" I said, a little louder than intended, and he face tabled quite loudly, making me snicker as all the heads were turned to us. There were murmurs around the room about his drawing, and I laughed quietly as he clenched his fist holding his pencil. The class grew silent as his clenched fist came in my direction, and I grinned as it stopped right in front of my face, and carefully spread out his fingers with my own and replaced his pencil with mine.

"This one shades better, try it." I said casually, and he sent me a murderous look to which I responded with a gesture to try the pencil. He mumbled something under his breath and turned back to his eisle, as I did to mine. The only words I understood were 'someone', 'me', 'degraded', 'silly' and 'bunny.' 

"You're right, it's easier to use this one." He said, sounding kind of surprised, I smiled.

"Am I not always right, Hyukkie?" I couldn't help but laugh at his disbelieving expression while he erased a part of Nemo.

"You don't really believe that, do you?" He asked with a teasing smirk. I pouted as I smudged my drawing to make Minnie look extra soft.

"And if I do?" I asked, making him shake his head, amused.

"Then that bunny's gotta start teaching you something right soon." He chuckled.

"Yah! Minnie doesn't teach me wrong things." I argued, and he shrugged, still wearing that teasing smirk.

"I'm not so sure about that." He said, and I rolled by eyes.

"Whatever. Oh, Nemo's fin there is small. Like, really small." I said, and he blinked, then erased.

"How come it's that tiny?" He asked, and I shrugged.

"I'm guessing it's just part of character building." I replied distractedly as I lazily held the very end of my pencil, where the eraser was, and scratched some marks on the eisle to be Minnie's fluff. He 'hmm'ed in response, and we didn't speak for the rest of the class as we concentrated on drawing. Occasionally we switched pencils when heavier shading was needed. The time passed faster than expected, and we were both done just as the went rang. We stood, gathering our things (and signing our artwork as we always did) then left. 

 "I've got Music next." I said what we both knew, and he sighed.

"Y'know, if you didn't have two left feet and ten big toes you could have come to dance class with me." He said, a teasing grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and sent him a similar look.

"Yeah, well if you didn't have the voice and instrumental capabilities of a walrus with no limbs, then we might have had the chance of taking music together." I replied, sticking my tongue out at him, earning myself a playful and light thwack upside the head. I laughed, and we ended up shoving each other as we moved through the Red Sea of students that our reputations managed to part for us.

"Whatever. See you in Chem." He said, and I grinned, nodding as we reached to the dance studio. He watched me walk all the way to the music room on the other side of the hall, six doors away, I rolled my eyes as he made a hand gesture for me to go inside, and I did, noticing I was a few minutes late. Odd, did we really take that long getting here? Everyone looked up as I entered, and I hid the embarrassed blush that wanted to surface, instead looked down, and clutched Minnie tighter in my arms, slightly ashamed

"You've never been late before, so I won't punish you for it this time, but mind telling us why you're late?" Asked Henry, our teacher. I shook my head, looking up at him.

"I got distracted. Sorry." I said, and he nodded with a small smile and gestured for me to sit. When I did, I felt a gaze on me, but since I sat at the back of the class I knew it wasn't anyone inside. I thought it was just me being paranoid, so I ignored it, but the feeling was still there, and I happened a glance out the window to my left. (Yes, yes I do have the 'main character' seat) 

I saw someone leaning against the railing a little way away from Hyukkie's car, and the dark curly locks and lean figure told me it was the person Hyukkie had silently communicated with earlier today. I blinked, noticing he was staring straight at me, and held his gaze like Hyukkie told me to do if anyone weird was staring at me. Something about them giving up if I wasn't submissive...? I wasn't sure what he meant, and I still wasn't sure now, but I held this guys eyes until he looked away, and then walked around Hyukkie's car, and away from the school. Okay then, that wasn't weird at all...

"Lee Sungmin, would you mind repeating what I just said?" Henry asked, mildly annoyed, if his tone of voice was anything to go by. I blinked, and looked towards him, in front of the board, noticing he had a guitar in his arms and his fingers were on a certain place.

"Uhm... Going by string number then fret number; 6/3 would be one of the chords that most people have trouble playing, depending on the structure of their hand or the thickness of the fretboard." I said, and he smiled.

"Thank you Sungmin, but I hadn't gotten to their hand structure yet." He said with an amused grin on his face.

"Ah. Okay." I muttered, and looked down at Minnie. Couldn't you tell me, you silly ball of fluff?


Well now, there's no need for that. That's just plain rude, thank you very much.

Henry-ssi continued to explain the intricate and oh so interesting workings of a guitar, which I already knew, for the rest of the class. It was actually quite nice to hear everything you already knew being taught again; gave you a bit of a nostalgic feeling, though it was rather boring.

The bell had rung,  and I hadn't noticed till Hyukkie came and poked my nose, sweat glistening on his body. His shirtless body. I blinked, raising an eyebrow.


"Hey, your music class is over, whatcha still doing here's?" He asked, and I gave a small smile before standing up.

"Hyukkie..." I trailed off, not sure how to tell him that there were three girls ogling at him from the hall. Now he's gotten a rather big crowd. I sighed and went out of the music room, with him following with a confused look on us face,

"Sungminnie!" He whined, making everyone give him odd and disbelieving looks. Firstly he wasn't wearing a shirt, secondly, he, Lee Eunhyuk who could, according to rumors, kill whoever he wanted at any given time, had just called the 'bunny boy' as 'Sungminnie'. I gave him an amused look, which he returned with a questioning one.

"Hyukkie...dude... Put a shirt on." I said, and the onlookers laughed quietly at my deadpanned expression. He seemed to be confused, then looked down at himself, shirtless, and his eyes widened.

"Oops." He muttered, and gave me a pleading look. I laughed.

"Fine. C'mere." I said, shaking my head. He quickly gave the crowd a glare -it looked really mean to me- and the scattered as I searched through my bag to find one of his shirts. I knew he had dance classes today, so I figured I should keep extra clothes for him because last time he ended up borrowing my too small gym shirt since his own was soaked through with either sweat or water he would pour on himself to keep himself cool. I never understood that. Why can't he just sit infront of a fan like a normal person...?

"I don't get why they have dance classes in the middle of the day." I muttered, and he shrugged.

"I think it's dumb too, but since I'm wearing a shirt that smells like chocolate I think I'll forgive it," he said with a laugh, and I pouted.

"Are you implying something?" I muttered, annoyed and he laughed at my expression.

"Nothing, just that you crave chocolate as much say I crave certain red berries." He said, and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeaj, right. Go shower in the gym, I'll wait." I said, handing him his shirt. He saluted me and went off in the direction of the gymnasium, leaving me to wait here for him in the garden. We were supposed to have Chemistry now, but we ask new that we didn't have a teacher. The last one was fired for being in a relationship with someone of the same gender. I think it was totally stupid, really. Hangeng was a really good teacher, even if his Korean pronunciation could use a little polishing. I also thing it was sweet of him to be openly in love with his boyfriend, Heechul. 

Well, that was the situation on the outside, anyway. Hyukkie and I were really close with Heechul and Hangeng. We knew that it wasn't their relationship that had gotten them fired, but the fight Hangeng had with the principal. While Hangeng was being the responsibe teacher he was, telling said principal about the steps to learning chemistry that were absolutely essential to learning the subject, his stupid employer denied, clinging to the hope of beating a rival school in the chemistry department, a see were apparently behind the curriculum. It was a bet. The principal had bet money -lots of money- while drunk -very drunk- on this school's science club being better. Served him right though; Hangeng was fired by him so he didn't have a teacher to teach the students, advanced or not. He lost all his money anyway, and regrets being such a fool. As he should.

"Sungminnie!" Hyukkie's voice made me look up to see him running towards me with his shirt on.

"Where's the one you were wearing before?" I asked, and he froze for a split second before sending me a grin.

"I dunno, some girl ran off with it when I took it off." He said, and I giggled. I wasn't looking at him, so I didn't know whether he was lying or not. Not that I thought he would ever keep something from me. Because Hyukkie was my best friend. Hell, he was my only friend right now, but we both felt the same; ever since what happened, we didn't need anyone else.


Soo, how was this chapter? I'm sorry I haven't really done anything specifically important yet... Y'know, apart from him seeing some strange person who reminds us all of Kyuhyun... Cough cough.

Tell me if you liked?



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Chapter 31: Wait wat happened to eunhyuk? Is he still fighting?
mysterycodes #2
Chapter 31: Glad that kyu is fine and safe.
TaiShanNiangNiang #3
Chapter 30: Finally! >< But now they have to go get Kyu and hope he's okay.
mysterycodes #4
Chapter 30: Im glad that they have confess to each other but Im worry about kyu.
ichathoriqlover #5
Chapter 30: Wow, such a confession there, right? I love that part but still worried about kyu tho. Or maybe i shouldnt be worry cuz sungminnie will get him back?
Chapter 30: How to feel about this update...... They effing finally confessed to each other!
But what the heck is happening with Kyuhyun?! And hope Min can find Kyu soon!
Don't worry I wont kill you! Haha.
Thank chu for the update!
Chapter 29: gonna eat u -_-
Chapter 29: Ohhhh Kyuuuuu.... If you only know if it is freaking you! Kyu is so oblivious. Haha.
Thank chu for the update!
mysterycodes #9
Chapter 29: I can't believe that kyu can't take the hint that sungmin give.
ichathoriqlover #10
Chapter 29: I guess eunhyuk and hae needs to get kyumin to tell their feelings for each other